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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Chappelles Show put on indefitie hiatus?

    that scuks, I would be mad if I went to his show and had to listen to that crap, cuz I enjoy Dave's standup. His hbo special in 2000 is a great example. "Hey baby, stop selling weed"-Dave "N*gga, I got kids to feed!"-Little Kid seeling drugs in the ghetto
  2. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    You make a great point Lushus, I was not saying that I 100 percent knew or belived RJ to be racist , but when the elton john thign was brought up it made me think. Randy is typically "paula lite" as you said. but it seems like he always picks on the same contestants and praises the same ones, and sometimes the ones he praises constantly are the black contestants(well this year he seems to always praise Vonzell). but hey, its up to the fans vote right? then again, have we ever see the supposed people who count the supposed votes? how do we know this is not rigged? ok, lets move away from that Race crap and conspiracy crap cuz it may open a pandora's box of more crap that we dont need. so.....any word on next weeks themes? and as Goldberg often said : "Who's next?"......to go of course
  3. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    You're just NOW noticing this? His continuing praise of Fantasia last season was thoroughly disgusting. What the fuck does everyone see in this bitch? She's not a singer, just a screamer. Her performance on this season of AI was just...ick. She may have an okay voice, but do we really NEED to hear her screaming and screeching towards the end when it gets OMGINTENSE~! Hm? No. As for Paula, I'm of the crowd that is '...this is news?!' So she may or may not have fucked some kid. Who gives a flying fuck? Really. Its all coming out now just to follow with the accusations of her drug abuse. America really loves their stars, don't they? Praise 'em, then toss him to the snake pit, each new accusation like a viper bite. They can only handle so much before the poison gets to them. well honsetly NO, but I didnt want to come off as a big Racist myself, cuz I am not (then again everyone is a bit racist to an extent right?) I have always wondered that cuz it seemed like it was pretty obvious at points. glad to see I am not the only one who has thought that, cuz I felt bad.
  4. Jericholic82

    Biggest Underachievers

    IIRC, that was IYH International Incident in July 96. IIRC Part II: I remember most of those fans beeing teenage girls and boys and no males over 16. I'm sure a pretty boy would get cheered by a bunch of bitches, because they are pretty boys. I'm just saying, Michaels was no where near the level of over for his position in the company in 1995-96 (except for the teenyboppers). Yes, he was over, but not "Superman over" like Sting or Hogan where they could get away with murder and still be cheered (unless they cut a very bitter and mean promo to turn heel, which Hogan did). Also since I'm on Hogan, no, I don't consider the 1991-1994 years to be very good for him, because he hadn't changed up his gimmick sinced 1982, and thus grew old on fans. I have to disagree with that. Shawn was VERY over in 95, not just with teeny girls. But once he turned face, they ruined his character and tried to turn him into another Hogan (liek they did wtih Diesel's wwf title run). Hardys were over with a large majority of the crowd , even the guys, cuz of their insane moves as well as the girls appeal. But they overstayed their welcome and Jeff in aprticular fell apart, thus by the end oly the girl still cared. Then again all of this is IMO, so take it with a grain of salt.
  5. Jericholic82

    £90 for a fucking WWF DVD?

    thanks for the tip.
  6. Jericholic82

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    then agian, most of us in 2005 can care a crap less abotu a promotion that died 4 years ago.
  7. Jericholic82

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    well its not like wwe was gonna charge 20 bucks for general admission or something, this is just another money making thing for them, they can care a crap less about ECW.
  8. Jericholic82

    May, 5, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    and why would they let Carlito in the ring with Holly again after he injured his shoulder? I swear every time I see a Holly match I keep waiting for an injury to occur.
  9. Jericholic82

    May, 5, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    I supppose it was meant to be a brainbuster, but most of the brainbusters you see wind up looking like suplexes anyhow (in order to not hurt the other guy). It looked for a moment like eddy might drop rey to the floor, but he got into position and made it look real. Hey haven't seen Rey's face in a while. Nice to see his haircut hasn't changed since 1996 lol You see you can turn Eddy, if it is done properly. Although technically Rey asked for his ass to be kicked by eggeing on Eddy for a fight. and was the crowd full of marks last night or what? They totyally bought that Eddy was coming to save Rey (although that might have been more canned heat, like the obvious one for Holly) Geez Eddy has the easist chants, when he is a face its "Eddy, Eddy" and when heel simply adds sucks to that. BRILLIANT and why was Cole so shocked, he has seen that Eddy before, right? That's the real Eddy and we are glad to have him back. This would be an awesome WWE title feud, though I woulf think that is never going to happen.
  10. Jericholic82

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    I don't think so. If it was, obivously it wasn't done well cuz I don't remember.
  11. Jericholic82

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    socko wasnt meant to protect from teeth. neither was the leather cover he originally used. When he used leather, that was the original mankind character and he was supposed to have disfigured his own fingers with a hammer, thus the cover to hide the supposed "disfigured fingers" socko got so over after the mcmhaon hospital visit he started putting that on his hand to do the claw, just for furn I suppose (thought the first timehe used it, on mark henry in the IC title tourney on RAW, he had taken the sock off his foot during the match EWWWWWW)
  12. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    maybe, but it didnt bother me much, thought he shouldnt have said that when he knows he had been treading water. I think He was trying to be funny but it came across as serious. OOPS
  13. Jericholic82

    What's the purpose?

    But Gorilla used to teach us that the fingers must be locked
  14. Jericholic82

    Confirmed: Bret Hart Offered WWE 2006 Hall Of Fame

    Since nobody's said it yet, I will: Owen doesn't deserve it. you know I agree with you, but if Volkoff can get in then owen should too. youre right he was a midcarder for most of his career, really hot heel in 94, but never achieved anythign else, thoguh he may have had his biggest chance in 98 agaisnt hbk. If he was still alive today, there would be little talk of him ever getting into HOF.
  15. Jericholic82

    Is the 2005 PWI Wrestling Almanac out yet?

    thats lame.
  16. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    makes sense, as test first appeared as "motley crues bodyguard" when they played live on raw. dx was seen hanging out with them backstage so that could have been the setup.
  17. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    CIRCUIT CITYs website yesterday now had it listed at 17.99. Maybe its a m istake? either way I printed it out so If I go there tuesday and they try to give me crap Ill fight them on it.....unless thats just the preorder price.
  18. Jericholic82

    Confirmed: Bret Hart Offered WWE 2006 Hall Of Fame

    What about Davey Boy? He'd be a good fit to go in the same year as bret and possibly owen.
  19. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    It was just awesome. Guess the Lord said "OK, enough with this arrogance bullshit" and had him kicked out. cmon dont you like a little arrogance? lol actually ryan comes across as the heel on idol more than simon, tricking the conteststants, torturing them beofre going to breaks. as for racism, the first three seasons, there has been one black contestant in the final two and two of the three have won, so you cant call the show racist really IO guess. However I believe Randy Jackson may be a bit racist, as he continually praises Vonzell, even when shes isn't that great. Or maybe dumbass ABC has got my conspiracy theory part of my brain working overtime I have news for corey, that cd aint gonna sell. epsecially since his singing voice makes him sound like someone is stomping on his nuts.
  20. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    Basically yes, since the DX angle had the basic underlying theme that both Shawn and HHH were trying to get fired so they could join their buddies in WCW, though you would have to be a smark to know and there were far less smarks at the time. and personally I was mighty confused when thewy showed that, having never heard of the clique or the msg thing, basiucally cuz I had no net acce sat the time and when I went on at school i basically was looking up theme songs and pics.
  21. Jericholic82

    Worst song ever?

    This is truth...yet she sells records like chaw tins at a rodeo. Further proof of why America re-elected the likes of George Bush. Please, her popularity isn't because of "red-state America". It's because, though she's nowhere near the upper level of hot female country singers (like Faith Hill or Shania Twain), she has sex appeal. In a sort of dirty, filthy whore kind of way. I think you hit the nail on the head right there.
  22. Jericholic82

    Justin Timberlake solo work

    Ha. I'm a music fan that goes out of his way to avoid MTV and VH1. Point Well Taken. MTV WHERE OUR NEW MOTTO IS: HEY REMEMBER THOSE MUSIC VIDEO THINGIES? NEITHER DO WE!
  23. Jericholic82

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    Brutally overrated pap. Easily the most overrated series of matches in recent history. More masturbatory spots than a HBK v HHH Ironman match. It was great --- when compared to the unwatchable shit that ECW tended to churn out. Quite a bit. Hope always sprung eternal. -=Mike I agree on RVD/Lynn Seeing the first RVD/Lynn match live on PPV... so much of what made the match good (For me atleast) was the possibility of RVD losing the TV title after a year of holding it. There were so many moments where you thought Lynn would win it and RVD would finally lose. I would think that knowing the result going into it would make it not as great, but it was an on the edge of your seat experience seeing it live, amazing. well yea, but looking back on it you dont get that same live feel. There's only a select few matches that hold up that well.
  24. Jericholic82

    This Week in Baseball

    rickey henderson is still playing baseball? isn't he collecting social security by now?
  25. Jericholic82

    This Week in Baseball

    Oh my poor Yanks. This si the worst possible time to have two innured pitchers. Just what we needed. Something has to give here and it might be an explosive give. whatever I am A Yanks fan for life. I lived thru the 80s, I remember 1990, I can deal with this. and it seems like more people hate the yanks now then they did when they actually won the ws. watsupwitdat? (In Hurricane voice) MY ideas: Kevin Brown and Tom Gordon, and whatever his name from tonight should be sent in a rocket ship to the sun. GO NY GO NY GO STILL THE GREATEST CITY OF THEM ALL