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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    What are some great movies you've never seen?

    wait, I think I watched exorcist in full as a kid, but don't remember it all. I have also never seen Titanic and don't plan on it. as well as all of the lord of the rings films.
  2. Jericholic82

    What are some great movies you've never seen?

    the only movie you guys mentioned that I have seen in full was Ed Wood. and it was indeed a great film.
  3. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    I might have to, considering everything else would be reruns right? If someone does the spinaroonie, I will be very pleased.
  4. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    Agreed. I always thought deep down that she would win. I'm 4 for 4 in guessing the winner, but for the third straight year I voted for the loser. I felt bad for poor Harold lol. Especially Tuesday night you could sense the momentum of Ms. Underwear or whatever her name is. (and the fact that simon was pimping the crap out of her----plus the crappy AI Single was clearly written for her voice style) She is the better singer, but Harold is a better entertainer. Well I bet JR was happy with the winner. (I had to resist the urge to yell "It looks like a fight on payday in Muskogee" its a slobberknocker") It was funny to see the whole 12 back. Nice to see anwar still can't sing R Kelly, but I was hoping they would do a duet of "Piss on you". At least they all can go on this craptastic tour. I hope they have some guest stars on the tour otherwise it will suck hard, as evidenced by the horrific opening medley. and the 2 hour hype fest made me want to put a gun in my mouth. I mean that stupid spoof on simon to suck up to Paula was dumb as hell. Though Randy cracked me up a bit with his singing and pimping his albulm, it was long and unnecessary fluff. (plus the fact that they ripped of Jimmy Kimmel Live, who two weeks ago played phone messages from "simom" to himself.) Anyhow Congrats Carrie, you are on the road to one hit wonderdom!!!! So ends another season. Don't worry, we'll be back in here in 7 short months discussing the newest set of wannabes. I'm done for 2005 .
  5. Jericholic82

    Rock and Roll Express at odds?

    O god they must have had the doctors lined up for that one. Someone could have broke a hip.
  6. Jericholic82

    Six Years Ago Today...

    I really don't think that it's the same way as a family member or a friend dying. I mean, whenever I hear "May 23" I'll think of Owen as the same of "August 1" with my grandfather. It's hard...I mean, we don't know these people on a personal level, but at the same time it's like we've known them all our lives. Yea me too. Just like when I hear October 5 and I think of Brian Pillman. But those are the only 2 dates that I think of a wrestler's death for some reason. Surprised no one complained how Bsichoff had a ECW Funearl on Owen's anniversary.
  7. Jericholic82


    I guess the ref at Raw thought stevie was out of it and just called for the bell. He has done that a lot in masters' matches.
  8. Jericholic82

    WWE Carlito Shirt Poll

    They did pick apple head!! Was that the poll winner? wow.
  9. Jericholic82

    Heat and Velocity cancelled

    Corrected for accuracy. At least Heat no longer is home of Al Snow's horrible running joke he stole from MXC where he calls Jobbers that stupid name. You mean Bobby Gadouche? Its Babaganoosh (he called everyones last name that)
  10. Jericholic82

    Dave Chappelle Season 2 DVD

    I listened to the commentaries. got to check out the third disc.
  11. Jericholic82

    Recent purchases

    Today I got: chappelle's show season 2 royal rumble 05
  12. Jericholic82

    WWE Carlito Shirt Poll

    which is it? the pic isn't showing.
  13. Jericholic82

    Heat and Velocity cancelled

    And Josh Matthews just sh*t his pants. lol anyhow Ill miss them both. Velocity is cool for the cruiserweight action and Heat is fun with old school like squashes and Coach's amusing commentary. Remember when Heat was the number 2 show? and major angles used to take place on there? and big matches like Taker vs Mankind?
  14. Jericholic82

    Tales from the Crypt - Season 1 on DVD

    It sure does deserve it. This show used to scare the hell out of me as a kid so that makes it a great one in my book. Hell it still creeps me out in reruns.
  15. Jericholic82

    Dave Chappelle Season 2 DVD

    Picked it up at Best Buy today for 19.99(also picked up royal rumble 05 for the hell of it). Only had like 3 copies of it on the shelf and a big empty spot in the comedy cental section so I assume that it sold alot. At the counter they were selling it in a pack along with two drinks soda and something else. Watched most of disc one. Great stuff of course. Cant wait to check out the extras. But Idol is on soon then House so later for that I guess.
  16. Jericholic82

    Light at the end of the tunnel for Lohan?

    Some of us wnat her to go back to being hot so we can enjoy looking at her again. Understood. But I personally never thought she was much to look at. Freckles and bad skin= ewww to me.
  17. Jericholic82

    SNL Review, broken up into 7 parts

    Yea that update was cool, just saw it rerun on E. Great jokes all around. Jimmy: Brazil has announced they will celebrate "Orgasm Day" in May....they hope you come. Tina announces that someone stole Britney Spear's Elvis like outfit "And I'm not giving it back" (pic of Tina's head on Brits body is shown)
  18. Jericholic82

    According to this week's Observer

    That's how Dawn got into this mess in the 1st place, OH TAG!!!!!!! You got me there BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Jericholic82

    Edge vs Batista

    LOL IGGY but cmon give the guy a chance he only has 2 posts , I mean this is the Net, NO ONE WRITES COHERENTLY. I will not wager on tonight, cuz I am not the booker of RAW. However, as I asked before, was it ever said that the bank shot was like the 24/7 rule? I mean he gets it when he wants it, but maybe that means he can come out at the start of the show and ask for the match tonight. The lazy booking continues on.
  20. Jericholic82

    According to this week's Observer

    How did I know this would turn into a "insert joke father here" thread?
  21. Jericholic82

    Light at the end of the tunnel for Lohan?

    who gives a crap?
  22. Jericholic82

    SNL Review, broken up into 7 parts

    wow what a long review. Mucho Points for effort and style (as I too enjoy writing long, researched paperts) , of course I was almost turned away by your long rant against my beloved Yankees, but when I thought about it, I also hate teams that beat the Yanks in the playoffs with a passion so I'll let that slide . I agree Rocks 2nd hosting gig was so horrible I almost threw up. His first however was great. Hopefully one day Ill be able to wait outside all night to get into SNL. If I do move back to NY as it looks likely. Jeter's hosting gig is ap ersonal fav, but then again I am biased. I especially liked his point/counterpoint w/ Seth (Topic: Derek Jeter Sucks - No, I dont) as well at Derek Jeter's Taco hole and "The Iglesias Bros." and horatio/jimmy/tracy/kattan did their xmas song which I love. I missed a lot of this season's shows, as well as many of the past 8 years as either Velocity/Confidential/Jakked/Shotgun/XPW was on at 11-12 I guess my fav skit of this season was of course Jeopardy.
  23. Jericholic82

    Brewster kos Golota in 1

    Vitali vs Brewster sounds like a lock to me, they can hype the hell out of it.
  24. Jericholic82

    Cubs tell Zambrano to save right arm...

    espn said he claimed he was online, emailing his brother, for 4 HOURS A NIGHT? yea, right.