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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    The End of an Era

  2. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    well duh, I was just saying that he liked their version, not that he thought it was the greatest.
  3. Jericholic82


    I dont think he is really tring to get stuff for free, he is just showing how you can be clever and do crazy stuff. Plus I am sure CC has to pay the places for everythign aftewards since its shown on tv.
  4. Jericholic82

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Critics receive premiere episodes sometimes months in advance, though with definite midseason replacements it's often a week or two. I received Related by Family (now Life on a Stick), The Kelsey Grammar Sketch Show, Johnny Zero, House, and a few others months before they premiered back in the Fall. Oh ok thanks.
  5. Jericholic82


    thanks for the full words, I have always wanted to have them, I put it in my sig and it looks cool
  6. Jericholic82


    man I was at a bar the other night to see my dads band play, and after they finished and as we packed up someone palyed cowboy on the jukebox, I almost expected JJ to come out when I hear the opening lol
  7. Jericholic82


    are u talking about HHS theme after he admitted to hiring rikishi to run down austin? it was a slower instrumental of my time. he used it from nov-jan when he premiered the motorhead song.
  8. Jericholic82

    All old games 3 for $15 at GameCrazy starting 4/28

    Sweet, I have a Gamecrazy about 10-15 mins from my home. I gotta get there this week!
  9. Jericholic82


    I do have a printer/sacnner combo so yea I could email it you I suppose. what is your addy? also I have a IWF program from that first show I went to, plus a UIWA program and some flyers perhaps you could use.
  10. Jericholic82

    Wrestling Moves you busted out In Real Fights

    cool I hit a similar style kick in the fight I mentioned above.
  11. Jericholic82

    An angle/character idea I have

    ok man, I figured you meant that but I just threw the mikey name out there to see what everyone thought. however, this idea could work with the right person in the role.
  12. Jericholic82

    WM 21 Buyrate

    do you really think lots of people will order backlash to see old fake hip hogan?
  13. Jericholic82

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    btw who leaked that? i mean how did it come to be on the net?
  14. Jericholic82

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Great ep!!! Its been too long. anyhow I also miss Titus. And I may have been one of three people to actually watch that 80s shows enitre run.
  15. Jericholic82

    San Andreas Help Please

    Yea but he keeps gettign away from me too quickly and the car they give you sucks. it keeps weaving
  16. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    which is why I am working on some fantasy booking persay, Wargames between the scoobies and Team Angel. I have to ask you guys, who should represent each team? (and for fun I'll say everyone, even those who died can apply) Give me some input and I'll punch out that post.
  17. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I was surprised Angel put Spike over. Yea but he no sold his injuries later. Angel is the HHH of the Whedonverse
  18. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    on a side note, I bought the idol cd single for my dad.(mainly cuz he liked the way they did "he aint heavy, hes my brother" why does it have all three songs when they made a big deal out of "voting" for your fav single (not that I did vote, hell I havent even voted for idol since like the first week of the final 12) actually I havent even heard the cd yet so I cant review for you.
  19. Jericholic82

    Jack Black is a wrestling Priest in Mexico

    This reminds me of the episode of "That's My Bush" when Cheney becomes prez and W becomes a masked wrtestler called "the masked loser" anyhow this sounds corny enough to be at least a little funny. and they should bring in El Asso Wipo and Senor Bag of Crap to make this work.
  20. Jericholic82


    I like it. The first and third eps I liked, the housecleaning one was lame. Hey at least it's something diffrent than other "reality" shows. It's funny in the "joe schmo" type way.
  21. Jericholic82

    An angle/character idea I have

    That was the only name I could think of that got a "world" title reign/push based on sympathy alone. I only was answering the question directly.
  22. Jericholic82

    Does the public know it's no longer WWF?

    and most people dont know the name change. its still kinda weird to heasr it sometimes, but I have gotten over most of that discomfort.
  23. Jericholic82

    Does the public know it's no longer WWF?

    I remember that show, they were actually supposed ot have matches but it was held outdoors and it started to rain. and I, ever the rube, sat thru the whole thing (at least they had ddp and raven get into a brawl at the end)
  24. Jericholic82

    The End of an Era

    Hey I like full screen (mostly cuz my tv is only a 13inch one)
  25. Jericholic82

    WWE to show Wrestlemania Battle Royal

    heat is fun only for coachs commentary. Al snow was abtter partner for him though. and I actually miss Bill demott on velocity cuz romero sucks.