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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    another good time he said that was the 2001 royal rumble, backstage the apa was playing cards when Crash Holly comes up to them and says something like "were friends right? but tonight in the rumble if were in there, I just might have to throw you out. you got it?" (crash leaves) farrooq half laughs "damn" anytime vito is wrestling JBL is gold "How come when hes out here we get a extereme close up but when Micheele Mccool is out here they switch to the blimp cam?"
  2. Jericholic82

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    yea I remember that segment all too well. what was the point of hyping them up only to squash them in the next match?
  3. Jericholic82

    700th RAW thread

    want to get up? you know I was up already but why was Big Dust doing the cabbage patch instead of his usual funky dance? and its kinda odd to see Dusty and Flair on the same side no? anyhow I thought raw was ok. apparantly not many agree with me. Federline actually is a more effective heel on the mic than orton has ever been. but then again he has built in real life resentment and hatred by the public already. too bad he cant wrestle. if this was wcw, he'd probably have a nitro main event match under his belt already. and yes Simmons ruled that segment. cryme time seemed to get less of a reaction in chicago then in la. then again their song starts off with "BROOKLYN!!!!!" so that may be the reason lol but still their sucess shows how imporatant the introductory vignettes are and Im glad wwe is bringing them back again. the people already know what they are about before they start on tv instead of just debuting them on sd or raw out of nowhere. so they beat the tag champs for 2 weeks, yet ric flair gets a CS match with them. whats the deal there? the look book at chamber of horrors was great. just the serious tone of the announcers voice made it classic. like watching a live wrestlecrap induction. "yes someone was getting electrocuted" "the innovative referee cam" "th auidence was indiferent" great stuff and why wa sJR so mad at Orton beating hhh with a chair, didnt he just do the same to orton the week before, actually this was more a clean victory since HHH needed a lowblow and a chair shot to win, but Orotn needed just the chair. good thing I picked orton for my fantasy team at the lest sec
  4. Jericholic82

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    Can anyone confirm? Yes, I can, and it's bad. Bad to the point that I can see a replacement disc program being put in place. Hogan gets the pin, and at the very point that he is handed the belt after the match, the audio COMPLETELY CUTS OUT for about a minute and 20 seconds. SILENCE. Then, after that 1:20, as Hogan is posing, AUDIO FROM THE END OF THE MATCH (you can hear Gorilla calling the big boot and legdrop) plays. As soon as the pin happens (on audio), the audio cuts back to match Hogan's posing, and the rest is alright. It's more like 2 minutes, not 3 as Meltzer indicated, but it's a huge error. thats nice, its there such a thing as quality control with wwe? does anyone watch these dvds before they send them out for release? i hadnt got to that point yet. one good hting about the reinclusion of certain matches on this set is that for example, the war to settle the score match is on here, but it includes the full entrances and bob costas intros(though the live audio gets really low so they can blast real american over eye of the tiger), on the stars of the 80's set they just cut right to the opening bell. as well as wm 3 vs andre, has full intros with andre and heenan getting pelted with grabage as andre stoicly waves at the people. other notes disc 1 menu has real american playing with clips of hogan form the early days to the early 90s, while disc 2 features "american made" (his wcw hulkamania theme) playing and clips of him in wcw, and disc 3 has some generic song intended I guess to replace "voodoo chile" with clips of hogan from his wwf comeback in 02- today did the unforgiven dvd come out yet? cuz we havent gotten it in yet at my CC
  5. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    never saw that one, austin was used later on for that line
  6. Jericholic82

    Cpl Kirchner Passes away

    i knew somehting was up cuz mick foley refered to him in his book as Mike Kirschner, not Thomas Spear stupid wwe
  7. Jericholic82

    Real Songs For New ECW Wrestlers

    well you gotta conisder that sandman started in the biz before ecw came along and therefore it was the early 90s with gimmicks running wild, especially on the indy scene. the surfer/beach bum gimmick had been done ot death by then in various promotions. weird that he never changed his name though huh? though I doubt we could ever picture his rise to fame without the song
  8. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    man wish I had picked my team in time last week cuz chavo and rey had a hell of a week. think cryme time wins the tag titles tnoight? at leats have a match cuz im picking them my team as of now cena show booker (all three will make multiple show appearances and big show on all three programs likely) cryme time orton (rematch with hhh, hes probably got to win tonight to keep the angle going right?) punk (winning every week) teddy long with leftover cash benoit (hes gotta be on sd this week...right?)
  9. Jericholic82

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    mr kennedys entrance is indeed the best ever. perfectly done though chimmel does attempt at least to start his intro in real life(though he doe snow have a new mixed theme on sd lately wihtout th emr keendy beginning-just a quick kennedy!)
  10. Jericholic82

    Real Songs For New ECW Wrestlers

    still better than his original ecw theme "surfin usa" (during the original sandman gimmick that is)
  11. Jericholic82

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    we only have the 3 disc set at my cc anyhow I watched some of it yesterday, the bockwinkle match really surprised me. much better than I would have thought, and hogan actually wrestled a bit in this match. terrible finish, which basically set the wheels in motion for his wwf return and explosion into megastar. man Verne was too stubborn for his own good. but then again he wasnt trying ot expand nationally, and probably couldnt make hogan into what he became in the wwf.
  12. Jericholic82

    Joey Maggs Passes Away

    I remembe rwhen Teddy Long started to manage him in WCW in like 1996 along with Sgt Craig Pittman. Long was starting to build a babyface stable of jobbers
  13. Jericholic82

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    actually it is QUASIJUICE SKLUEERRA and the heenan piper rumble quote wa smore like "Its a kilt, not a skirt (piper hits flair) why you no good creep, you skirt-wearing freak"
  14. Jericholic82

    Kurt Angle/WWE...

    that sound you hear is the fire trucks rushing to put out the fire on the bridge Kurt just burned
  15. Jericholic82

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    crap walmart does have a matches 4th disc? damn i already bought the reg set at work at CC since it came with a free hulkamania bandana (although I could have just gotten one for free since I work there and coulda taken one) and was on sale for 17 bucks. yea alot of HSR is repeate dhere and i already have that one, but this set does have the awa match and a rare andre-hogan match plus a few matches I havent seen or dont have on dvd myself (I havent bought the wm set so alot here) this ste does have every one of his wwf title wins, but only two o fhis wcw ones surprisngly (Iguess they dont want the fingerpoke match on dvd) damn , but then again who knows when ill ever get to walmart. how much is their price for it anyhow? CRUD!!!!!
  16. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    i didnt get a chance to chnage my team before the deadline so im stuck with the same, thank god I have jeff hardy I guess
  17. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    thats why I make my picks as close to the deadline as possible, but even then who knows
  18. Jericholic82

    Biggest fears? What are they?

    have to second public speaking anytime in shcool I had to get in front of the class I HATED THAT. just talking to strangers is uncomfortable to me somewhat, though getting better with that due to my crappy retail job at Circuit City
  19. Jericholic82

    Having Jury Duty sucks

    yea its bad if they call you for state jury duty instead of regular in your own county duty
  20. Jericholic82

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Burchills intro is up and its great. has the rope swinging and everything, then he takes out his sword by the ring. man if only they pu tthis much effort into the gameplay umagas and masters up as well. laziness abound as Umaga is missing his sarong and masters his robe AGAIN, though it is funny to see him all roided up still. youd think they could just redo it before release but its too late I suppose
  21. Jericholic82

    Characters that should NEVER be allied.

    savage had to join the nWo cuz Eric Bischoff had "blackballed" him from wcw at the time (this was the onscreen story)
  22. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    Actually that sort of happened. HBK returned in the fall/winter as a heel "commissioner" and briefly feuded with DX. Then of course he was put through the windshield in the infamous angle. Shawn kept popping up on WWF TV in 99 usually to quickly disappear soon after. I have no idea what was going on with that. firts shawn showed up as guest commnetator on the raw before summerslam 98, the net rumors had it that he would be Mankinds mystery opponent in the 1st round of the survivor series wwf title tourney (turned out to be Duane Gill later Gillberg) yea but he quickly turned face on vince mcmahon barely a month after his return as heel commish, then the windshield thing happened on the raw where mankind won the wwf title. he later made an apperance on raw after the rumble 99 live form his home with austin with him, announcing that since vince had just relinquished his mania title shot he won, austin would automatically get it, then they set up the feb steel cage match. his next appearnce was at mania 15 in the main event when vince tried to be guest ref after mankind had been too hurt to do it, so shawn threw him out of there. next he appeared in august on raw prior to summerslam and he and shane were guest refs for the hhh-mankind #1contenders match from the week before summerslam. the next week on the debut of sd as a weekly show, he was ref for the rock-hhh bullrope world title match and turned heel by superkicking rock and giving hhh the win. he never appeared again untill he made himself the ref for the rock-hhh ironman match at Judgment Day 2000 (though rock did mention he didnt trust shawn cuz of the kicking incident, they never explained why he did that and was an impartial ref) then he didnt show his face till joing the nWo in may 2002 (of course we all know about the planned wm 17 return that never happened) man I remember too much
  23. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    yea his last appearance I can remember was facing Eddie guerrero on Sunday Night Heat on memorial day weekend 2000
  24. Jericholic82

    WWE meets TNA

    yea you can tell cena was trying not to mention TNA (hell the host probably doesnt have a clue that TNA is a diffreent promotion than wwe) he just kind of said it was funny to see home plate used and that AJ pulled a "TO " by autographing the plate after using it. cena was ok on conan but not as funny as his last appearance in which conan called sabu a genie. conans reaction to the clip of cena fu-ing viscera was pretty funny though "who is that guy?"
  25. Jericholic82

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    man I screwed up, I originally had show on my team too CRAP. plus I picked ariel thinking she was in the poker game, forgetting about the ecw spoilers. oh well kelly and ash got me good points for cheap. hope booker and kennedy have a good sd (no i dont read the spoilers)