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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Likewise. I had only seen a handful of buffy/angel eps untill late 02. I watched some eps of buffy on a thanksgiving day marathon on fx and enjoyed it. also started watching season 6 which at this point was nearing the end of the season. so I continued to watch s6 every week just cuz nothin else was on. In april 03 I started to watch buffy reruns on fx (they were aty the begin of s2 then) and I REALLY got into the show then. I watched all the reruns up to season 6, then watched s1 as I had never seen it. I watched all of s7 but not angel yet. I started to watch s5 of angel since spike was going to be on it and got into it. tnt started showing the previous 4 seasons of angel every day so I went back and watched them all. some eps of both shows I have seen very few times, so It's still kinda new to me. all I know is that when a rerun airs at anytime I always feel compelled to watch it, which is why Ill probably not buy the dvds ever since I will be bored of the shows by then maybe. anyhow I woke up early today so I watched fx s5 reruns of buffy, and today they showed "Blood Ties" (where dawn discovers she is the key) I have a quick question here: all of you buffy lifers who were watching s5 back when it first happened, what was your reaction to the whole dawn storyline. Did you know right away something was up or did you forget buffy was supposed to be an only child? since I started watching s6 first, I had no idea about dawn and was kinda confused when I saw s 1-4 repeats. and one more thign, I hate dawns melodramatic reaction to discovering the truth. I guess i would be a little upset too, but hey she should be happy shes alive and not a glob of energy anymore. and how irrittating is it to watch glory and ben and knowing that they could have just killed ben and got rid of glory early on if only not for the masking spell? I loved it when Giles took care of business at the end of s5 (I wont spoilt it for you newbies)
  2. Jericholic82

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    as much as everyone is hyping this, I think the actual match would be a dissapoinment. unless shawn get go with angle on the mat (very suspect there) this will be an obvious style clash (not the wrestling move for all you TNA fans) with shawns high spot offense and kurts mostly mat based stuff. However I guess that kurt could spend the majority of the match wearing shawn down on the mat to build sympathy heat for him as shawn can sell well as we know. anyhow, I am not quite sure about this one Besides I thought Angle was facing Taker at mania? either way the possible mania card makes me glad I didnt try to get a ticket to the show despite being less than an hour away from the staple center
  3. Jericholic82

    New Year's Revolution Buyrate...

    Interesting. But I doubt many who paid for it would tell you it was worth it even with the chamber match. Better off waiting for the dvd and getting it at a discount store like best buy or walmart for less than 20 bucks a barbed wire cage match? with JBL in it? 2005 ppv of the year
  4. Jericholic82

    The Royal Rumble Legacy

    oh I forgot about gillberg in 99, he came to the ring posing and leaned on the ropes and bam edge eliminates him
  5. Jericholic82

    The Royal Rumble Legacy

    Havent seen 89,90 (only part of it from hogan dvd), 91 I fell asleep during (really), 95,96(clips on shawn video), 97,98,0r 04 Favorite Royal Rumble match? – 1992 (01 a close second) Favorite Royal Rumble event? 2000 (2002 1st runner up with a good flair-mcmahon streetfight and a very good rock/jericho undisputed title match) - Favorite non-Royal Rumble match? HHH/Cactus 2000 - Favorite WWE Championship match at the Rumble? HHH/Cactus 2000 (rock/mankind I quit 99 1st runner up) - Favorite non-WWE Royal Rumble entrant? Honky Tonk Man in 01 (gets in ring talks on mic gets guitar busted over head by kane) (drew carrey attempting to bribe kane gets him a 1st runner up from me) - Who will win the 2005 WWE Royal Rumble? Cena or Batista
  6. Jericholic82

    Vader vs. Jake the Snake on Boy Meets World

    that was in anaheim? oh man I wish I would have gone lol I liked that episode, where cory has to both be at Topangas bday party and at the wrestling show and gets caught when he keeps his vader mask on at the party and she sees the match on tv right? (im sketchy since i havent seen that ep in a few years that was actually vaders 2nd appearance on boy meets world. he had appeared in 95 in an episode in which cory joins the wrestling team and for some reason at a charity event has to fight vader (w/ wcw us title in hand- making the taping of this sometime in dec 94-marc 95) of course mankind made a guest appearance on the show in fall 99 also at the end of the vader/jake show, vader is in the principals office with mr feeny who apparantly was his principal back in the day and he calls him "leslie" and vader freaks out saying dont tall anyone or sometin (Leslie? his name is Leon aint it?)
  7. Jericholic82

    Rumble winner has the option again

    yea in 03 it was implied that you face your brands champ. however, last year austin and benoit explained that the contract for the rumble match didnt say which champion to face, like a mistake or loophole for benoit. youd think that in storyline terms wwe would fix that mistake, but oh well the writers need an out sometimes like you said (hell we all thought last year that heyman would trade benoit to raw for goldberg remember?)
  8. Jericholic82

    Is a Wrestlemania DVD set coming out ?

    hey I paid 149 bucks for the legacy wm box set on vhs (wm 1-14) so hey im up for anything lol and wm 1 would also have to do alot of editing out wwf and theme songs like JYDS another one bites the dust, us express's born in the usa, wendi richthers girls just want to have fun (really they eidited it out during a confidential from the vault segemnt awhile back) plus hogans eye of the tiger, although ironically all the songs are kept intact on the legacy box set mentioned above
  9. Jericholic82

    Rumble winner has the option again

    yea this is also mentioned in the new raw magazine in the rumble preview (which has many ridicoulous typos like referring to this years coming rumble as the 2004 rumble) and one more thing in a follow up to my earlier post about the hulk hogan name this mag has pics of rumbles past including a pull out poster which shows hogan in the 92 rumble wearing his shirt, but they have blurred out hulk hogan on it (it was the shirt he wore at this time to wm 8 a yellow shirt with flag in middle and hulk on top and hogan on bottom) oh man does this mean hulk a blurring as well as logo blurring in future wwe dvds?
  10. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    lol anyanka I understand what you are saying, but cmon a kennedy spinoff? about what her being annoying to all the others. Now if the first episdoe ends with willow getting angry at her and bitch-slapping her, then yea I might watch lol jk quotes of the day from buffy, xander gets split into identical twins "Xander: If you had an evil twin, youd have a hard time handling it too (or something like that) (xander leaves) Willow: I think I handled it pretty well (or something to that effect-sorry about the lack of straight quoting here) Giles: Dear lord (scoobs continue to talk) Giles: I said Dear Lord Buffy: You always say Dear Lord Willow: what do we do if we cant get them back together Xanders: Kill us both spock (dorky laugh from both) and anya trying to convince the xanders to go back home with her and have 3 way sex is pretty freakin hilarious "I mean it's not like its cheating theyre both xander" I was watching the ep late last night on tnt (1 am to be exact) where connor is born, great powerful storytelling. man do I miss this show KEEP THE THREAD ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Jericholic82

    Best WWE DVD

    I hated the flair cover , becuase they put that stupid cd /dvd plastic label on the top and I tried to slowly pull it off, but it ripped off the cheap cardboard and kinda ruined it. I had to tape the label back on in the front and back so it would look ok I just bought wm xix(the last copy at my best buy) and when it opened , disc 1 was out of its spot and was floating freely inside, causing some minor scratches but it didnt ruin it thank god. damn you best buy wm xx was cool since they put no label on the top thank god although it does show off fingerprints in certain lights my fav dvds are 1.chris benoit 2.eddie 3.flair 4.ecw 5. bloodbath as for the logo blurring, is it really n ecesaary? is the fund going to sue vince if he shows it on archival videos ? I wish he could make a settlement regarding videos (ie being able to say wwf and the attitude logo as long as it wasnt mentioned on the cover art ) oh well
  12. I wouldnt mind 5 hours. especially since the last raw I went to (the kane-lita wedding) had a grand total of 5 matches (with one of them a squash featuring chuck palumbo) combined raw and heat but i would defin need a bathroom break lol
  13. Jericholic82

    Cheap Ass WWE DVDs

    I dont have any of those, but I have been meaning to get no mercy 02 and vengeance 03. my local stores all seem to have them though. I have been waiting for price drops lol I have the rock know your role original vhs version from 99. I like it, too bad they never put it on dvd with full matches. Rocks narration is pretty funny. This basically covers his transfromation to NOD to the cocky rock character we all love. Shows the hilarious moment from feb 98 when rock gave all the nation members rolex watches, except fro farroq, he had a special present for him. He has this big long thing wrapped up. cole assumes its some sort of expensive artwork or painting. simmons opens to reveal a big pic of the rock holding the ic title belt. CLASSIC stuff here as farrooq got more and more pissed at rock every week. leading to night after wm 14 and rock taking over the nod and beating up farooq (after an early shot of the peoples eyebrow to the nod members) it basically skips over everything else straight to his feud with hhh leading into summerslam 98 includingthe segment with chyna mentioned before. a clipped version of the ladder match is shown . rocks intro of the segment is funny as he refers to trips as "That Half-queer triple H" clips fo rock promos are shown in succession and then we seque right to survivor series 98 and rock joing the corporation. moves onto the mankind feud and the rumble I quit match is shown in a clipped form. next they show a clipped version of the empty arena matches, highlighting rocks hilarious comments as he beats up mankind. (throws salsa in micks face, mick screams like it burns and rock says "its mild!") then clips of the wm 15 with stone cold is shown, then clips of the return match at backlash(including rocks funeral for austin which in hindsight is kinda sad considering owen hart dying for real a month later) , then rock leaving the corporation the next night, and thats where it ends. dont know why i said all this, but figured Id tell you about that
  14. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Xander: I think my syphilis is clearing right up (he says this to anya) Willow: and they say romance is dead, or maybe they just wish it was spike: a big battle, at least one of you shouldve bled (or something to that effect) as for weapons I agree. And how come they hardly ever used a flamethrower. If I lived in the buffyverse I would totally have to keep a couple of those babies ready cmon and someone shouldve copied that tales from the crypt movie and used supersoakers filled with holy water oh season 4 is on fx again i like the first two eps. and of course a lame sorta markout moment for me as xander tells buffy that h is car broke down in oxnard (which is right near to where I live) but I dont think I have ever heard of the club he claimed to work at . he shouldve said spearmint rhyno cuz thats the only notable strip club I have heard of around here lol no anyhow Xander: Buffy's friends stole all of her stuff. Now let us go look for those friends who dont sleep at night and have no tans and the halloween ep Giles: Ill have to make a door Anya: you can make a door? Giles (pulls out chainsaw) with this I can Xander: whos a little fear demon? (makes ababy noises) Gilkes: Stop that Xander: Why can he hurt me? Giles No...its just tacky
  15. Jericholic82

    Randy Johnson Trade to the Yankees

    well the yanks are really going all or nothing here. especially for a team that nearly made the world series. obviously there weaknesses came out in the last part of the lcs. hope johnson can still bring it. and whats with the continual yankee hate, jeez they blew a 3-0 lead in the alcs and you are still mad at them? we havent even won a world series in 4 years for crying out loud. would it be so bad if we won just one more ws yikes. and I thought the red sox love would end since they ended there curse ah screw it all Im still a fan even after 4 years of frustrating postseason losses go yanks forever ps I hope they win 3 more in a row to really piss off the masses lol
  16. Jericholic82

    Usage of "WWF" on mainstream TV

    yea and I have notcied some shows showing footage that has the wwf scratch logo on it yea people just use wwf as a general reference to pro wrestling (which is prob why the fund hates vince, even though seriously if vince never called his company wwf how many people would know the acroynym? and i still cant believe that lost that suit. seems to me its only for the uk and overseas, so why cant they still use wwf in the states (answer: it would be too confusing) and why is it that the scratch logo is the only thing the fund is offended by? is it because that wa sthe logo when the Federation had there big boom period from 98-2000? probably anyhow Im sick of the logo blurring and f editing bobby heenan got it right at the hall of fame ceromony
  17. Jericholic82

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    was this the match where mongo got bleach thrown in his eyes and then dissapared forever after the match? and hennig was actually shown on camera in the crowd on the nitro before bash at the beach 97 raven also debuted on that nitro
  18. well the fans at rumble 92 DID boo hogan so...... clearly in the storyline savage was always a bit crazy. he was insanely possesive of liz during his inital heel run, but was not above using her as a shield or distraction. but by 89 he was in love with here and obviously angry at hogan for in his mind tyring to take his woman and his spotlight. svage was getting increasingly paranoid and he finally snapped on SNME. for the hext two years, savage basically was playing a paranoid heel (not unlike steve austin in 01) but he never did stopping loving liz, as we saw at wm 7 man savage sure did have a very intersting ongoing storyline throughout his wwf career
  19. Jericholic82

    Will there be another GTA?

    I was thinking about a 50s one too. set it in a stereoptypical 50s sitcom town (like in pleasentville) that secretly has gansgsters and criminals of course. you could have a cool soundtracks of golden oldies and junk. it would be fun to run around gta rampage style in an innocent time. or one set in the present time would be fine. then again I havent even finished playing san andreas yet (im still in san fierro and I have had the game since the day it come out for crying out loud-man i need to catch up on my playing) hell i still havent even got 100 percent on gta 3 or vice jericoholic82 runs to his ps 2
  20. I bet that comedy central will never air the chris reeve ep of south park again anyhow this weeks ep was gold. It's been a while since SP has made you both laugh and just think "this is wrong" at the same time. "Its santa claus----lets eat his flesh" lmao BLOOD ORGY
  21. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The buffy season 3 xmas ep was on the other day and it was interesting as it had the first sppearance of well the first evil. very cool. and everyone talking about xmas to poor willow forgetting shes jewish "Hello, still Jewish" good line last night I stayed up too late and watched the ep where dawn found out she was the key. made my head almost explode wanting to yell at the scoobs to kill ben lol anyhow, why does buyff decide to kill herself to close the portal? couldnt she have just thrown dawn in there hello shes not really your sister what was she going to accomplish there? leave her sister and her friends alon to be killed by vamps or demons. they calle dit selfless, but it seemed a bit selfish to me ah ranting about buffy/angel good times
  22. Jericholic82

    Chappelle Show S3 and S2 DVD Release Delayed

    oh crap funny you mention this cuz I just borrowed season one from my friend and have been enjoying it
  23. Jericholic82

    Movies that killed a career

    Am I the only one who liked that? No, I know a ton of people who love it, including myself. Agreed. I don't think any of us paid money to see it though. Chevy was killed by "Cops and Robbersons" and he wasn't helped by the beyond horrible "Vegas Vacation". I am beyond outraged that you would insult Vegas Vacation, one of my fav films. (and my fav vaction movie along with christmas one) Pick a number is what did it for me as well as "I won I won the money the money is mine I won" I guess not everyone likes dumb and sarcastic humor oh well
  24. Jericholic82

    The WWE PPV DVD Thread

  25. Jericholic82

    Triple H on Conan O'Brien

    (little girls voice) "You're a dead man, Ramsey" lmao anyhow I saw Trips on conan the other night (taped it too, well just tacked on to the end of another tape I had 15 mins left on) not much of an interview , but loved the hogan in a tutu reference. they mentioned steph of course (who btw is referenced on the back of the new themeaddict cd as stephanie mcmahon Levesque) Trips was funnier back on conan prior to wm x-7 in 01. They discussed conans big head and Trips offered to use him as a foreign object at mania. anyhow also on thursday I caught Torrie wilson on MTV Cribs (holy crap that came out of nowhere-didnt know about this one) showed her house and stuff (and she had to introduce billy kidman as her husband-uhoh wwe will be mad lol as- as billy was busy sitting on the couch playing madden with an unamed friend. wow they have a lot of wwe dvds what a shock (but also I spotted b eyond the mat and steve austin the early years) torrie showed off her fridge which had some weeding photos, oh stack keibler was therehow nice. apparantly they have a cat named cali, named so cuz they found it backstage at a show in california (why there was a cat runing loose backstage at a wrestling event is beyon me but hey) shows off her bedroom (which had a big ass tv in it) and a huge bed with huge posts on it (for her to legdrop billy from according to torrie) then she went out to show off the pool and boat (wow how much money are the Gruner's pulling in these days?) all in all they have a very nice house.