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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    The truth about "Friday Night Lights"

    well that's a sad story to say the least. I won't go to se this move anyway as I have seen plenty of high school football movies over the years. this reminds me of my old high school here in southern cali Hueneme High I went to their season opener wihch was aganist the defending Section champs Westlake High. my school was outmatched and the other team took great pleasure in running up the score and playing really rough against smaller younger guys. I was more than a little disgusted. actually if they wanted to make a movie, they could have made one about my school where after years of losing and student apathy, a new coach and several great players(including my old classmate Keary Colbert who starred at USC and now plays for the Carolina Panthers) turned it around and by 1998 we won league and the stadium was packed with ethusiastic fans. The football team really turned around the low morale of us students who are often looked down on by other schools since we are considered a "poor" school by some idiots. I'll never forget my last two years of high school due to this. it's too bad that now the ethusiasm is gone again, replaced by hard times and hard luck. But I for one still go to games and support my alma mater so to crono, I'll boycott this movie in support of your friend
  2. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    wow I just realized that this thread has lasted from before the premiere of s5 last year all the way till syndication congrats to all of us who made it possible
  3. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    hey tnt has been showing season 5. anyone rewatching? Can't believe it's been a year already. dang I missed life of the party the other day that was a funny epsidoe as I remember. Finally I'l get to see the whole episode where spike fights angel for the cup of mountain dew. I missed most of it the first time.
  4. Jericholic82

    Foley/JBL Debate Report

    I watched this last night. Overall it was probably better than the actual debate will be. Foley came off as a smart guy who made realisitc arguements and did not come off as a bush baher persay but as a auy who had serious doubts and was worried about the future for this generation. The young woman college student who was backing kerry was terrible at debating she stuttred through most of her responses and seemed to be nervous about being on tv. The dem rep from florida had some good arguements as well. Bradshaw started ok, but basically came off as a guy with the old "kill all foreigners" attitude. especially by saying if you criticize the US govt you are un american. Foley on the other hand disccused his fear that the right to have dissention was being taken away and all those who speak out aganist the president are being silenced the host was an idiot who didnt know what was going on. oh and stephanie was utterly annoying especially her urging us to vote at the end. the best part was Foley saying that Bradshaw was getting more boos than he did in the arena. JBL looked a bit ticked off to say the least. overall it was very entertaining I just wonder why WWE is so interested in the youth voting, is it to make the company portrayed in a positive light by the media?
  5. Jericholic82

    Roy Jones Jr comeback fight thread

    As someone who has grown tired of Roys self-promotion and ego, I for one was happy to see him get knocked out. After seeing the fight again, I would say that Roy should move on from boxing as he doesnt need it and he could get really hurt if he takes more shots to the head like that either way he went down like a tree being cut, johnson might as well have yelled timber! I would be surprised if his eardrum wasnt ruptured
  6. Jericholic82


    how about a rabid saints fan or somethin? that would be different I agree cabbage most shows have stereotypical "regional" guys on them best line ever "Micahael Holley looks likea pre-pubescent Arsenio Hall" (or somethin to that nature-last week on I, Max)
  7. Jericholic82

    Conan O'Brien to take over Tonight Show in 2009!

    Did anyone else find Lenos heartfelt speech to be a bit sarcastic, it seemed to me liek he was giving backhanded compliments to coney and you can tell he isn't happy about leaving in 5 years. Does this mean conan will have to move to LA? that sucks, I think NYC is the best venue for conans show as the LA crowd isnt smart enough to understand some of conans humor. I hope he brings "Actual items" with him to replace headlines, even though I like headlines a lot, conans goof on it always makes me laugh, and the funny part is the hollywood crowd is too narcasisitc and airheaded to see through it and would probably think its real lmao Bring back Andy as "Robot Opera Singer Who Fights Crime" Don't hate on Raymond "OOOOOOO if your crack's not feelin super, Raymonds here,Raymonds here, rub this cream right on your pooper, Raymonds here to help"
  8. Jericholic82

    Favorite Spaceballs lines

    How about "The rader has been jammed!" -actual jam pours out of the screen helmet tastes it "rasperry! theres only one man who likes that....Lonestar" "Use the Schwartz"
  9. Jericholic82

    Spaceballs Sequel?

    Hey I liked the first one. when I first saw it as a kid, I had little idea it was a spoof just thought it was very funny (never got into star wars at all so excuse my 4 year old innocence) But a sequal? hmmmm it would be hard to pull off I think. Can't do it without Candy I think
  10. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    One thing to ponder, what was Jasmine's ultimate plan? To take over the whole world right? Then what? I mean what was her motivation? Besides eating people, it seemed like all she wanted was for people to obey her and be peaceful. That's the only thing that has bothered me
  11. Jericholic82


    Max is my hero, I love how he plays the overbearing New Yorker stereotype to the max (oh im sorry for that pun) And besides someone has to stick up for NY instead of calling it evil. I agree about Bill Wolf he needs to be beaten up and tied up with michael and thrown into the east river lol BTW anyone herethink Michael Holley looks like a woman?, I was watching I max last night and my mom came into the room and thought he was a lady. I just started cracking up and now I will never be able to watch the show without laughing again But honestly I liked The old ATH better then even imax and PTI is pretty good for the most part
  12. Jericholic82

    MLB Game Chatter

    Anglesault, welcome to the hell that is my everyday life as a New Yorker living in Southern Cali but the as-angels series will probably settle who gets to job to the Yanks (I guess the Triple H of baseball) in the ALDS
  13. Jericholic82

    Wrestlemania Ticket Pre-sale

    damn I sent in a postcard i got when I went to raw last month in anahaeim and they gave me the mail with password but I woke up at 10 this morning and it said all presale tix were sold out. I wonder how many are left? This sucks, wwe really screws you when it comes to getting tickets. but with wm they selll even quicker I doubt ill gbet any tomorrow, looks like the thrid time in 10 years Ill miss out on wm in cali . wait a minute, cant give up, maybe Ill go to a ticketmaster location tom morning
  14. Jericholic82

    Fans cheering the heels

    RVD got cheered all the time during his initial alliance run, and besides philly is ecw country I agree with all you have said, but I will mention a personal experience. I was at Unforgiven 02 and the crowd was way behind Eddy Guerrero over Edge, given it was LA but it was pretty cool as we started a big Eddy chant and Edge sucks as well I was at the Kane/Lita wedding and Kane was getting big face pops throughout the night, while Lita's reaction was lukewarm at best (again no surprise) Brock at Summerslam 02 is a great example and you are right about wm 11, I was watching it recently again. Shawn got a pretty big pop for his entrance and once he nailed that chin music the crowd was behind him, even counting diesel down as there was no ref and booing when he didnt come in sooner and then again when diesel kicked out. Nash started to "diesel up" and the crowd booed him loudly.
  15. Jericholic82

    Worse no sell of all time

    Hawk used to do this all the time ... I remember him doing this to a Jerry Lawler piledriver back in the AWA ... it was part of his gimmick, no-selling the piledriver. It was when PG-13 were the white boy rappers for the Nation of Domination. Raz, I knew when you meant ... I'm just saying it wasn't an isolated incident, but something that he had done his entire career. Plus, considering that Lawler's piledrivers were normally sold as ~death~ it seems even worse that Hawk would no-sell one of his, than one from PG-13. This reminds me of Hawk's 98 run as a drunk/drug addict. One time he came to the announce booth and was doing commentary and he casually says to Lawler "Hey King remember back in 84 in memphis when you told me to no-sell the piledriver and I didn't"
  16. Jericholic82

    Worse no sell of all time

    Funny how Hogan no sold Vaders powerbomb but he did sell Sid's attempt at one at wm 8 (although I think Diesels botched Jacknife at wm 11 takes the cake for worst powerbomb ever) My favorite was Undertaker no-selling a low blow from Flair in the 92 Rumble I guess he really is a dead man
  17. Jericholic82

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    well I was watching WrestleMania 11 recently and I found that The King was indeed once very funny. "Football is a game where eleven men spend a lot of hours trying to move a small object a hundred yards. It's just like the post office" "Now your tuxedo finally looks good"-King to Vince as the lights go out for Taker's entrance "Those guys have the perfect face for radio"-King about the German announce team (yes they was one at this WM) "I'm not prejudiced,Mcmahon like that man right there (Bret Hart), I hate everybody equally" "His dad wrestled so long ago, you know what? I broke into a pyramid not long ago and on the wall was a picture of Stu Hart with a headlock on King Tut" "I knew that woudn't last, when I saw the figures on top of their wedding cake; they were lawyers"- King discussing Pamela Anderson's marriage to Tommy Lee and one more where even Vince gets in a good line, as Jonathan Taylor Thomas makes his way down to the ring as a special guest timekeeper for the HBK/Diesel match "King: Exactly how old is young Jonathan? Vince: How old is he? King: Yea Vince: I believe he's 13, why? King: Well that tuxedo makes him look about ten years sillier. Vince: Oh really? At least he doesn't have a crown on, give me a break"
  18. Jericholic82

    Bossman passes away

    I don't know what to say here. This is getting to be too much. All of my childhood heroes are passing away far too soon. I was always a big Bossman fan, and part of that was because my uncle (whos a prison guard in NY) looked like him especxially when he put on his guard uni. My uncle too was a big fan. wow I'll just say a prayer for him and think of good memories past. Wow I was just watching wm 5 the other day and was luaghing watching big Ray toos around the rockers like they were dolls. I was just thinking that they should bring him back to wwe as a babyface to bring his career full circle again and give him a nice sendoff. damn RIP RAY and my thoughts and condences to the Traylor family shamrock and bossman were a great team, I especially enjoyed the solution that pat patterson I think came up with to counteract Debra at ringside when they defended against owen and jarrett (the night they won the tag belts I beleieve) I think everyone remembers what I am talking about right? (hint he had boss/sham drink something) and thinking of the show feud, Boss's sympathy card reading had me laughing but I think I'll remember him most as the kind lawman who stood up against the evildoers of the wwf and who gave that annoying evil Nailz his comeuppance (wow that reminds me of how horrified I was back when Nailz showed up on superstars and beat Bossman to a pulp, wwf magazine did an article later on where they showed all boss bruises and it scared me) and his heel turn speech in wcw was great "I went out there and I kicked some ass" (gene looks horrified at the use of the word ass) watch your language I think he said
  19. Jericholic82

    Angel Season 4

    The more I think and watch season 4 of angel, the more I like it. I know everyone here seems to hate the beasts master (I am not going to spoil it just in case of some newbies here), but it is a good twist. I mean this season jumps all over the place and runs like a roller coaster, and just when you think you have it figured out, it all changes. I mean everything that has happened in the series so far comes into play here, now thats continuity and pangs is pretty good, I mean how can you not enjoy xander whining about his "funny syphilis"
  20. Jericholic82

    WWE Global Warming Tour: Melbourne (2002)

    does this mean that Australians hate Americans? Is this Bart Simpsons fault?
  21. Jericholic82

    The Kane angle

    I doubt theyll reveal a plot to bump off the kid. Remember wwe doesnt do murder (and they dont want to get into a fight with pro life people who think fetuses are people) but this is new, other pregnancy angels resulted in the women lying about it (terri runnels, stacy keibler in wcw, stephanie in 2002) unless it comes out that Lita was not pregnant after all, SHE SCREWED US AAL BYGAWDAMMIT DAMNHERDAMNHERSOULTOHELL (in jr speak)
  22. Jericholic82

    So I'm Going to be on MTV Next Month

    sweet dude. I hope you didnt get in too much trouble as the others on the mtv show lol I'll be sure to watch for it
  23. Jericholic82

    John Kerry Swift Boat game coming out

    will there be a bush and cheney two player game where they have to dodge draft notcies in order to reach the frat house lol and will you get bonuses for doing coke lmao my dad is a vietnam vet so I wont stand for draft dodgers 4 months is a lot more than none mr bush
  24. Jericholic82


    guys let me know if this is worth a purchase or if I should rent it first
  25. Jericholic82

    Ten years ago today

    wow, I remember the ads from wwf magazine in the summer of 93, I had never played it. then I went to an arcade and was amazed. I only had a nes at the time so I couldnt get it. My cousin rented it alot for his snes so I played it. I finally got a genesis for xmas 95 (pretty dumb considering the ps came out that year-but I didnt know about it much) and the next year I rented the original mk for genesis, but didnt know anything about the blood code. I did beat the one player game though point is I didn't play mk games as much as I would have liked. and I could never figure out the fatalities to this day. anytime I am in an arcade and it has a mk game Ill mostly likely play it, even if I never mastered it. well that game and if any place still has the simpsons arcade game and the original TMNT (ninja turtles) arcade game. these games rule wow and parents went crazy over this? I can't imagine todays parents reacting to gta or even your basic shooter game. hell even goldeneye for n64 is way more violent than any game I had seen to that point my parents were never this mean, then again I had a nes and gameboy for most of my childhood. But even so they woudnt mind cuz I had seen worse on tv. now, Im 21 so It doesn't matter