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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Actually the thought that came to me was "WWE HAS hired Prince IAukea!!!! Or possibly Kwee-wee alan Funk
  2. Jericholic82

    Interesting 3/20/05 SD house show results

    I just sprayed pepsi all over my monitor. IM RICH BIOTCH!!!!!
  3. Jericholic82

    Edge admits to juicing...

    Yea and the best part was later Foley told him Kurt used it. LAter on Kurt came into see E and C and remarked "Hey thats my suit" At first you might think Mick was messign with them, but Kurt actaully had the guts to come in and deliver that line. Classic. wish I had that taped. Is it on the foley dvd hard knocks and cheap pops?
  4. Jericholic82

    HHH's Raw Promo

    One more thing, Lawler asked JR during the ME if he had ever heard of Batista before he was in Evolution and he said no How dumb, regardless of his SD run, Batista appeared on RAW by himself for a good few weeks before Flair started mentoring him. and Evolution wasnt formed as such until Jan 03 after the rumble when orton, dave, trips and flair beat up steiner.
  5. Jericholic82

    Taxi Driver WM Promo.

    He clearly said freakin, i just watched it again on my tape to make sure, then checked it again on wwe dot com Anyways, this was a good one. It was like an outakes reel from a dvd or somethin which was the point I guess. Michale Cole without a shirt on.............ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww as if he couldnt look more gay. The Bashams were spot on and I lol at that Big SHows Jacket tearing was the funniest cuz of his reaction. Why is that diva from the sb commercial (i think her name is candace?) in this commercial she hasnt even been on raw since the highlight reel with jericho. Batista is indeed a natural, wonder why it took him so long to show that?
  6. Jericholic82

    HHH's Raw Promo

    I find it somewhat funny how Trips acts like he "molded" Dave and taught him, treating him like he is a youngster or somethin, when in fact Batista is older than HHH. I guess since Trips is the veteran of the two (12 plus years) it fits, but it sound funny. I alos thought he was going to fall out of the chair. The promo was too long, but it just contued his persona of being an egotistical, noncaring jerkwad. He says hes mad how Batista turned on him, but wont say why he should have gone to SD (remember at first he seemed so excited of two evo members in the me) But he basically implies that he is afraid of Batista, by acting the opposite in an over the top way (overexagrerrated confidence) . Clearly he is scared of dave (in the storyline) and knows he can take his title and possibly seriously hurt him. As for burying everyone, he always does that, but its part of his character again (he thinks he is better than everyone) . But if Cena or even JBL showed up on RAW to confront him, hed probably back off. But his promos have basically been the saem for over 5 years so no big whoop as for the pulling the plug refernce, it m ay have been in bad taste, but the crowd understood what he meant. You know its a slow news week when that is the main current events story.
  7. Jericholic82

    Lame finisher names

    Actually Disco first called it the chartbuster in 97, later it was changed to last dance. During Kid Romeos short wcw run in early 01, his finisher was called "The Last Kiss" OOOOOOKAYYYYYY Actually if you think about it, The walls of Jericho sounds kinda dumb (and this is coming from an obvious Jericho mark so)
  8. Jericholic82

    Lame finisher names

    I think it was Tazz who came up with that weird name for it on smackdown when he was announcing
  9. Jericholic82

    Worst wrestling related conversationd you've heard

    Last Year when I went to Raw in Anaheim (kane-litas wedding). Two guys behind me kept talking about how mad they still were that jericho was the first undisputed champ, saying they would have accepted austin, rock, or even angle but not him. Also before the show outside, someone wondered aloud "who was little johnny?" (obivously meaning heidenreichs mystery of little johnny during his raw run in late 03. ) Of course back in high school when several female students debated who was the hottest male wrestler had to be a lowpoint. And a classmate once couldnt understand why I had both A rock and austin tshirt (this was late 98 when rock was a heel).
  10. Jericholic82

    American Idol Season 4

    Cant belive nIKKO is still on. I think he sucks ass, sorry I just do. Mikala will probably be next, she seemed to break thru a few weeks ago, then went back down into submediocrity. I never liked Lindsay much so no big loss.
  11. Jericholic82

    Donnie Darko...

    I only saw the original once, a few months ago on HBO (and actually missed the first 15 mins of it so) It was inetersting, yet confusing. I still don't really understand the end or the whole point. Any help? I should probably see it again.
  12. Jericholic82

    The OAO South Park Thread for 3/16/05

    This seemed to me to be a bad parody of Armageddon (th emovie, not the WWE ppv) which is why I liked it. Not as good as last weeks, but it had its moments. Luckily it was followed by the Rick James ep of Chappels show, so I had a fun hour.
  13. Jericholic82

    Favorite hidden gem matches

    werent the first two matches kotr qualifiers as well? i remember them both going to time limit draws and thus needing a final match with no time limit on RAW to finally advance someone (and in that one another doink came out from under the ring and Perfect pinned HIM) Ironic cuz at the PPV Luger vs Tatanka went to a draw and they didnt add extra time. I still have to mention Steve Austin vs Barry Windham 2/3 falls for the TV title on WCW SAT Nite (Barry wins the title) as I really enjoyed the match at the time. I remember a good Money INC vs High Energy Match (it was either superstars or challenge) from I guess about early 93ish or it could have been 92ish. Koko was injured and had to be taken to the back, but Owen continued to fight only to lose. It was an excellent match if I recall, but I was angry cuz I was waiting for Bret to come out to help his bro. 123 Kid/Jannetty vs The Headshrinkers for the tag titles (during kids/martys brief ttitle reign in early 94) its availiable on Wrestlefest 94 (same tape as Steiners vs Harts) was a surprisngly good to me match. The Shrinkers actually sold a bit for the champs and Kid was bouncing around the ring as usual. It even had a flase finish as The Shrinkers cheated to win and celebrated, but the ref reversed the decision I think after another ref came out to explain.
  14. Jericholic82

    Matches that made wrestlers stars

    IMO Foley wasnt reall ymade by the Cell, but it was agood reference point later. The reasoon that Mankind wasnt over at the point was dfue to the constant persona switching between Dude Love, Mankind, and Cactus in the months prior. In the summer of 97 Foley looked like he could be a main event level star, but by June 98, he had little to no heat. Manjind didnt really get over untill after he turned face again and started playing his act for comedy in the fall of 98. His title wins and matches with Rock ceemneted his hardcore staus once and for all. My point is, most WWF fans didnt just think foley was a hardcore legend, they were told it by the WWF marketing machine and evetually bought into it. (just like The WWF convinced fans that WCW was lame and worth nothing) And Mick seemd to be most over when his skills were deterioating and was basically had only socko left (he refers to this in his book fOLEY IS GOOD)in early 99 and late 99 when he returned from knee surgery
  15. Jericholic82

    Favorite Survivor Series match ever?

    How about Radicalz vs Chyna/road Dogg/K-Kwik/Billy Gunn from 2000? I liked it only cuz The Radicalz whipped ass in that match and actually won. But as for favs, yea I agree on the Team Flair vs Team Piper one from 91. Warriors vs Perfect Team from 90 for nostalgia reasons (first ppv match I ever saw, got me into wrestling) same show, Million Dollar Team vs Dream Team (Takers debut great stuff) and I was just watching the Hulk Still Rules dvd and the 88 main event, Megapowers vs Megabucks, wasn't too bad. Good angle with Hogan getting handcuffed, and it continued the strain on Hogan/Savages friendship (hogan wasnt there for the tag, celebrated a bit too much with Liz after the match) Quick pace for a match featuring Hogan,Bossman,Akeem,Hercules
  16. Jericholic82

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Well Benoit would be WCW World Champion for starters..... Probably would have continued feuding with Jarrett and Nash. Maybe with Eddie and Dean
  17. Jericholic82

    The Rockers!

    I think there was some sort of backstage angle with Perfect and Debra, which may have set it up. I think it involved her cookies. That was the night after the Rumble, Perfect ran into Debra backstage and said hi. Then talked about how he and Austin went way back, Debra replied Really? and he said Nah not really. Thats the reason Austin attacked him during the Venis match. Perfect later challenged Austin to the Raw match, which went barely 5 mins and was just a sideshow to the Austin/Hall feud.
  18. Jericholic82

    April SD Magazine

    I agree they are brutal. I only still subscribe to collect the mags. Besides, often they still have at least good pictures, plus The Coachs column In RAW lol Savage vs Flair, the whole angle basically ran through the WWF mag, with the fake Liz pics and all, wish I still had my old mags but all of them thru 94 were destroyed in a flood. DAMN IT ALL TO HELL (in best JR voice)
  19. Jericholic82

    April SD Magazine

    I can't belive I kept forgetting to post this, but last Monday I received the April SD Mag in the mail. Now That was quite shocking as it was way early for the mag to arrive (sd usually arrives near the end of the month) Even worse was the fact that on the cover they have a wm preview with a pic of jbl vs cena, but the best part is they have as a subheading "Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio-On A collision Course" (or something like that Im too lazy to go grab the mag) and in the mag there is an article on the match. Now we all in the IWC pretty much think its a lock that theyd be facing each other, but it has not even been barely hinted on tv yet. The mag also adverstised Orton vs Taker and h ad an article about it , again weird as I received the mag about 6 hours before Orton issued his challenge on the 3/7/05 RAW. What is up with WWE? When kayfabe was alive and well in the 80s this would be a huge sin (as was the post wm4 wwf mag being leaked with savage announced as new champ on it back in 88) . This might be really confusing for the young marks who are the main audience for this mag (I only subscribe still cuz I have been collecting WWF/E mags for years). Although the many posters and pics of half naked women might concern some parents heh heh One week later and the Eddie/Rey match still has yet to be announced (but being as tonight is the SD taping, they might start the push to that match now) . Major Blunder, I wonder if someone will be fired over this. Maybe they accidentally sent out the mag too soon?
  20. Jericholic82

    The Rockers!

    Actually Marty returned in the fall of 95. He was Goldusts first tv opponent in his tv debut at the October 95 IYH show. He was a face for awhile, but when he formed the New Rockers he turned heel and later faced Shawn on a July RAW. He was in WC for a time in 1998, mostly as a jobber (though he wa sin the cruiserweight battle royal at Slamboree 98) I was talking about his problems in WWF, and he was given 4 or 5 chances. Ok, I didn't mean to sound like I was insulting you or anything, I was just pointing out something I remember.
  21. Jericholic82

    April SD Magazine

    I understand what you are saying. But I just found it odd that they would send out a magazine with matches that had yet to be announced on TV. Although in 02 the mag featuring rock vs brock summerslam cover told you that Rock won at Vengeance, but some people got the mag early before Vengeance. I know it's not a mometous thing, I just thought I'd tell you all something of note.
  22. Jericholic82

    ESPN MLB 2K5

    Why is that? lol Actually in rl , you dont bring your closer in a tie game unless absoultely necessary. Actually in all honesty Rivera seems better in this game then he did in ASB 05. I don't even think I have used Sturtze once yet. NY Haters Why can't someone understand that I am as loyal and as big a Fan of my team as anyone else. Oh well this isn't the sports forum. This game is still pretty cool.
  23. Jericholic82

    Wrestling 900 Hotlines

    Yea I know about this as well. I almost called it once during the 93 King of The ring. My dad told me I could but I got too into the show and forgot. I wanted to talk to one of the wrestlers (preferably Bret)
  24. Jericholic82

    WM Main Event vs World Titles

    They way they hype Pipers pit, you'd think Austin was actually "wrestling" piper.
  25. Jericholic82

    WM Main Event vs World Titles

    I have noticed something recently on WWE programming. All this build has gone to so and so getting a shot to be in the ME of WM. Like Kurt Angle making a big deal out of possibly beating Cena at NWO to "go to his third straight WM ME" instead of getting another shot at the WWE Title. It also made it seem like Kurt was proud to have been in two straight "main events" despite having lost them both (and IMO I think you can't really call his wm xx match the main event since the raw triple threat was the last match on the card and more hyped, and in fact his wm xix match against Brock while being the last match on the card did not have half the hype as Hogan-Vince-which incidentally was on the cover of the dvd and event posters) Now while the WM ME is in both kayfabe and non-kayfabe terms is a dream for all pro wrestlers, why is it in kayfabe mode now more imporatnt than the world title? It seems to me like they are devaluying the world titles of both brands here. (although the fact that they split the company and titles may have devalued themselves enough) In kayfabe terms, every wrestler's theoretical goal is to win titles, especially the world title. It is also implied that when you win a title, you make more money (again both in kayfabe and real terms-since the higher on the card you are, you get paid more) as per the example of Jamie Noble when he won the cruiser title in June 2002 and he suddeny "had money". What do you guys think? Has the WM ME become more important than the titles themselves? and what do you consider to be the real main event of WM 21? Trips-Dave or JBL-Cena? personally I feel that "the new big babyface beating HHH at WM" is fast becoming the new "big heel gets beat by hogan at WM"