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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Sports Misconceptions

    Here is a misconception by itself. The Yankees actually had the best winning percentage in baseball in the 1980s. Which is one of the many reasons AngleSault drove me nuts when he referred to the 80's as the dark ages for the Yankees. It's because the Yankees didn't win many World Series in the 80s (the only one I can think of was in 1981 ... I'm sure an actual fan will correct me) and the Yankees fans only view winning it all as success. And as much as I hate the Yankees fans, I do have to say I admire that. Getting close shouldn't be enough. Unless you're a fan of a team that's historically an also-ran or a team that has no right to be winning games, just being good shouldn't be good enough. well thanks for the compliment LOL. Do you just hate every yanks fan with blind predjudice? Just wondering. I hate when people just assume something about me cuz I'm a Yankee fan, which is why I have tried to listen to everyone's POV on TSM. It's cool you won't offend me with your true thoughts, so let me have it anyhow I guess the 80s were considered a dark age cuz of no playoff appearances after 81, and the fact that by 1990 the Yanks were godawful, losing 95 games that year. Since I was born at the end of 82 I dont remember all that much about the 80s and I was a little kid then and only cared about cartoons and toys so.....so I can't really have an opinion here. Anglesault help me out here. anyhow back to the topic, uhhh drawing a blank here damn. oh well I will try to think of a good one and be back soon. Peace out
  2. Jericholic82


    Bump. We are still waiting patiently for the next part.
  3. Jericholic82

    Matt Hardy to go to ROH

    I think its rather unfair that they have that 90 day clause, I mean especially when they CANNED THE GUY. I can see itf they asked for the relase but this is just not right. I hope at least they give them some cash when they fire them.
  4. Jericholic82

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    quick question, if Batista was allowed to count his own pinfall (w/unconcious refs hand) vs Christian two weeks ago, how come shawn couldnt do the same last night. That has always bugged me. It's legal to do that when the angle calls for it only. Add that to the huge list of wrestling mysteries. and I was ROTFL over Shawn getting his jacket caught in the ramp. He kept trying to pull it out and looked dumb doing it. HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  5. Jericholic82


    Yea as long as they buy it, why not? Hey we've seen stupider stuff work out before haven't we?
  6. Jericholic82


    I concur, the republican sect and the religionITES will be all over this like a cheap suit.
  7. Jericholic82

    Chappelles Show put on indefitie hiatus?

    well at least the dvd is still coming out May 24.
  8. Jericholic82

    Question about Simpsons

    I hope so cuz the first three were REALLY spaced out btw, Great avatar there dude. and a nice sig tribute to candido.
  9. Jericholic82

    Family Guy for 5/8/05

    having FG and AD on right after each other makes it harder for me to remember which joke was in which show. How about you guys?
  10. Jericholic82

    Family Guy for 5/8/05

    anyone else think the funniest bit was "Donnie and Marie in bed"? I see it wasnt mentioned. Also mention to Chris yelling watch out for the stairs to the new teach, you think thats supposed to be the joke, that chris is dumb, THEN SHE ACTUALLY TRIPS AND YOU HEAR FALLIND DOWN STEPS SOUND FX. That was cool IMO>
  11. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I should know this I have all those shows on tape lol.
  12. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    actually the hhh/taker match was annoucned on the second post split raw, the changed to hogan/hhh on sd the same week, (actually the very next night as sd is taped on tuesdays). Hogan came out with his new red and yellow boas and tights. Taker/HHH was announced the first post draft RAW. The week before was the actual draft on RAW and then Smackdown! that week was a farewell of one brand or something with tag partners saying bye and such. I was there for the first Smackdown! roster only Smackdown!; which was in Rochester and I think RAW was in Buffalo the night before. I think Rock gave Hogan the blessing for the title shot or something. Main event that night was Rock/Jericho. sorry I meant first post draft raw. I guess I was just counting the draft raw as the first split raw by accident. thanks for the correction.
  13. Jericholic82

    Why did Undertaker leave Raw in late 2002?

    Undertaker retained the title at King of the Ring against challenger Triple H. And beat Taker on Smackdown shortly before Fully Loaded 2000 (Angle interfered and cost Taker the match). I'm sorry, but you've exceded the point in time the WWE thinks we can only remember back to. lol I guess wrestling fans do have short ememories. Not me I remembered all of this, but got beat to it. Kudos. after takers signing, vince decided onair that there would be no m ore free agent moves and there can only be chanegs to the brands through direct trades.
  14. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    damn sad to hear about the case, they didnt put the dvd sticker on top did they? cuz it was liek that on my flair dvd and it got ruined when I tried to peel it off. anyhow its 11:39 am in the west and I havent got it yet.. No car, must call friends later to make a run. I assume it wont sell out here but who knows? I'll hit you back with my thoughts as soon as I get it.
  15. Jericholic82

    Corrales vs. Castillo

    no I ddnt cuz I dont have showtime anymore DAMN
  16. Jericholic82

    Outlandish Things you'll probably never see

    No kidding. and I have said it for 6 years, the fingerpoke did not kill wcw. OK? It was part of an angle that resulted in Nash turning heel again. Giving Nash the book shortly thereafter certainly had a more distastorus result then the nWo reunion.
  17. Jericholic82

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    yknow bischoff never said edge could just have a title match right after one. I mean he never claimed it to be like the 24/7 HC title rule did he? so why does everyone keep saying that.
  18. Jericholic82

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    of course predicting the results of a fixed wrestling match is kinda pointless anyhow.
  19. Jericholic82

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    hhh is out of the tourney besides we all know that this world title shot will be on a "free per view" raw cuz batista/tirps 3 is apprantly set in stone. (which I have no prob with, as long as Trips jobs there too becuase thats the only way batista will ever be able to stay over) My picks for tonite: Shawn beats Edge....again (hello edge already got his one win vs Shawn) Benoit beats kane.....again. Finals HBK vs Benoit in a great match: HBK wins,(because holding off benoit for a heel turn and run at 'Tista makes more sense)
  20. Jericholic82

    Final Resolution DVD available

    Quick question. Is there going to be a dvd for Against All Odds? cuz the latest news updates say the next dvd release will be destination x. So does anyone know if AAO will be on dvd or not? and why not if so?
  21. Jericholic82

    San Andreas Help Please

    exaclty why I havent beat it yet. and I got it oct 26 update I beat Vertical Bird (which was kinda hard msotly cuz the hyrda controls can be tricky at first) and Homecoming. I'm almost done with the main story, finally. Ill probably restart it after that and try to get 100 perecnt this time
  22. Jericholic82

    Artie Lange

    Dirty Work is the only one where he's in a good role and gets to play himself a bit, and that's a damn funny movie. He's written/starring in an independant film that's going to be shot this summer, big controversy on the show this week over his taking time off to film it..... I've been an Artie Lange fan for a long time, anyone know how I can see this DVD without buying it from his website? because I doubt Blockbuster will be carrying it.... I agree, Dirty Work was a great comic movie with many LOL moments.
  23. Jericholic82

    Question about Simpsons

    thats a tough choice. I dont even one any of the seasons sets yet and I am a huge fan.
  24. Jericholic82

    Get the official ECW One Night Stand

    no they didnt, though the Heatwave 98 poster was rather cool.
  25. Jericholic82

    Get the official ECW One Night Stand

    thats the real problem with this. ECW is dead and this is just a wrestling show sponsored by wwe with a lot of wwe contracted workers on it.