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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    What was the last time Rock was on TV?

    you're confusing appearances. when he left after the first segment that was his prior appearance, when he clashed words and fists with randy orton, then got thrown out by bischoff. the diva pie eating was his last appearance, ironically also the night of matt hardys last wwe apperance. (i know this for sure cuz I was there live, it was same night of kane/lita wedding). so his last moment was beating up coach. touche.
  2. Jericholic82

    Stephanie Furious over Backstage Rib

    this is freakin awesome. btw how did the observer find out about this. was meltzer hiding in the trashcan again? lol@steph mad at catering
  3. Jericholic82


    the first TMNT film was the only one I went to the movies to see. I was a huge fan at the time, the turles being my first childhood obsession, before wrestling. I liked the first two, three wasnt as good but alright I suppose. and i refuse to watch the new cartoon, its old school or nothing at all for me. too bad they never show the old ones anymore (and I sold the two videos I had-that came from mcdonalds or burger king or somethin) its time for a dvd release of the original cartoon!!! and they need to release the original arcade game on ps2 pronto!!! Actually Tommy Morrison (hsi real name) did beat George Foreman, for a fringe world tile, before george regained the world title. so he had one moment. Then in I think it was his first title defense, he got kod in front of a hometown crowd, then later he got aids and now I have no clue where hes at. Rocky V is a guilty pleasure I guess.
  4. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Buffy & Angel Thread

    my lame last post was agreeing with anyanka about how darla was able to sneak into the hotel and get in angels dreams. oh well, we have a new thread so no biggee. thank you dames
  5. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Buffy & Angel Thread

    well at least I posted in there one more time, earlier today. goodbye angel s5 thread, we hardly knew ye.
  6. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Buffy & Angel Thread

    what? you classicd the angel thread? damn you!!!!
  7. Jericholic82

    Things in life that annoy you.

    I understand the staring thing. Happens to me a lot, I always feel like everyone is staring at me for some unkown reason. But often, they are. Your friend seems like he had a good solution lol.
  8. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I wondered the same thing when I first saw that one. HMMMMMMM?
  9. Jericholic82

    Family Guy

    That was my fav gag in that episode. Saw Seth Macfarlane on Jimmy Kimmel last night. He was cool, and annoucned that fox has ordered 23 more eps of FG, though he did jokingly speculate they may be lying, as they basically canceled the show 3 or 4 times during its initial run. At the end, seth and alex borstein did a peter and lois duet from the FG Live in vegas cd. Its was kinda funny I guess. Seth seems like a cool guy.
  10. Jericholic82

    Because it hasn't been done in awile

    damn I didnt mean to start a riot over that shawn-foley match. chill out, everyone has their own opinions remember?
  11. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    Correct Dames got it !! Though he did use it next to injure micks knee, so that's when it basically became his prop, but the first time he used it was to attack rock while he was in the casket (it was a rock vs taker casket match btw and it took place prior to over the edge 99, setting up that ppvs rock vs hhh match, which happened after owen died of course). good memories dames and bigm. I guess some of us wrestling fans do not have such short memories after all
  12. Jericholic82

    Greatest WWF stars of 80's DVD out

    havent been out to my walmart yet, but oddly the walmart website doesnt even advertise the set as being out or even coming soon.
  13. Jericholic82

    Because it hasn't been done in awile

    Yea thats what I got out of it from watching the foley dvd. That about somes up why I liked the match and have now added it to my favorites list.
  14. Jericholic82

    What faces in wrestling

    isn't that a 5 count? warrior at slam 89 was funny cuz of how jesse went off about him hitting rude with the belt outside the ring and tony said well it was outside jess replied "so if he took a gun and shot him it would be legal cuz it was outside"
  15. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    I have a question, though I know the answer. RAW made me think of something tonight. Does anybody here remember the exact origin of HHH's infatuation with sledgehammers? What I mean is what is the first time he used one? Mega brownie points for anyone who also remembers. I'll give you a hint, it started in 99, and it involved the corporate ministry somehow.
  16. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    that did happen, I think it was mainly used for house show matches, where virgil could be in roddy pipers and others corners against dibiase IIRC.
  17. Jericholic82

    Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches

    more ladders E and C vs Hardys RAW Ladder Match night after unforgiven 00 (it was their last title shot for e and c, which led to the los conquistadores angle)
  18. Jericholic82

    Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches

    one more thing, I'm more shocked they didnt put all of takers mania matches on there , but maybe thatll be another thing
  19. Jericholic82

    Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches

    other forgotten ladder matches Mankind vs Big Bossman for the Hardcore title (Raw, late nov 98, bossman wins the hc title) Mankind vs The Rock for the WWF title (Raw 2-15-99 Rock wins his third wwf title to set up mania 15 vs SCSA) the third fall of angle vs benoit JD 01 hey, why no taker vs sid mania 13 on that set? i mean its his 2nd wwf title win and they have his first, and fourth on there. i mean its at least a little better then the casket match vs yoko (but without the green smoke and marty jannetty in a taker costume floating, but with smarkish guest commentary from HBK) and obviously they are omitting over the edge 99 vs austin cuz of the whole owen dying thing
  20. Jericholic82

    Greatest WWF stars of 80's DVD out

    That's so sad, isn't it? I'm sure there are tons of wrestling fans who will get confused when the initials WWF are used on a wrestling broadcast, though, considering you really can't tell them apart The whole settlement is such a bunch of crap on both sides of the fence, I really wish Vince could find a way to settle this so we don't have to have a blur-fest on every DVD release with Attitude matches on it . . . <{POST_SNAPBACK}> simple, vince should ahem DONATE some cash to the the wildlife people an dmaybe theyd change their mind. as long as they dont use the wwf name or logo on the cover, or advertise it, I see no reason they have to edit the actual video.
  21. Jericholic82

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    batista will likely go to sd dont you think? and cena needs to rip off the sd plate on one of the sides of his belt. and did Batista really need a new theme song? it sounded worse to me this week. and HHH really needs to shave, badly. damn cena on raw, I'm going to have to adjust my wwe fantasy team prob.
  22. Jericholic82

    Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches

    I was just teasing.
  23. Jericholic82

    Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches

    Probably not, since Vince does not want us to think WCW had any good matches. but that would be a nice surprise for me since I haven't seen that one before.
  24. Jericholic82

    What are you eating right now?

    I had pancakes for breakfast. I just had some frtios original but just a couple of handfuls. its 4 oclock here.