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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    wow another great game. I guess you can truly never give up on the yanks. I knew something was going to happen when they got the tying run up. Ruben was way overdue aftre missing out on two homers in the first game. However, against the sox, the yanks may be wise to dh lofton or even clark. so another great comeback, somewhat soured by the fact that fox on the west coast cut away during posadas at bat in the 9th forcing me to run for the radio, yep cut away so we can get freaking pre-game hype for the dodgers. damnit i hate the dodgers even more now I hope they lose tomorrow. I mean at least put the game on fsn or something, even espn doesnt cut away from playoff games liek that, luckily they cut back in with a split screen allowing me to see a-rod steal third and score the winning run, then came back for the last out. once again fox blows and can a tv network have worse camera angles? I mean espn is pretty bad when they show the view from the outfield causing you to not see hits, but fox was all over the place today. hey at least the commentators werent buck and mcarver. lyons actually made great point today. ok maybe we can all stop making fun of him for pulling his pants down at first base years ago-at least until he makes a bad line again thank god were leaving the godawful metrodome with its crazy turf and white/gray ceiling anyone else more than a little shocked that this series was decided on a freakin wild pitch/passed ball (more likely that since borders apparatnly forgot his prescription glasses)? anyways YANKEES WIN THAAAAAAA YANKEES WIN SO the sox want us? they think the'yre going to stomp us out? BRING IT ON!!!!!! but seriously it should be a great series, but I do think we will win so dont worry anglesault (not that you would). if we don't, well the curse will intensify causing the sox to be swept in the world series I know the yanks are vulnerable in pitching, but in truth they were pretty darn good in this alds (save for vasquez who apparantly forgot how to throw the ball-and for gods sake BENCH HEREDIA) and boston's pen blew a 5 run lead the other day so you never know. boston will have had 4 days off-sure its good for curt schilling and his ankle injury, but it may cool down bostons hot bats. If we can somehow win game 1, I think we can beat pedro again and a 2-0 lead would probably be the way to beat bos (by winning on our home turf)or maybe overanalzing this is way too early. lets just celebrate a little (plays NY,NY by sinatra and poses-I'll leave wrestling themes to dames-though right now I think we should blare time to play the game in tribute to the coming alcs) Go yanks!!!! This one's for you uncle pete
  2. Jericholic82

    Favorite Family Guy lines

    During an ep where they are looking for a theme for the town parade. Cop in wheelchair (his name slips my mind right now) "Show me 'overcoming adversity' " camera cuts to quagmire "Show me 'Girls I gave the clap to' " of course "and the theme is....... "the episode of who's the boss where Tony sees Angela naked in the shower?" rod serling guy talks about them fighting over trophy missing like a twilight zone ep Peter: hey who is that guy? lets get him (gang runs over and beats up guy)
  3. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    not really, in fact xan doesnt even need to be on this show its going to be called spike or perhaps the Lorne and Spike variety hour
  4. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I think we need a Spike spinoff in which he shares an apartment with Xander and Lorne and Andrew I dont know why it just came to me Lorne can open a new club in like NYC and Xan and Andrew can bartend and help out. Spike would read his poems and beat up demons and vamps what do you think? anyone want to take a stab at writing a screenplay for it? maybe I'll try
  5. Jericholic82

    Seven years ago Brian Pillman passed away...

    well I only have it on a floppy disc and my pc doesnt have a floppy drive hmmmmm. maybe I can type it up again and post it. wait would scanning the original work? that would be funny as you can see my teachers remarks and grammar corrections (not that there were too many, like I said he game me an A) well I'll try to have that for you soon. ok?
  6. Jericholic82

    OSSOTD for 10/7/04: Survivor Series 1989

    I have a used coliseum video of this show with orginal box (though not in great condition) it also shows windhame and blanchard on the back. this was the first cv of ss that wasnt clipped as it proudly advertises all matches complete on the box. Havent watched it in like 2 years, but thought it was ok. dont really want to keep putting old tapes in my vcr for obvious reasons. I should dub them on another tape or if I ever get a dvd burner, transfer them. I used to love ss (my first ppv i ever watched was ss 90) i always liked the team format and was glad they always try to work one in every year (save for 98) I once bought a used sseries 90 but it got stuck in my vcr after watching it once and ruined it. saved the box though. (it was in an oversized plastic case, so i just took out the insert and hung it on my wall where it still is) anyways, the best match on this show was probably the opener. the hogan match was lame, considering as jesse said the ref dq 3 of the 4 members of the million dollar team
  7. Jericholic82

    rare or oop wwe/wwf dvds

    just wondering, would vince get sued again if he didnt blur the logos, i mean it seems pretty stupid
  8. Jericholic82

    rare or oop wwe/wwf dvds

    this makes me wish I had bought alot of those wwf dvds when they first came out, but I didnt have a dvd player at the time so....(didnt get one till 2002) my locaL STORES USED TO HAVE THEM IN ABUNDANCE BUT HARD TO FIND NOW (oops didnt mean to go all caps there sorry) My blockbuster is still renting a wm 15 dvd along with a few wwf vhs should ask if I could buy them hmmmm This is coming from, the guy who paid 39.95 for a wm 2000 vhs copy in early 2001
  9. Jericholic82

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    Sometimes, it's not about the numbers. The leadership and enthusiasm that he displays can't be shown in a box score. He steps it up and makes everyone around him better. He's like a mushroom in Super Mario Brothers. You don't NEED it, but it sure as shit don't hurt. But Rex Hudler had a lot of emotion and was a leader, did that make him a great player? I'm not comparing the 2 in any way, but Jeter has had the opportunity to play on great teams and with other great players. Leadership is easy when you are surrounded by other all stars. Last year, Pudge Rodriquez was a "leader" and helped the Marlins win the World Series. This year he was a "leader" and "mentor" for the Tigers and they won 70 games. Did his leadership skills just disappear in a year? It's hard to measure these types of things. UGHHHH REX HUDLER Please dont mention that guys name. Living in southern cali, I have to watch him and steve physioc verbally make love to the angels while they play the yanks. Hes still bittter the yanks dumped him after he failed to make an impact for them in the 80s. hah and he got caught with dope at the airport last year so bahahahahah YANKEES WIN THAAAAAAAAAAA YANKEES WIN anyhow, Game 2 is why I love the yanks so much. Hell while I love the sport of baseball so much. In baseball, its never over until the last out. thats what seperates MLB from the NFL and NBA. while more people watch those these day, because of their short attention spans, it is baseball that is our true pastime and the greatest sport of them all (well except for wrestling like ric flair would say) I don't know how far they can go this year, but when you have an A-Rod on your postseason roster you can never count them out. Even if they lose they'll always be my team, becuase I am a true fan not some bandwagoner Go yankees and I am dying for someone on this board to come up wioth a reason for hating the yankees, other then their payroll and constantly being in the playoffs (screw you its great for business-ask the many teams across the leauge and how much they draw when the Bombers are in town) can it be NY hatred and/or jealosy? well as my father always says "when the leaves turn brown and there's a chill in the air, look towards the bronx cuz the big show known as the world series will be played there" and all you haters can literally kiss my NY ass!!!!! LETS GO YANKEES CLAP CLAP CLAP LETS GO YANKEES I dedicate this postseason run to the memory of my late uncle, one of the greatest Yanks fans there ever was (really, his tombstone even has the NY logo and Lets go yankees on it)
  10. Jericholic82

    Seven years ago Brian Pillman passed away...

    WOW I remember this like it was yesterday cant believe 7 years. I didn't watch the BAdd blood show so I didnt know until next morning at school when I went online and found out (on the wcw website no less) this always bothered me as I was a big pillman fan since his days in the lightheayweight division of wcw and the liger matches. I did my 11th grade research paper on Pillman (we needed to do something on any person and the only caveat was that they were dead so) and I am really proud of that. It was only a 5 page paper and I basically summarized his life and career highlights. sadder more is while working on the paper(in april/may 99), owen hart died. We still miss you Brian "We're gonna see what happens when Austin 3:16 meets Pillman: 9 millimeter gun!!!!!!" (that angle scared thecrap out of me and I was a high school freshman at the time)
  11. Jericholic82

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    my local hollywood video has the game krazy mini store(where I preordered san andreas at), which sells, trades, adn buys games. they have an extensive collection of old nes, genesis,snes,n64, ps1 and gameboys games. i saw revenge there for like 4 bucks, wwf attitude for 5 bucks just bought simpsons hit and run new at blockbuster for only 19.95 most places here still had it for 39.99
  12. Jericholic82

    Rodney Dangerfield passes away

    This is really sad. well miss you rod. actually I like Ladybugs so sue me and he was great as Larry Burns on the simpsons I also noticed that his death didn't get top billing. You have to know he's looking down and saying see I told you Comedy Central replayed last years commies awards this morningand rodney had won an award. he had some great lines "They call this the golden years, the golden years, going to the bathroom 5 times a night thats the golden years, when your toes outnumber your teeth, thats the golden years, and I can't get sex, my wife's favorite position is in front of Bloomingdales" RIP Rodney We'll never forget you
  13. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    dont hate on obsesisveness, I didn't sleep much the night of the angel finale, becuase I was racking my brain trying to figure out what just happened and what is to become of our fav characters. hell at least we know that the scoobies (sans anya RIP) were able to live on. although xander hanign out in africa makes no sense. that's not to say I think about these shows all the time. I am just sayin I understand where you guys are coming from. I also tend to imagine myself in the show at some times. Anyone else fearless enough to admit that (cmon anyanka I know you've got a story like that) By the way I am working on a lets say story about angel/buffy. I'l post it once I finish. I'm not giving it away yet lol quote of the day Spike:It's.....mountain dew?
  14. Jericholic82

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    Ok I got one, how about a sign with a picture of HHH saying "I slept with a Mcmahon and all I got was this lousy push" or if you want to be sarcastic a simple "Push HHH" sign will do
  15. Jericholic82

    Favorite nonsensical turns

    at first I thought Rikishis turn was interesting. Being that it was a mildy racist thing at first. It made you think and actually you couldnt blame him for his rationale. I think the reason Rikishi was revealed as the man who hit austin was that the WWF wanted to surprise the fans they didnt want to go with the obvious dx/hhh. So they turn Rikishi and the fans take a crap on that, wwf thinks ok they dont liek a surprise so well give them want they want. HHHS turn at wm 15 I thought was poorly planned as there were no clues beforehand. I guess he joined the corporation cuz he was tired of foolin around and wnted to be the champ for once and not a mid-card goofball. Im just saying if there was a slight clue beforehand it would have worked much better. anyway, the turn killed his heat and he didnt get over completely until foley did it for him. and as for the austin-angle thing, well I guess the alliance era was over and we had woken up from the bizzaro world dream of the past 4 months. i mean thats how they basically treated it. within days, there was no more mention of what had happened for the past months
  16. Jericholic82

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    I second millenium man either that or a sign that reads "I paid 40 bucks to sit next to 12 year old marks and jerry springer rejects" or "Rodney Mack has a gun on his tights, call the FCC"
  17. Jericholic82

    Favorite nonsensical turns

    how about vince and stephanie reuniting after the steph vs trish match at nwo 01. the next night vince books him and trish vs steph and regal then he turns on trish and pours a janitors mop thingy contents all over her. whats up? steph was hinting at faceness by being against her dad cheating on her mom (although she had clebrated the fact earleir when vince got full power due to linda being out of it) then they reunite AGAIN? i hate the mcmahons more turns then a ride at six flags
  18. Jericholic82

    Trish Stratus and Matt Hardy

    also remember earlier in 01 in like july just when the invasion was starting trish kept coming on to matt and annoying lita then jeff saved her from a beating by big show and she kissed him, i rmemebr a backstage segment where trish thanks him and kisses him agaian, then matt and lita come in and are all like what "Matt:Cmon jeff i mean what are you looking at?" and they say matt isnt gay? lmao
  19. Jericholic82

    Trish Stratus and Matt Hardy

    well matt did briefly turn heel, because jeff messed up at ss and cost them the unified tag titles against thedudleys by trying a swanton from the top of the cage instead of climbing over.the top. jeff and matt had a match at vengeance 02 with lita as special ref, jeff won but matts foot was on the ropes, the next night he breaks up with lita and they have a handicap match with matt against jeff and lita matt cheats to win. then the next week undertaker destroys both jeff and lita and matt (looking on from wwfny) runs out. the hardys dissapear till rumble match 02 when they both come out and reunite to beat up taker.
  20. Jericholic82

    Favorite nonsensical turns

    If vince really wanted show vs austin at wm 2000, then why did he have austin beat show clean two weeks before wm 15 on a live raw? aha you missed shows turn after he lost the wwf title to hhh, he got mad at rock after when they did the roster walkout to demand foley be reinstated, rock said he was gonna throw 29 jabronies out of the rumble. and show took offense to this. my fav part was when rock did a replay on the video screen of himn mocking show from different angles, "I have to give you credit show, you do one thing really well and that thing is uahahahahauauahhah
  21. Jericholic82

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    wow I should have pre-ordered smackdown vs raw. I already did for san andreas but that was a month ago and at the time I wasnt sure if I could order this game as I didnt know the release date. crap. and I would never trade in my n64 i traded in my old nes in 1994 and only got about 50 bucks for it and 16 games learned my lesson besides I still like goldeneye and no mercy
  22. Jericholic82

    Your Favourite 3 WCW Matches.. (1993-2001)

    i think the flair sting match in question is the one from like july of 99 when sting beat flair to win the presidency of wcw. the storyline suggested he was gonna give it to newly face eric bischoff but he got fired not soon after and the whole angle was dropped suddenlt with no more mention of the wcw president situation. russo arrived in october 99 and the powers that be was born(later leading to new blood vs millionaires club)
  23. Jericholic82

    Muhammed Hussien

    actually if they did use him as a face like that, it would give some positive publicity for wwe, however typical wrestling fans will boo him regardless. I say drop the gimmick and find somethin original, if you need an evil foreigner gimmick to get over, then well you probably wont make it in pro wrestling, unless of course you marry a mcmahon
  24. I would say titanic, but then again I have never seen it in full. I tried to wacth for 5 mins, but wanted to shoot out my tv screen. as steve harvey said in the original kings of comedy "Bring on the water and drown these people" gigli does come to mid, even without hearing the reviews I wouldnt watch this one. yea F9-11 comes to mind, I haven't seen it yet but Ill probably get the dvd tomorrow to judge for myself (if it is like past moore docus like Roger and Me Ill enjoy it)
  25. It's got a vision of Vietnam that offends a lot of people I know. well as a son of a disabled vietnam vet, I can say that most people are morons. that war wasn't pretty at all. No matter what the republicans may like to spin, vietnam was a horror