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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    well I missed it so far cuz I hadnt been online since like tuesday so I had no idea, guess Ill catch one of the million reruns so kloss is their announcer? crap wish they had rivera too. Ill weigh in with my opinions when I catch the show
  2. Jericholic82

    American Idol

    yea, and his name was "sean michael" well at least we know now what Johhny Damon would have looked like if he never left the red sox
  3. Jericholic82

    American Idol

    oh man I think they should have said yes to that footloose guy, hey at least he didnt sound horrible
  4. Jericholic82

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    last night was a rerun from like june 2006 and it featrured "new off-broadway shows" like "Hulk: The Musical" and "Informercial:The Musical" (with the "phantom of the juicer") plus "Cup" (a takeoff of stomp featuring people playing their "protective cups" and then max came out to play too) this was pretty awesome
  5. Jericholic82

    American Idol

    When the vast majority (read: almost all R & B, girl group, boy band singers) of artists out there don't write or compose their own original songs and still can push millions of units why would you expect an AI contestant to do so? There's a reason almost everything sounds the same these days and it's because the same writers and producers create all of the hits in those genres. Ok, so what's the appeal of the show, exactly? I am assuming you aren't out there buying Ruben/Kelly/Taylor/Carrie/Clay/Hung CDs. So what is the appeal of the show really? Entertainment, I suppose. All I am doing really is explaining why I sometimes tune into the show during the first few weeks and then avoid it the rest of the way out. yea thats about it in a nutshell, in the same way that I watch it, then dont care about the winner after the show ends. Kelly is the only one I think that he realy broke through the mainstream to become a star on her own, not stuck with the "idol" tag. though I know Ruben and clay did ok (actually clay sold more records I think?) and Fantasia seems to be popular in the r and b genre, as well as Carrie doing great in the country markets. tonights show has sucked so far. excpet for sundance head, not only can he sing but hes got the best name ever on idol. plus he has an awesomely bad Jericho-esque goatee
  6. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    damn I decided to not pick jeff and now he gets a raw match and TWO matches at the rumble
  7. Jericholic82

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

    LOL. Thanks for posting these. Vince: Big H, I wanna put someone else in DX til you get better, then you can beat the shit of him when you get back. I was thinking Johnny Nitro. Cool? HHH: DAD, remember the last time we put other people in DX?? Rick Rude. HE DIED. Chyna. SHE PROBABLY DIED. X-Pac - drug user. Road Dogg & Billy Gunn? Their making fun of you and your name. YOUR NAME. Vince: Dammit, you're right. What shall we do? HHH: Just build up Shawn to be as strong as two men. Then I'll beat the shit out of Nitro when I get back. Vince: Why? HHH: You said I could! HA HA HA Seriously though that is probably the gist of what actually happened. Punk getting heat for making out is a joke as well. So just he is getting yelled at I guess, Maria is a "diva" afterall and a face one at that which means she is supposed to be a slut.(remember showing off your body makes you a face but beng embarrased makes you heel and a "prude") Now if they were doing it in front of the soldiers I can see why. you know at least one soldier probably said to himself "look at that skinny tattooed douche, how does he get the hot girl? I'm a freaking hero for gods sake!"
  8. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dKLAZvT3AU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIe8zEISFhA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kShuHZpyJGA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b02pCYbMgpM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDI2obMi3WA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT7wlcSiDmM EDIT: I'm on part three now, and wow, it's truly amazing that Vince and The Superstar were ever able to get on the same page at all again. this is great, Vince telling that announcer that he was fired cuz sucked is awesome.
  9. Jericholic82

    Best writing in video games

    no gta series mention? got to include vice city for its numerous plot twists, I remmeber getting to the part where Lance is kidnapped and you have to save him. I got all into it and pissed and took it to them for hurting my friend (despite lance getting on my nerves a bit) and then when the swerve at the end happens I got even more upset
  10. Jericholic82

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    yea and they keep calling carlitos "flatliner" like move "the modified reverse neckbreaker" is that the name for that move?
  11. I worked sunday (or wii-day to be more exact) sadly we only got about 12 wiis in stock and you had to get a voucher to get one, and the only caveat wa sthat you had to buy it by 12 or the voucher would expire, meaning people came early and got the voucher, then left and came back later. so some actually came too late for the voucher but didnt know about it and waited some more for no reason at all, so thusly most of them were pissed, though it did say in the ad you had to get a voucher. (someone should have made a sign for the window actually but thats neither here nor there) then for the next few hours i got calls asking about wiis and people coming up to me (once again as if wiis would survive this late) the last one went to this guy who came back at like 11:30 for it, but instead of going ot the counter he was just looking around, untill I went up to him and informed him that if he didnt claim his wii by 12 it would be sold, it was fun watching him bolt to customer service. in other news we still have ds lites and are coming up on 2 months without any in stock. I just tell the people to complain to nintendo. I have no clue why we dont have them (black friday really wiped us out) fun fact last week some lady made my coworker laugh out loud when she asked " do you have the wee-wee?"
  12. Jericholic82

    TSM Greatest Themes Thread

    did they change ajs theme a bit now? cuz at the beginn/intro of the song you hear softly the chorus "you are, you are, I am I am) was that always there? I dont think so. gotta throw in Windhams wcw theme from 91-92ish (before the wcw album song) plus The Hollywood Blondes theme (later just Austins theme)most of wcws generic stock music themes I liked. Eddie Guerreros first wcw theme (also used by chavo when he debuted and even Juvi for unknown reasons) which I remmeber well cuz it was also used by the local tv station in cali for when they televised local high school football games so the song was stuck in my head, and later his second, heel theme that Chavo also used (though it was maybe even cooler during the LWO when they added some guy yelling la raza! at the begin). currently Cryme TYME (though I liked the first version with the announcer saying "yo yo yo, pop a forty and check your rollies, Its Cryme Tyme", now it has "Yo yo yo, Sahd Gaspard and JTG its Cryme Tyme" and now their song has lyrics how can you not love the first part "No more Hollywood, this is Hollyhood" Samoa Joes is good, mostly cuz of the JAWS like intro, which is the warning of whos coming and you know it the minute it hits. and you have to throw in "Grab Dem Cakes" for funs sake
  13. I particularly remember him putting Tazz through the ring. The fact that it wasn't planned, in his home town, was unforgettable. Bammer Tossing Spike like 8 rows deep into the crowd like he was the weight of a football was pretty visually cool as well
  14. Jericholic82

    WWE 24/7

    we got it here last week But I havent ordered it yet, mostly cuz I dont have a cable box in my room so itll be hard to watch this stuff in the living room unless I stay up real late I guess. but I got my dvd recored so Im burning to get this now. I suppose i need to get a cable box for my room but thatll cost almost 6 bucks a month plus the 6.95 a month for the service, but 13 bucks for all this stuff isnt much I guess. but to get a box Ill have to get an appointment with the cable co and that can take awhile, especially with us suddenly getting winter weather and snow .
  15. Jericholic82


    yea I know. I just watched the "Go Funk Yourself" dvd last night, It has no extras despite I could swear it was advertised in WOW magazine back in the day as having extras. then again maybe this is a re-release? since the date on the box says Copyright 2002. They edited out all the music of course, though the dvd menu has a nice knockoff of Rob Blacks metallica theme (later the xpw tv intro theme) Of course all the commentary is from the xpw tv shows when they showed matches. sad to hear about Steele, form the little I saw of him in XPW he seemed pretty good for a bigger guy. odd that the lone show I attended, he was squashed by Dynamite D (who was dressed as the warrior) that reminds me, I got a dvd recorder and put the 3 full episodes of xpw tv I had on tape on 3 dvds (which includes matches from the show I went to like Axl vs Abby, Messiah vs Candido, Jimmy vs Tool, and Sabu vs Supreme, plus Sabu-Candido from D-Day, and Messiah vs Steele rom D-Day complete with the pos tmatch "burial", and Tracey Smothers xpw debut vs Tony Jones) plus extras like the steele-d squash (which I guess made sense cuz this took place after steele was "buried" by the messiah and not seen again untill 2001) and Rob Black shooting on the ECW Heatwave incident.
  16. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    You haven't actually joined the TSM league yet. oh yea, i forgot thanx for reminding me
  17. Jericholic82

    My Latest DVD-R Creation

    on my recorder anything past 3 hours looks kinda bad, 4 is ok, but 6 (ep mode) looks terrible, but the sound is still ok converting all my tapes would be nice, but impossible since I have so many, it would take me a year at least if I did it every day, and my recorder would bite the dust likely . But I am trying to convert my commericial vhs tapes at least
  18. Jericholic82

    Best Videos.....

    yea but not on my computer I have it on a vhs tape (as well as the retirement video form raw) add to that list the Foley tribute video form the June 2003 MSG RAW (where Austin held the hardcore ceremony for him, minutes before Orton kicked him down a flight of stairs), also the night Kane lost his mask for history buffs.
  19. Jericholic82

    ECW Originals....

    Correct and that's the difference. RVD made his name in ECW. Chris Benoit was already one of the best wrestlers in the world before he got there. plus benoit had a short wcw stint in 1993(well actually he made his first wcw appearanc ein 92 during the NWA tag title tourney), feuding a bit with Scorpio eventually forming a team with Bobby Eaton .before going to ecw in 1994
  20. Jericholic82

    Bam Bam Bigelow passes away

    wow i didnt find out till today (monday) weird thing wa ssat I wa splaying svr07 and doing a season mode as carlito and got the "piper and ba, bam break micl foleys leg" storyline. Plus I was just watching heatwave 98 last week sad sad news. I only knew him from his wwf return in 93 since I didnt watch wrestling till the early 90s (though I was excited when he came back cuz I had seen him in the wrestlemania NES game and thought he looked cool) I was always amazed at his high flying antics and how can you not love him doing cartwheels. sure the LT angle kinda hurt him but he playe d his role very well and carried LT to a great (for a celebrity match)match at wm 11 a recent (maybe last year?) wwe mag did a profile on him and mentioned his restaurant RIP Bammer and thank you.
  21. Jericholic82

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    beat me to it that slipnutz cd was great 323. Fabio sits in with the band, and plays his favorite instrument, A HUGE TUB OF "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER"
  22. Jericholic82

    Favorite gimmick episodes

    yea me too. I always liked the TGIF crossovers too, another good one was when on sabrina, Salem ate a timeball (after it had been used to transport back to the 60s by sabrina) then on Boy meets world they were back in time too. (i mean the same characters but they acted like they were back then)
  23. Jericholic82

    Recent purchases

    Armageddon 2006 (the only extra is the Taker-Kane Inferno match from 1998)
  24. Jericholic82

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    yea lots of sense there. I wonder how m uch money the diva search losers are being paid? its a shame that these guys get canned and yet they still employ the french girl to do bumpers on sd and set off JBL on a tangent
  25. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    Edited my team name to YonkersWho?3699 (inside reference) I picked (crosss fingers Raw Shawn (youre right Ill take a chance at him winning the rumble, if not, at leats hell have a raw match maybe) Cena (i think he retains at rumble) ECW Lashley (title match o nppv I think he retains) SD Kane (always does well in rumble and eliminates a couple people) Taker (sd business this week I think, does well in rumble, maybe wins it?) Batista (hes retianing his title id guess) Teddy Long (extra cash hell make some sd appearances and probably ppv too)