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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    WWE 27/4 Video On Demand Service

    well Im in southern cali and have adelphia digital cable, but they suck and we dont even have high spped internet service, vod, or dvrs yet in my area so I doubt ill ever get the 24-7 thing, but maybe ill call tomorrow to find out Ill check back in here if I find anything out
  2. Jericholic82

    The WWE PPV DVD Thread

    I got some new dvds this weekend Hall of fame 04 (birthday present from my dad, because Best Buy was sold out of the ECW dvds-actually I have yet to find that dvd anywhere) ), WreslteMania XIX (cuz I didn't have a copy of it-and I had every wm on tape already so I wanted to complete the collection), then yesterday I went to circuit city to see if they had ECW, but they didnt) so I picked up The Steel cage 2 disc set from last year (why not- has some good matches on it) and also the wm xx dvd (only because circuit city had it for only 19.95-since I had it taped from ppv already) non topic related, also got the new theme song cd/dvd for my b day too) For those who haven't seen the HOF one, give it a look. The ceremony itself is great fun and makes you really nostalgic. Bobby Heenan is absolutley hysterical during his acceptance speech (in which he goes on and on for like 20 minutes but it never gets boring) Heenan accidentally said WWF so they actually bleeped out the last letter on the dvd (oh god) so in response heenan goes off on the world wildlife fund Well in keeping with the topic Wm XIX-Crack Addict kept intact (all i know so far since I haven't actually watched much of the dvd yet) lots of extras like wwwe stars favorite wm moments, tv spots, press conferences, the entire wm 3rd degree special, build up to hogan-mcmahon, and the heat tag title match between kane/rvd vs morley/storm, as well ast the heat segment of nathan jones being taken out (great acting there Nate-you aren't missed) sadly they didnt include cena talking smack to carboard cuots of rappers. looks like a good dvd, but hard to find in stores now(best buy had 1 copy left, prbably been there since last june) WM xx has already been covered alot on this board, but I will say I am pissed that they cut out The Ultimo Slip and Slide, as well as the dubbing of stacys and victorias and dudleys themes, (its a wm dvd for gods sake, get the rights for this one at least) and what they think there are no fans out there that havent heard about the crowd response to berg/lesnar? anyhow the extras are good, cool wm trivia thing (though I have ssen at least two errors already-one a q asking how hilbilly jims two midget partners at wm 3 were, and there is no correct choice, only little beaver and henry godwinn (wtf?) which apparantly is the right answer who knew?) cool gallerrys of the previous wm with photos, match results, and little factoids. the cool mania of wrestlemania xix special and the 10 greatest wm matches hosted by flair btw was there a heat match prior to wm xx? cuz the dvd has dudleys vs storm/venis from the previous weeks heat on instead (the match where the duds earned the final spot in the 4 way tag title match at mania) Well best buy said theyd get a new ecw shipment in soon so Ill have to go back again damn
  3. Jericholic82

    Favourite Coliseum Video

    Wrestlefest 94 has the steiners vs owen and bret as well as a decent tag title match kid and jannetty vs headshrinkers. as well as an ok bret/diesel match The Hulkamania series was very good
  4. Jericholic82

    Strangest Kayfabe reasons for a heel turn

    The reason they gave for Hnery turning on Brown was that Brown made fun of Henry for his weight in an attempt to motivate him to lose some pounds. Henry didn't see the humor of it though. Even though the overall turn was great, I always thought Steve Austin gave a pretty lame reason for turning after WM17. "Sometimes...you just gotta suck up to your boss" Actually I think that they were hinting that Austin wasnt sure of himself anymore after coming back from inury and was literally so obssesed with regaining his title that he would ask for Vinces help. then he joined the allmighty alliance because he thought Vince wasnt giving him enough attention and was grooming rock to take his palce (which made no sense considering vince had suspended rock) most of 01 saw Austin potrayed as a paranoid heel (especially in the alliance period) Mavens heel turn had me thinking. hes mad at eugene so he attacks him and that makes him a heel. why does his attitude change (i guess its supposed to go back to his failure to win the world title ) what I mean is, why is it that when a guy turns heel (or face for that matter) he immediately can team up with his former enemies who accept him (christian and tomko) shouldnt they at least question his motives? orton is a great example since he spent most of the last year pissing off every face on Raw
  5. Jericholic82

    Matches where even though a guy lost...

    I dont agree with the foley/taker example. if you look at the tape, coming in foley had ZERO heat (then again multiple character changes and heek/face switches mighta hurt his credibility) yea after the match some fans chanted foley but it wasnt even that loud. in his next appearnce on tv, his ovation wasnt any louder still mostly quiet. It wasnt until after his breakup with kane that he started to grow on people, due to his goofy personality. IMO it was his goofy side that got him over. WWE just after the fact programmed the fans to think he was a hardcore legend and they bought it. His goofiness, and subsquent sereis of events with Rock and vince turning his back on him made him sympathetic. he got more over with socko than he ever was putting his body on the line. read his books and tell me your opinion then. He got bigger pops stumlbing around in the ring and wrestling horribly until he pulled out socko, then he ever did before. Benoit vs Angle Rumble 03 is a good recent example. he received a standing ovation after the match and from then on his popularity and acceptance a main event level guy grew, though WWE missed the boat and had him buried in the midcard until his jump to raw.
  6. Jericholic82

    Ivory makes some Racist comments

    Ivory is ok on the experience with todd(I am probably the only person who watches that show) but ppv hype? not too strong. as for hassan? he came across ok on raw. Foley was strong, basically saying that while he agreed that it wrong that arabs are mistreated, and he is opposed to the war, he wont stand for shots taken at soldiers. Also enjoyed his joke about the red state I think they made Hassan too aggressive, in his first appearance he just asked to be treated with respect. I think the gimmick woulda worked better like that though most fans would boo him blindly of course, then again, debuting him in Alabama woulda probably never get him over as a face or a neutral. either way Im sick of WWE using patritotism and sying thanks to the troops to get publicity (why else would they send wrestlers to Iraq? you think Vince cares that much about troops? its clearly a huge publicty stunt as Vince is frantic for major media attention and acceptance-see XFL) and besides that It would appear that Davari is probably the better wrestler of the two yet, somehow the musclehead gets the push, what a shock and what is up with the sig pic y2jerk? YIKESSSS thatll give everyone nightmares yea nothing gay at all
  7. Jericholic82

    the Rise and fall of the Smark Champions

    I think that in Benoit's case , they wanted a big babyface win at wm to end hhs title reign of course. choosing benoit was a big gamble for them, since he had to make the move to Raw immediately after winning the rumble. It was a gamble since not all of Raws audience was also watching sd. But his reception upon arerival probably quieted their fears. more than just because he deserved it and loyalty or whatnot. And they finally idd make him a permanent main event guy in the average fans minds. His pops have stayed continously loud and I have seen lots of Benoit and signs and shirts that I have only previously seen from a few smarks at the events. case in point I went to the 8/23 Raw in anaheim (kane-lita wedding) one week after main eventing the second biggest show of the year, Benoit was main eventing heat of all things. But he got the biggest pop of the whole night. My point is the fans do buy Benoit in the top spot and as such they may continue to leave him in the mix with evoultion and other top heels. Eddie is a different story. They probably did give him a shot at the top to attract the latino market, but thats nothing new. ethnic champions have been used since the beginning of the wwwf (bruno,Pedro, rock, etc) Eddie did seem to not be able to handle all the stress in addition to concentarting on staying sober and healthy. Wwe might have taken the burden opff of him to make sure he didnt fall off the wagon again. Then again they only gave him 2 major opponents during his reign. Angle, who was an obvious choice . then JBL, an exmidcarder attemptint to bust into the main event scene right away and failing miserably at it. But whoda thunk it, by hook or crook or majic or something we havent thought of JBL has become a believeable heel champion to the fans. Anyhow, Eddies reign was less than stellar due to bad booking imo So in the end, WWE took a big chance with both of these guys and at the very least they made eddie and chris "big" in the fans eyes
  8. Jericholic82

    Do not deny the greatness of Christmas Vacation.

    Jingle is fine. Phil Hartman steals the show as usual and of course the big show as a giant santa
  9. Jericholic82


    This is the greatest thread ever!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Jericholic82

    Best Shirt EVER

    I was being sarcastic you guys
  11. Jericholic82

    Do not deny the greatness of Christmas Vacation.

    I have that version of Scrooge (its orginal title in england) on video. well its my dads, he likes that one alot. I think it is a good adaptation of the story Scrooged is a personal fav of mine but thats a comedy so. and I must stand by my opnion that Vegas Vacation rules all Pick a number (nuff said)
  12. Jericholic82

    What was the feud going into these matches?

    Taker was just announced one week on superstars as the #1 contender for hogan. no real buildup prior. but on the funeral parlor, ric flair and hogan had a confrontation and taker attacked hogan (jumping out from a coffin) ripping off his cross (yes that seemed to happen alot- what was hogan? a vampire slayer or somethin?) Don't know if his win was a shock but it was kinda to me at the time as a little kid (though I was afraid that Taker could beat hogan since he was all invinceable) Roberts was out of action most of 89 with a neck injury I think. Bossman turned face during this feud. Wrestleline had a series of columns on bossmans career when he died and from this I found out On tv, Bossman ran out and attacked jake, stealing the million dollar belt back. when he went back to the locker room. he gave it to Dibiase who then tried to hand Bossman some cash for a dead well down, Bossman freaked out saying "he doesnt take bribes" (but apprantly he does beat up people for free?) and basically turned f ace just like that. He was to face akeem at wm 6 but Dibiase hid under the ring after his match with jake and attacked bossman. Bossman went on to win the match. But he never did feud with Ted(who himself went on to feud with Dusty Rhodes and "buy" Saphhire) Hogan vs Quake. After wm 6, on the brother love show, Quake sneak attacked Hogan and gave him his quake BUTT frop splash severely injuring him (this was done to give Hogan time off to film Suburban Commando I believe) They had a whole get well hulk campaign on tv with an address to send cards and junk. soon they announced hogans return and the match at SS Quake later attacked Hogans friend Tugboat who was supposed to be in his corner for slam. so hogan chose Bossman to replace him instead. The match came, and Hogan won by countout surprisngly (quake himself his admitted this was because hogan wanted to continue the feud for awhile) Bad news vs Piper. They eliminated each other from the royal rumble and brawled to the back so bad blood was between them. It didnt help when Piper painted half his body black for the wm 6 match Nothing like a little racism to spice up a feud Perfect Vs Bret had no real buildup as I recall. Bret was getting a signles push after the dissolving of the hart foundation. Perfect had been defending aganisnt random challengers and alot against the Bulldog. so when Bret got the title match it was a big surprise to alot (unless you were reading the observer back then I dont know)
  13. Jericholic82

    Best Shirt EVER

    that is a real shirt, I saw it in the background during the flair-hhh backstage bit calling up bischoff. Ugly or not, I would wear that shirt! screw non-wrestling fans they all suck!!!!!
  14. Jericholic82

    GTA: San Andreas

    I find it more ironic that pretty much all the vehicles parked on the street can be opened with ease without any alarms. Im still in SF just beat Jizzys ist mission, should I do wuzis or conitnue with jizzy? btw Charlie Murphy as Jizzy is awesome. BEST CAMEO EVER
  15. Jericholic82

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    also, why is it that JR can call Shelton Benjamins dragon whip in this game, and never in real life?
  16. Jericholic82

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I feel your pain, this is what made me have to try the barber challenge in challenge mode like 40 times before finally winning.
  17. Jericholic82

    Chappelle's Show season 2 DVD info

    awesome. too bad they dont go for music rights cuz it was funny when dave kept making DMX sing different songs by pushing buttons. White People Dancing may be my fav skit of the year though. "white people like electric guitar, black people, we prefer drums, and latinos love electric piano and drums with spanish gibberish over it" the wayne brady ep was great for lines "Oh s--- its Wayne Brady son!!!" "Smoke it Dave, look n#@$^ this is not an option" "Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?" "I'm Wayne Brady Bitch!!!!!!!!!!"
  18. Jericholic82

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    I agree random "Oh Jonathan!!!!!" (fake british accent) My fav part is when they hide in the store window dreesed up in wedding garb with screech as the minister. and they keep arguing and everytime someone goes by they freeze. one point they are all grabbing for screechs throat.
  19. Jericholic82

    Favorite Positvely Kanyon Moment

    yes I made it my sig for the day!!!! awesome!!!!!
  20. Jericholic82

    Favorite Positvely Kanyon Moment

    thank you placebo for the quote
  21. Jericholic82

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I got an answer for your Heyman question The Dangerous alliance angle basically came to an end after the wrestlewar 92 ppv war games match. Larry Zybysko accidentally hit Bobby Eaton with a turnbuckle and cost them the match. so Larry was kicked out. Eaton and Anderson had already lost the tag titles so they soon stopped teaming. Paul was left with austin and madusa. austin lost the tv title to ricky steamboat at the clash xx. madusa got sick of heymans attitude so they had a short feud including a boxing match sometime. I dont remember when Paul left though, probably the end of 92 barbarian and butch reed defeated windham and dustin rhodes at clash xx, cactus jack did commentary on the match (despite being in extreme pain from a torn abdominal muscle in his earlier match with simmons) and jake roberts was shown nodding after the match. this was leading to a supposed stable of reed, barb, cactus, and jake. But reed got fired really quick and cactus jack managed barb for his world title match at havoc. jack attempted to interfere with the snake in the havoc match between sting and jake, but it backfired. So no barb and windham had no real feud. I remeber that setup though. soon after windham and rhodes won the unified tag titles from Gordy/williams and later lost them at clash XI to ricky steamboat and shane douglas and after the match windham turned heel on Dustin. ahh memories. I actually became a big windham mark in 92 (still remember jumping out of my chair when he beat austin for the tv title in a 2/3 falls match on wcw sat night) and was heartbroken when my hero went bad ahh to be a mark again.....
  22. Jericholic82

    Strange storyline/angle ideas:

    this would rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just thought of one today, Bastion Booger returns and challenges HHH for the world title..................in a "Pull My Finger" Match or as someone in the wrestling dream folder dreamt of HHH vs Benoit in a Dance Dance Revolution Game and something not wrestling related I just thought that Barry Bonds should get a tv variety show called "Barry Bonds Disco Hour" where he dresses up in a disco suit and disco dances to songs about HGH and Steroids, guests could include Jason Giambi, Jose Canseco, and Mark McGwire
  23. Jericholic82

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    after Fall Brawl 95 Kamala was in that ppvs main event a war games match with the DOD vs Hogan, Sting, Savage, and Luger, but dissapeared from WCW tv shortly thereafter. Kamala did nothing of note in his wcw tenure except beating Jim Duggan at Bash at The beach 95 and facing hogan on a wcw main event show the same day as clash of the champions august 95
  24. Jericholic82

    Favorite Positvely Kanyon Moment

    how about the book he carries positively kanyon title with pic of him on it classic he used to hide a brick in there and clobber people with it too bad they never got a chance to follow it up with a match between him and DDP
  25. Jericholic82

    Do not deny the greatness of Christmas Vacation.

    I love vacation. Im not a big fan of xmas story but enjoy some parts of it (my fav is when the dad gets the leg shaped lamp box and says "Look its Italian Fra-gile") vacation is a must see at xmas time speaking of which I think ill go pick up the dvd since I need a copy and they never show it on hbo anymore. actually I personally like Vegas Vaction the best but thats neither here nor there and dont forgot Emmet Otters Jugband Xmas that rules all (Blares Riverbottom Nightmare Bands song)