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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Yankee dynasty officially over

  2. Jericholic82

    Big tape sale, everything must go!

    Quality is decent, although two people have already requested it so you might have to look somewhere else to get it. Tapes are selling, so get stuff before its gone! ok
  3. Jericholic82

    Any interest in this?

    Do you have any XPW TV? I have a few on tape cuz they showed some matches from a show I went to. Wish I had taped them all since they were full of funny skits and crazy storylines.
  4. Jericholic82

    Looking for WM tapes

    I have 1-14 box set, another of 10 (coliseum video), 13 ppv master, 14 ppv master, 15 ppv master, 16(wwfhv vhs), 17 ppv master, 18 ppv master, 19 (DVD), 20 ppv Master and DVD, and I didnt tape 21.
  5. Jericholic82

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    We're all hoping for another company to make a game as bitchin' as No Mercy, because many of us who loved that game likely bought an N64 primarily for the AKI games? And if WM21 was awesome enough, it might make us converts to da Box? I got another No Mercy and I'm playing it on my pimped-out Pikachu N64 I picked up used. Good answer, but I still am not runnign out to buy an xbox just yet.
  6. Jericholic82

    Remember Kazauhiro Sasaki?

  7. Jericholic82

    Hulk Hogan wants Roy Jones Jr to stop cockfighting

    If this all concludes with the Hulkster knocking down Roy's door and finding a cock fight going on, beats up the guys staging it, then takes out Roy with the big boot and legdrop, then poses on his front lawn to "Real American", I'm all for it.
  8. Jericholic82

    Yankee dynasty officially over

    lol thanks for that. I stopped printing that cuz people got pissed and I got sick of the whining.
  9. Jericholic82

    Terry Francona (red Sox)

    Yea espn said it wasnt a heart attack thankfully. I wish him good health .
  10. Jericholic82

    The OAO South Park Thread for 4/6/05

    This was different than the last few weeks. It was a good paradoy, but not too much LOL funny, but a damn good poking fun at society episode.
  11. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    for me, it's those goddamn stupid faces he makes a la Clay Aiken...I also don't think he's that spectacular vocally, but his jazzed up version of "Funny Valentine" was great... Yea his facials look sorta goofy and that smile seems so fake or forced. As for vocals, hes definately not the rocker he wants to be. He's better off doing the teen idol stuff hes trying now, cuz it would sell better to younger girls.
  12. Jericholic82

    This day in WWF/E history for April 7th and 8th

    I remember seeing that live. Bezerker nailed Taker with his shield and then tried to plunge his sword into Taker while he was still on the mat. Taker moved and the sword got stuck in the ring mat (which leads me to believe it wasn't a gimmick sword). That was quite the angle although it never actually led to anything. That actually sounds pretty cool, it's too bad Berzerker never really got a push. I saw that back then and yea it looked cool. Kinda freaked me out though.
  13. Jericholic82

    Bret Hart Video

    Didn't they also use that video and song before the match with Yokozuna at WM10? Yea they did, with some updated video clips including the earlier in the night match with owen,it was edited off the coliseum video version of wm X and replaced with brets theme song and a shorter video. But its there in full on the legacy box set version.
  14. Jericholic82

    Terry Francona (red Sox)

    Hey its all fair, make your chants. Anyhow despite the feud, I hope Terry is ok. I just lost an uncle to a massive heart attack and my grandma has just barely survived three attacks in a weeks time.
  15. Jericholic82

    Yankee dynasty officially over

    Isnt Alex Puerto rican? anyhow, yea alex made the big mistake in that game. Mo again seems not to be ready to play (this seems to happen to him alot at thr start of the season) I wouldn't have put him in there against Boston again, but thats what you usually have to do after a bad game (though in game 2 of the series he just gave up one gopher ball and a base hit as opposed to game 2s mess) You can't really make a big deal out of the first week of the season, but there are some real concerns. Mo seemed to be intimidated, and that's something he has never been. Of course since the sox and yanks have played an ungodly amount of games versus one another in the past 3 years, you might expect something like this. And actually the yanks had no business winning a game where they only got 3 hits. The "old" yanks would have won games like that probably. And using the "D" word is always dumb. I'd like to wait and see before I make bold predicitions of hope and despair. Hey whatever I'm a Yankee for life. No matter what bad or good happens. I would never boo my own team, but I can understand if they were doing that, considering the huge chunks of money these guys get paid and the high ticket prices. and hey at the least, even without a championship in 5 years, at least they're still in the hunt every year. Beats the mid80s-early 90s when they sucked (which is ironically enough when I became a fan as a kid) It's all in fun though, the feud continues.
  16. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    Yea but hes not as bad as John Stevens though. I agree, but I was looking for an anaolgy from last season, and John fits the bill. I'd hire John to sing the standards though. And I figure that since he's 17, he has time to learn how to sing something else... I concur
  17. Jericholic82

    Presale Password for RAW/SD Taping in MSG

    well considering im 3000 miles away it would be tough.
  18. Jericholic82

    Presale Password for RAW/SD Taping in MSG

    Or incredibly crappy considering this is WWE. no Im just jokign have a good time. Wish I was at MSG, it's been too long. (13 years since my last wwf msg show)
  19. Jericholic82

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    Triple H drinks beer.....BUZZ BEER
  20. Jericholic82

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Quick Question: why do I keep posting in here when I don't even own an XBOX?
  21. Jericholic82

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    and to be honest I woulda sent it back too cuz I don't drink, despite being of legal age.
  22. Jericholic82

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    well considering how on confidential Trish rvelaed that she had a full bar in her house, Id wager that she likes to get wasted every now and then at least. Wish you had truth serum in the drink so Flair would drink it and stop kisising Hunters ass. Moral of the story appears to be Trips doesnt like the booze, but he sure likes the boooos.................... of the crowd (Yeah lame Foley style joke for ya awesome)
  23. well angle is not really a young kid is he? so it didnt matter who won. and as for jericho-hbk I always hold, even as a jericho mark, that it didnt matter whether or not he won the wm 19 match. Shawn won it with a roll up for gods sake he didnt go over strong or anything like that. Even if Chris won that match, hed still be in the same postition as he is now (that is going nowhere fast). They can call him the first undisputed champ all they want but he will still be a perpetual midcarder for ungodly reasons. that all being said, it was cool to see angle win a match for a change. And this is coming from a man who was a huge HBK mark in the mid 90s
  24. Jericholic82

    Favorite weapons

    Yeah at least Tori sold the iron and stayed down unlike daniel stern in home alone
  25. Jericholic82

    Adrian Adonis question

    Yea that pretty well covers it. But despite that fact he still continued to wear really gay outfits. Like at Spring Stampede 94 when he wore what Useless Moron useless moron Scott Keith reffered to as a "gay cowboy" outfit.