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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Ultimate Avengers 2

    how is this? it must be good cuz we sold out of it at CC in a day or so, and got pissed off parents and such angry about that fact. advice to all customers, (now that I know the other side) if its not on the floor or at the counter , WE DONT HAVE IT, THERE IS NO "BACK" TO CHECK now that my rant is over, I may enjoy the rest of my day off
  2. Jericholic82

    ECW House Show Report

    yea wwe seems to do that a lot, almost as if they dont want to be predictable. like saying to a guy "hey its your hometown, YOU JOB NOW!!!!" as for tommy, he is a nice guy who doesnt mind putting over everybody and now WWE is intent on pushing Test and Knox and all the new ecw guys over the old ones (which is why guys like Justin, Stevie, Dreamer, etc are jobbing like crazy"
  3. Jericholic82

    Favorite Smipsons Couch Scene

    and lo and behold, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPMXY4DHZ38...ted&search= ATTACK OF THE FURNITURE!!!!!!
  4. Jericholic82

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    280. Albert Einstein Watermelon on the toilet
  5. Jericholic82

    Favorite Smipsons Couch Scene

    Was it the one where all the furniture is attacking? Moe fending off all the furniture in the Tavern and Homer running into a furniture store to get away from the attacking furniture out in the street? yea I really liked that one in the episode where Bart gets fat from eating junk food, they did a couch scene in the middle where they all get there but Bart takes forever cuz he is slow from being too fat as for regular ones, the one where the family goes to sit on the couch, but finds clones of them alreayd there and they stare down
  6. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Sad, since Angle/Lesnar was the match I was looking most forward to(and was happy to see it on last), and of course Michaels/Jericho
  7. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    oh yea I remember that. Weird that it neverf lead to anything (then again neither did the kiss between Steph and Eri cBischoff, on the halloween 02 episdoe of SD)
  8. Jericholic82

    ECW House Show Report

    I wanted to go to the show of course. But I just got that job at Circuit City last and I had to work (plus as it turns out so did my dad who was going to go with me, good thing I didnt buy tix previously) sounds like I didn't miss much Poor Tommy. My hometown guy couldnt even win in his area
  9. Jericholic82


    I dont have a vcr right now though. gonna get one soon when I get paid
  10. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    John Cena (a rookie in training) on UPW special on discovery channel, 2000 (samoa joe is also there) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF561lOvgBM...ted&search=
  11. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    The Trailer for The Marine, starring John Cena http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W290L1tXeTY...ted&search=
  12. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    Scott Hall (with curly blondish hair and porno moustache) vs Great Muta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayGTzlJI7Ms...ted&search=
  13. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    yea I remember this well. kinda funny as Rob makes fun of Paul E for wearing the headset and hat and the banner behind him. Not that I support xpw or ecw over the incident (though it is interesting that ECW never ran on the west coast untill this ppv). But I will always have a soft spot for XPW, since it was like the big local indy fed in my area for a time, plus the tv show was so bad it was good. Even bettre then this "shoot" was when he pretended he was friends with Eric Bischoff (and that was why he was able to use Candido and stuff like that) and would "be on the phone with eric" sometimes hey at the end of the shoot, they show the original XPW tv intro, actually that song isnt too bad either though the metallica worked better plus it shows a lot of shots of the ventura theatre, and of abby stabbing axl with the fork which I was there live fore
  14. Jericholic82

    Favorite Four Horsemen Variation

    "the big, bruising, yet only moderately skilled giant"? lmao way to take a shot at a guy cuz hes in the WWF at the time anyhow thanks for the cool scans
  15. Jericholic82

    Favorite Four Horsemen Variation

    OK, that sounds incredibly hillarious and awesome. Anyone have a clip of that? I wish more heels would act like that nowadays. then remember when Arn had enough and just slapped Pillman hard? crazy stuff
  16. Jericholic82

    Best Feuds

    well yea and the way they kinda implied that Woman was Sullivans girl despite that never being mentioned on tv before. My fav part was GAB aftre the match when Arn came out to (you thought) stop Chris from attacking Kevin and instead joins him in a horseman beatdown while the crowd goes insane (really a loud pop) at bash at the beach Woman stops Benoit from beating on kevin after the match yelling "stop iit Chris, you're going to hurt him"
  17. Jericholic82

    Howard Finkel

    98 actually, no big deal I always loved his announcing of the new champ no matter what title (announcing Steamboat as new IC champ at WM 3 is a fav of mine). and remember his annoucement would be even louder and more ethusiastic if the face won. wm x when he put a toupee one (cuz Sy Sperling was there) and he was just showing off and smiling then Bam Bams music hit and he went into his announcement and you saw his facial expressions for a minute, very odd yet cool. of course when he would say "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time....for the ROYAL RUMBLLLLLLLLE MATCH!!!!!!!" and the crowd goes nuts. then he goes into a long and drawn out explanation of the rules. I remember Lawler getting annoyed at him taking so long during I think the 2000 match. how about when he became Jerichos new Ralphus for a time in 1999 and came out to warriors music?
  18. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    I can remember the announcers mentionning the history between Savio & Austin, hence his inclusion. yea, plus los boricuas had been loose alllies of dx for awhile (even interfereing at rumble during the casket match) I was just watching the Bret dvd main program and it shows Bret announcing his return and Pillamn jumping and clapping pretty funny yea, plus a seed planted that Pillman likes Bret maybe. actually you'd think the attack on Pillman would mean a face turn for him at the time (I did at least), but Austin wound up the face after mania
  19. Jericholic82

    The OAO Smackdown Thread for whatever today is.

    I might as well read this thread for results . since sd was prempted in NY tilll tonight (sat), but I have to work till 10:30 tonight and I dont have a vcr right now.
  20. Jericholic82

    D-X DVD

    man wish I had got the vhs version back then. I almost did one day when my dad said I could get a video at I think sams club, and I chose the best of wm over dx cuz it was longer,
  21. me too, is it on dvd? havent seen it in a LONG time
  22. Jericholic82

    Great DVD buys this week at Best Buy and Circuit City

    well I have worked two days, mostly traning, by hanging around the floor, helping out the people in the movies/game section who are basically the ones training me, so Im helping with dvds, cds and games, as well a sthe gadgets phones, etc. casing dvds, getting things, usual gopher stuff since Im new. I was able to sell a ps2 to a man though, an dyesterday I also sold 2 psp games to this woman and her daughter. unfortunately I get asked questions even on lunch. "You work at Circuit City?" some lady asked while I was trying to eat in the mall there. I wanted to say "No I just like wearing this shirt for fun" and since I dont know much I often have to refer people to others who can help. But I think Im fair with them so far. But today Im working a 4-10 shift, so I got to leave real soon.
  23. right, but shawn didnt ge tback into the ring untill he was about to tombstone him. its kind of confusing but it still does make some sense youre right. But it seemed like the finish was supposed to be the dq after the tombstone, bu tnot enough time was left on the clock, although it might have been a controversy on purpose
  24. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    lol part 1 was removed due to request of wwe, too bad they forgot the 2nd part where he was beat lmao heenan "this Leveque is gonna be a superstar form 95 on" yea a wwf/e superstar "Hes either sweating or I smell Sauerkraut" Heenan rules Trips threw a dropkick, man you dont see that anymore You know on tv Vince and Shane could get revenge for DX showing the stand back video, by playing alex wright pinning him over and over
  25. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    right cuz when crush went to wrestle a squash on a later raw one night with savage on commentary , savage attacked him and was suspended for getting involved