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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Thanks RUDO!!!!! I agree on that episdoe. If I had to pick a different one, I would pick the episode where Angel becomes human, only to decide to erase the day, so he can continue to fight for good. I think it sums up who the character of Angel is.
  2. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    I was wondering the same thing. However I liked JRS crack at him talking about him having one suit.
  3. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    I have found none, and have gone through all the usual steps. so I would say, NO
  4. Jericholic82

    UPN moves Smackdown to Friday Night

    It would appear that UPN is mad at how WWE is leaving their sister network spiketv.
  5. Jericholic82

    This week in Baseball

    what a way to end a streak, three big errors. How many times do you see a dropped third strike these days? Womack either should go back to 2nd or DH. Oh well I jokingly was hoping for like a 10 game win streak after they lost to the As two weeks ago, and they actually delivered, so no whining here. The Subway Series should prove interesting.
  6. Mike is a much better announcer than Liillian. Lillian sucks announcing and singing (she butchered america the beautiful at Mania IMO) . Plus she kinda looks like a man to me.
  7. Jericholic82

    Best Smackdown 6 Match

    I'm partial to eddie-edge at unforgiven simply cuz I was there live (as well as angle-benoit) The LA crowd actually got way into this. Eddie came off as the face due to the largely latino-populated crowd (plus me cheering cuz Eddie rulz). The finish was sweet, the powerbomb looked brutal live as I was in the crowd behind the SD announcers and that turnbuckle corner. Plus in the no-dq match Edge screwed up the Edgecution off the ladder (In fact whenever they reshowed the match, on the weekend shows or the year end-Raw, they showed it from a different angle to make it look better)
  8. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    Finsihed the whole dvd tuesday. All in all a great dvd, though I am pissed about the editing of Bimbo Girl's theme and Piper's cursing.
  9. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    All I can say is, at least they got it right. Though I still don't see either of them becoming huge stars.
  10. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well since that thread is almost dead, I figured I would post at least one last time in here. It's been a long strange ride. Actually I didn't start posting in here till I got a PC in March 2004 (I Originally posted in TSM on the pcs at my college, explaining why I dissapeared after december 2002), near the end of season 5. Posting in here and discussing the show even somewhat helped me through a tough time when my beloved uncle passed away shortly after I started to post in this thread. It's been fun getting to know all of you through our discussions, and I am glad that we still may talk through other threads. And If I can't post that wargames story in here, I promise to make a new thread. soon to be RIP 2003-2005 Angel S5 Thread, we hardly knew ye....
  11. Jericholic82


    simply put: HOUSE RULES!!!!!!
  12. Jericholic82

    John Cena & Tha Trademarc's

    unsure of that but I havent seen it while flipping the channels. and I havenet heard it on the radio yet either, but who knows? My guess is that the record will drop further down and eventualy dissapear. like the previous wwe cds
  13. Jericholic82

    UPN moves Smackdown to Friday Night

    why is it death? I hate that idea. Thats why all the shows I like are constantly shifted to fridays and then canceled (recetly Third watch and now 8 simple rules, last year boston public was put to death on friday). Considering I usually am home on Fridays(I'm not much of a go-out on fri night person) this isnt much of a move. However my upn (KCOP 13 LA) sometimes shows Dodgers games, so if theres a friday game it might be postponed but no biggee. And if you read the article, it shows that WWE wasnt even informed of the move,but they have no contorl over it. what will they do when the contract runs out next fall? I guess the split will end sometime in 06.
  14. Jericholic82

    SNL Review

    Oh I noticed the blonde thing but I figured that couldnt have been the big deal. thanks bob. As I said I can give a crap less about her, infact until about a year ago, I had no idea who the hell she was. and when I did, I couldn't see why there was any hype.
  15. Jericholic82

    Matt Hardy, the 'Angelic Diablo'

    ME TOO!!!!
  16. Ah the ink to the eyes. brings back memories of the GWF. Sounds like a cool collection of tapes. I might have to trade with you some day to get some of those.
  17. Jericholic82

    3PW this Saturday Night

    Damn there are alot of indies on the east coast, the socal scene has seemingly dried up. If I ever move back to the east (and its a big possiblity right now), there's a ton of wrestling to got to. COOL
  18. Jericholic82

    This week in Baseball

    you know with all the ranting about giambi and bernie and such, lost in all this is the fact that the Yanks are on fire right now. Can we give them some credit as opposed to insulting some players and wondering a bunch of stuff? Besides The real defensive problem is Womack adjusting to LF. Lost in the win was the fact that they left like a ton of men on base. Thank the stars for Bernie's just made it over the wall slam. Wang already looks 100 percent better than Jaret Wright (though beating the as and mariners is not a big vitcory these days I suppose) Go Yanks!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Jericholic82

    Matt responds to Edge/Lita segment

    UM if they couldnt find a way for Lita to stay face, couldn't they have YOUKNOW FIRED HER ASS? I mean they got rid of almost all the women who could wrestle, why not another one? especially considering she is the worst wrestler in the divison.
  20. Jericholic82

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    There you go. HHH and Austin lost the tag titles to jericho and benoit but it was austin who took the fall.
  21. Jericholic82

    SNL Review

    LMAO Whats with the Lohan jokes Did I miss the news or something? whats up? not that I really care but now you got me curious. good review as usual. Too bad I fell asleep after Update. As Usual I missed most of the first halfhour due to Velocity being on. I did see Jeopardy and was glad to see its return. A few years back In my college creative writing class, my teach showed a SNL jeopardy skit as an aid while talking about satire writing. My whole class was almost ROTFL after it.
  22. Jericholic82

    Furnas/La Fon

    *throws own feces and an english dictionary* yikes I should really check before I post. Sorry I just type so fast that I mess up and am too lazy to check it.
  23. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    hard to tell on quality as my TV has lines across the screen apparntly burned in before I got the dvd (I think my tv is starting to go actually) but it looks fine I think. AHA, I knew they would bleep out pipers "bullsh*t" line. That sucks, thoguh if they left it in I suppose they would have had to change the rating to TV-MA and it would be harder to sell to younger fans.
  24. Jericholic82

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    True, as he hasnt even been himself for a long time. Ever since the latest face turn he has become wimpy and lame. Time to bring back the arrogance. Here's my idea on the angel. Instead of Jericho turning, you have Shelton turning on him somehow, leading to a feud where Jericho wins the IC title back and redevlops his love for wrestling. By the summer, when Trips probably has the world belt back, you have Chris come out and cut a promo on how he has done it all in WWE, except for getting a clean win over HHH. BINGO insta-feud playing off their history. Though Chris would probably job to him instead of winning the title, so there is probably no point here.
  25. Jericholic82

    Marty Jennetty

    yea but the longer he is away from WWE, the harder it will be to sell him to the fans again. If he could have started right away, maybe The Rockers could be tearing up the tag scene again (cmon rosey and hurricane get wwe tag title regins but the rockers never did ? blasphamy) or maybe even feuded with each other again as many here speculated.