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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    My PS2 makes grinding laser noises...

    yknow, my ps2 makes a lot of noise often, but it hasnt affected my games at all. However recently I hear alittle squeaky nosie sometimes (not all the time) my guess is were both screwed.
  2. Jericholic82

    Old TV shows you want back on TV

    BUMP!!!!! anyhow I was just thinking the other day, that there should be a cable channel filled with nothing but old failed and/or cancelled sitcoms. Hell fox alone could have their own channel. what do you guys think?
  3. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    ok im sorry I gnored your poitn, yea that does make sense. What would they have done with Luger if he hadnt left? That stumps me.
  4. Jericholic82

    SNL Review- it's finally up!

    I agree Bob snl was really lame this week.
  5. Jericholic82


    Great, compelling episdoe this week. This show kicks all kinds of ass right now. too bad the Vogler era is ended. of course this all means that fox will cancel this show after putting it on friday nights, just to spite us.
  6. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    I like scott, though he does have a charisma shortage. Anwar shoudl have left based on the latest performance, he was awful. Though its hard to hate the guy Anthony should be next, though I would say vonzelle cuz she isnt anything special, just a whitney wannabe (though if she comes on next week and says crack is whack I might change my mind lol) Carrie will probably win this, unless constantine is still there and gets all the girls votes. anyhow pretty good show this week and wtf did Ryan Seacrest do to get a star on the walk of fame?
  7. Jericholic82

    The OAO South Park Thread for 4:20

    yea I liked Jimmys impersonation of jay leno with the have you heard this lines. Cmon no one mentioned the best line "You put your hard penis in the womens vagina untill it sneezes milk inside. Then you lose all interest in the woman" Butters rules!!! "Loo loo loo I got some apples....."
  8. Jericholic82

    "Best of Walker Texas Ranger clips on Conan"

    damn I wish I had that. or at least a vomiting kermit one.
  9. Jericholic82

    Draft Retrospective

    Yea id say they were. I hear the aramageddon match is quite good.
  10. Jericholic82

    Bret and Owen in a cage

    Cool, I did a report on owen for my spanish class a month after he died in 99. Also got an a for a research paper on Brian Pillman. Glad to see someone else follow suit. But beware cuz some people on this board find that weird. good luck
  11. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    No, because Luger was considered such a negative babyface that it was felt such a feud would do more to turn Bulldog back babyface than establish his heel turn. It's also why Bulldog did his big turn against Diesel and not Luger. Bulldog turning on Luger would have wound up with Davey Boy being the babyface, Luger was that un-over as a babyface. Dude that was 95 most wwf fans would listen to anything vince told them. anyhow at the very least they probably would have had a short feud. but DBS was meant to challenge diesel and he did in oct at the IYH ppv
  12. Jericholic82

    Anyone else miss the "good old days" of 2000?

    and I apologize for so many posts in a row but Im lazy today so forgive me.
  13. Jericholic82

    Anyone else miss the "good old days" of 2000?

    add to the fact that I graduated from high school in 2000, I miss being a teen.
  14. Jericholic82

    Who was better in 1995, WWF or WCW?

    Well for me, WWF was always my fav in my heart cuz it was the first fed I got into. WCW I liked alot especially in 92 that was a good year. 95, I think I was more into WWF, I liked Diesel and Bret had been my fav for several years. Plus you had HBK turning face which I totally fell for and became a huge shawn mark. The only ppvs I ordered were all wwf (wm 11, in your house 2, in your house 5) well actualyl I never ordered a wcw ppv in my life so. WCW was ok, the second part of the year it was much better. I missed the early days of nitro sept-mid dec cuz I only had basic cable for those months. I guess I would say WWF, but only by a small margin.
  15. Jericholic82

    Anyone else miss the "good old days" of 2000?

    KOR 2000 also had Taker chokeslamming shane off the top rope thru the announce table
  16. Jericholic82

    Anyone else miss the "good old days" of 2000?

    Yes thats what made the angle so good (no pun intended). I miss any old days where the WWF was still the WWF, WCW was still around, as was ecw. and fun time swere had by all. IMO the ppv of the year was either the Rumble (my personal fav) or Judgment Day (only 6 matches,good opener with too cool/kish vs eandc/angle, good 3 way with eddy/saturn/malenko, very good submission match with benoit/jericho, harmless shane/big show short match. only real bad part was the table match, plus the awesome iron man match) Backlash does seems like the complete show though with the real wm ending on it and all.
  17. Jericholic82

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    "You're a big nasty bastard and you're mom said so" Ah Bossman, what a comic gold for wwf in 99, I miss him already. RIP
  18. Jericholic82

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    forgot to mention that I also liked Ready to Rumble, plus Rico and Charlie haas as a team. not that everyone hates that but most gloss over it. I thought it was entertaining, Haas is all serious, Rico and Jackie over the top. Plus Charlie only seemed to stick around due to Jackie (which is fitting considering their real life relationship) They had the runway thing and charlie always refused to go with them on it, I was waiting for the time when hed relent but sadly no.
  19. Jericholic82

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    Wasn't the blowoff to his feud with Bossman (and Albert, IIRC) in the middle of a PPV card, even though he was champion? Yeah I know, they were never going to get behind him as a "real" champ, but they could've at least tried… Still glad I got the Bossman feud, though. the blowff was a wwf title match at armageddon 99 it was 2nd to last on the card (before that awesome vince-hhh streetfight) anyhow mark me down for 3 count as well. You gotaa love that. cmon they had green circels and started a feud with the Jung Dragons cuz they took their circles thats gold. Plus Tanks intial appearance with them, they are in the ring debuting their new song, tank watches on a backstage monitor and starts movin a little (tony:hes groovin tanks groovin) then Kronik comes down and destorys 3 count, tanks like "Hey what theyd do that for, who do they think they are?" (note I have the segment on tape) as for shane and kane, shane had some extra drive in him due to his mother being hurt. Thats one constant in shanes charcater, he may turn heel every 55 mins but he ha s asoft spot for his mama.
  20. Jericholic82

    Trish uses..MySpace?

    you might also noticed that she showed her jacuzzi room, and said if you want to come in and sit in the jacuzzi youre more than welcome (pictures 2500 guys lined up outside and trish barricading her windows and cursing herself for the dumb line)
  21. Jericholic82

    New Kane shirts are in..

    I feel sad for you who are embarassed of your fandom tisk tisk. though I guess its cool to have secret code with others, but still.
  22. Jericholic82

    Draft Retrospective

    RVD and Rey won the tag titles the sd before armageddon not at no mercy, hope that helped. anyhow good look back on the draft.
  23. Jericholic82

    The End of an Era

    for some reason on my one dvd player I can skip the dont try this at home clip, yet on my ps2 I cant. anyhow, I still wonder why they stopped producing the vhs in sp. Its not like they can't they did it for years. They got cheap figuring everyone would buy dvd. I have the unforgiven 01 vhs and on the back it says its in ep, but its in sp go figure. No mercy 2001 I have and it is horrible. my wm2000 vhs (which I stupidly paid the srp price of 39.95 for back in 00) isnt that bad but wish I had the dvd (which is getting harder to find) add to this the wm20 vhs I heard cut out two matches for no apparant reason.
  24. Jericholic82

    Kash Does It Again

    Thats why hed get jealous
  25. Jericholic82

    baseball terminology with WWE wrestling

    It must be a slow day here.