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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    American Idol (season 7)

    Hes already been on LOL Pickler was still dumb as toast on Kimmel
  2. Jericholic82

    American Idol (season 7)

    If she was a bathtub, he'd cork her... Yeah, that song just got creepier and creepier as it went along. Oddly, when he first spoke with a breathy "hiii Paula" I thought "He sounds like a stalker". Funny how right I was. Did he honestly think he was romantic??? Thats the even creeper thought. I liked the Star Wars geek. Her song started out alright. With a bit of training, perhaps she'd be even better. I like that they edited her rant over the ending when she was basically speaking the truth. Both of these guys are local Philadelphia singing comedian types. That's the problem with Idol now. They let through people who are just trying to suck/be weird. It's never honest anymore. Although, I thought that the stalker song was pretty funny, especially when he said "shut up Simon, you're ruining the moment". But yeah, neither of those were honest auditions. Also, the editing is getting a bit out of control now. This is the first time I noticed something so blatent, but the girl in the pink dress who kind of yelled her song came in wearing two earrings, sang with one and then amazingly was wearing two again. Yeah, nice cut job there Fox. yea I saw him do the no sex song on Jimmy Kimmel Live one time. anyhow here were are the first live performances. A few standouts I suppose, but no clear favorite going in. The next two weeks will be crucial in the "who's the favorite" realm. Weird that some of the people they focused a lot of time on (Like Josiah car dude and Kyle the Politician Uber-Nerd, for example) didn't even make it to the 24, plus some who did, I don't remember even seeing on the show before.
  3. Jericholic82

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    Nobody metioned 381. GERMAN NIGHTCLUB LASER LIGHT SHOW The new desk skit had me rolling. Especially when he went over to the audience, shook their hands, then randomly yelled "Have some money" and threw cash at them. Conan with no writers was still awesome, cuz Conan winging it is better than anyone else with writers. but glad to have the strike over so he can do all his classic bits again Bring back the walker lever!
  4. Jericholic82


    I saw it about 3 weeks ago. Great action flick with an actual plot that tears at your heart because you know this stuff actually goes on over there. Stallone was trying to get a message across and I guess he did. Much better movie than even I expected going in. The effects were top-notch and the gore, hard to watch. The theater was exploding with cheers and applause as Rambo wreaked vengeange. ( a side note- there were like 8 underage kids in there by themselves who were pissing me off by being obnoxious, plus I looked to the side during the movie and noticed a lady was holding a young baby) The ending was very poignant and a fitting end to the Rambo series. Can't wait for the unrated dvd as previously mentioned here. Great film to watch in a theater IMO. Go see it, It
  5. Jericholic82


    sweet! Wish I could be there, but I'm definately getting the dvd when it comes out.
  6. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    24/7 had a vega/austin match from raw in march 96 on the shorties last month as "stone cold debut" basically this one week on RAW he came out announced under a different name, with no explanation given (though the announcers had always said Ringmaster was very cold-blooded and calculating IIRC)
  7. Fan reaction aside, it still remains that they were turning both Taz and Sabu (and Rob Van Dam for that matter). Wasn't RVD already a heel at that point? RVD was actually sort of a face at that point, as he had been teaming with Sabu after months of feuding with him over RVDS lack of respect for Sabu. But he kinda turned earlier in the night with his promo declaring himself a free agent cuz he wa spissed over only making the show as a replacement for Chris Candido (which is a shoot actually, he was very pissed and almost left for WCW at the time)
  8. Jericholic82

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - February 2008

    anyone else get a lot of freezing and pixelation while watching videos on 24/7? This used to happen alot last year when I first got it, then went away fo rmany months, now it sback. It really ruins when I'm trying to record something. The other day I recorded an old nitro from it, but went away from the tv for awhile, when I finally checked the dvd, the end of the show froze for 1 minture staright then came back on as the show was at the end. pain in the ass it is. maybe cablevision/optimum just really sucks ps watching the recent nitros, it was cool to hear the old nwo b-theme again. It was used for guys like Bagwell, Norton, and Chono and Muta.
  9. Jericholic82

    Stephanie and HHH

    I wonder if we'll get any wink wink references by Trips on tv. I suppose this is the "Family emergency" reason HHH missed Raw last 2 weeks according to JR on-air (although I did get shivers when I heard that comment cuz we all know what happened the last time we heard that). If its is a boy, meet your future WWE champion, if a girl, welcome back the Women's Tag Titles in 20 years.
  10. Jericholic82


    cool to hear about the reunion show, too bad Im back in NY now or I would have gone to see it. The season 2 set looks better done than the original IMO (though they added background music to the kloss/rivera segments, and even the Rob Black "shoot" on Heyman, which kinda distracts from it a bit) I suppose they added the music to make up for the bad quality audio on the older xpw shows. as far as how good or bad XPW was: my fandom has little to do with the actual ring action, although there were a number of very talented wrestlers in XPW such as Kaos and Webb. I adhere to the "so bad, it's good" theory. I enjoyed the offbeat, low-budget skits, and the colorful cast of characters involved with the show. a side note, the season 2 set has little matches cuz XPW didnt run a live show after "Go Funk Yourself" in July 2000 until around October of the year. Here's hoping we get a season 3 set soon, as we are nearing New Jack's debut and Big Dick Dudleys return at the end of season 2.
  11. Jericholic82

    Superbowl XLII

    thanks, thats what I was going for, to try to put into words my emotions running wild plus I was running on about 2 hours sleep and a long day yesterday The sad thing is I'm usually a stickler for grammar, but my posts always come out wacky. I'll try and slow it down for ya okay?
  12. Jericholic82

    Moments where titles were buried

    agreed on the world title thing, Bischoff stated that the title was now "disputed" and basically inferred the new world title to be the same as the old wcw title.
  13. Jericholic82

    Moments where titles were buried

    I dont think the Fingerpoke buried the wcw title necessarily. Th reason why that angle was hated so much back then, was that all of a sudden goldberg was out and hogan was back in and it was like reset back a year and the nwo is back togtehr again. they wanted to comepte with the WWF by going backwards. this is the main reason why that angle is so hated. even hhh handed the world title made sense, cuz he was the #1contender by right anf Brock decided to skip to sd exclusivity, so the title was disputed and bischoff created a new one, since Trips was already the top challenger he was awarded the title, this type of thing happens in boxing alot actually.
  14. Jericholic82

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    She wanted to fuck Trish. Who doesn't? Yeah, IIRC.. isn't that the year where at Wrestlemania, Mickie before hitting Trish with a DDT or some move spread her fingers like a "V" then licked from the palm up which got a huge pop from the crowd? I mean, Candice Michelle was a heel but when she showed up at the D-X BBQ and "received" oral from a woman, she turned face. So, this can only prove that: Lesbians = Faces actually candice turned face before that, the same week as the dx "official" reunion before the vengeance ppv I think she was a ref in a divas match and got in a fight with the heels cuz she called it down the middle or something like that. I even posted on this board back then then the announcers didnt even bother to sell her face turn. mickies face turn had ot do with Lita cheating to beat her for title pre-summerslam. Then trish retired and the top face diva spot was up for grabs. EDIT-Sorry I skimmed the thread and didnt see this was answered already. "You smell like a viking!!! youre welcome" that was the crayon thing mentioned, saturn and terri went on a double date with dean and some tall blonde chick named "Sherry" of course. saturn ordered 3 crayons in a bowl of mustard He kept doing has crazy shtick for the chick and she liked it and was flirty with him. so dean and terri are pissed, dean distracts perry with a spoon (hey look perry, a spoon" terri goes to his sherry with a platter but she ducks and nails saturn instead. I still dont get Team 3Ds heel turn last year? they lost the tag titles, then the next impact the crowd is booing them for their entrance?
  15. Jericholic82

    Bobby Lashley released

    I feel kind of bad for him. and he was pretty over at times in his career, but he was not able to carry the ecw title well due to no opponents,a horrible angle with vince post-mania. Though he did have a good match with Cena at GAB. He was a high-profile wwe star though (he is on the cover for the video game too) anyhow good luck I guess Mr Lashley
  16. Jericholic82

    Superbowl XLII

    and yea that game drowve me crazy, I watched it on the edge of my seat literally. I just kept getting pissed that we kept stopping NE but couldnt get a driver going. Although I also thought it a good sign when we were deep into the 2nd half and the score was 7-3, cuz it was an ugly game and the Giants always win ugly it seems. when the pats scored with 2:30 plus left I was sad. Although some part of me said "hey thats good, at least Eli has enough time left and Id rather him take us for the potential game-winning drive and leave little or no time on the clock for Brady. during the drive it was completely surreal I felt like I wasnt in my own body odd as that sounds, when it was 4th and I I clenched up, when he looked like he was sacked again I cringed, then was completely flabbergasted that he broke free, but I worrried about the wild throw that could have been picked off, then Tryee makes a ridicoulous catch that I can't believe, then eli is sacked and its 3rd and 11, smith gets the catch "I yelled, thats a first down he got the marker, then a good feeling came over me, were gonna score here. that they do but I realzie theres 35 secs left. I didnt relax, even after the sack, but that calmed me down a bit, 4th and 20, ball goes ups, down, I scream "no flags!!!", its over (but its not there a sec left? weird moment) great game for a Giants fan, glad i have it recorded on dvd (along with 4 or 5 other discs worth of coverage, including the parade today. sure this may not be a yankee dynasty type thing, but I'll enjoy the memory of this magical ride. cuz regardless of luck and fate, and getting hot at the right itme (which a lot of teams take it all the way with, colorado got to the series like that this past year), the Giants are still recognized as super bowl champs, and the best team in the NFL for 2007-08 Thank you Jints!!!!
  17. Jericholic82

    Superbowl XLII

    Just got back from the parade. What a scene!! You know the last time I posted in here it was before the playoffs started and I said, all I want is to beat TB to get another shot at Dallas and anything above that is gravy. What a bowl of gravy this month was! anyhow we left the house at 4:30 am, went up to my uncles and met him in Mt Kisco, took the train down to Grand central and got on the 6 train to city hall. We got our spots early, right on the rail, at the very end of the parade route right before the turn into city hall. The crowd just kept growing and growing. they kept themselve sbusy by tossing toilet paper back and forth, then some people in the building above threw out some balls and got them thrown back, itw a sthen then it almost got out of hand as osme started throwing some bottles and cups, one cup fo juice NAILED a cop in the leg and that drew major boos. then we amused ourselves by yelling "your side" sucks to each other. some crazed fans painted blue drew attention. My side had some people who kept yelling "Borat" at some dude who vaguley resemeble him.. finally after 3 hours the parade got to us. got some pics of strahan holding the trophy (I saw the glare of the trophy all the way up the street as they were coming . Eli was kind of shy it semed but signing autographs, then another float came by with the d-line on it and guys like Tuck, Osi, Tyree gott off the float and ran around slapping hands with us, (yes I got to shake all their hands) it was awesome. I bowed to them as they bowed to us. it was a cool moment, to share with the players who gave us osme much joy this post-season and we gave it back to them. long day, but hell yea worth it. I was just glad to be able to share a moment like this with my father, cuz you neve rknow if youll get anothe ropportunity (plus we missed all the Yankee glory years when we were in Cali)cuz the last time the Giants won the SB won I was 7 and didnt really understand it. I'm still in disbelief, but very happy to be able to have been around for and partaked in a magical time. I'll never forget it. and maybe this is an omen for my Yankees too (I can dream can't I?) Go Giants
  18. Jericholic82

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Had a great time at the Rumble. Got there early (freaking parking was 42 bucks!!)and got my event shirt (the pics on the front looked cheaply done to me, Edge looks weird) Went across the street to Nathan’s for a bite (food sucked lol) Back across the street, a line had formed down the block. So we kind of merged in halfway, but it still took forever. The NY Titans mascot was bugging us by dancing around. A “Lets Go Giants” chant started out of boredom I guess. Plus of course “whooing” for no good reason. Getting in took forever, it was like herding cattle and the MSG security did a pitiful job. We saw people coming in for the Kathy Griffin show at the Theater downstairs and they were kind of laughing at us. (yea real high class people they are) anyhow the garden crowd was rabid from the moment they got in line. Finally got to our seats and they were better then expected since they were right over the ring (though up pretty good in 322 sec), with the entrance to our left. Cool to see the old school setup). They showed the wm 23 highlight video first (with MVP edited over Benoit in the opening montage and their match edited completely out of course of the highlights) Then a sweet Flair music video tribute. Lillian hit the ring and introd the dark match of Moore and yang vs. Deuce N Domino, which was a brisk tag match. Lillian then butchered the anthem as usual, and I was clamoring for the Fink. Great to take in Flairs last night in MSG (we think) what a moment after the match with a standing ovation. Of course some young kids had to be sitting next to me, marking out and screaming for the faces and singing the theme songs. I felt bad for them when they were near tears when Rey and Jeff lost. Then some lady behind me was annoying us asking lots of questions about the wrestlers. Best match of the undercard was Rey vs. Edge; It appeared to me that Edge was the crowd fav in this one as Rey got serious booing up here. The Hardy-Orton match was a near carbon copy of their match at the house show I went to Jan 4, right down to the finish. Seeing the Rumble live was great, though the guy next to us was annoying with his countdowns. The crowd popped huge for taker and Shawn. Buffer was a nice touch (but does this mean hell be edited out of the DVD?) Piper and Snuka got nice big pops, as did Local boy Tommy Dreamer. Cenas entrance took everyone by surprise. Great swerve by WWE here. A few people around though Lashley would be the 30th man But man were they pissed off when he won (I countered this by saying “you’d rather have HHH win again?”) So I loudly applauded to piss them off. As we left it was back to the cattle herd again and annoying people trying to see bootleg t-shirts All in all a great time, pretty good show. I can now say I saw a Rumble live.
  19. Jericholic82

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    I just realzied the other day, WWE didnt do a "New Years Revolution" PPV this year. Maybe cuz it used to be a raw only show. Or maybe they finally realized there is no need for a ppv 2/3 weeks before the Rumble (although it could have been used to take care of the Jericho-JBL feud)
  20. Jericholic82

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - January 2008

    cool, thanks
  21. Jericholic82

    Raw 1.7.08

    I thought HHH had the brass knux on? my bad.
  22. Jericholic82

    Raw 1.7.08

    lol I was yelling that out to her at the house show last fri. I also yelled "Ashley, it's called a sandwhich, you should eat one" also tried to get a "tranny" chant going (thats what the wrestlecrap guys call ashley, cuz they thing she looks like a tranny). I'm not saying I think she looks like a man I just use th enickname afater listening to wrestlecrap radio all the tilme) I didnt notice the pink highlights in her fri, but maybe she got them over the weekend. but in the match, why did the other face divas allow ashley to win, it was everyone for themself in the match. and if its a "pillow fight" then how does a pinfall win the match? as for why Foley is there, remember his wwe contract (mentioned in his lastest book) states that he must do 2 ppv matches/appearances per year plus any number of tv shows needed to build to that. which is why he came back in the wwe title match at Vengeance last year, then was a ref possiblity at cyber sunday and then had a match against coach on sd. this is just his 1st of 2 matches for this year. and funny to see that lawler messed up the name of the move, instea dof JR (who for some reason now always remembers to call the "whisper in the wind"
  23. Jericholic82

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    hey, Mcintyre lost to snitsky in a qulaifying match already at the house show I attended last week, he gets a seocnd chance? and Drew is a face now to boot? he sure acted heel at the house show even against Snitsky (who the local crowd turned face for some unknown reason)
  24. Jericholic82

    Wrestling References

    at work this morning when the stream of morons came in to buy their new realeases I muttered "Here come the unwashed masses" (something Lawler once used to describe the NYC crowd)
  25. Jericholic82

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - January 2008

    oh crap whats expiring tom? I havent watched the 5/12 MNW or the bash at the beach show yet. or the hall of fame stuff