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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Lance Storm Leaves WWE

    HOLY CRAP LANCE STORM IS STILL ON THE PAYROLL???????? seriously though, storm was over the most when he did use cheap heat, the whole canada vs us thing in wcw and wwe. He was a star in ECW mainly because there you didnt need to be a big musclehead to be a top guy. But he stuck out like a sore thumb in WWE because he had no character to speak of despite being plain and boring. His team with Regal showed some promise, but that ended when Willy got hurt so.
  2. Jericholic82

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    Ok how many of you are pissed off when JR scolded Lita "for cheating on her husband"? How short of a memeory does WWE think we all have? Hello Kane basically raped Lita and forced her to marry him against her will. But now we are supposed to buy them as a loving couple? Though JR actually using the word "harlot" was pretty funny. Man oh man did RAW suck or what? 20 mins of pillowfights and viscera.. I WANT MY 20 MINUTES BACK!!!!!!!!! (In fact that was so boring I spent most of that time watching for updates of the Yanks game online.) Poor Christian. He gets over and thus jobs every week. Have any of you noticed Flairs theme has been redone? obviously redone by WWE so they wont have to pay royalties or edit the thtem anymore on DVD I suppose. And Christian's hairlien seems to be receding at an alarming rate. Think he's pissed that his good friend Adam gets the top push while he is more over the the audience?
  3. Jericholic82

    Matt responds to Edge/Lita segment

    LOL @ Denise Show reference. Maybe Matt can do a parody of this on his website. since cutting meaningless promos on his website when he can't even wrestle anywhere seems to be his new motto.
  4. Jericholic82

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    sounds great. I pick Edge, Jericho/benjamin (someone pins daivari to continue the face turn angle), Christian
  5. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Hey just noticed That Boreanaz guested on MWC once. The ep where the bundys go to the movies on Kellys bday and she shees her boyfriend with another guy, the other guy was Dave. Cant believe I just noticed that. The funny part was how al beat the crap out of angel lol then again he was much skinneier and young lookign then. anyhow cool note.
  6. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    yea that would be better lush, however apparatnly likes Ryans heel work more than we do. and I agree on the voting cuz I have not voted since like the first week of the final 12, cuz I just assume certain ones will get their votes. As I said before, have we ever seen the supposed counting people who count the supposed votes?
  7. Jericholic82

    Family Guy for 5/8/05

    AD was also good last night IMO. Actually the whole 2 hours on FOX last night was very good. The simpsons eps, while not excellent had their moments. and all and all I was entertained for two hours, so thats all that matters to me.
  8. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    Loved how Shiek kept coming back and talking even as they kept playing him off. Flair was so drunk off his ass it was funny as hell. He would have kept talking for hours if they didn't cut him off, those bastards
  9. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    yea that did seem useless. and Lemmy looked like he couldn't give a crap less. The drummer was wearing a HHH shirt so maybe he cared lol.
  10. Jericholic82


    cool hope he talks to you. Glad to see Messiah continues onward with his career, as I felt he was one of the most talented wrestlers and talkers that XPW ever had.
  11. Jericholic82

    Official TNA Hard Justice Preview

    well I didnt see the ppv, but turning the naturals sounds like a good move . thought it might seem wrong to siphon heat from a guys death, this would be an obivous decision. hey at least JJ finally jobbed. and we complain about HHH, Jeff just ended a near 1 year title reign. does this mean Tito will be facing Jeff at the next ppv?
  12. Jericholic82

    This week in Baseball

    and we should probably have a new thread seeing as its now may 16 in the east.
  13. Jericholic82

    This week in Baseball

    anyone panicking too much is not a true yanks fan probably. I will never give up on the guys from the bronx. though my april post saying that if the os had good pitching they might have a good season w/ their lineup has been proven true. good for them. But I will always root for my team. shoudl be an interesting season from here on in. cmon yanks 9 in a row is next on the agenda!
  14. Jericholic82

    Family Guy for 5/8/05

    I was laughing my ass off at that. The best part of a very good episode. I was rotfl as well. great stuff!!! the keibler elves vs the rice krispies guys=classic moment. wish we got to see the actual war.
  15. Jericholic82

    Dave Chappelle found! Talks with TIME Magazine in

    wow dave is islamic. good trivia factoid there. seriosuly, glad to hear he is ok (at elast I hope hes tellign the truth here) there salot more than rick james, season one had many great moments, an s2 had better moments IMO. hell Im surprised the prince/charlie murphy skit doesnt get more love. and of course " the Niggar family" dave is a great standup too. Still pissed that I missed his performances in my area. I knew he must have got big when he sold out two nights in a predominatley white city in my county. Come home soon dave, we fans will try not to be too critical of the show this year. Shazzam!!!!!!
  16. Jericholic82

    Furnas/La Fon

    they were turned heel in 97, then dissapeared after I think being on team canada at survivor series? (am I right here?) they were also abck in ecw that uear as part of the wwf invasion, even winnign the tag titles briefly.
  17. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    got it sat. have only watched the hof (fun stuff but last years was better to me, flairs full into was much better than what we saw on spike) and battle royal, plsu first 4 matches of ppv (thru trish-christy) first thoughts: great dvd, though sad about no easter eggs. I see that christy ahd her musci edited, which caught me offguard as I had not heard about tha happening prior, then again christy has only been on like 1 ppv match before (taboo tuesday vs carmella) plus in an obvious move, they switched to a zoomed in camera angle to not show the phantom trish kick out near the end. Good move I suppose, though I prefer the dvd to have the ppv as aired but this was probably a no-brainer. and yes I finally noticed rey adjusting his mask. dude mania is not a good time to try a different kind of mask.
  18. Jericholic82

    E3 2005

    man I wish I could go to E3, I mean LA aint too far away, but I heard its expensive to get in, is that true?
  19. Jericholic82

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    not that Im complaining oh crap stephanie heard me ahhhhhhhh
  20. Jericholic82

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    where is taker anyhow? they havent even mentioned him since the first post mania sd? I assume hes taking time off from his bad hip?
  21. Jericholic82

    When broadcasters don't check facts they hear

    ask angels broadcaster Steve Physioc. During an angels-yanks game last month, the trivia question was "what players have hit three homers in a game for three different teams?" Steve then said "cant be babe, he only played for two teams,uhhhhh,threeuhhhhhh" pretty funny stuff.
  22. Jericholic82

    This week in Baseball

    and Iggy I wasnt make fun of you, I was just being competive ok? I dont want to be another anglesault here lol
  23. Jericholic82

    Probably not the right place

  24. Jericholic82

    This week in Baseball

    Ok then, but try and watch a yanks vs angels game Sorry I don't watch much games not involving my Yanks so....
  25. Jericholic82

    This week in Baseball

    I wouldnt start bragging if I were you, one day the os players will wake up and remember "hey were the orioles, we suck!" remember this day when I warned you all, The Yanks will win the east again. I guaran-damn-tee it. TM Rocky Maivia If I'm wrong you can have a thread insulting me all day if you like.