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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    does it really matter who raised the briefcase? the fact that it happened was enough to piss off austin. just like when HHH revealed that he made rikishi run down austin, austin suddenly stopped going after kish and after HHH? clearly in kayfabe terms, austin cares more about who hired somebody to do something wrong to him lol
  2. Ive heard that as well, ppv was very small in 85. the first real ppv is wrestling classic.
  3. well wrestling fans do typically have short memories I guess. I however have tons of seemingly useless dates and info burned into my brain like a massive hard drive.
  4. Jericholic82

    Better in the 90's...WWF or WCW?

    I think we have all befallen to the vinc emcmahon curse that is he has conditioned everyone to think wcw sucked so therefore we all agree. really though, ket me do my own list (excluding 90 since I didnt start watching till the survivor series) 91: WWF (if only cuz I saw more of it but wcw is real close) 92: WCW 93:WCW (if only due to the sting-vader feud) 94: WWF 95: WWF 96 WCW 97: Tie for me 98: WWF (more entertaining, though wcw probably had better matches) 99: WCW (great matches to compensate for some cheezy storylines)
  5. Jericholic82

    Does the public know it's no longer WWF?

    I still say Vince should have forked over some cash to prevent this whole crap. or he should have never changed it to wwf to begin with (wwwf is fine by me)
  6. Jericholic82

    Batista's REAL age?

    didnt he turn 21 recently? either that or he will soon. he debuted in june 03 at age 19.
  7. Jericholic82

    The Undertaker's Cemetery

    nbc indeed aired the 96 olympics so who knows.
  8. Jericholic82

    The Undertaker's Cemetery

    I agree completely, but sadly enough, a lot of his matches fell in that '99 to '02 window of WWF "Attitude" - henceforth, the blurring and stuff would have to be done to make his matches ready for DVD. I feel like they will do it, but I guess it just takes a little time to make sure everything is ready. There's plenty of matches from '02 'til now that could be put on for an awesome set; but, it seems a shame to do a career retrospective and not be able to put his debut match, first WWF title, the three-way from WM16, and so forth. One thing I wondered, did NBC carry the '96 Atlanta Olympics? If so, and with WWE's new-found deal with them, I wonder how hard it would be to get the complete gold-medal match/ceremony to put on an Angle career retrospective DVD set? I personally think that would rock, but I would imagine the Olympics would frown on such a thing being put on a Pro Wrestling DVD. And BTW, I had no idea that starting this topic would lead to all the fighting it has in here!! Sorry guys, I'll try to make my topics more tame and agreeable. well the blurring hasnt stopped us from buying other dvds so this would be no prob. actually I think vince needs to talk to that other WWF and compromise(ie hand them large amounts of cash), and allow him to not have to blur the old logo, just not be able to use it on the dvd cover is all. and alos not have to edit the wwf initials except on the cover. hey its not like theyd be using wwf name to sell it so..... back to the topic, it would also be cool to have on it, maybe some footage of when he was briefly called kane the undertaker, plus the brother love show when he introd Paul Bearer.
  9. Jericholic82

    WM 21 Buyrate

    yea it wa shard to watch, worrying that angle might hurt himself, plus Brocks scray ssp miss. I havent seen the summerslam one but have seen the iron man. I like wm 19 better however.
  10. Jericholic82

    Raw- Showdown in the Desert

    I have it. It's taped in EP mode but on a hifi stereo 4 head vcr. It's a pretty good copy. However the only other vcr i have is an older nonstereo one so to copy may be prolematiuc
  11. Jericholic82


    now youve got me wondering what happemed injurrassic bark (cant rrmemeber I f I saw it or not just by the title) you can pu tit in spoiler tags if you want.
  12. Jericholic82

    The Undertaker's Cemetery

    Benoit-Lesnar aired on December 4, 2003. I have the tape and just checked it out ok.
  13. Jericholic82

    San Andreas Help Please

    I finally had enough and used the blow up all cars cheat to kill big poppa. Is aved at Cjs mama house in LS since people have talked about glitches with saving at the mansion.
  14. Jericholic82

    All old games 3 for $15 at GameCrazy starting 4/28

    Id like to get some more n64 games (I only have about 8, the last game I bought for it being WWF No Mercy back in 2000) and some of my old nes favs (my sister just got a old used NES so we can play these old games again) i guess I can get some ps1 games but I only have a ps2 and have heard bad thigns about playing the old games on it.
  15. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    I'm pretty sure that Christina Aguilera considers that to be foreplay. I agree, the new millenium has not been kind to music in general. Good stuff here and there, but nothing has really emerged that transcends flavour-of-the-week status. lmao
  16. IIRC, Bad News Brown referred to Hogan as "Hollywood" during their brief feud in 1988/89. ok then, thanks I didnt watch wwf in 1989 so there you go
  17. Jericholic82

    The Undertaker's Cemetery

    i thought the nwo m atch was boring
  18. Jericholic82

    The Pat yourself on the back thread

    I like semi-called it....ok I didn't call it at all. I was at work and the Lakers and Pistons were set to play. And I said "Well maybe the Pistons can pull the upset!' and this guy i work with goes "Yeah right!" and I go "Yeah you're probably right......." but I had a glimmer of hope b/c of how much i hated LA. My dad predicted it all the way and he also said they would beat them quickly and bad.
  19. Jericholic82

    Your worst ever sporting moment

    on tv a while back they explained it but I forgot sorry
  20. Jericholic82

    WrestleMania 21 DVD extras announced

    when did they do that? my raw mag just came in the mail and it still shows orton on it.
  21. Jericholic82

    The Undertaker's Cemetery

    actually I think that the dvd should just have matches that arent avaible elsewhere on dvd. and it would be cool to see a few wcw matches on it
  22. Jericholic82

    All That 10th Anniversary Reunion Special..

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoys Drake & Josh, despite being 20 years old. Also, the Keenan and Kel show ruled, especially the guy who played Keenans father. He looked like the guy on the Cream of Wheat box and Samuel Jackson as Mace Windu had a love child. Hey Ive watched a few eps too and Im 22. Then again I also sometimes watch Phil of the future and kinda like it
  23. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    I might be obliged to agree, except for the Vonzell reference.
  24. actually IIRC it was the announcers that coined then nwo term. how about the fact that it was Randy Savage who first called Hulk, Hollywood Hogan the night after BATB 96.
  25. Jericholic82

    Wrestlers who were the biggest marks...

    well Bret did have the whole best there is...... catchphrase for a long time, and he was a face. somehow that sounds heelish/ Im surprised Trips hasnt stolen that one yet. but I dont know for sure who was the biggest mark. I really dont know these guys personally.