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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82


    yea anything that delves into the mind of ol Greg is interesting, he is such a complex character. plus the deal about his father abusing him makes sense, if you remmeber their weird intereaction in season 2 when his mom and dad (played by R Lee Emery!) visited.
  2. Jericholic82

    Recent purchases

    tonight I got ECW: Extreme Rules and The Marine: Unrated Edition
  3. Jericholic82

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I liked the "big time" song by soundtrack of our lives from wm 21 in hollywood better (yes they had theme songs two year sin a row with the sane title, but a different song)it fit the whole hollywood theme. superstar from x-8 was indeed very cool. the i dare you song was particulary good for the opening of wm 22 showing the old clips and such it gave me goosebumps. now anytime I hear that song it makes me think of wm or wwe. (just like any song they use as a theme)
  4. Jericholic82

    TV deaths that pissed you off or upset you

    yea but he only did it for the money. ironically it was the guy played by frankie valli who was paying him, he later was killed in season 6. but that always bothered me, how come the guy who paid tony b to do it wasnt found out yknow?
  5. Jericholic82

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    wii tennis and the battle of the buildings were tremendous, glad I recorded them onto the end of my impact dvd last night
  6. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    I read something once that basically said Paul got the gig, when he mentioned to vince that he used to be a mortician or worked in a funeral home legit.
  7. Jericholic82

    Admit It...

    yea, I agree. That had me bummed the whole weekend. then again he had help from yokozuna. the wolfpac song was catchy, I just kind of liked the actual team. mostly cuz sting and luger joined it. I have that song recorded on a cd (I dl'd it from some long forgotten site, not the best quality but cool to have, and they still play it for Jason Giambi at Yankee Stadium, and once I saw people doing the wolfpac symbol in the crowd)
  8. Jericholic82

    WWE 24/7

    man I gotta subscribe, i missed out on the rumble 96 and hart foundation video among others. too bad I already bought the cyber sunday dvd. but how can I watch it? i need a box NOW
  9. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    damn should have stuck with cena over tista/taker. and then I go and pick monty and he only gets an appearance at the top of ecw, greeting vince. oh well least hbk got me lots of points, and benoit did have a successful title defense as I forecasted, plus lashley got a title retain
  10. Jericholic82

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    I finally saw it on wednesday morning at 1: 30, and recorded it on dvd. decent first show. Cool to see some of the xpw and other socal indy alumns in there. Whats up with klos' new look? I guess I was so used to seeing him with the long blond ponytail back in the day. the first match was ok maybe too short but some good spots , the rumble was just kinda there, but again some nice spots (the electrocution part was comically done, although better special fx than abdullah at havoc 91). I was so mad that kaos got eliminated. Great to see aguilera and al katrazz again (2 guys I used to watch in the local indies in boys and girls clubs) youth suicide became my fav for the event after kaos was gone, if only cuz hes announced as being from ventura (still gotta have love for the 805 though I am no longer there, and besides my best friend still lives there). of course waltman won, hes the biggest name they got. him vs vampiro should be a good match. Im looking forward to episdoe number 2
  11. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    obviously he means why was Love Undertakers manager at first. I have no idea. I guess they wanted him to be a manager? Or they had yet to sign Paul Bearer.
  12. Jericholic82

    Admit It...

    yea I too was ahuge Diesel mark during his big run in 95-96, as well as shawn when he turned face. my whole school notebook was littered with drawings of their logos and stuff. I also loved Ahemd (no not that way ) when he was in his big push, he was just so cool, an ass kicking machine as for the less known-midacrd guys I always liked those guys
  13. Jericholic82

    Best Videos.....

    I wanted to watch my " 3 faces of foley" tape for some reason so I did, and converted it to dvd. I had space left so I went and found the "remember you" video for foley and put it on there as well. lousy qulaity but still cool. on the same tape I have the night when he returned on raw for wm 2000 to a huge pop (actually the whole match with hhh vs rock vs show as well, and the moment where linda mcmahon has to wait to talk cuz some idiot fan jumped the rail, so trips tackles him then has to get up and act concerned to hear what linda is saying)
  14. Jericholic82

    TSM Greatest Themes Thread

    It's the Godzilla theme. ok, sorry for my lack of knowledge, but I mostly meant the warning part of it, to be jaws-like
  15. Jericholic82

    A pic of Trish's husband

    Im surprised at the lack of major cheap shots by my fellow male smarks, could you be showing signs of class? good for them theyre in love. and she got out of this stupid company before she got buried and didnt burn her bridge
  16. Jericholic82

    WWE 24/7

    man i want this now. gotta order it, maybe i could watch it late at night lol
  17. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    Taka vs Christopher Daniels for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Title, Shotgun Sat Night 1998
  18. Jericholic82

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    same thing with me. anyhow I am still playing a raw season as carlito. I actually lost the final match to HHH in the "re-evolution" storyling, I picked a hell in a cell match but cam ein with damage cuz of his prematch attack. so I kick his ass for 5 mins and dont try to beat him , wanting a climatic battle outside and on top of the cage, but I try to throw trips on the announce table, he reverses and hit a pedigree and i lose. I mean he hits one offensive move the whole match and wins, wow this game is realistic. just got the "magic" storyline, pretty funny voice acting here, especially by carlito. the fact that viscera hits on you is hilarious
  19. Jericholic82

    Have you ever got so frustrated with a game that you...

    san andreas, agreed on the flight school stuff. plus the final mission since its so long, I took forever to beat it, cuz I kept messing up at the part where sweet tries to jump into your car. the zero missions with the mini plane. Vice City, the mission for the porn studio, where you have to fly the plane and drop the flyers , I almost broke my ps2 controller (infact I think thats why the d pad on it is so messed up) The sopranos road to respect, the controls are so flawd its ridicoulous. and if two enemies gang up on you, youre toast, you can never get up alot of missions in the simpsons hit and run, especially the races. trying to win tag matches in the current sd series on ps2 especially the last 3 years or so old school Level 8-4 of SMB almost Always get killed by the hammer thrower before King Koopa Adams Family for NES the original ninja Turtles game for the nes. rocky and bullwinkle for the genesis, I never got past the 3rd (I think) level trying to beat the undertaker at wrestlemania in wm 2000 for n64, 15 finishers and hes still going
  20. Jericholic82

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    another rerun features what should be an addtion to the list but Im not usre if it has been added previously? new mascot for the world cup Switzerland "The Guy who plays Axel F on a Swiss Horn"
  21. Jericholic82

    favourite movie trailers?

    Wait, that wasn't about a crazy chick???? Jesus. Same sort of thing happened with Bruce Almighty. The trailer made it look like it was just about this guy with powers from God and what he can do with them. I go to the movies with three of my friends and we are sitting there watching it. At one point, I learn over to my friend Mark and was like "Jesus Christ, this is a fuckin romantic comedy! WTF?" yea same reaction here, me and my pal were sorta pissed and felt ripped off abit when it turned into both a romantic story and a "moral" story the only thing that comes to mind right now is maybe the trailer for Men In Black in 1997? if nothing else it made me go see the movie.
  22. Jericholic82

    TV deaths that pissed you off or upset you

    Fred turning into Illyria got to me, but then like literally a wekk or so later my uncle suddenly died in real life, so it was rather weird and kinda put into perspective (though its natural to be sad at sad movies/tv theres nothing like when it happens for real) Anyas just pissed me off. Spike turning to ash at the end of the buffy finale got to me as well. season one of house the "babies and bathwater" episode, especially the end had me almost bawling, I rewatched it last week on dvd and it happened again, but thats also because it hit close to home in the same vein season 2 with the college student gets ill mysteriously and his fathers reaction.
  23. Jericholic82

    Recent purchases

    SAW 3 Unrated Edition WS (at CC with the bonus disc, which is nothing more than scenes from other "scary" movies on dvd from the same studio, so basically a feature-length commercial)
  24. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    i really should have stuck with jeff. but my last second trade of him for taker did ok I suppose. khali would have panned out well with that many eliminations last night not sure what to do now. my prelim picks are RAW Shawn ECW Lashley (always seems to be in the main event every week, still has issue with test to resolve so a rematch is possible) Monty Brown (I refuse to call him by that stupid fake name) SD Batista (i can see him in a match this week, perhpas team with taker to plant more dissenstion?) Benoit (been on sd alot of late, maybe a title defense?) Undertaker (see batista) Deuce (extra money lying around likely to have another tag match this week) Little Bastard (had the extra 500 grand left) T' LO (1 mill left)
  25. Jericholic82


    damn had no idea she wa sthat crazy in real life. oh well you tried, and you were just trying an honest interview after all nothing wrong with that. cant wait for the finished product with all those contributions. man now I gotta get that new dvd.