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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    email me, I'll send you a membership card
  2. Jericholic82

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    That has got to be the post of the week right there
  3. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    and I admit constantine has been doing much better lately. But I still can't stand him. lol
  4. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    Yea but hes not as bad as John Stevens though. I mean hes sounded good at points, but he isnt a wellrounded singer and gets far too many sympathy/schoolgirl crush votes. Its the middle america thing as my dad puts it. Actually I didnt think he was hideous as simon put it. Scott sounded the weakest to me tuesday. But at least they didnt pull him from the show due to scandal like they always do. Actually this entire season is becoming more and more mediocre. Funny how as soon as Nikko seems to be doing a little better, thats when they eliminate him. Anwar is consitently sucking, maybe hell go next week if not Scott or anthony. Ill probably watch it to the end since i have came this far and its somethin that I can sit down and watch with My dad (who likes the show since hes been a singer for nearly 40 years and loves seeing compettiton and young singers getting a chance at the big time) so its a cool family thing that we have done since the first season.
  5. Jericholic82


    My dad had been watching this show for awhile and one night after Idol I watched it with him, and enjoyed it. House is such a great chracter that it doesnt matter if the plot is formulaic, he is so entertaining as the wisecracking, unconventional doctor. I have only watched about the last 4 episodes but I am glad they are renewing it. And to have the new villian be the the principal from boston public is a surprise but a good one. Chi is even more convincing in this role as the evil owner (geez hed make a good heel gm on raw or sd) . Of course theyll probably cancel this once it comes on in the fall without the strong lead in of Idol. Just liek they sent Public to Friday nights to die. (and man does that piss me off, we never even got a final episode or closure of any kind for that show) offtopic a bit, but I was surprised to find out that teh actor who portrays House is British and speaks with a thick British accent. (saw him on Leno, and he described how hard it is to do the american accent, but he does it very well) two fav highlights from House When the mob guys gave him a car and Houses' recation Two weeks ago, when the lady with the 30lb tumor said if she had surgery shed be scarred and couldnt wear a bikini (house reacted "You wear a bikini now?"
  6. Jericholic82

    Ready to Rumble/David Arquette in WCW

    No, I taped it once off hbo. and the last few times it was on tbs I found myself watching it. It's a bad movie in the technical sense, but its still entertaining to me. At least they admit in the movie that wrestling is a work. Although if a fired wrestler showed up at a tv taping one night and beat up other wrestlers for real, he likely would be arrested and not booked for a ppv main event. Besides it was funny that the wrestlers that came to kings aid in the finale match consisted of Booker T Billy Kidman and Disco Inferno (?!) and why did the announcers still stick up for king as face when he clearly was defying the company they worked for? I guess that's why people dont like it, but if you ignore those facts, its not a bad way to kill some time. and this movie, or arquettes title reign in wcw didnt kill the company no matter what you have to say, although it certainly hurt. WCW was on life support in 99 after the wwf got so popular that it was able to convince all fans that WCW sucked and their product was the only one worth watching
  7. Jericholic82

    Adrian Adonis question

    Id say Johnny was latentnly gay, as opposed to Adonis, who was apprantly blatanly gay (carrying a suitcase and inferring that its his secret side makes me think that he was supposed to be gay, though since I wasnt watching wrestling at the time due to being only about 3 years old at the time the gimmick started) You have to wonder why there has never been a babyface gay character, well besides Rico but he had a girlfriend so it doesnt count really. Why does gay=bad guy?
  8. Jericholic82

    Adrian Adonis question

    good points
  9. Jericholic82

    This day in WWF/E history for April 7th and 8th

    Thanks for doing the threads. It helps me pinpoint errors like this. Yeah, Owen Hart clones would be kind of strange. maybe it was a video game?
  10. Jericholic82

    Adrian Adonis question

    No, Gorgeous George was doing that decades before Adonis. well i know about george, but what I meant was adrian was basically "coming out" on tv, i dont think george was ever supposed to be gay
  11. Jericholic82

    Batista: World Champion, pimpin dresser...

    Dave is indeed rocking the cabbage patch and I congratulate him on that
  12. Jericholic82

    WM 21 DVD 3 disc set?

    I got wm 20 at circuit city store for 19.95
  13. Jericholic82

    WM 21 DVD 3 disc set?

    I just checked out deepdiscountdvd,com again and now they are advertising the wm21 dvd as a 3disc set for 20.92 their price (34.95 srp) previously it had said a two disc set for 16.95. has it been changed? and if so I sure wish i had ordered it previously.
  14. Jericholic82

    Adrian Adonis question

    So is Adrian then the first "gay" wrestler. I mean Goldust acted weird but never claimed to be gay. and billy and chuck turned out to be acting like that for publicity.
  15. Jericholic82

    Adrian Adonis question

    Ineteresting thing, my ex-neighbor's uncle was Adrian Adonis. Well her aunt was married to him. Told me stories of his funeral and Piper spoke at it. Her other aunt apparantly dated Piper for awhile. The neighbor moved away over 4 years ago so I cant ask more
  16. Jericholic82

    Who Should Have Went Over?

    Great pic Wendel
  17. Jericholic82

    Favorite weapons

    chyna loaded her flowers from eddy with steel pipes too that was fun
  18. Jericholic82

    Favorite weapons

    canoe oars from ecw (i just watched the ecw disc again yesterday) or flowers (wm 2 savag vs steele, savage actually sold the flowers to the head and turnbuckle stuffing)
  19. Jericholic82

    Did anyone else notice this?

    AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! That made my day. Seriously, I think dude was traumatized from the burial after the MSG incident and now this is his compensation made by his own hands. HHH is a great politician and wrestler but a shitty, self-absorbed promoter with serious issues. Women tend to marry the guy that reminds them the most of their fathers, though. I bet part of the reason he and Flair get along so well is that they get together and BS about how much they were screwed in the past. Both of them would probably blame Bischoff. Remember that in WWE revisionist history, HHH was such an obvious talent and future star back when he was Jean-Paul Levesque/Terra Ryzing that he's mentioned along with Foley and Austin as WCW's biggest mistake firings. Thats also why you never see clips of hunters legendary feud with Henry Godwinn
  20. Jericholic82

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    She problably asked him why the hell they were even there. good call
  21. Jericholic82

    When does the Kurt Angle Invitational end?

    yea we want generic hoodie guy, and that should be his name too. cant you see wwe selling generic black or blue hoodies? cheap merchandise
  22. Jericholic82

    WM 21 DVD 3 disc set?

    Damn no hof seperate disc. But the ceremony had less guys this years and was probably shorter so they wouldnt run late again, so no biggee. Im goign to order it asap
  23. Jericholic82

    Top 5 Favourite

    Living Dabgerously wasnt unplanned. They even gimmicked the ring (though Taz still hit his head). This was confirmed on the ecw rise and fall dvd (listen to the tazz/cole commentary on bbb/taz
  24. Jericholic82

    Just got back from Wrestlemania

    After living in socal for 11 years, I cannot take that seriously.
  25. Jericholic82

    So how was wrestlemania

    And they had the tempo turned up again, so Lemmy had to sing very quickly. yea that screwed it up also