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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    I've been watching some WWF 1996 stuff...

    as for shawn in 96 I sorta agree---though I was a huge HBK mark at the time and didnt really notice Shawn being made into a lame kissup babyface. so I was shocked when MSG booed him at survivor series.
  2. Jericholic82

    I've been watching some WWF 1996 stuff...

    well JR had said in heel turn interview that vince mcmahon fired him twice-thats pretty conclusive that hes the boss lol but he still tried to make it look like gorilla monsoon was the "president"
  3. Jericholic82

    Worst feud going into a match?

    Don't forget the fact that Torrie Wilson used to be fat. Ohh, and and watching her man lift weights makes Torrie horny. And then Douglas rubbed Kidman's face into the pills if I remember correctly. yea and then kidman was shown backstage ummm hanging out with the ladies
  4. Jericholic82

    Sting vs Mutoh

    That could be one of the WCW/NJ Supershows of the early 90s they had like two of them on ppv, and I belive sting did face Mutoh at the first one, and at another ppv teamed with mutoh to face the steiners(which I saw)
  5. Jericholic82

    Pictures from a 1994 House Show I attended

    yea I also thought it could be davis, but marella likely could have been at this show (checks pwi almana) yea Marella died July 4, 1994
  6. Jericholic82

    24/7 Questions

    not true for me. I have the hbo package but I dont get hbood for free Well, at least through Comcast it's true... that sucks for me, im going to have to call adelphia on that one
  7. Jericholic82

    20/20 Hindsight

    it seems that for some reason, wwe was unwilling to do a title change before berg and hhh could have a proper one on one match (as if the world was clamoring for that) and plus they hoped by waiting till unforgiven they could get some better buy rates for that since everyone knew berg would win (due to the retirement stip)
  8. Jericholic82

    Best selling WWE dvds

    what I meant was the announcers never mentioned it (like the rvd one) when flairs came out jr couldnt shutup hyping it. he even called flair mr dvd for a while but yea at least ecw got more commercials. rvds got no commercials prior to relase just a small bit on the bottom screen scrawl on sd the week before bottom line is that truewrestling fans will find out about the dvds and will buy them, regardless of hype. we all knew for months prior about the ecw, benoit, guerreo, and rvd dvds
  9. Jericholic82

    Stupid comments by sports radio hosts

    Rome especially made me anrgy when he had Vince McMahon on the tv version of the last word back in 2000. He totally trashed pro wrestling in a cynical rude and mean way. Vince looked pissed. usually though I sorta enjoy Romes quips
  10. Jericholic82

    Top Five biggest disgraces in sports history

    lol youre right about 2003 being similar, but since unless your a yanks fan, you hate the yanks, so hollywood would have them lose (like they did in major league lol) I didnt say it was fixed , just said it looked like it was geez sorry if I struck a nerve or somethin. no I am not bitter just sad. though now it means less to me since the new season is starting soon. Ill stick by my team through the end of time the only bitter fans appear to still be red sox fans which is sorta weird to me. "There are two types of people, New Yorkers and those who wish they were",- A quote from my favorite philosopher, my father
  11. Jericholic82


    god I miss Xplay damn you adelphia for putting techtv/g4 on digital non basic
  12. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    yknow seeing all the s4 talk, I still wonder what Jasmines motives were. she tells angel that she truly wanted to bring peace by taking out free will. did she mean that? or did she just want to have slaves and be able to eat people? I was thinking of just getting angel 5 but I havent got any other of its seasons yet or any of buffys (hey Im unemployed so give me a break lol) but alas I cant even afford the 40 bucks
  13. Jericholic82

    Pictures from a 1994 House Show I attended

    Hey is that ref Joey Marella ? if it is then you have two currently dead people in those pics (yoko and joe) funny to see Luger and Tatanka team up considering how Tatanka would dastardly turn on Luger and be bought by Ted Dibiase just a few months later LOL cool Justin Credible jobs to freakin IRS, revenge from that RAW where Walker actually beat Irwin
  14. Jericholic82

    Pictures from a 1994 House Show I attended

    why was adam bomb facing rick martel? they were both heels at the time anyhow cool pics
  15. Jericholic82

    An Interesting Item About Tatanka

    dude you beat me to that line damn
  16. Jericholic82

    24/7 Questions

    not true for me. I have the hbo package but I dont get hbood for free
  17. Jericholic82

    Best selling WWE dvds

    I find it more shocking that RVD's dvd has done so well without any promotion at all. well apparantly there are more smarks out there than wwe would like to admit. and besides us hardcores, Id assume that many non smarks would buy it if they saw it in a store in in one of the wwe mags or the few comercials that hyped it. the ecw dvd was not highly promoted outside of the commercials and it did great but thats not really shocking
  18. Jericholic82

    20/20 Hindsight

    yet she continued to manage angle after he won the wwf title, then all was dropped as hhh turned heel again. as for luger-yoko I agree that Luger winning was the only finish that made sense. and the match they had wasnt too bad either (shockingly)
  19. Jericholic82

    WWE Tiddybits

    well UPW had a relationship with WWE in the past. WWE signed many upw stars including John Cena (then known as The Prototype) to developmental deals, so I guess since puder lives in cali he worked a show there with wwes approval id assume (miz has wrestled many times already for upw)
  20. Jericholic82

    Who Was........

    Yea my aunt has a fear of clowns
  21. Jericholic82

    Favorite Arn Anderson Tag Team?

    yea but one might get shot by a crazed member of the IWC
  22. Jericholic82

    Favorite Arn Anderson Tag Team?

    Id go with Arn/Eaton though the Larry/arn team was way underrated. Then again Im a huge mark for the dangerous alliance angle (prob because i had just got into WCW at the point a year after discovering wrestling by watching the wwf)
  23. Jericholic82

    The NWA in WWF, 1997...

    that match was at King of the ring 98 and yea it was pretty good (with a goofy finish with chyna lowblowing cornette) They did make a good team and at least when they did face the outlaws JR made mention of the brothers gunn fighting each other
  24. Jericholic82

    The NWA in WWF, 1997...

    yes he did!
  25. Jericholic82

    An Interesting Item About Tatanka

    Have you ever seen his website? I did about 3 years ago and gave the link to wrestlecraps rd reynolds, he put my letter in the mailbag and everyone thought it was funny. his site's bio section , he made himself look like a huge wwf star when infact he was only a midcarder at best good to see hes nice in person though and good for him that he made some money