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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Selig's new steroids policy

    Yeah, especially given that the wild card invariably has a better record than one or even both of the other division winners. If the AL adds two teams, which it will inevitably do, they can't go to four divisions of four like the NFL, because the wild card will be gone and also, the divisions will REALLY suck. yea 4 divs would suck. Maybe, well I feel that they should stop expansion. the more teams you add, the more watered down baseball as a whole gets. You get guys who dont even belong in double A playing in the majors. although MLB must like that 2 out of the last 4 expansions have won a ws (and incase of the marlins, 2) so who knows....
  2. Jericholic82

    Now they've fucking done it

    and dont forget in the first movie, we found out that the fat kid went on to be a pro wrestler named "The Great Hambino"
  3. Jericholic82

    Now they've fucking done it

    dude, its direct to video. maybe 5 people will see it. though the disney chaneel will eat it up and show it 500 times aweek in about a year or so. "you're killing me smalls" is agreat ctachphrase, used by many of my schoolfriends thru the years actually (proabbly cuz the teachers would always show it , EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL)
  4. Jericholic82

    Are there any "newsboardz" around anymore?

    yea and sushi got a lot of fans to bring sushi x signs to raw and nitro shows. IWZ was the first site I vsited regualrly for wrestling news and rumors, so I remember it fondly.
  5. Jericholic82

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    and I started to watch ecw when my tv station got it in april 96. and I never order an ecw ppv, but have seen three barely legal heatwave 98 and anarchy rulz 99 (I have the vhs versions that came out in 2001)
  6. Jericholic82

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    Brutally overrated pap. Easily the most overrated series of matches in recent history. More masturbatory spots than a HBK v HHH Ironman match. It was great --- when compared to the unwatchable shit that ECW tended to churn out. Quite a bit. Hope always sprung eternal. -=Mike I agree on RVD/Lynn
  7. Jericholic82

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    I dont know Im just going on what mick said in his book ok?
  8. Jericholic82

    £90 for a fucking WWF DVD?

    I once saw wcw videos on amazon for like 65 bucks plus.
  9. Jericholic82

    Chappelles Show put on indefitie hiatus?

    what? and the commercials just started to air. and I was getting pysched for the dvd. Hope Dave is ok though.
  10. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    yknow my local paper mentioned that scott was arrested for throwing a cell phone at his girl? that was the extent of the so called "beating" or is that not true. didnt even say if it hit her or not. geez I have had more violent fights with my sister than phone throwing lol But if he did beat hre then boo on him. and how come Bo gets apass depsite being a cokehead? dont matter cuz I hope he wins, just for something different.
  11. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    well that sucks for scott, anthony should have left, or I would have accepted vonz since I dont really like her that much. anyone else watch the abc primetime story? I did and it was very interesting. dammit goodbye scott, we hardly knew ye
  12. Jericholic82

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    I guess the stunner could knock you out if your jaw was hit hard enough. the mandible claw is simple, it is applied to the nerves running under the tounge and chin . Pressing on these cuts off the nerves and temporarily paralyzes the victim. The Mandible Claw explanation makes sense except for when Foley applies the move, the victim is never paralyzed, he just passes out. well i think the paralyzed part meant that the victim couldnt move their mouth (cuz when mick pitched it to Vince he responded "why couldnt I just bite your fingers?") then they would pass out.
  13. Jericholic82

    £90 for a fucking WWF DVD?

    I always thought vince should have just given some cash to the fund in order to continue using the name. It seems like a wasted opportunity, given how much it cost them to change the name to WWE. I wish at least they wouldnt have to blur the logo.
  14. Jericholic82

    Selig's new steroids policy

    I dont really like the wild card idea, as it kind of makes winning a division ttitle less important, however it can save a team that just miised out on a title so I guess that makes it cool. and the past 3 ws champs have all been wcs (which actually pisses me off a bit) as for the steroid poilicy, hey they need some teeth with it, but hopefully they only giver life bans to those who used real roids, not other drugs that may or may not have banned stuff in them. Cuz it might be unfair to ban a guy for taking cold medicine.
  15. Jericholic82

    TNA star to be on Blue Collar TV

    Geez everyone hates on the Mullets. I like dthat show. I guess I was the only one. WWE wasn't so bad on it, save for the f act that the mullets claimed they were going to wrestlemania (and buying tix at a liquor store IIRC, when clearly it was a RAW taping. Actually I think I still have that one on tape, along with tht eone where the boys create a backyard wrestling league and Roddy Piper guested as some kid's father. and despite not being a southerner, I enjoy some of Foxworthys comedy, even the redneck stuff. My fav one probably being "If you have a complete set of salad bowls, and they all say 'Cool Whip' on the side, you might be a redneck" hey anyone see Randy Savages appearance on Jeffs old sitcom?
  16. Jericholic82

    Tito Ortiz on Jimmy Kimmel Live TONIGHT!

    Cool I always watch JKL anyway. I bet Jimmy makes a stupid comment cuz he doesn't know about wrestling, though he claims he likes it all the time (well he did on the man show). But Jimmy has a lot of wrestlers on the show. I liked when he made fun of Ric Flair when Orton was on there before Taboo Tuesday saying that "he remembered flair looking like an old man when he was a kid" and maybe he should put some metamucil on the line or somethin. then lawler made comments about kimmel at the ppv.
  17. Jericholic82

    Are there any "newsboardz" around anymore?

    IWZ kept running every week a rumor that dean malenko would be returning to nitro to confront jericho every week for the time he was gone in 98 untill he finalyl showed up at slamboree. however I also found out there that the warrior was negotiating with wcw and they did say the morning of his debut that he would be there.
  18. Jericholic82

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    I guess the stunner could knock you out if your jaw was hit hard enough. the mandible claw is simple, it is applied to the nerves running under the tounge and chin . Pressing on these cuts off the nerves and temporarily paralyzes the victim.
  19. Jericholic82

    "Best of Walker Texas Ranger clips on Conan"

    BUMPED!!! Anyone have any more clips?
  20. Jericholic82

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    As usual of course. Just like "New Raw vs SD Article" became the official thread for that game and countless other things like it.
  21. Jericholic82

    San Andreas Help Please

    Dude I ahvent played sa since I beat that last mission I mentioned. At this rate Ill beat the game shortly before the 1 year anniversary of its release. I guess my goal should be to beat it before it comes out on xbox lol.
  22. Jericholic82

    All old games 3 for $15 at GameCrazy starting 4/28

    Ventura County
  23. Jericholic82

    All old games 3 for $15 at GameCrazy starting 4/28

    I never played bad fur day. Hopefully Ill find it here.
  24. Jericholic82

    £90 for a fucking WWF DVD?

    I still dont understand why the other WWF objects only to the scratch logo? Is it Because that was the logo when the Federation got real popular from 98-2001?
  25. Jericholic82


    Those two, and the one where Leela gets stung by a giant bee and goes into massive halucinations, incredibly moving stuff for a cartoon.... That one was on Cartoon Network last night and I watched it. I agree.