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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    Come on that was the highlight of the night lol that had my dad and I ROTFL. Besides I think it was a self-spoof like ECW was known to have bad gimmick wrestlers get destroyed by their starsAt least Sabu won the battle royal (but the weapons were pathetic WWE type cheap garbage cansperhaps after vengeance it will change. But having Angle destroy a former ECW champion in 3 mins is like saying ECW wrestlers are inferior, and they need WWE guys to survive) and boo on changing Angle s music, god forbid the SD marks stop being sheep. And they were better off giving sandman the generic theme they used on the rise and fall dvd as well as lasts years ONS dvd it was better than whatever he has now. what did you guys expect anyhow? That Vince was sincere? HA this is his attempt to prove once and for all ECW was nothing. Like he already did to WCW then again after listening to wrestlecrapradio, I must agree with RD and say this was the greatest show ever on TV!
  2. Jericholic82

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    Hate to nitpick here, but I wouldn't call 4 months "years" well I meant in HHH and shawns case, I should have clarified that. but the dx reunion was very similar to the Diesel/Shawn one, even though it was years this time.
  3. Jericholic82

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    Also you can watch the Vengeance Press Conference here: http://www.wwe.com/content/media/video/pre...00606/vengpress So now it looks like there isn't going to be a seperare ECW belt, at least not YET. It looks as if it will be the same belt, however it will just be called the ECW belt while RVD has it.....hmmm. So it looks like Either RVD gets screwed at Vengeance OR they do a double pin spot and then RVD gets his own belt the following Tuesday. EDIT: This press conference is freaking hilarious. RVD is acting like the cocky heel he was in ECW at the podium. I wish Vince would have let him be like this in WWE. Triple H and HBK introduced as DX w/DX Music. Whoa, a nice little shoot between Triple H and RVD to end the press conference: HHH: "The nice thing about the WWE title being rechristened as the ECW title is now it can be won on Wednesday nights during bingo" RVD: "Watch as I going ahead and put respect back into the World Title that WWE ruined five years ago" just saw this and talked about it in the raw thread so heres a repost: "don't know if this should go here, but I just watched the Vengeance press conference on wwe.com. Man its weird to see RVD announced as the WWE champion. DX came out and (shawn did look weird doing the chop thing considering hes now mr christian) Shawn cut a vintage DX promo where he said that although they were back, anoth men had grown up and would not be doing stupid sophmoric things (at this point HHH gives Todd Grisham a wet willie) like giving a grown man a wedgie (HHH gives Todd the Michael Cole 97 special) or mooning people (HHH moons the crowd, then asks girls to flash). HHH then added that while back then they did it cuz they were young and didnt care, they will do it now cuz "theyre rich beyotch" (exact words) Pretty funny stuff, though the mics weren't working well, which Trips later mocked by announcing the equipment would be on sale later for a cheap price."
  4. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    You know, I don't ever remember them explaining it. That's probably one reason why it bombed so badly. well the tv version went something like this. Hogan had returned as a face in july to win the wcw title from Savage on nitro the night aftre savage won it at BATB. He still was Hollywood hogan. In August, Hogan came out in red and yellow for the Nitro main event of Hogan, Sitng, and Goldberg vs Nash,Rick Steiner, and Sid. Hogan beat Nash in a "career" match at Road Wild 99. After this show Sting got a title shot at Hogan for FB. Lex Luger returned and tried to get Sting to be on his side and tried to convince him that hogan was lying to him about being his friend, even claiming Hogan was the mysterious "Hummer Driver" by showing a pic of Hogan next to a hummer. SO the buildup has kinda been "is hogan lying?" and it looks like Hogan is setting up sitng kinda. then at the show Luger hands stign a bat which he uses to beat HOgan, thereby turning heel. Yea, it made no sense.
  5. Jericholic82

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    don't know if this should go here, but I just watched the Vengeance press conference on wwe.com. Man its weird to see RVD announced as the WWE champion. DX came out and (shawn did look weird doing the chop thing considering hes now mr christian) Shawn cut a vintage DX promo where he said that although they were back, anoth men had grown up and would not be doing stupid sophmoric things (at this point HHH gives Todd Grisham a wet willie) like giving a grown man a wedgie (HHH gives Todd the Michael Cole 97 special) or mooning people (HHH moons the crowd, then asks girls to flash). HHH then added that while back then they did it cuz they were young and didnt care, they will do it now cuz "theyre rich beyotch" (exact words) Pretty funny stuff, though the mics weren't working well, which Trips later mocked by announcing the equipment would be on sale later for a cheap price.
  6. Jericholic82

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    Im kind aintrgiued to see the show tonight, wish I had tix and a ride to jersey to see how weird this will be live
  7. Jericholic82

    Favourite Weird Al song and video

    He does that on every album. yep I liked his one on poodle hat (called "Angry White Boy Polka") which had had a video for on the last Al-Tv in 03 (which was pretty funny show which had "interviews" with Avril Lavigne, Eminem, and Celine Dion, where they showed real interview clips spliced with Al asking weird questions, HILARIOUS) as for my fav, maybe amish, although I did like the flinstones one. Gump was great as well (Gump as a shrimp-boating man, had a partner he called Lt. Dan, his girlfirned Jenny was kind of a slut, went to the white house showed LBJ his BUTT) or something like that
  8. Jericholic82

    Recent purchases

    wrestlemania 22 3 disc set at Circuit City for $19.95
  9. Jericholic82

    buying dvd

    thats lame, which dvds doe sthis affect then? I know Victory Road came out in early 05 before the wwe made them change shanes name and before Kip even debuted in tna right?
  10. Jericholic82

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    I guess the 2001 Invasion now has officially never happened (remember Austin the wwf champ defecting to WCW or the alliance or whatever)
  11. Jericholic82

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    Michaels was acting like a sidekick while Triple H was setting up for the Pedigree, and the King of Kings music ending the segment, while the posing was just showcasing Triple H now that it wasn't the D-X chop. I dunno, it just came off that way to me. maybe the music guy screwed up? or they are waiting for next weke for them to come out to the old song. wierd thing is, DX was most popular when they turned face in 98 after shawn left so most of the boom period fans who came in during the mid 98 might not remember shawn in dx plus they teased this already in 2002 when HHH turned on shawn during th dx promo in the ring. But they did book this good I think. They hinted at it at mania with both Shawn and HHH doing the chop. Plus the slow-burn face turn for HHH. I don't know where they will go after vengeance, but it has been done well IMO. The only way it would be better is if next week they cut a late 97 style promo with HBK making jokes and HHH cracking innuendos at every turn. But I doubt they will change the game characte back to the old one. Its just the name thing. It's just like Diesel and SHawn reuniting in 95, 2 old friends who "broke up" and hated each other for years. I guess in Kayfabe after Shawn got injured by the SS, HHH started to feel bad about that plus his growing hatred at Vince for his actions toward himself.
  12. Jericholic82

    Hulk Hogan Interview

    Rudo is completely right imo. You have to take things in context of the time of the event. Warrior was on Hogan's heels as a super champion in popularity, yet people are forgetting this. Magazines and people were saying Warrior was the wrestler of the 90's. Hogan was the "All-American" who could do no wrong and he bowed out gracefully by jobbing and handing the belt over. Warrior just bombed. Vince wanted Warrior as the new Hulk Hogan and that was the big problem. Warrior was doing a poor man Hulk Hogan routine with the shaking of the leg which was a copycat of Hogan's superman shake to end matches. The angle at the end of the match was Pat Patterson booked along with the camera shots. This is kayfabe heavy wwe we are talking about in the early 90's. Hogan and Warrior were booked as equals and that ending was suppose to set up Hogan/Warrior 2 at LA Coliseum where Hogan would return and win the title to retire. This was in our meda for crying out loud when Tunney use to leak storylines such as Hogan dropping the belt to Andre on NBC and Dibiase winning the title at Mania 4. Of course, they did them as rumours back in the day, but for the most part they leaked this stuff to Toronto sports departments. Warrior WAS BOMBING that is why they did the Hogan comeback angle. Vince was afraid that SummerSlam would not sell out and it would have made Warrior's reign look like a failure. This was covered even in TV Guide a bit that audiences were dropping and Warrior was getting booed in some arenas for beating Hogan. Hogan's interview could very well be Hogan trying to make himself look smart by knowing Warrior would bomb which he clearly didn't. It would make his comments about choosing the right man to carry the business look wrong with Warrior's failure on his resume. If you want a case about someone saboting someone's title reign after putting them over it's Bret Hart after WM 12. I quote "I feel betrayed everytime I lose that belt". He also kept bringing up the fact that he lost in overtime when it was clearly stated by Piper that there MUST BE A WINNER. The wwe did revisionist history on the HBK DVD by eliminating that statement by Piper during the promo. I have the original tape where Piper made the statement. Bret then went into a tirade about the company having the wrong representative for kids and whatnot and he was a friggin babyface champion even going so far as saying Vince made him wore out by wrestling all over the world, while HBK rested at home during the "collapse" angle. THAT IS SABOTAGING someone's reign after putting them over and he RETURNED and still ran down HBK by saying Austin was the #1 guy in the world. agreed, even though I like Bret and all, he was a complete jerk in that matter. I know he wa sbooked as a lame duck transistional champ, but Shawn was hot at the time and deserved the title.
  13. Jericholic82

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    not yet, But I'd like to. is it really only 20 bucks? damn
  14. Jericholic82

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    I dunno about Diesel's, but I know the instruction manual for the game had Luger's Uber-forearm finisher code all wrong. right, all you have to do is lock up and press b+a I still have the game, played it a couple months back and its weird to play a 2d wrestling game now. Most of the mega moves are damn near impossible. I like owens where he spins around and knocks down everyone including the ref. 123 Kid's turnbuckle to turnbuckle leap is pretty cool, if unrealistic. Rumbles are fun with big guys like diesel or taker where you can just flip people over your heads and over the top rope. as for other fighters, I will always contend the best was the original Street Fighter 2 (first one I played, had an easier time playing it than MK in the arcades)
  15. Jericholic82

    Why Do People Think We're Not Cool

    True, we should just grin and bear it. We like it even if it is dumb to others. So all w ehave to say is "We like it" period when asked.
  16. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    This is a pretty innovative way to try and get a babyface over. I guess I am one of the few when I say I didn't mind the Lex Express gimmick. no not at all, I bought it as a 10 year old
  17. Jericholic82

    The Dusty Rhodes Story

    Did he win that lawsuit? yes in 1994
  18. Jericholic82

    Was ECW music as important to you...

    yea how about "Bad Day" for a jobber Surprised WWE cant get rights to the walk cover, that would be good at least. and they didnt use motorhead cover for sandman, why not? does Metallica own rights to the cover too? and does this mean the Yankees and Mets have to pay Metallica everytime they use the song for Rivera and Wagner too?
  19. Jericholic82

    Hulk Hogan Interview

    yea that ruled, now its my sig
  20. Jericholic82

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    In my MLB 2k6 Yankee GM Career season, I noticed that once you go past a certain amount of hrs (I think 130) it stops and goes negative numbers on you (yea it shows a negative sign before the number) and count sbackwards, meaning all my guys with that many (fo rme, A-Rod, Giambi and belive it or not Posada) no longer lead the league I should also note that I have only played about 60 games into the year (and I am undefeated) Probably time to adjust the difficulty sliders huh?
  21. Jericholic82

    The best generation to be a wrestling fan?

    yea when I got a vcr in my room , it was much easier.
  22. Jericholic82

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    You're right, but in kayfabe(as well as reality) Vince is the one who brought back ECW, and allowed the match to take place. Maybe he'll just recognize RVD as the ECW champion and then have the tourney thing to crown a new wwe champ on raw
  23. Jericholic82

    The best performances of this decade

    you really REALLY should...I missed the first season but caught it all on On Demand before season 2 aired, it is a great show! too bad HBO on demand costs extra here in NY , should have watched itback in CALI when I had it for free. theres always dvd I guess
  24. Jericholic82

    Giant Gonzalez Currently Disabled

    oh crap Im past 4000 posts WOO-HOO
  25. Jericholic82

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    makes me think, what is gonna happen when they do the supershow double tapings? guess ecw will be taped thta night too?