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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Impact goes live for one night only on 10/23

    Just as I was making the connection with the MEF vs TNA Originals with the New Blood/MC feud of 2000, and how at least TNA made the young guys the faces this time, we get that main event. TNA ruined Joe, they waited too long to give him the title, and then bungled his reign and changed him from the quiet killing machine that got way over into a soap opera type whiny dude. And is Nash really using Joe's shoot on Hall to explain his heel turn? So he befriended Joe and mentored him for 9 months so he could cost him the title at an arbitrary point? Couldn't he have ,yknow kicked his ass back in December? Classic Russo overbooking.
  2. Jericholic82

    WWE SmackDown! - October 24, 2008

    Anyone else's MYNETWORK 10 O Clock news been showing WWE newspieces? Tonight MY9 (NY/NJ Area) did a quick piece on Matt Striker's past as a teacher and how he got canned. They showed him at a local school event talking about his past and wanting to be a good influence for kids. The anchor rapped it up by saying Matt wouldn't say no to teaching again, but he hopes to stay in WWE "for life" which gave me a laugh, as I pictured his future endeavor announcement someday. Anyhow they have been doing these fluff pieces since SD moved to MYNETWORK , just like UPN did in '99 (or at least in SOCAL)
  3. Jericholic82

    Brutus Beefcake knocks up super model?

    Yea I actually enjoyed it. Bonaduce and Diamond are natural heels . Plus their matches looked prety good for having one training session. I'm looking forward to the next episode.
  4. Jericholic82

    Examples of Announcers Ignoring PPV Matches In Progress

    Mania 16 during T&A vs Head Cheese, most of the short match involved JR's headset malfunctioning and Lawler continually asking "I thought you said Trish was joining us for commentary?" And of course Lecherous Lawler fawning over Trish.
  5. Jericholic82

    Monday Night Wars

    Sorry for yammering too much but I must say Eddie running in to steal Rey's mask was hella cool, and a totally dickish act at that. Speaking of, I would be surprised if Scotty Riggs had children after Goldberg dropped him like that on the guardrail. Even the announcers seemed cringed by the replay. Plus the debut of the Spear was cool . (As well as them naming the Jackhammer as such)
  6. Jericholic82

    Monday Night Wars

    This Nitro (10/13/97) had some moments. It marked the debut of Eddie's "Lowrider" type theme. I don't think Goldberg was using his 2nd, more famous WCW theme yet, but they dubbed in his WWE theme over whatever it was. Later McMichael had the 98 version of the Horseman theme dubbed in over what I assume was the debut of Mongo's post-horseman face theme(a Production theme called "Unledded"), which was later used by Hardcore Hak (Sandman). Plus we saw the debut of Sick Boy, (not yet named) and Kidman into the Flock (which led to a ringside fan to loudly yell "Billy Kidman? OMG!) The end of the tag title match was odd as they immediately cut back to the announcers and didn't even show the Steiners with the belts (Which for some reason were the old WCW belts and not the newer ones Hall & Nash had been wearing for most of 97. Though it did lead to an angle where they wore the new belts and pretended they were still champions) Weird they didn't show much celebration
  7. Jericholic82

    History of ECW

    No, that came after The Eliminators hit Total Elimination on Gertner at Barely Legal 97. Anyhow the previous episode (6/18/96), during the Pulp Fiction promos, WWE muted Blue Meanie (doing Bluedust) when he sang Shes A Maniac to quote Chris Farley in Tommy Boy, as Stevie was rinsing off his blue paint. Damn you can't even have a wrestler sing two words of a copyrighted song I guess. And I know this because I remember this episode well,and I even have the original airing on tape.
  8. Jericholic82

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    I wonder if he'll make the Dec 6 show here that I mentioned in another thread, cuz they laterally just announced it. Then again I figured he wouldn't be welcome back in my town after his arrest here in Aug.
  9. Jericholic82

    Saw V - Opening October 24th

    The only one I saw in the theater was 2, and it remains a close second to the first in my mind and it's twist really got to me (though we'll prob never match watching the original for the first time.) But yea the twists are kinda getting annoying to me, will we ever get closure? I want to go see it, but then again I planned to the last 2 years as well. but I ended up just avoiding spoilers and waited for the dvd.
  10. Jericholic82

    How I Met Your Mother

    That was quite the hilarious show. I haven't been watching lately due to working Mon nights of late, but tonight got me back in. Barney's equation of how to sleep with Robin had me near tears. As well as the Japanese newscast with the monkey throwing marshmellows.
  11. Jericholic82

    Monday Night Wars

    Assume they didn't screw up the Starrcade match, where does Sting go from there? All the mystique is gone as soon as he wrestles a match. I'm just saying that over time, I feel indifferent about that matter. But at the time, yea I fell hard for the angle and couldn't wait for Sting to destroy Hogan. As for the 10/13 RAW, I enjoyed reliving it. The DX stuff was fun, and actually still felt edgy now (unlike the recent DX reunions). I loved when Rude announced Shawn as "The Pecan" and Shawn's reaction. I assume next week is where DX frames the Foundation for vandalizing the NOD's lockeroom?
  12. In short, I hate it, it's really annoying and distracting to me.
  13. Jericholic82

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Blasphemy! That segment was the most entertaining part of Raw. Santino rules the mic. I loved his segue, telling Duggan he's jealous cuz he doesn't have the Honk-A-Meter. (Even if it is a ripoff of the Clock-Trolla) Anyhow the show was just "there" tonight. Even the hard sell for the PPV seemed subdued. The 2 tag matches were good,but the main event made Jericho and Regal look bad. It seems like Chris is regressing back to his whiny heel days of his 01-04 heel run(and not in a good and entertaining way like his WCW days) , instead of the cold and calculating, heartless character he created during the early part of the HBK feud. It makes him far too generic IMO.
  14. Jericholic82

    WCW Halloween Havoc 1992

    No he actually started the smiling gimmick just prior to survivor series 01. He dissapeared for a few weeks after he lost to Taker's wife (after a beatdown by Taker of course) after Summerslam 01. Then he came back with those vignettes. If you recall The Big Show dressed up as him and made fun of the smiling thing I think the Raw before SurSeries.
  15. Jericholic82

    House Season 5

    Great show. House and Wilson centric episodes are gold. Plus we got to find out how they met. Plus his bad relationship with his dad seems to be the original catalyst for his cranky and sarcastic persona, interesting and explains in more detail why he didn't want to see his parents in that Season 1 episode. So are we to assume the PI is history? And yea it seems a bit fast to reunite House and Wilson, I figured that would be the main storyline this year. That preview for next week is intriguing, looks like 13 may be dying? .
  16. It actually was called "The Dead Pool" when Raven was part of it IIRC.
  17. Jericholic82

    I'm going to Local Indy Show (PWS)

    Pro Wrestling Syndicate has announced they are coming back to Yonkers PAL Dec 6. Shocking to me, as last month's show had a poor attendance. They are advertising Sandman ,Sabu, Kamala, Terri Runnels, and the new PWS commissioner-THE IRON SHIEK. This should be good, that is if everyone shows up. Sabu missed the March show due to injury, and Jerry Lynn missed last month's due to canceled flight because of bad weather.
  18. Jericholic82

    Monday Night Wars

    That already aired, I think it was an aug or sept 97 episode. They did kinda edit it a bit though. Yea Goldberg did get involved in the Mongo-Wright Havoc match and took Mongo's SuperBowl ring as "payment" from Debra. This led to a match being booked for WW3 97, but Mongo attacked Goldberg backstage before the match. The match ended up occurring at Starrcade, Goldberg won, his biggest win to that point.
  19. Jericholic82

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Dennis sure did like the duster. "We're alive and it's blowing your minds!"
  20. Jericholic82

    South Park: Season 12

    That was a strange show. I mean it was kinda funny, yet disjointed and odd. Not one to watch ever again. But yea Lucas' o face did crack me up. And no I did not see the movie, but Trey and Matt went a little overboard with this one IMO. O and Spaceballs is 100X better than real Star Wars, well to me at least lol.
  21. Jericholic82

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    The latest WWE Mag (OCT 08) has part 2 of a piece on FCW, in it they talk about several of their top prospects, even some who have since debuted on WWE, like Jake Hager (Jack Swagger), Jay Bradley (the jobberrific Ryan Braddock), and Afa Jr. (Manu). So not only are they showing real names since gimmicked, but they also talk about the Bella Twins. OOPS. I know it's not a big secret, but they haven't admitted it on tv yet. Odd, but I suppose they wrote this months back. And the first part of the piece was in the Sept issue, which came out before Brie even debuted. I know that was lame, but at least relevant to the thread topic.
  22. Jericholic82

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Dee riding the bus and fighting with the driver was pretty funny as well. This season is all kinds of awesome.
  23. Jericholic82

    I'm going to Local Indy Show (PWS)

    It was cool to see B-Boy, since I used to see him in the So-Cal indies back in the day. I'd also like to mention the sound was horrible again, you could hardly hear the promos. Plus the music sounded like it was being played in the next room, leading the rapper to go at it w/o music cuz he couldn't hear it, then the bad PA made it impossible to understand him. But at least Demolition had their theme and Lethal and "Warrior" as well. Even Hart got "Eat your heart out Rick Springfield" played as he was announced at the autograph table, though sadly no promo from him.
  24. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    After the bloodbath, Hayes simply introduced the Hardys as his new team. They had a new look and basically reborn after their official debut in 98 as WWF contracted wrestlers. Edge lost the title the day after he won it, at Fully Loaded 99, thanks to Gangrel's interference. Also on the ppv, The Hardy and Hayes lost a handicap match and the tag titles to the Acolytes, which directly led to the Hardys dumping Hayes and joining the New Brood.
  25. Jericholic82

    I'm going to Local Indy Show (PWS)

    In reality I doubt there were 200 fans there, as half the crowd was made up of freebies and/or cops' kids. Demolition was charging 20 bucks for a polaroid and autographs so I passed, but did say hello to them and Jimmy Hart. Weird to see an empty crowd when the last show had near 500 people there. But at least the show was fun, and I got a free dvd for having front row seats. The ambulance match was crazy as we followed them around and nearly got landed on several times. The aforementioned football actually was introduced by the kids. Then Moore did the Heisman pose with it to huge laughs. At one point the 2 challengers actually irish whipped Moore into the wall, from about 50 feet away-which may be the fakest thing I have ever seen in wrestling. But Moore is hilarious as the cowardly heel, and Matthews as manager was great at inciting the crowd. The title belt however looked cheap and the reality check logo was infact a pice of red tape, which I speculated was holding the belt together. Poor Matthews was slamemd twice on set up stacks of chairs, leading him to joke with us "I don't get paid enough for this". Again the kids nearly ruined it by constantly yelling, cursing, and standing up since they appeared to have no parental supervision with them. But I enjoyed it and got to see f-ing Demolition, with Barry Darsow still managing to squeeze into the bondage gear while Ax opted for a black singlet lol And when they returned to stop the Reality Check beatdown, they took our chairs, awesome. By the way, One Warrior Nation was the wrestler formely known as the Zombie, which everyone knew and chanted at him. He did do a good Warrior impersonation though. The crowd booed a bit by the ripoff, ironically while cheering the Savage ripoff Lethal. The results on the site were incorrect, as "Warrior" actually got up after the elbows and hulked up. Lethal ron with a rollup and his feet on the ropes. After the match "Warrior" grabbed a fans replica White IC title belt and posed with it. Fala was your typical Samoan Savage-Type guy, though he had a normal haircut which was odd. At intermission most of the wrestlers leftwho had already competed, left and Jimmy Hart as well. But it reinforced my love of small indies, where you are so close to the action and interact with all the wrestlers more easily.