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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    Yea thats why I mentioned it (i should have put in the earleier line but I forgot so thanks for the reminder) when parkman was an indian they loved him but when he wasnt they hated him (not to shocking considering the parkman character was mean and egocentric)
  2. Jericholic82

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    as for star wars spoilers, heres a big shock for you, I have never seen any of the star wars films or prequels outside of clips on tv and brief glimpses. I like "Space Balls" a lot more
  3. Jericholic82

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    I would make those my favorite comedy moments. agreed. "And for the Indians, one run, on lets see, one hit, one hit? thats it, one godamn hit?"-Harry Doyle (Bob Eucker) when Pedro Cerrano crushes some pitches in BP, the manager asks "How come no one else snatched him up?" then the coach tells the pitcher to swtich to breaking balls and pedro swings and misses badly then the manager goes "oh" major league 2 was just on tbs tonday, defin not as great as the original but it has its moments "And there's Parkman, doing his little shimmy, that makes the women here in Cleveland puke"
  4. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Good on the FCC for once. I'm assuming that the scene in question is the one in Destiny between Spike and Harmony But they say angel is seen. just a mistake by them I assume. "excretory functions"? so what: Wes couldnt say "oh man I got to take a huge dump."? yeah, the mistake is on my part. There were two scenes, one from Destiny and one from, I assume, Power Play and I guess Wes could say "I got to take a huge dump", but he couldn't then proceed to take a huge dump on camera. He'd have to do that off screen yea I figured that. Damn now I wish they had done that . Im picturing a scene where Wes is on the bowl reading popular science or soemthin "OOh man that was a big one" and also, do vampires go to the bathroom? I assume they do. now Im picturing angel in the BR "oh man that must have been some bad blood" you know its been a while since it was over when Im talking about the main characters taking a dump
  5. Jericholic82

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    don't deny the greatness of Hot Sundae. That entire episode with the Zack Attack, is almost unwatchable due to Zack's and Kelly's fake singing voices. I got a kick out of their terrible lip synching and why does kelly replace jessie in the band in the behind the music type ep?
  6. Jericholic82

    When TV Shows get Serious

    Now you got me wanting to watch dinosaurs again (i havent seen that show since it was canceled years ago) I remember one dinosep where a curseword is uttered on a tv show (the word? SCHMOO-I guess thats their word for you know what) HOLY SCHMOO (I used to say that for fun) And why is it that most of the "drug abuse" eps are about diet pills? cmon you know we were all waiting for the SBTB ep where Screech gets hooked on Crack (picture Tyronne Biguums with screechs voice lmao) I miss city guys and dreams they dont show them anymore here
  7. Jericholic82

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    I KNEW IT!!!!!!
  8. Jericholic82

    Worst feud going into a match?

    No, thatwas after Wrestlemania. I Benoit was tired of taking orders from Angle as they beat up The Rock, so he turned face finally. yea and when kurt took them out of benoits tights during a match and kissed them (ewwwww) then it may have been another time, he got them back but they turned out to be fakes planted by chris . BTW, now that Angle is showing off his "authentic gold meal" isnt it stupid all the times someone stole his medals and he freaked out (they were replicas so it dont matter) and why did have more than one anyhow (he only won i gold medal at the olympics, I suppose the others were from other amateur championships?) and Disco dancing in the konnan video was classic stuff. I once met DI and complemented him on that great parody. Rock and Bulldogs feud was not over the dog popp, it was over Bulldog turning heel on rock while the special ref and costing him a bullrope match against hhh on sd leading to unforgiven 99. the dog poop thing happened on a raw leading to no mercy so it wasnt really the cause of the feud, but a terrible build to it (not unlike HHHs dog Lucy being the last major build to wm 18) and tatanka really started actually "feuding" with martel after wm 8 when Rick stole his feathers (and he put them on his captains hat lol) finally ended at survivor series 92 when tatanka again pinned rick this time in a longer match.
  9. Jericholic82

    Great syndicated episodes

    cmon looney I was like 9 at the time, that didnt bother me. I also remember Bruce Pritchard aka Brother Love(at the time a face GWF announcer) turning heel and managing the DP.
  10. Jericholic82

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    I never saw that before, that was freakin funny as hell. Booker looked so embarrased after he said it. by the way, the only thing worse than his blunder was the fact that wcw had a booker t vs stevie ray vs lex luger vs the giant in a 4 way match for the #1 contendership (I can see luger and giant, but harlem heat? werent they midcarders at the time?)
  11. Jericholic82

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    oh yea I remember that one jhawk. shocked me a bit
  12. Jericholic82

    Things in wrestling that were never explained

    and that was Takers last appearance until Judgment Day btw (he walked out on vince saying he wouldnt do the match) he was injured so they had to write him out of the six pack challenge (he was replaced by DBS)
  13. Jericholic82

    Things in wrestling that were never explained

    yea and DBS had returned as a face, so he turned heel by helping hhh (for a reason never explained)
  14. Jericholic82

    ESPN MLB 2K5

    ok thanks. I might have to pick that up tommorrow
  15. Jericholic82

    ESPN MLB 2K5

    ok thanks. I might have to pick that up tommorrow
  16. Jericholic82

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    Yes. He went outside and scremed "AAHH Shit" it went unbleeped in the recap on RAW the following week. Ultimate Warrior saying shit(and refusing to stop swearing period) to Goldust in 96' in the pre-Soe Cold days. yea I have that raw on tape. yoko indeed cursed. then later during a warrior inring interview with vince. goldust came out to interrupt and he said,(paraphrasing here guys) "What you're about, I don't give a (bleep-yea they bleeped it, at least on the west coast)....(then later at the end of the promo)You want a fulllength, action packed adventure, I got a full-length movie for you, me kicking your ass from beginning to end (ass wasnt bleeped and this was shocking at the time since it was 96) and Bossman (at the time the guardian angel) was a special ref for the sting-avalanche match at the Jan 95 clash. after the match, angel attacked sting for some reason. Thats when he did a interview with Gene and denounced the angel name and called himself big bubba rogers, then used ass a couple of times to gense shock. of course the best part of this promo was immortalized on wrestlecrap in a sound clip, Bubba yelling out "That referee wasn't even supposed to be in the riiiiiiiiiing" (its sound funnier if you hear it)
  17. There are people out there that wonder if that wasn't Rock's and WWF's way of telling WCW and Juvy to "cease and desist" with the "Rock-Like" gimmick Juvy had when Rock started coming out with the "SHUT UP JUICE" line I figured the whole "juice" gimmick was cuz of how rock insulted juvi (after jericho debuted in wwf, Rock once had a promo against him where he said "hey youre think youre a tough guy coming from down south where you beat up some jabroni named juventud) Juice came about cuz Juvi had often wore tights that said "Juvi Juice" on the back for no particular reason
  18. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    warriors last tv match in 96 was a match vs owen. That same night monsoon had a pretaped interview stating that warrior was being suspended for not being at house shows and was out of the 6 man tag at International Incident. since the match was pretaped, they still aired it, which was funny as he was "allowed to wrestle owen" then would be suspended, which dindt make any sense (since raw was still taping 3 or 4 eps a night I think at the time, so the warrior situation occured after the taping obviously and they had to explain why he he was gonna be gone but it still seemed weird that he was on the air that night after the announcement) at the end of that match camp cornnete beat down warrior.
  19. Jericholic82

    John Cena vs. Orlando Jones

    well the old wwf kayfabe rule was one guy cannot hold two titles, that seemed to have been changed back in 1995, when the world champ diesel and the ic champ HBK were allowed to challenge for the tag titles. shawn also coheld the euro and wwf titles, as well as dlo , jarett, and angle winning the euro-continental title. But hey, this way they won't have to do any silly tournament again, and Cena is not hurt by this loss since it was by illegal means (like losing the us title to Carlito the last time was as well). and I guess it gets more heat on this feud for mania. Of course this also means that Orlando will likely be defending said championship at mania.
  20. Oh cmon saturn the crazy guy was great!!! Going on a double date with deano machino and ordering a blue crayon and mustard. and his great nonsensical lines
  21. Jericholic82

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    THIS JUST IN TRIPLE H AND STEPHANIE HAVE SEPERATED!!!! News in from the observer, HHH and Stephanie Mcmahon have offically seperated. The split steams from Stephanie hearing about Trips' infidelity. HHH has denied this stating that "I went to the back for a tryst with that Maria girl, but it was dark in that room and after I finished, I turned on the lights to see I was holding a broom in my hands."
  22. Jericholic82

    Royal Rumble 2005 DVD

    You know why I don't like editing blown spots, or even people chanting you fd up? Cuz even if wrestling was 100 percent real, moves would get messed up all the time. As long as they don't repeat the spot, I'm cool with it (like angle improvising after brocks aborted ssp) I guess what I mean is, I want the exact replica of the ppv on my dvds is this too much to ask? (and besides 98 percent of the people who bought the dvd proabbly skipped over the casket match chapter) besides, I saw the rumble live on ppv and don't remember there being tremendously bad blown spots during that match oh and yea I saw the edge/kane thing live and noticed it then I knew cena was calling his spots to bat, I just couldnt hear the tv well over my friends yelling. thanks for the info on the dvd guys , I probably will pick it up now that I here vinnymacs slip and slide 2k5 is on there (as opposed to wwe editing out ultimo dragon's slip and slide 2k4 on the wm xx disc)
  23. Jericholic82

    WWE to Produce Montreal Screwjob DVD

    wait....Warrior did have a CHV back in 89. I rented it once. It had the clips of the herc attacks angle, the wm 4 match vs herc, Summerslam 88 vs HTM, A rematch vs Honky, A match vs Haku, A match vs a ninja? the super posedown in its entirety, clipped version of wm 5 vs rude, and clips of a Rude rematch at I think msg. so it could be this (though it wasnt really a bad tape to be honest)
  24. Jericholic82

    ESPN MLB 2K5

    SWEET. I do have a CC in my area and I always get the sunday ads so cool. wait it is going to be out on ps2 right?
  25. Jericholic82

    top 5...

    HHH/SCSA Flair/Steamboat Harts-Demos Rey/Edge vs Benoit/Angle and my personal fav Steve Austin Vs Barry Windham for the WCW TV title on a Sat Nite in 1992 (Barry won the title and I marked out so big for that )