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Posts posted by Jericholic82

  1. I agree with you all. That was a great opener that drew you back in and got you pumped for this season. The House-Wilson intervention was awesome and House's line to Cameron was great (Paraphrasing) CAM-So you want me to sleep with him (Wilson) House- No I already got the Bi-Sexual girl (13) on it, but you can sit in if you like"

    Bring on episode 2.

  2. Bumping this cuz PWS is coming back here agan on 9/26. They are adverising Demoltion, Jimmy Hart, Jerry Lynn, and Jay Lethal, I assume Sandman won't be back after his run-in with the Yonkers PD. I just got me tix. I update when I find out more. Anyhow the Hart-Evans match from the previous show is on youtube now,as well as on dvd thru PWS (which I own and is pretty good quality for an indy video)

  3. Watched finally. I remembered it being a better show for some reason. Anyhow music notes- they edited DDP's (he wasn't using the Teen Spirit ripoff yet untill after his return from "retirement", he was using the one production song called "Glam Rock", which starting with a bike engine revving and DDP saying "Good Gawd"

    Also taken off was Konan's 1ST theme as well. I'm not sure but I think the opening voiceover was redone by the guy who does the WWE dvd and some TV commercial voiceover.

    Anyhow the street fight was fun ,the DDP-Badd match was good, as these two always seemed to have good chemistry. The tag title matches were boring, only made interesting by the awesome Sting and Luger angle. This show is made by the fact of the Pillman angle and Liz turning on Savage (Hogan's reaction promo was hilarious though), but even the Flair match wasn't too great. Plus I got depressed counting 9 dead people on the show in 1/2 Public Enemy, 3 Hawk, 4. Woman, 5 Liz, 6 Loch Ness, 7 Pillman,8. Randy Anderson. 9 J. Tenta

  4. Dolph Zigler? I guess WWE really wants to distance him from the Spirit Squad days, although I always think of Nemeth first as Kerwin White's caddy. WWE creative has been brutal with names as of late.

    Show was good, the crowd was hot. The cage match delivered, the Santino, Orton, JBL ,and 'Tista segment was gold, gotta love Santino's promos (But I see no HonkaMeter tonight, perhaps Wrestlecrap sued WWE for ripping off the Clock-Trolla) and Big Dave brung the mic skills tonight. Good to see Jericho still hates JBL for trying to strangle him. Haas is catching on with the crowd, funny how comedy angles are the way to get him over (RE see his team with Rico in 04).

    A ladder match sounds fun, but why is Shawn worried about a title when the angle says he is disobeying the doc in order to hurt Chris.

  5. I finished the dvds, and I gotta say that 2part finale threw me for a loop. Awesome storytelling with great insight into House, then a heartbreaking conclusion and a radically new dynamic between House and Wilson. Where do they go from here? Maybe House finally hooks up with Cuddy, but that would mean the end of the show. I predict the original team gets back together by season's endof the original team gets back together, then kill off someone, I'll just got the original team gets back together, then , then they kill off someone, again, I'll just guess Chase.

  6. She came out with him with black eyes and bruises and might have even cried to someone about it. It led to Chazz getting beat up backstage for woman-beatin' until eventually GTV showed Marianna putting make up on (and they went so far as to have her on the phone laughing and explaining her plan so that everyone would get it). The other Headbanger came out with the tape and that's how the Headbangers got back together.

    And oddly it was GTV that caused Chaz to dump her in the first place (The camera caught her making out with Meat aka Shawn Stasiak)

  7. is CM Punk's title win included on the Night of Champions DVD?

    no they just show JR 's farewell speech. Also a funny note, I just got the NOC dvd (as well as the GAB 08 dvd), and I noticed they used the same banners with the various belts on them that they used last year. But I guess there was no ECW banner last year but there was a Cruiserweight title one (hey remember that belt? WWE doesn't) in 07. So guess what they did? If you guessed take the CW banner and cheaply write ECW over it,you are correct.

  8. Quick thoughts-

    How glourious it is. But why are they wasting a PPV match like Punk V Jericho on free tv? And to think of it Kane V Mysterio as well.

    Manu? That's what they came up with after all this time? Afa Jr. was better than that.

    Gotta love revisionist history.

    Well hope Punk enjoyed his brief run.

    Charlie Haas is getting over, expect him to be "future endeavored " soon.

  9. Circuit City has a SummerSlam 3-pack (04, 05, and 06) for $22 USD.


    The 2004 box has a new cover that removes any reference to the Orton/Benoit match; there's a blank space where their pictures used to be.

    we got that last year and I got it then. I previously mentioned this in last year's thread. Funny thing is inside it still had the original insert with Benoit on it and obviously has the original dvd from 2004 (with the ppv theme song intact) Interestingly, our second shipment of them had the original cover on it (thereby pissing me off)

    About early releasing, a major store like ours cannot sell anything with a hard street date (literally the system won't let you ring it up) despite getting stuff in as early as 3 weeks prior. I assume the little shops use just basic registers that don't have any restrictions on it and therefore can sell stuff early (unless the studios find out and the government slaps a huge fine on them)

  10. did anyone else with cablevision have a random commercial come on after the Kowalski memorial pic? Mine did, thereby cutting off the start of Raw and then it came back with Orton halfway down the ramp .

    That sucked. Yea Kane's new song sucks, it's like a crappy remake of his original one mixed with some B-Horror movie song. And yea, it was obvious Shawn took a bad bump, and I hadn't even heard the news yet. DOH

    Santino continues to rule, from his promo, to his post-match walk away while muttering that he's not scared of D-lo cuz he is Italian. Speaking of D-Lo, why did WWE rehire him to wrestle Santino every week?

  11. Hogan outdid that by pushing Freddie Blassie out of his wheelchair (IIRC)


    This never happened, but thanks!


    I know Bischoff and 3MW were once messing with Blassie when he was in is wheelchair, but the Dudleyz saved

    yea, Blassie was there to promote his book, he even got to tell D-Von to get the tables. Sadly he died about 2 weeks after that (just like Hawk died just months after a Raw apperance that same year 03)

    Back to subject, Bischoff breaking into Vince's house and pseudo-raping Linda who was incapacited due to Kane tombstoning her on the entrance ramp, was pretty dastardly if not dumb.

  12. No one remarked that Killings still had his TNA theme? That was a nice touch(And the only time you'll see that, though I suppose Jeff Hardy could have since he recorded his own TNA theme too). Though that entrance wasn't the same without the fans yelling "WHAT'S UP!"

    But to ignore his prior WWF tenure is annoying, even if just a passing mention like JR saying "Longtime fans may remember him as K-Kwik, but to signify his triumphs over his demons, this young man goes simply by R-Truth, and would like to inspire all the youth to stay true to who they are"

    or some such nonsense, at least not try to blantanly erase history like it's 1991 and The Dragon is an exciting newcomer, by saying he just got out of jail or whatever the gimmick is.


  13. I just got the Season 3 dvd last week, and the first disc alone is worth the purchase. We get Kleinrock delivering a taped Onita promo to Sabu and Josh Lazie in a hotel room (and you think WWE is bad with the magical camera). For some reason it was funny to watch Sabu using a remote. Then you get the press conforerence with Black announcing he is selling XPW to Onita, then renouncing his US citizenship and wiping his ass with the American flag, Onita comes and rants forever, and you can't understand a word he says. Then he attacks Sabu and then light the American flag on fire (which is clipped out understandably) and burns Sabu's face on it, all the while Kloss and Rivera are overacting. All this setup for a match that never happened. Then you get the famous Supreme-Messiah parking lot brawl, with Black's weak-chairshot assault on Supreme. Lizzy Borden kidnapped and the horribly cheesy vignettes of that. Plus we get more of NC and the debut of Sulu. And the disturbing Webb-Jessica vs Tool and Cypher angle.

  14. With the release of the Season 4 dvd (which I just picked up), and the new season coming up, I figured we could start our discussion of one of the best shows on TV. So any thoughts, predictions, etc. I'll refrain until I watch the dvds as I missed most of the post -strike episodes.
