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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Cornette or Heenan

    It seems to me like Heenan is more remembered as a commentator than a manager, which is sad cuz he was a great manager as well. You could have put any indiot out there with Heenan and they would have got at least some heat. Heenan had heel charsima oozing everywhere. He wasn't afraid to take bumps or make himself look like the fool to get over the other wrestlers. I don't know much about Corny since I also never saw NWA back in the day (actually I ddnt see any wrestling really as I didnt become a fan untill the 1990 survivor series) and couldnt have anyway since I didnt have cable untill about 90. But cornette was also a great mouthpiece and was annoying in a different kind of way then heenan. Corny was more hateable cuz of his annoying whining and crybaby actions, while Heenan was more of the insulting type (he was a fearful wussy at heart, but he acted like he wasnt, while cornette played the little wuss character to the hilt)
  2. Jericholic82

    Things in wrestling that were never explained

  3. Jericholic82

    John Cena vs. Orlando Jones

    That was a horrible match I agree. I totally called the finish to that one while watching the show (i dont read the spoilers anymore) . This does make Cena a virtual lock it would seem, but I was hoping for a champ vs champ match since they havent done anything like that since wm6. I wonder if they will bring back the old us title, or will OJ keep the spinner to annoy cena? and if cena does win the wwe title, does this mean hell get a new custom one of those too? too bad they just started marketing replicas of the us spinner
  4. Jericholic82

    Your favorite Wrestlemania moment

    about benoit and eddie, I enjoyed that as well, I admit That I was also screaming tap tap so loud that my family thought I was nuts. But to see it so many times on this thread seems so ....forced I dont know. too bad it didnt mean a thing but then again benoit is getting up there in years and eddy apparently couldnt handle being the main event WMXX moments not mentioned. Paul Bearer screaming "You're no son of mine" at Kane (as King and JR no-sell the part of history that told us Paul is Kanes father) Brock looking completely pissed as the reaction and Goldberg seemingly not caring (and I think he may have been laughing a bit too) Ultimo Dragon's slip and slide 2K4 Trish Slapping Jericho and later making out with Christian INSTANTLY Showing more heel charisma than 2/3 of the wwe locker room
  5. Jericholic82

    WWE to Produce Montreal Screwjob DVD

    actually as extras you could put the superstars/challenge where herc tried to choke warrior with the chain on there to set up wm 4, and the rumble 89 super posedown vs rude
  6. Jericholic82

    WWE to Produce Montreal Screwjob DVD

    I doubt Trips would let them put his squash loss to warrior at wm12 on there cmon he no sold the pedigree (blasphamey) but that sounds like a solid disc, Id buy it
  7. Jericholic82

    Things in wrestling that were never explained

    well Tori was revealed as the ninja so at least we had closure. Bischoff ran over Hogan with the hummer on nitro therby implying it was him (this made sense as in 99 when the angle first happened, Bischoff was acting like a face, so It made sense that he was in cahoots with savage) why was sandman at ravens house as his "good friend James" and later appeared on tv as Hak with no mention of the vignettes? We still don't know how Flair got unburied at havoc 99 when the filthy animals beat him up and buried him in dirt (i think, im kindy sketchy on what happened but somethin to that effect)
  8. Jericholic82

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    well hogan did turn face in march basically and the nwo basically died off save for the balck and white b team. Savage turned heel earlier, on the nitro after starrcade 98, he came to the ring as a surprise and tried to help bischoff beat flair (he lowblowed flair) then he dissapered till spring stampede. if you recall DDP and Hogan had a match on nitro prior to SS where page acted like a heel. after he won, his first title match was on nitro against Scott and he acted like a face. after that all heel. Nash was still techincally a heel at SS and lost to Goldberg, who finally got revenge for nash ending his streak and stealing the title. Nash challenged DDP for the title and boom Face turn. Nash would turn heel again after he lost the title at bash at the beach and lose to hogan in a retirement vs world title match at road wild. Nash was back within a month sitting with scott hall in the audience at nitros. and a follow up line by steiner on Kim I have memorized went like this "Page, when you're on your back, screaming in pain, your wife will be on her back, screaming my name!!!!" Too bad Scotty didnt have the skills anymore by the time they pushed him as a singles guy. savage had the hummer run over nash so yea Id say he wanted death
  9. Jericholic82

    Great syndicated episodes

    Hey dont remind me, that pissed me off so much lol I loved GWF
  10. Jericholic82

    Royal Rumble 2005 DVD

    Glad they didnt edit the vince thing, but why taker? I hate when they edit out blown spots, hey it happened let it be
  11. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Good on the FCC for once. I'm assuming that the scene in question is the one in Destiny between Spike and Harmony But they say angel is seen. just a mistake by them I assume. "excretory functions"? so what: Wes couldnt say "oh man I got to take a huge dump."?
  12. Jericholic82

    Coliseum Video Gems

    wwe should start releasing more of the old coliseum videos on dvd. I would think prime cuts would have been on dvd by now. (still mad that I didnt pick it up a few years back when I saw it used at a video store) And yea, videos used to be very expensive. I once talked to a local video store owner and she said that they charged way high prices for videos (even movies-tons more than they cost in regular store for some reason). Thats one of the reason they didnt have many wwf tapes.
  13. Jericholic82

    Best Ever Velocity/Heat Matches

    Hey I was there! The crowd actually got way into this match (Benoit was pretty over when he was the champ and after) I just remember thinking "wow from the main event of the 2nd biggest ppv of the year to the main event of heat in one short week. His long line of germans reminded me of benoit/austin from 2001 I have seen many great matches on the b shows over the years, but remember that Heat was at first,not a b show (before smackdown came about that is), In its early days you had matches like taker vs mankind and they taped major angles during it as well. one good velocity match no one mentioned, from the debut ep of velocity in late may 2002, actually the first match in velocity history: Tajiri vs Billy Kidman. They had like an 18 minute match that was loads better than their backlash 02 match.
  14. Jericholic82

    How Many WWE DVDs Has Paul London Been On?

    Touche duly noted natey
  15. Jericholic82

    Mark Henry tore his Quad

    Vince bascially signed Henry thinking he could get dum dum dum mainstream attention. Henry was in the oylmpics and Vince was hoping hed get a gold or at least medal in the weight lifting . Henry "surprise surprise" hurt himself during the olympics and didnt medal. as for henrys time with wwf/e Here we go. First appearance in the crowd at summerslam, Jerry Lawler makes fun of him, he comes into ring to help jake roberts after his match with jerry. Match is set up for mind games ppv, Lalwer vs Henry, Henry wins . Then Henry is supposed to be on Marc Meros Survivor Series Team, but, big shock he gets hurt and it out for over a year. He returns to wwf tv late 1997. After a few squashes on shotgun sat nite and the like, Henry gets on RAW as Ken Shamrocks Tag partner vs the nation, even wearing a rock sucks shirt. but henry turns on shammy and joins the nation. Henry stays with the nation till its end. Keeps teaming with dlo, but then gets the sexual chocolate gimmick by going after chyna. She goes on a date with him broadcasted on raw, but Chyna sets him up with a transvestite named sammy. The classic "youve got a penis" line is uttered and henry is embarrased again. he keeps with dlo until getting hurt early 99 (owen hart and JJ kayfabe injure his knees by hitting him with a guitar during the valentines day massacre ppv-the same ppv where ivory became henrys new GF) henry returns in late april. Teams with dlo for awhile,dlo tries to get him to lose weight then turns heel on him at summerslam 99, helping JJ win the euro-continental title (so Angles was technically the third such champ, but as he noted, DLO -and I asumme Jarrett-doesn't count). JJ gives Mark the euro title and he promptly loses it to dlo at unforgiven sept 99. Henrys new gimmick is sex addict. He continues this until around jan 2000 when he becomes Mae youngs BF. She is "pregnant". Henrys last ppv match is against viscera at NWO 2000 and later Mae gives birth to a hand soon thereafter. Henry dissapears right after this, sent back to OVW. Henry is not seen again until early 2002 when he returns on RAW. Henry is drafted to Smackdown and is back to the world strongest man gimmick after he won a competetion sponsored by the governator himself Ah-nold. he starts doing feats of strength, allowing farrooq to wins bets. he teams with ron a bit too. henry is hurt soon after getting squashed by BROCK on a SD in the summer. He returns in mid-late 03 as Theodore Longs new guy, he teams with rodney mack for a time, then rodney gets hurt and he stays singles. Mark actually winds up on the winning team at Surv Series (he was on bischoffs team, but got eliminated) henry feuds with Booker T for awhile and jobs to him at Armageddon 03. He also tangled with goldberg (trying to collect hhhs bounty)and HBK around this time on RAW. Henry faces chris benoit shortly after chris arrives on RAW and injures his shoulder during the match, which he loses by submission to the crossface. Henry has not been seen since, save for an appearance on the wwe experience and a few sd your vote campaigns. so there you go, henry was actually on tv for the better part of 3 years (all of 98, most of 99 save a month or two, and a good 6/7 months in 02/03/04) and the fact that I was able to summarize his carreer in 2 paragraphs would tell you he hasn't done much to earn his contract money. and I assure you that despite my toughguy smark facade, my heart is breaking. we'll miss you Mark (actually no, we won't)
  16. Jericholic82

    WM Main Event vs World Titles

    thanks for the feedback guys. I think it just irked me how Michale Cole kept saying how the winner of Cena/ Angle would main event Wm, hardly even mentioning the WWE title shot. And as for 18, Trips/Jericho was planned ahead for for at least a few months. Hogan/Rock came about because either Austin refused to wrestle Hogan or someone at WWE changed their minds. Somehow, they thought since it was the first wm with the undisputed title it shoudl be the main event, and the WM ME should have the big babyface overcoming and winning the title. Unfourtunatley for them, HHH was not that over as a face. And they underestimated the nostaligic factor for Hogan in Canada. (as useless moron Scott Keith once put it, if you were a big part of the WWF in the 80's/90's, you'll probably be over in Canada-he put that in his review of WCW Mayhem 99 where the Canadian crowd went mad for Curt Hennig and started chanting "Perfect") Funny how they never considered Hogan/Rock to go on last but they were seriously pushing for Hogan/McMahon to go on last at WM 19. I guess Trips does have that much stroke in WWE. I wonder which match will truly be the "main event" this year. What is your opinion? which match is the most important this year and which will go on last?
  17. Jericholic82

    How Many WWE DVDs Has Paul London Been On?

    I have a better question: when did Chavo turn heel again?
  18. Jericholic82

    Best Sign EVER on Raw

    I was reading alot of raw recaps online and no one metioned it. But yea I did see it live. I read it and it took me a sec to register and then the security came. classic stuff. No I don't think they threw the guy out (it didn't look like it anyway) but the audience members close to it seemed to get a rise out of it. Great stuff. and quick fact: they say wm 21 is sold out, but I was just on ticketmaster and they had 2 front row seats available for $750 each, WWE LIES
  19. Jericholic82

    Underrated PPV's

    And it had Bubba being a loud mofo saying great lines such as: "I'm going to get you, you little bitch!" To Trish. I dunno, but I always find audible comments like that funny, and Bubba is the king of doing that. Yea and after the match he puts her thru the table and yelled I got you you little bitch. and later when they load trish into an ambulance Test yells at a helper "stop trying a cheap feel"
  20. Jericholic82

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    Yea that was wm 6. Gene said "where do you get the ba..-nerve to do that to andre " (or somethin like that) heenan responded "I'll show you where I got the....."(he stopped after he said the" Kurt Angle at NWO 2001 while he had Rock in the ankle lock "Cmon top Rocky or I'll break you f"ing ankle"
  21. Jericholic82

    WM Main Event vs World Titles

    IIRC Noble got money through an 'inheritance". no actually he got the inheritance in june 2003. In 2002 when he debuted as Nidias boyfriend he was a poor white trash guy. when he won the cruiserweight gold, he now had enough money to buy Nidia a new double wide trailer and take her and Tajiri to an all you can eat buffet on a memorable sd moment from atlantic city.
  22. Jericholic82

    Your favorite Wrestlemania moment

    I'd have to say Savage-Liz Reunion. That was the first WM I saw live and it was something special (Though I had just recently got into wrestling, I had heard of the history between the two). The match with Warrior was great, I was on the edge of my seat rooting for UW (I was 8 at the time guys). Then the post match happenings made it a memorable wm for me (I still enjoy the show, probably cuz it was my first). Other than that, I'd say Savage beating Flair for the WWF title at WM8 and Warrior's run-in to save Hogan at the end of the show. Honorable mention to Linda Mcmahon rising from her coma to kick Vince in the grapefruits at wm 17. as well as Jeff hardy attempting to walk all the ladders and Edge later spearing him out of the sky. Piper's shocking return at wm 19 is up there as well.
  23. Jericholic82

    Cool finishers

    Wow, I can't believe that people still remember the "Uncle Slam" Anyhow, Edge's submission move (as called by JR) is actually called "The Edge-cator) as coined by Michael Cole on SD! back in 2002. It's called as such in all the SD PS2 games. But of course JR doesn't even know which one of Christian's moves is the Unprettier most of the time, nor does he even seem to know which one is Benoit and which one is Jericho. CRAZY SENILE JR (actually that would be a cool new character for him) RVD did a flying pedigree variation in ECW, he did it in WWE for ahwile but that stopped (wonder why?) I agree that the superplex can be a believable enough finisher. Orton should use it in tribute to his dad. The Heart punch is not that believable to me, but Jesus' kidney punch that he created for Cena might be a cool new finisher. (If you really hit someone hard in the kidney, it could do serious damage) The opponnent could even have gimmicked tights and have bloody urine seep out (ok that's gross I admit) I wish someone would use a move I invented in my head, put someone in powerbomb postion, but as you lift them to the air, as soon as his head is raised high, drop down into a ddt. (I named it "The Bronx Bomb") Don't know if this possible to do or if it's too dangerous, but I tried it on a wrestling buddy once lol
  24. Jericholic82

    02/25 - Friday news update from Dave Meltzer

    Maybe one day Vince will actually have a "Hall of Fame" that you can go to like Cooperstown. Although where would it be? Stamford? In MSG? WWE tv studios? (well since they sold WWFNY they cannot use that)
  25. Jericholic82

    Top Five biggest disgraces in sports history

    I'm going to preface my post with the observation that you might have posted the most head-scratchingly confusing post in the history of TSM. Capital letters, punctuation, and grammar are our friends. Having said that ... If it "looked" like it was fixed, wouldn't the Yankees have been in on it, too? It makes no sense. It'd be one thing if the winning run(s) were scored on a play that the umpire blatantly fucked up (say, called a guy safe when it was obvious that he was out) ... but to just choke a 3-0 series lead hardly seems like it was a fix. Something out of Hollywood, yes, but fixed, no. And I'd rather have testicular cancer than be a New Yorker. Sorry. Damn my humor just doesnt work with you guys. I give up. And what makes NY so bad that you'd rather have cancer? you might want to rethink that statement (and I personally don't want to hear from people who have never been to or lived in the NY area). I'm sick of the hating and the misunderstanding-I am just fiercly loyal to the city/area of my origin and The Yankees of course. I might readjust that cancer statement to go with my current residence of southern cali (the capital of posing) But I digress. And I do apologize for my grammar- I'm usually a stickler for that in my real life,but when I post here, I usually type out my thoughts so fast that I neglect to check my work. Then again this is the internet-not exactly the capital of grammar and good spelling, so I'd figure I would get a break here. And as for my repeating my favorite quotes, well there's not too much to say about that- I suppose I'll stop if it is causing hostility and trouble here on the boards. ( I honestly was only repeating it for my amusement-though objecting to it would basically prove my point, but that's neither here nor there.) And one more time, I never said the series was fixed, ok? That would make me as dumb as a carfull of Californians on their way to the movies. Are we cool now?