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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    I think everyone is in agreement....

    Now that would be interesting.... I didn't know Smackdown's anniversary was coming up this September...hopefully they will change it then..... I wish they were more creative with T.V. sets...because they are going to be used all the time...and a new one will not debut until 3 years later down the road... actually the true anniversary is in late august, the show debuted (not counting the special from april 99) the week of/after summerslam 99 (the first showw as shown in clips on this past weeks show)
  2. Jericholic82

    Does Anyone Notice The Trend?

    Ill probably be wearing my unforgiven 02 shirt since all my other shirts are too old and/or dont fit well anymore maybe ill run into you
  3. Jericholic82

    Does Anyone Notice The Trend?

    mine are sec 226 row m seat 8-9
  4. Jericholic82

    Stupid Gimmicks wrestlers could have.

    that has to be the best suggestion so far as for one from me.............. Stevie Richards as Tampex Tim, The Wrestling Tampon (got the idea after reading wrestlcraps entry on the johnsons)-his Stevie T finisher could be renamed the "Heavy Flow" John Cena as a 50s style crooner Johnny Nitro as the GTAIII guy Tazz as a smurf Tajiri,Funaki, and Akio as Asian Mobsters Batista as a Bible Salesman (like BibleDude from MADTV) Val Venis, as Valentino Mario, the lost Mario Brother Buh Buh Ray Dudley as a Koopa Troopa Rico as an Itailian Resturant Owner (he could employ the FBI) Shelton Benjamin as Bubba from Forrest Gump Test as an insurance salesman Chris Jericho as a hot dog vendor Jerry Lawler as King Friday from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood HHH as a guy addicted to coke (no not the drug, coca-cola) Eddie Guerrero, the yj stinger salesman (he could blind opponents with the drink) Kurt Angle as a thumb (since he has no neck) micahel cole, as MC the little goattee wearing bitch (TM Scott Keith) JR as a Texas football supporter
  5. Jericholic82

    Tell of a time when someone said

    Actually he might have been on to something. Have any of you actually seen Lillian Garcia in person? lol cuz youd think someone could not suck so bad as a ring annoucner as she does. Im just playing, I have seen her in person at wwe shows. and the thing about the dragon suplex being done with computers has my sides splitting I must assure you
  6. Jericholic82

    Weddings in the WWE

    since I am going to RAW, any suggestions for a wedding gift, I tried to look where they're registered but no such luck lol
  7. Jericholic82

    Weddings in the WWE

    ah yes the man with the best mic skills in the world the "late" Al Wilson. funny how you mentioned that cuz last night I was watching an old tape of sd (the halloween 02 ep to be exact) and al was there with dawn (dressed as the fonz) and torrie and dawn had a trick or treat match and al got embarrased yet again Alright listen up......
  8. Jericholic82

    WCW World War 3 (the first one)- Few observations

    OK how about if I explain to those who don't know. In the summer/fall of 95, Hogan began feuding with the Dungeon of Doom (led by Kevin Sulivan renamed Taskmaster, which all started during slamboree 95 when after kev beat brutus beefcake, a strange voice was heard bellowing for him, this led to skits featuring kev and his "father" the master, an old guy who looked like he had oatmeal on his face), which featured such luminaries as Kamala,Zodiac (beefcake), the shark (john tenta getting another bad gimmick) and evetually the giant after giant debuted (by walking up to hogan during an interview and handing him a shirt that supposedly belonged to Andre The Giant.) he was supposedly the son of Andre. He attacked Hogan in the masters lair, only to be saved by the newly face vader. Hogan was to team with vader, sting, and savage to face the dungeon at fall brawl in war games. But vader got fired and lex luger returned to wcw and got put in vaders place, despite hogan not trusting him. Hogan started wearing all black around this point after getting attacked by the DOD and having his mustache shaved off by them. He was basically showing his sadness by wearing the black and how also how serious he was. Sting and Hogan continued to have probs and had a match on nitro. Hogan lost the wcw title to giant by dq at havoc 95 (due to jimmy hart turning on hogan and causing him to get dqd which allowed the title to change hands, due to hart sneeking in a clause in the contract(this match happened the same night as the monser truck battle between the two which hogan won and then pushed giant off the roof-yet he returned later on alive and well) WCW management (on air) didnt agree with this change, so they vacated the belt and put it up for grabs at this first ww 3. Hogan denounced his black clothing and went back to red and yellow, but still lost when giant pulled him out under the ropes, but the refs didnt see it and thought hogan was eliminated. Randy Savage ended up winning the match and title. (Becoming the 4th man in history to hold both the WWF and NWA/WCW world titles) funny how months later hogan turned heel and went back to the black
  9. Jericholic82

    Best feuds/angles in ECW

    HMMM how about an angle that came about when I first got ecw tv in my area (spring of 96) Shane Douglas had just returned from the WWF, aftrehaving a miserable run as Dean Douglas (and having HBK forfeit the IC title to him, then jobbing it to razor ramon the same night ) Anyways, Shane came back, cocky as ever. He eventually would upend 2 Cold Scorpio for the TV title. After the match, he seemed to change his thought, praising the tradition of pro wrestling, but of course scorpio was a rube and got suckered into a beating (then again that was basically the same promo as when shane threw down the NWA title and ECW became Extreme Championship Wrestling) So, one night on ECW tv in June of 96, Shane comes out and cuts a promo challengeing anyone to take him one for the belt, Mikey Whipwreck accepts and they have a decent match,in which Mikey gets some close near falls, but Shane injures his leg and winds up making Mikey tap to a legbar submission type thingy. Shane gets on the mic and gloats about how easy that was. Somehow Francine (was at the time manager of the Pitbulls) wound up in the ring , but my memories are hazy there. And she slaps Shane, he laughs, and then nails her with a stiff belly to belly suplex. Ptbull #2 rushes to her aid and we get an impromptu title match. Pitbull 2 gives Shane a beating then finishes him with a superbomb (powerbomb frtom the top) and pins him clean for the tv belt. Shane was set to face Piutbull 2 in a rematch at Hardcore Heaven 96 but Shane lost two rematches at some houseshows (which were handily caught on ecw fancam) so Tod Gordon (on air boss-and real life finanical benefactor of ecw) decides that Shane doesn't deserve another match, and gives his Heaven title shot to the recently arrived Chris Jericho instead. The show comes and Jericho upsets Pitbull 2 for the title. So eventually (with jericho having to leave for wcw soon) we got a four way dance for the title (its available on the path of destruction vhs and dvd) between Jericho,Douglas,Pitbull 2, and Scorpio. Jericho is oddly enough the first guy eliminated by pinfiall byscorpio, thus guaranteeing a new champ. Shane plays a cowardly heel well, running away from Pitbull 2. But the two of them eventually call a momentary truce to eliminate scorp so its down to 2 men. We get a ref bump and Francine hops into the ring and TURNS ON PITBULL BY THROWING POWDER IN HER FACE. He isn't happy and Pitbull # 1 comes to the ring to find out an answer. She doesn't answer quick enough and the pitbulls demolish her with a superbomb thru a table (a bit harsh, but this is ECW). Right after shane recovers and ddts pitbull 1 on the tv belt, "breaking his neck" the match continues and Shane can't beat pitbull 2 despite copius amounts of cheating. Somehow a belly to belly (shanes finisher) is enough to finally regain the belt for shane. (Which he wouldn't relinquish untill the aforementioned 3 minute challange with taz.) So Pitbul 1 has a broken neck and the other guy is rightfully angry. So he continues to chase Shane, untill he gets a title match on ECW tv in around october of 96. Pitbull 1 accompanies his partner, wearing a neck brace and halo. The match occurs and its the usual fare, until Pitbull 1 gets up on the apron to try and stop Shane from hurting his partner. Shane comes up and in a TOTALLY EVIL A HOLE MOVE... GRABS THE HALO AND SHAKES HIM BACK AND FORTH. even the fans are shocked by that and get real quiet. the match stops and the medics rush the ring. Fast forward to later in the year. A masked man begins appearing at ECW cards, challenging Shane, while sounding a lot like Ravashing Rick Rude. Shane even accuses him of being Rude, bu the masked one doesn't tell. In the start of 97 a tv ttile rematch is signed between pitbull 2 and douglas (basically the blowoff to the feud). But before that, Pitbull 1 makes a shocking return to the ring to claim revenge (he would ironically get injured for real and have to take time off). The match is set for Barely Legal, the first ECW ppv. A stipulation is added, in which the masked man promises to unmask if Dougals wins. In addition to all of this, Shane begins appearing with guards at the shows, as he has been constantly under attack by all the wrestlers who hate him and the fans too. The guards wear riot gear with helmets (hmm where have we heard that also? maybe 1998 wcw Raven, Kanyon ring a bell?) At the ppv, Shane (w/helmeted guards) defeats Pitbull in much the same manner as when he won the belt (cheats, but can't win until he hits his finisher) and celebrates the win. "The Masked Man" makes his voice heard over the PA, saying ok he'll be a man of his word, hell take off the mask if he gives up the girl (Francine) The MM makes his way out, in a simply rvishing robe, but clearly is not the same guy as he is much fatter. the imposter guy goes to the ring and make sout with Francine, shane attacks and unmasks the guy. But oh no it's not Ravishing Rick he finds, but his own Triple Threat Partner "Primetime" Brian Lee (AkA the fake undertaker) Shane is shocked, but as he has his back turend, one of his guards hops in the ring. He takes off his mask and HOLY CRAP ITS RICK RUDE The Bingo hall faithfull actually pop bigtime at Rude's appearnce. He taps shane on the shoulder, then bops him with a nightstick. Shane and Fran clear the ring and Rude and Lee celebrate (with Rick doing his hip swivel) The whole angle came to a complete halt, when Lee left ECW for the WWF (to join the DOA as Chainz), then Rude turned heel on Tommy Dreamer and Sandman after awhile as a tv commentator, then abruptly left for the WWF and DX, which he appropriately enough abruptly left for WCW and the nWo Well that was just an example of great long-term storytelling and how one angle begat another (and also how Francine wound up with Shane, who she would manage for the better part of three years till Shane left for wcw in 99) sometimes Paul was right on the money
  10. Jericholic82

    Texas Tornado

    cool thanx for the pic anyways I think the taping where kerry lost the belt was taped before survivor series 90 but since it hadnt aired yet on tv, kerry had the belt on the ppv (which just so happens to be the first ppv i ever saw and is the one that made me a wrestling fan) man that was such a 1993 wcw worldwide taping like move of vince or the freebrids negative wcw tag title reign back in 1990 actually I read somewhere that vince took the title off kerry because he was suicidal and vincewas afraid he would kill himself and he didnt want that kind of negative publicity ( a reigning champ-thus a major high profile wwf star kills himself would be a bad thing for business youd have to think)
  11. Jericholic82

    Question about Royal Rumble 2005

    There goes my hopes for scoring wm 21 tix in LA
  12. Jericholic82

    New/Reissued DVD's

    why does the lawsuit only apply to the UK? Also on the Battle Royal at Albert Hall show, Monsoon and Heenan are hilarious here in every match! The WM 1-9 video was horrible I thought. Jesse Ventura's commentary was edited from the first six WMs with "Special" commentary from Gorilla and Jim Ross. There are some obvious mistakes as well, like someone mentioned the Warrior vs Savage match is billed as a WWF Title match for whatever reason and Vince says that Undertaker's first Wrestlemania appearance was at WM8! I probably wont be getting thse, may as well stick to the VHS releases I already have as DVD quality doesn't affect me I dont know for sure, but I think the deal is that the fund first objected to vince using the wwf initials back in the 80s and they reached an agreement that he wouldnt use the initials in the uk (i guess thats where the other wwf is located?), but of course he never did listen and by 2001 the lawsuit was on (gives credence to the earlier thought that they didnt care until wrestling became hot in the late 90s) by the 2002 settlement again said he coudln't use the initials in the uk, but vince solved all the probs by simply changing the intials to wwe the blurring as mentioned before is due to the fact that the fund objected primarily to the scracth wwf logo for whatever reason (maybe cuz its so well known in the wrestling boom of 97-99) and the older logos were from years ago. I HATE THE EDITING its particularily annoying to me on the flair dvd where in the royal rumble chapter, in all his wwf interviews, they do a quick edit to cut out the letters wwf (including in the rumble post match promo, where Flair had said "When you are the king of the WWF you rule the world." they do a quick wipe and "cut out of the wwf" from that- and the logo blurring is a main reason i refuse to buy the dvds such as foleys and benoits) man makes me want to wear my wwf attitude hat to raw on monday (GREAT IDEA! maybe theyd have to blur me if I was on camera and then you guys would know it was me)
  13. Jericholic82

    Does Anyone Notice The Trend?

    hey all you who are going to the show as well, where are you sitting? i got tix from a ticketmaster phone guy so im not so sure about them they were priced at 30 bucks and theyre in the plaza concourse section i guess I ll have to wait and see. I promise to post on the board a live report on tuesday morning
  14. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    and btw anyanka, I did once have a dream where i defended poor anya when she was getting ragged on by the scoobs we verbally tore them a new one
  15. Jericholic82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    maybe once i get a job and can buy all the dvds, yea ill try a long marathon and see how long i can last without falling asleep or getting bored with a lame ep (which we know do sadly exist in the buffyverse) anyone had a buffy/angel relatedream lately (and once again I don't mean any perverted ones lmao) since I was watching fx buffy reruns lately and regularyposting inthis topic, the other night I had a dream in which I was at dinner with the origianl scoobies. but sadly, I appeared to be the screech of the gang (even with willow there) and they kinda were mean to me (man my poor self esteem is once again manifesting in my dreams- Freud would have a field day lol) does this make me weird? sorry if this is lame, but i wanted to start a new topic of discussion besides dvd art
  16. Jericholic82

    Tales from the Crypt : The TV Show

    lol star yea it was pretty bad, well a lot bad to be certain
  17. Jericholic82

    What DVD Player brand...

    we have a apex basic one in the living room and I use my ps2 in my room
  18. Jericholic82

    Anyone NOT switch over to DVD yet?

    oops i probably should have mentioned that I dont have a dvd palyer in my room so i use my ps2 , it does fine enough and the one thing i hate about dvds is PIXELS filling up the screens (this happens alot on wwe discs as they seemed to be extra compressed to put more content on a disc) and some movies look bad on analog tvs as opposed to hd widescreen and the like
  19. Jericholic82

    Anyone NOT switch over to DVD yet?

    you too huh? Ive been doing that since december of 2001 aftyer jericho won the undisputed title, i missed out a few weeks during the sumer vacation but continued on, but missed about a month last may when my tv/vcr combo bit the dust (well the vcr part at least, i still use the tv part cuz im cheap) i used the family vcr from june till this april when I bought a 4 head hi fi stereo vcr for only 49.95 at walmart (remember the days when they cost you a cvouple hundred bucks?) I also have been taping TNA impact, and I have every confidential ever on tape , save for one (the one where rey mysterio showed his house) so i have big stacks of taeps in my room (too cheap to buy a stand so they are literally piled vertically against the wall of my small bedroom-probably not safe way to store them) i have many various wrestling home videos as well including the wrestlemania legacy box set as for dvds, I m the only one in the house who owns dvds and theyre all wwe ones (flairs, hogans, summerslam 02 and unforgiven 02) despite the fact that there is a dvd player in our living room (we mostly rent stuff) but they and to be honest I am not into buying movies much, since I have premium channels so basically im interested in buying wrestling dvds and maybe some tv serie season sets as for the last vhs tape i bought in a store? Ecw Heatwave 98 and anarchy rulz 99 f actually i just went to a closing sale at my local indy video store and bought used copies of survivor series 92 and royal rumble 93 which are in decent condition only thing that i dont like about vhs is im always afraid one will get stuck in my vcrand get ruined
  20. Jericholic82

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    the reason im on rookie diff, is Ive only had the game for two weeks and hadnt really played too many games yet. so I wanted to learn the controls. now that im better at them ill adjust the diff, but why in the middle of a franchise ive already started? i tried all pro against the browns for like 1 series and was getting blown away on defense so i readjusted it and stayed that way. besides i really want to unlock crib stuff right now. like I said future seasons Ill readjust the sliders and customize them to my liking and I wasn't bragging about my stats, I was just showing what happened obviously they are different than on harder difficulties besides its fun to obliterate the nfl, the way my giants probably wont for a while at least (hey I can dream)
  21. Jericholic82

    The Nightclub Shotgun Episodes

    i remember when it first came on, i didnt know if I got it or not, but one night (the night before royal rumble 97, when I was sick as a dog with the flu) at 1 am i found it on. this was the ep where terry funk went crazy, also had steve austin get in a fight with funk after his match with goldust good stuff by post wm, the show was taped in the arenas of raw and became lame
  22. im kinda sick of Jr calling EVERY spinebuster used an "arn anderson spinebuster" a AA one involvoes catching the guy off the ropes and hitting the spinning sb (like rhyno uses and also hhh) I know he wants to praise double a but COME ON
  23. Jericholic82

    New/Reissued DVD's

    Id guess the only reason we dont have a wm dvd set yet is , the ridicoulous amount of editing theyd have to do to erase all mentions of wwf, and in wm1s case editing the theme songs of jyd,richter, and hogan/mr t (though its wasnt eidited in the legacy set for some reason. and from wm 14-18 the obvious logo blurring btw if the lawsuit only applies in the uk, why do they still have to do the editing/blurring in the us? (perhaps it would be too hard to do extra work?) would they get sued again or someting (i still cant believe vince took this lying down, he shoulda just made some dontaions to the panda lovers or somethin)
  24. Jericholic82

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    well i completed the reg season in my first franchise (giants) i went 16-0 (played with 5 min quarters rookie difficulty) tiki barber wound up nfl mvp with over 2300 rushing yards and 41 tds (breaking the singlegame,season, and season rushing tds records) i stuck with warner as my qb and he threw for over 2500 yards and 24 tds and only 8 ints. strahn broke his own sack records and wound up with over 30 the pats also started 10-0 but lost their next 3 and wound up 12-4 (the browns of all teams were the number 1 seed in the afc going 14-2- I beat them them for their first loss) I won my divisional playoff game against the panthers 52-21 and will now face the packers (who I beat in the reg season) in the nfc title game, while the pats and colts will meet once again in the afc one franchise has been pretty fun for me, my only major injuries were shaun williams breaking his ankle and being out for 9 weeks (but coming back with 2 ints in his return game) and shockey getting hurt in the last game of the season, but returning in time for my first playoff game. I'll report back if I can complete the perfect season (next year Ill play on harder difficulty)
  25. Jericholic82

    Tales from the Crypt : The TV Show

    do any of you remember the tftc sat morning cartoon from the early 90s? basically it had some scary animated tales, but dumbed down for kids