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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    When did HHH join the Corporation.

    you are correct. He had been using a slower my time instrumental after being revealed as the man behind the rikishi hit and run. he last used it at armageddon 00, where he was "hurt" by austin and was said to be "in traction" . two weeks later at the first raw of 01 he interfered and afterwards, they played the new song . i think it was made cuz it coincided with the release of the wwf vol 5 cd so they had a new song for triple h.
  2. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    so now were making names like bangel and spuffy and xanya. what is going on here? I believe the board has collectively lost its mind this is what happens now that both show have gone the way of syndication and dvd. Buffy quote of the day from 'Fear,Itself' "Anya: I thought we might go out to celebrate our anniversary. Xan: Anniversary? Xander: You know its been one week since we copulated, have you forgotten?" Angel quote of the day from 'Shiny,Happy,People' (wes and gunn are discussing possible names for the as to be named yet Jasmine, Fred walks into the room) Fred: Chlorox!!!! Gunn: Chlorox? she who bleaches away all the evil and hate , interesting Wes: HMMM we really should stay away from brand names
  3. Jericholic82

    When did HHH join the Corporation.

    Thanks for the picture to back me up on the vest thing anyways, I should have alsos tated that the ministry in turn broke up in september 99 after Taker was when taker walked out on vince mcmahon on a sd where vince ordered hhh to win 3 out of 5 matches ( i think) in order to qualify for the unforgiven main event for the vacant WWF title(which vince had won from trips, but forfeited it since he wasn't supposed to be on official wwf business anymore since austin won that fully loaded match-but in turn austin agreed to lift the ban in exchange for a wwf title shot which he got at no mercy 99). taker was to face hhh in a casket match i think but he left the building and mideon and viscera got the match instead I think ( a lame way to explain Taker's absense for an injury) and his place in the six pack challenge at unforgiven was taken by davey boy smith
  4. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Fear, Itself is on fx right now. It is a good example of s4 comedy. "Buffy: Xander whats with the tux? Xander: The name's bond, james bond, im wearing this in case we get changed into aour costumes again and I can be super cool secret agent guy. Buffy: Or super cool waiter guy" and giles with a sombrero on=comic gold
  5. Jericholic82

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Actually, I don't remember the suck it phrase being used much by the original DX. It appeared on their first t-shirt and I remember not understanding why it was there, as I hadn't hear them say it. However HHH did wear an apron that read "s*ck the cook" the night after royal rumble 98 where they had a bbq for the undertaker the new dx used it a lot after they were formed after wm 14
  6. bump it up!!!!!!!!!!! ha I alwasy wanted to do that
  7. Jericholic82

    Has anyone ever seen this?

    I have indeed seen that. and tysons week as host was gold. Like when Jimmy had Mike inhale helium from a baloon to see what he sounded like, and it sounded well weird to say the least I love JKL I watch it pretty much every night, although I kinda hate how the changed the opening and now Jimmy does a monolouge standing up. but his monolouge is much different than your standard show. I love his weekly unnecessary censorship bit and of course his fascination with "sit and be fit" The best moment was probably when Goldberg was in a pilow fight with cousin sal and went nuts and almost tried to beat up the guy dressed as peter pan as well. the only bleedeing I have ever seen in a pillow fight my favorite sal bit was when he went to the superbowl arena this year and pretended to be panthers placekicker John Kasya, he even got many reporters to interview him "So whats your diet plan? well its a combination of the atkins and also high carbs" mick foley was a good cohost as well I miss the cohost thing, they haven't had one for a long time. Tyson needs to come back stat.
  8. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Ah I have a great s7 quote from Long John Harris from the episode where he goes on a date with A demon played by Ashanti (sp?) "That's it, I'm going gay, Willow gay me up, cmon let's gay"
  9. Jericholic82

    WWE News

    I hated how cole kept calling them members of the ministry, Bradshaw was AN ORIGINAL MEMBER OF THE MINISTRY (in fact he and farrooq were the first two if you recall) yet it has hardly if ever been mentioned and besides gangrel and the brood were in the ministry for like 2 months tops (they were dumped after christian revealed the location of the kidnapped stephanie to ken shamrock the raw the night after wm 15)
  10. Jericholic82

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    This is what they get for hiring Senor Spielbergo to prodice these dvds (simpsons fan apply only to that joke) I guess this means my vhs copy recorded in sp live on digital cable ppv is a better version than the dvd (imitates homer simpson runing around on the floor wohohoowooohohohohohohoo)
  11. Jericholic82

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    lol I was thinking the same thing on a side note, when I went to Raw last month (the horrendous Kane/Lita wedding episode) a fan outside was discussing John and mentioning "hey who was little johnny? that's his son right?" and I feared for his sanity
  12. they had to make a new belt after hogan won it, cuz they changed to wwe and the title had a wwf scratch logo on it (then again they didnt make a new ic belt until last year and the tag belts were finally changed in november of 02) and besides that it looked too samll. the new one was bigger shinier and cooler. I think it just lost its shine over the last 2 years so now it doesnt look as good
  13. Jericholic82

    Cheapie DVDs at Wal-Mart

    well here in the states, my local walmart is all of the sudden stocking wwe dvds. they had the benoit dvd for 18.95(yikes I stupidly paid srp of 29.95 us at goddam suncoast-never again), vengeance 04 for 15.88, backlash 04 for 14.98 (which I picked up) john cena dvd for 13.99, and great american bash for 15 bucks even. I will have to check in again soon to see if they get the eddie dvd.
  14. Once again, say it with me JEFF WEAVER SUCKS. anyhow, this whole forfeit thing peeved me a bit. I am not going to say that the rays should have left last friday, cuz I understand their concerns with their familly, but if they weren't going to get there till monday night, MLB should have cancelled the games that day. as for NYY asking for money back, I guess they have a valid point there. There is an obvious double standard here. besides that, the yanks are in the middle of a pennant race here, they don't need to get up for a game, then sit around all day, we can't afford complacency here. However I don't want any forfeits here, it won't mean anything unless they earn it. I'm glad they solved the problem (although they did wind up missing one game there-no bigee) promptly, but I am sick of all the anit-yanks whining going on. and of course ESPN basically rooting for them to lose and trying to promote the sox as the next big thing (John Kruk has a mouth to match his "rotund" fram-especially for someone who never won the big one-then again maybe thats why he likes the sox lol) I have a huge problem because it occurs to me that everyone hates on the Yanks, not cuz of the money, not cuz of the success, not cuz they like the underdog, but because THEY HATE NY PERIOD. (except for the post 9/11 lull when they pretended to give a damn, if only to get sympathy for themselves-well that's mostly californianas :<) and or they are jealous of the publicity NYC gets or its standing as the basic capital of the free world. which is understandable of course. look any other recent dynasty got comparably less hatred (eg Bulls, Lakers ) so whats up here? The Yanks have been, are now, and will always be my favorite sports team period, win or lose. I wish more could just accept the fact that there are true diehard Yankees fans (like myself and anglesault) out there . That's really my only gripe Maybe you can understand now that I have clarified my feeling on the matters and one more thing, the sox-yanks rivalry defines what baseball is. It doesn't ever get any better than a pennant race between the two old foes. I have a begrudging respect for Boston fans as they are about as dedicated as any sports fans out there, and when there aren't any brawls we can, however begrudgingly, respect each other even as we hate each others guts. I hope I am making sense here Thanks for hearing me out
  15. Jericholic82

    When did HHH join the Corporation.

    Yea the whole turn at wm 15 didnt make much sense, first chyna turns on kane, so you're like ok, she turned face, then HHH turns heel like a half hour later? really confusing and it was never explained well. oh well Yep, yous are right. He switched to the trunks/short tights in may of 99. before OTE ppv. I remember thining "what the hell is he wearing?" as he had alywas worn long tights/pants his whole wwf career. I guess he wanted to show off his newly musclebound legs lol funny how aropund this time, his hair went to crap at this point, when he came back from knee surgery 40 pounds heavier and with strangely bigger arms. of course he came bacxk from his quad injury even more bloated. but this isn't a HHH bashing topic is it? The Corporation (then know as the corporate ministry and after vince had joined them) basically broke up in july 99 when austin beat taker in the first blood end of an era match, where vince was supposed to leave "forever" HHH and chyna stayed together, and the rest of the team went off in seperate directions (bossman in hardcore division and the great pepper feud with al snow, shamrock now a face feuding with steve blackman, taker still with his ministry) also of note, at summerslam trips wore a chain mail type vest to the ring and again on raw and the first sd (well the sd series). but stopped after that he basically started calling himself the game on the way to summerslam 99, then also did a shoot interview on SNH before fully loaded where he blasted mcmahon and the wwf for holding him back after the clique incident, then debuted his new theme with lyrics "my time" actually HHH and Chyna never split up on tv. after summerslam, chyna started feuding with Jeff Jarrett over the IC title and HHH wa sin the world title picture. after no mercy 99, chyna was the ic champ and hhh the wwf champ and they went seperate ways, chyna with new valet the kat and hhh by himself (well till steph)and they basically never acknowledged each other again, save for some matches following summerslam 00 (where chyna didnt know who to come to the aid of first, her fiance eddie, or old flame trips) then they teamed togethr in the one night dx reunion on raw (during hhs, supposed face turn) where HHH,Chyna,Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn beat the radicalz, then later in the night trips turned on austin and revealed himself as the mastermind behind the running down of steve-o (and earning himself the chance to be thrown off a forklift in a car and not dying by devine intervention)
  16. Jericholic82

    Family of John Ritter Sues Over Actor's Death

    wow, I kinda figured this was going to happen, as his death seemed very mysterious. Still can't belive he is dead though. It bothered me a lot, maybe cuz I had seen him in so many movies and tv shows and enjoyed his work.
  17. Jericholic82

    Power Rangers: Dino Thunder

    I caught an ep of this this year as nothing else was on lol I haven't watched this show since the original version and the first movie. I used to be into this back when I was in 6th grade and haven't watched it since like 95 I still have an original green ranger action figure though I'd rather watch the original, with bad video edits and dub-over voices, funny how I didnt notice until now that it was another show edited with footage of american actors lmao
  18. Jericholic82

    The Surreal Life 3

    one question: flava whats up with the viking hat?
  19. Jericholic82

    The Surreal Life 3

    Yea, so far not as entertaining as last season (which I think to be the best) . They are really stretching celebrity here. so what, every season we get at least one person from another reality show? the AI girl is annoying. she thinks she is famous? yea I am sure that record is going to go platinum. geez, then in the previews she's whining about singing a pop song "im a rock singer" shut up you're a hasbeen from a better reality show who couldn't cut it and lost out to the girl with freaking pink hair and the afro dude justin and the much more talented kelly.
  20. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Hey, dipshit, use the fucking SPOILER tags, m'kay? OOOH Im very sorry!!!!! I thought everyone on here had already seen s4. My bad. How do you do the spoiler tags anyhow? once again I am so sorry honestly
  21. Jericholic82

    Benoit DVD Discussion Thread

    Yup I got the curse of suncoast (expletive deleted) I knew it was cheaper other places but I wanted to see it so bad I just gave in. still actually its probably worth 30 bucks when you think of it. hey all the people who bought it at shopzone (all lo3 of them ) had to pay 30 or more probably, The next day I happened to go to wal-mart and they had it for 18.95 so I was out 10 bucks no biggee sad cuz I got the hogan dvd in the same store 2 years ago for only 24 bucks.
  22. Jericholic82

    Sucks to be Amy

    Theismann was up there with sid for worst breaking of leg (gives me the shivers just thinking about it ahhhhhh) since it was LT who did it, I find it kind of funny now. Go Giants lmao but seriously, I agree, she wasn't that hurt to clap and get chilli poured on her and dance oh how about the time in a yanks-bosox game a few years ago when the pitcher got hit right in the face (I forget his name) and started oozing blood like a fountain that was nasty
  23. lets not get ahead of ourselves, the problem lately, the reason the lead shrunk is that the Red sox have won like 18 out of 20 games since aug 16th. losing two out of thee to the twins and being swept by the angels really shrunk the lead down . What I mean is the Yanks are above 500 since that day, but the red sox won so many games in a row that the lead obviously shrunk. No predictions here, that's why they play the games. although don't be shocked, that "when the leaves turn brown and there's a chill in the air, look towards the Bronx, cuz that's where the big show, known as the world series, will be played" (thanks to my dad for the quote) so don't worry angelsault, because the curse works in mysterious ways as for Brown, why are you shocked? he did come from the Dodgers after all And no we don't miss Jeff Weaver cuz he sucks
  24. Jericholic82

    Difference in Names for Moves

    What happened to the "Edge-Cution" did they forget that name already? edges move is not the same as Gangrels impaler, which he almost suplexed them into a ddt Inverted DDT=Stings scorpion deathdrop good enough explanation?
  25. Jericholic82

    Another 9/11 conspiracy..

    Too bad the audio tapes from the PA plane disprove that theory real quickly. As for no plane hitting the Pentagon, that'd probably shock Ted Olson, whose wife called from that very flight. -=Mike like I said, this was the day of the attacks, so the audio tape had not come out yet although even those wouldnt fully dissprove it if you think about it (we dont know what happened on the plane, we assume from the tapes that a bunch of passengers bum rushed the cockpit and caused it to crash right?) but I dont want to be a conspiracy person so I'll stop discussing that lol