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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82


    Uiwa didnt run much here again after mid 99, they came back in fall of 2000, had 1 show, had i show per month from jan-mar then had the april show cancelled (the club decided they ddint want to have wrestling there and kicked them out- it probably had alot to do with all the negative publicity against wrestlign at the time) yea they ahd alot of wrestlers who went on to star in xpw. Plus they had samo joe, I still am shocked how popular he is getting cuz when he was in UIWA, he was tag team champ with some Rikishi lookalike in an Island BOYZ type gimmick. Checked the Net Joe actually was trained by IWF/UIWA mainstays like Jonny Hemp and Cincinatti Red.
  2. Jericholic82

    Kash Does It Again

    Nash will get him fired for ripping him off.
  3. Jericholic82

    This Week In Baseball

    Thats what made me nervous anyhow the last few years they always seem to leave lots on base. Don't get it since they have so many great hitters, well in theory that is. Besides, I have been saying for years that the media overhyped Alex.
  4. Jericholic82

    RAW Rating

    well I meant at raw last night, but ok.
  5. Jericholic82


    Well Im not exactly sure on whether they were the same fed or not, but they had the same roster so take that for what its worth.
  6. Jericholic82

    baseball terminology with WWE wrestling

    he was the main focus, at least thru Backlash 04 lol.
  7. Jericholic82


    It basically did I think. Cuz it was still being run by the same guy (Jason Levin, known as Doc Marlee professionally) and at a uiwa show once, they had the IWF title still defended. as well as something called the UWC. So basically they seemed to drift between the names or somethin. Jason I met, my dad was trying to organize a benefit show with his company (he works with the devlopmentally disabled) once and talked to him quite often. So basically he was the boss. You might want to try and get a hold of Jason for some info. I remember him posting online after the Heatwave 2000 incident, he was upset with Black and XPW cuz they basically took over their spot at the Ventura Theatre. Hope that helped.
  8. Jericholic82

    "You screwed Matt!"

    In my mind I get the picture of Edge walking backstage, rubbing his hands together and grinning evilly to the strains of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch." This guy is such an asshole! That would be funny, he should do that next week. Edge was on Byte This last week and came across as very cool. The funny part was he kept trying to break kayfabe, talking about his character changes and being happy how the ladder match turned out and it was entertaining for the people, but the hosts kept despeartley trying to drag him back into kayfabe mode. This seems to happen alot on that show.
  9. Jericholic82

    "You screwed Matt!"

    It would appear that Edge really is a nice guy, but evil in acertain way obviously. Of course being on the road all the time isnt good for a marriage. Not that Im saying it was ok what he did.
  10. Jericholic82

    baseball terminology with WWE wrestling

    Flair has the drinking and womanizing down but as far as I know his knees are in good shape. If Flair is anybody, he is Nolan Ryan or Roger Clemens, old guys who kept on going successfully. Thats mostly cuz JR is a hardcore mick fan, being from Oklahoma and all. Benoit=Red Sox, coming close so many times never winning the big one, then finally does, in dramatic fashion and I think Trips would still be the top guy, even if he didnt get with Steph, remember Vince loves big muscular guys.
  11. Jericholic82


    The company at the time was called the IWF (Impact Wrestling Federation) it later became known as the UIWA in early 99. I think they were wrestling in several indies at time throughout socal here as I read on the net.
  12. Jericholic82

    This Week In Baseball

    While I'm mighty pissed about the DP he bounced into, that error took a nasty hop. And this is awful. I can't remember the last time we lost at home to the D-Rays. They were 10-o at home last year, so I assume 2003 wa sthe last. anyhow, why is it that they never score alot of runs for Randy? Of course Im not watching the game cuz I cant. WIsh I had the extra dough for extra innings package.
  13. Jericholic82

    RAW Rating

    Heel coach rules on commentary. You should watch Heat. However what rating did you expect with that main event? and even if people knew hogan was coming why would they watch? he essentially did the same thing as wrestlemania. and to me on tv his pop didnt sound that loud (anyone who was there can u tell me whta it sounded like live?)
  14. Jericholic82

    Trish uses..MySpace?

    DUH Howard Stren said so.
  15. Jericholic82

    "You screwed Matt!"

    I think that vince will hear this and just think good thing I fired Matt he let this be known. If he is smart he will turn Lita heel. Not mention the real life stuff but just turn heel. and its amazing how many matt fans there are. remmeber when the days of the smarks turned on the hardyz and started with the jokes? (as soon as the mainstream audience likes someone, the IWC starts to hate them it seems) I think its a combo of alot of matt fans, plus lots of us feel he was wronged in the situation.
  16. Jericholic82

    Is GTA3 just as good as Vice City?

    Actually if you played VC first then SA, you should play gta 3 next it would be all in chronological order then. but yea pick up gta3. I got in in aug 03, had never played any GTA games, and was blown away.
  17. Jericholic82

    San Andreas Help Please

    Tried House in the hills failed it when Poppa got away, didnt helpt that I got lost in the house for awhile (though poppa waited for me for over 10 mins oddly) and why are those guards to hard to kill, even the shotguns take 3 hits or more to kill them. Can u kill Poppa in the house anyway? I was going to use the blow up all cars cheat when he left, but I wanted to beat this one fair.
  18. Jericholic82

    Jim Ross d. Triple H!!!!

    You saw exactly what I saw. JR laying face down on the mat (still with Sooner jersey on. Jersey was removed by HHH afterward), HHH lifts JR's face and goes across JR's head a few times with the blade. After a few punches, he walks away and "adjusts his tights" slipping the blade in during the process. It was poorly covered up, and in plain view by the camera. I saw it too!! But hey, HHH got better color from JR then a lot of the guys in the dressing room. The only thing that saved this was Coachs great sarcastic commentary.
  19. Jericholic82

    MLB Thread

    I guess this thread will be closed now. Right?
  20. Jericholic82

    MLB Thread

    Better than your incredibly Kaz Matsui-esque efforts at humor. PS: Jerichoholic sucks NY humor entails incredible sarcasm, intellectual thoughts, crazy insults, and generally just stuff that goes over the head of at least 98 perecent of the population. And by insults I mean we greet each other with such phrases as "hey, f*ck you" and reply back with stuff like "yea f*ck your mother" For further info, I suggest watching the movie "A Bronx Tale" (although A lot of that is Italian NY Humor it still gives a good example) Hope I clarified that a bit. and Deranged Hermit, I take that as a compliment. Thank you
  21. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I still dont get why wes tried to kill him on his own. He should have stalled him untill Illyria got there. Angel only sent him there to gain his trust as he was Basically Angels right hand man. of course if you had to face all of those monsters like at the end.......
  22. Jericholic82

    Does anybody else think

    Yeah, that will make a difference actually. Especially if Sandman does show. Course, they splashed out for 'Voodoo Chile' for Hogan, getting 'Enter Sandman' for one show might not be too much to ask. They wouldn't bother with his entrance otherwise, it just wouldn't work. It's my understanding that they could use the music for the live broadcast but would have to cut it out for the DVD (see: Dudleyz 'Bombshell' theme, Ric Flair's theme). Otherwise, ECW would have had the hell sued out of it for all the times it broadcast copyrighted music on its television shows. what did ecw do with its home videos then? they edited their music? (I dont know I never bought one except for those best of ones issued in 2000)
  23. Jericholic82

    New Kane shirts are in..

    My problem isn't even so much the shirtless men tees anymore as it is the ones with umpteen slogans that all amount to, "I can kick your ass, care to try me?" Being of under-average height and lacking in muscle, I don't even want to TRY wearing those shirts anywhere. ok I understand your gripe.
  24. Jericholic82

    The Heart-Throbs

    you are correct sir
  25. Jericholic82

    "You screwed Matt!"

    All in all great crowd, crappy raw, only saved by this segment. Vis was highly entertaining and I was ROTFL with the lets go mabel chants. Mabel with a quagmire gimmick? awesome. Go back to the mabel outfits with the rapping music. bring back oscar, yet be a total perv, thatll draw huge!!!! and too bad trish is probably heading for neck surgery.