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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    I'm back in as 3699 Crew (a shout out to my job at CC I know lame) ill pick my team at the deadline cuz I still have no real clue whos going to win the rumble this year or what the card will be.
  2. Jericholic82

    Post-Christmas shopping

    As it should be. 7pm? For god sakes let them get home. thank you, I had to be there at opening at 7 pm and got likean hour of two of sleep cuz I was there late on sat night. we still ahd people at 6 oclock wanting to come in but thankfully they locked the door and let no one else in, but the bunches of people on line got to be rung up, thereby avoiding a riot. but I still had customers wanting help, and some guy actually seriously asked me if we were open tomorrow (0n xmas day) get a life people! I swear some people would love to live at CC at seems, weve actually got CC groupies for lack of a better term then my dumb ass boss has to give us a big pep talk thank you speech and keep us there an extra 20 mins.
  3. Jericholic82

    your biggest mistake

    last time I saw my grandfather(aug 96). I actually didnt want to go at that hour cuz clash of the champions was coming on. then again I was 13 at the time and had never expereinced someone dying and was likely in denial. but man Im glad I went that day. big mistake? going to colege right away after high school and not actually getting a real job until this year (im talking over six years of procrastination after high school) so now Im stuck in a part-time retail job that I should have had when I was 18. I need to go back to school, but I too have fallen into the routine trap. considering now I have spending money and can buy every dvd or game I want. Keep in min I just turned 24 two weeks ago man I am loser, now I feel sad. gotta go watch TNA impact that I taped while I was at work oh well at leats I do have a job I guess
  4. Jericholic82

    The Smarks Board circa 2001(?)

    The Internet Wrestling Zone yes, that was the first "news" site I went to back in 98 when I got webtv. that site turned me into a full blown smark. I frequented Rantsylvania since senior year of high school (sept 99 to be exact) and would post to the old "rant crew" section. i floowed that site into the smarks.com era. I joined the old board before the switch in late 01 and have been posting here since feb 02 (hence the name choice cuz chris was the undisputed champ at the time, and I was indeed still very excited about that. wrestline used to rule too, I havent beent to Ricks new site recently though. man sean shannon really freaked out huh? I kinda felt sorry for him back then though weird stuff
  5. Jericholic82

    Tales of Laziness.

    I dropped an english class in college, cuz I hadnt started my research paper yet and thought it would be too hard to do it in short time. I also dropped out of my journalism class cuz I had a lousy assignment for the school paper (the cafeteria/school foundation), hell I only got one article published out of two wrote, an albulm reviwe of wwf the music vol 5 in early o1. i always procrastinated on big projects. senior year of HS my 1st period class was basically a study hall (it was a class designed for helping with college applications and sats) so I always saved my homework for the morning that year) I never study the night before, ill forget it anyway, quick reading the morning of does the job. In 2nd year of college, my final exam for American Govt was to write two essays out of a possible 5 topics (all of which had been already told to us so we could study) I actually bought extra blue books and considered pre-writing all 5 essays. I started one but was too lazy to do the rest. as for showers, never, hell I can barely sleep at night unless i have showered that evening, especially if I have been out and sweated. that being siad ill rarerly shower in the daytime, Unless I feel hot. and I dont like dirty clothes so I guess im the opposite of lazy at work I got to the bathroom like 10 times or more so I can take mins off
  6. Jericholic82


    no actually i got those all on dvd,I guess I should have said that instea dof the generic "videos". anyhow yea they look pretty awesome. I have watched most of the "Televised one" but quick question, is this the same as XPWS first video "Hardcore Conception" with a different name? I think it is. I took a quick look at the E dvd and its pretty good. the footage of supreme on fire for like what seemed to be 10 seconds was horrifying. awesome that it includes clips of ETV and Kaos and Money doing the commentary
  7. yea I know, Im never mean to customers who ask me that, I just politely tell them no, and to check back on like friday after the trucks has come in.
  8. YEAAAA BURNNNNNN of course I stiil got people looking for ds and psps and gameboys even though we have been sold out since this weekend. "you have gameboy ds?" "you have any p2s, or p3's" "you have halo 3?"
  9. Jericholic82

    Recent purchases

    Man I gotta get that Yankees set, recently i bought the full set of ws films 19-43-2000 but I want that set more anyhow Tuesday I got WWE Survivor Series 2006 ECW December To Dismember 2006
  10. Jericholic82

    Best movies that didn't actually exist

    I'm sorry if this is some joke I didn't get, but this movie really does exist. Didn't know this, I simply put 2 and 2 together. "The Christmas That Almost Wasn't But Then Was" from a Simpsons Christmas episode from a few years ago "The Itchy and Stratchy Movie" which Bart was grounded from seeing Anything starring Troy McClure, who you may remember from... The Muppets Go Medieval Locker Room Towel Fight: The Blinding of Larry Driscol
  11. Jericholic82

    Best beatdowns

    yea, great example. the brainbuster on the steps was pretty brutal and the crowd was in true hushed silence. Eddies promo the next week was even better. "Today I have your pride (mask?), at Judgment Day, ILL HAVE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!" (kinda erie in retrospective huh?)
  12. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    actually they say that Vince used to have Andre stand on a box or something during interviews
  13. Jericholic82

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    so I did pick up SS and D2D the other day 2 for 24 bucks (well 26 with tax). D2D's extras are post match interviews with the Chamber particpants, plus the Show/Lashley rematch from the 12/5/06 episode of ECW on Scifi. SS's are a lame wwe.com mcmahon cartoon, a Lita postmatch interview, and the main event of 87's SS (hogans team vs andres team), although for some reason they have dubbed in Cole and JBL for commentary, though JBL is pretty hilarous as usual for this one.
  14. Jericholic82


    Hey, I went back to that FYE on friday and they still had all the xpw videos so Ipicked up The Revolution will Be Televised Go Funk Yourself Genocide The Best Of The Enterprise
  15. Jericholic82

    Best movies that didn't actually exist

    I will gladly pay 10 bucks to see that Superman: Why are you doing this Lex? Luthor "I DONT......I DONT KNOWWWWWWWWii
  16. Jericholic82

    OaO Tribute to the Troops thread

    Also remember that they're wrestling mid day in fucking Iraq, that has to be unbearably hot and affect the quality of the matches. plus th efear of being attacked at any time, come on there was an explosion 100 yards away or whatever when they were shooting footage of the troops. that has to damper this for some of the wrestlers. you know it was hot, taker didnt even wear his hat or jacket, plsu he was walking much faster then usual in his entrance a 21 hour flight? DAMN JBL turns face for a day, well it was his idea for the show (jr even called it on commentary) but dont they remembe rthe 04 show when he came out in a space suit afraid of being attacked?
  17. Jericholic82

    Obscure Videogames

    anyone remember Amagon for the nes? in this game you were some soldier guy with a gun who could transform himself into the title name, like an incredible hulk ripoff who was really strong. and you went around fighting aliens or something My parents bought it for me as a kid and I liked it but no one I nkonwo remembers it, though it it is on gamefaqs.com with some (mostly bad) reviews.
  18. Jericholic82

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    I know it took me 5 or 6 times in a row to beat the Matt Hardy vs Edge parking lot brawl challenge
  19. I feel your pain, last week some guy almost rioted at we told him there was no Mario on PSP and how Nintendo is a diferent company then Sony. He was screaming at my coworker for awhile. this has happened multiple stimes. just like this past weekend (I had to work xmas eve weekend and then all day on the eve) parents looking for a "Nintendo DX" Or "Nintendo PSP" or "DSP" it was pretty funny. I epseically love that they thought we may have wis aor ps3s lying around and that they were surprised that all the ds's and psps and ps2s were gone by sunday sure I know parents have better things to worry about, but it still waists time and then you deal with angry parents when we try to tell them stuff. Just like some guy who came in sat night and wanted a free controller with purchase of the xbox 360 he showed me an ad, but it wa sthe ad for this coming week and the free controller was for the one day only sale on sunday, and it clearly said so at the top, so he got mad at me when I told him that sale is tommorrow (you mean I have to com eback) as if I was making the rules on the spot and trying to screw him. I really wish people didnt think I was the ceo of Circuit City.
  20. Jericholic82

    Recent purchases

    in the past 3 weeks or so I have got they had a sale at CC for all seasons of Angel for 17.99 but they only had 1, 4, and 5 in stock at my store so I got them (in the newere slimmer packaging) The Last American Virgin (xmas gift) The Jerk: 26th anniversary edition I went to FYE last friday and got all on sale, 3 for 30 bucks WWE No Mercy 2002 WWE Survivor Series 2002 WWE Royal Rumble 2003 (So I can relive the classic HHH-Steiner match) TNA Turning Point 2005 TNA Slammiversary 2006 ECW: Extreme Evolution (already have the vhs version but it was on sale for 4.99 so I said what the hell) Beyond The Mat :Ringside Special Edition from 2004 XPW: The Revolution Will Be Televised XPW: Go Funk Yourself (The 1 year annivesary show form July 2000 featuring Sabu vs Terry Funk for the XPW Title) XPW: Genocide 2002 XPW: The Best of The Enterprise then I went ot target later the day and got The Simpsons: Complete 9th Season (yea I finally buy a simpsons set and its 9, if only because it has the City of NY vs Homer Simpson a fav of mine that is no longer in syndication cuz of 9/11) Chappelles Show: The Lost Episodes Yes I have spent too much on dvds lately
  21. Jericholic82

    Best beatdowns

    this was back in like may 1999, it led to their match at over the edge , the match was Rock vs Taker in a casket match and trips helped taker win then debuted the sledgehammer that would become his trademark weapon forever. as for others, Barry Windham getting his arm broken by a car door at halloween havoc 91 pops into my head for some reason. though not really a beatdown. the nwo running the steiners off the road as well as for true beatdowns, Mankinds debut night on RAW running in during Takers match with Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw and beating the crap out of him hitting the apron elbow and holding onto the mandible claw till taker was "foaming from the mouth" was great Hogan whipping David Flair at Souled Out 1999 was pretty brutal infact Flair wrote about it in his book and he is stil pissed till this day that Hogan had to "get cute" and hit David far too many times. HHH flipping out at Summerslam 1999 after Mankind stole the win and title, and beating up Austin with a chair The Facgime beating up Rock in a cage(?) leading up to Backlash 2000 DX and The Outlaws destroy the LOD RAW December 1997 (its on the monday night war dvd extra match) Horsemen dump Sting at the Clash early 1990. Flair slaps him hard and bitcheshim out big time. Ill second the 2 man power trips beatdown of the hardys and lita on raw, it was pretty brutal especially when they actually beat up a woman, pretty disgusting Austin beating the rock with a chair untill he was basically a mass of jello at wm 17 is still pretty awesome to watch
  22. Jericholic82

    2006 Wrestling Dead Pool

    oh crap Hail died? Too bad that wcw push never really happened, cuz he looked good on his WCW Sat Night days.
  23. Jericholic82

    What's with WWE and undefeated streaks?

    You would be correct. Luger was hyped as Mr All America and didn't lose until his bout against then Champ Yokozuna. I normally don't have a problem with these undefeated streaks, but in Umaga's case, I have a problem with it. Usually the undefeated streak is done with a new guy in the company, whether it be a home grown fresh rookie or someone who recently signed up with the company. With Umaga though, we have a guy who has been in the WWE, and who didn't particularly have a good run of it the first time around. Now that would be fine if, he had been somone who everyone quickly forgot about, but he was in tag team that got a semi-push for a while. I know the casual fan doesn't know that he was Jamal of Three Minute Warning, but to me it's just hard to fathom that a guy goes from that to being the pride of the company. Well according to WWE Umaga has never been in their federation ever before. He got a makeover. Just like Kane when he debuted WWE didnt say tat he acually had been with them before under another name. To be honest in both cases (Umaga and Kane) I don t really tink alot of people remember or even know they are the same wrestlers as Isaac Yankeem DDS and Jamal. yea but at least kane had a mask on, the only difference between "Jamal" and "Umaga" is tribal paint on the face, headshrinkers like tights and no shoes. hell he still has the same hair style as when he was Jamal back to topic, yes I am sick of these unbeaten streaks and its pretty sad that Masters masterlock streak was broken so they could suck up on the xmas iraq special. then again theyll prbbaly never mention it on wwe tv again.
  24. Jericholic82

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    apparantly SurSeries and D2D both come out today (26th) CC has a deal where you can get both for 24 bucks. ou know Ill be all over that at work tonight, even though I spent over 100 bucks on assorted wrestling dvds at FYE the other day cuz there was a 3 for 30 bucks sale.
  25. Jericholic82

    WON News + Notes, December 25th Issue

    wow, great stuff. Amy is now my new hero for bitching out Steph.