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Everything posted by nl5xsk1

  1. nl5xsk1

    RAW rating

    Welcome to UK reality TV. Unlike America, where we pride ourselves on quality reality TV ... oh, gotta run, Surreal Life 4 is starting!
  2. 90210 had pretty good ratings in its second-fourth seasons. But after that, they declinded big time. To say that 90210 wasn't that popular indicates that the poster is either really young, or really high. While I personally wasn't a fan of the show, most of my peers were. I don't know if it's because the characters were the same age as me or what, but so many people I knew in high school and college used to watch that show religiously. Hell, even I participated in drinking games during that show. Melrose Place, though, I agree was never that popular ... sadly, it was the show that I preferred to watch. Sydney, Jane, tasty.
  3. nl5xsk1


    As always, my random thoughts from last night's episode ... a) While I recognize that they’re trying to show that Michael is unsure on how to act like a father (not communicating well with Walt, not knowing how to handle things, etc) … they’re going to far. They’re making him look like he’s unable to act like a person. He repeatedly just barks at Walt, rather than explain things to him or have him understand why he’s doing things. I mean, jeez, why did he throw the kid’s comic book in fire?!? Now, I’m not a father at all, and even I see things that he should be saying or doing. b) They’re doing an awesome job of showing Boone to be a follower of Locke … him jumping Michael to ‘protect’ Locke was awesome. Hopefully they show him growing stronger, though, because he really looked like a bitch when Michael reversed it and had him down. c) Polar bear scene? Words can’t describe how swank that scene was … and the foreshadowing of the picture of the bear in the fire, while kind of blatant, was awesome. (and, like Hartfan86 said, I thought it was sweet when they showed the bright light during that scene. Uber-sweet, yet kind of subtle.) d) They should have had Sawyer be able to knock Charlie down, if not the fuck out, with that punch … the guy is supposed to be one of the ‘big dogs’ on the island, and he can’t even knock feeble Charlie down?!? (although, I do have to admit “you punch like a ponce” made me laugh) e) Lastly, my theory on Claire: she gave birth but ‘they’ took the baby. Once they had her baby, ‘they’ just let her go. So, the castaways will have to send a posse after them, to get the baby back. The ‘natives’ have the island experience, but I wouldn’t sell a team of Locke, Boone, Sawyer, Jack, Sayid, Michael and a pissed off Charlie short. post-script: so little Kate made nl5 sad
  4. nl5xsk1

    Florida senator calls Marlins terrorists...

    I think it's funny that everyone is ignoring the fact that he compared these guys to terrorists ... I don't remember any owner beheading an infidel or strapping suicide bombs to anyone. Whether you agree that the Marlins need a new stadium or not, using such a dumbass analogy shouldn't be overlooked.
  5. nl5xsk1

    Would a 30-Team Stanley Cup Tournament work?

    The biggest flaw I see in this proposal is the number of unsigned FA's ... There wouldn't be enough time to sign all of these players, and then get them used to the system of their new teams. A team like the Bruins wouldn't be able to field an NHL-caliber team, what with the small number of players that they have under contract for 'next season'.
  6. Because enough stories have circulated that he indeed lost matches; it'd be a blatant and easily discounted lie for him to all of a sudden say, "Nope, I never lost a match until that Nash incident". But, if he took the most commonly known story of him losing and discredited that one, it might make it sound like he lost less frequently than he did.
  7. nl5xsk1

    Lita the whore

    Ripper, I knew these two girls that were 'virgins' but did other things... including anal. As far as they were concerned, the act of vaginal intercourse is what made or broke someone's virginity (no hymen pun intended) so as long as they kept that private, everything else was open season. I got a blowjob from one of them but it was fucking AWFUL and stopped me from ever trying for a repeat performance. Of course, it was the ugly one, so I probably deserved the bad BJ. I really should have worked a bit harder and gone for the less-unattractive one. I got what I deserved.
  8. nl5xsk1

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Thanks for bringing that up (vomits). I can't believe anyone actually remembers that. So stupid... the angle, not you. It was a bit funny though at first when they pretended they were real titles, but defending them? Eesh... It's funny how the presentation & delivery make an angle seem stupid or not. This one gets shat on, but Taz creating the FTW belt does not. /thinks both angles were stupid
  9. nl5xsk1

    Let's settle this, once and for all.

    I'm not going to go as far as to say, "you have to be from a city to be a true fan of their teams" but I can say, from first hand experience, being a remote fan of a team is MUCH different than being their in person. I've been a Bruins & Patriots fan for most of the 30 years that I've been alive, through good times and bad. And I found that it was a different feeling for the 5 years that I lived in Colorado. Was I less of a fan? No, not at all. But I wasn't immersed in it 100% like I am while here in Boston. The sports pages don't talk about the teams I root for; the radio callers don't talk about them; the average meathead on the street most likely doesn't care about them. So, it's easier to escape it ... the highs aren't as high, and the lows aren't as low. Basically, if you're in one state and root for the teams in another, you're a fan but not the same way that someone that lives in the city that hosts that team.
  10. nl5xsk1

    Reid Flair Arrested

    I have no issues with you badmouthing the Southerners ... it was the "this proves that Bret Hart is better than Ric Flair" part. How one thing relates to the other is beyond me, and thus I was hoping that you were either joking or mocking the people foolish enough to equate one thing to the other.
  11. nl5xsk1

    Reid Flair Arrested

    You're being sarcastic, right? Or just flame-baiting?
  12. Ohhh ... my bad, I take it back UTSU.
  13. nl5xsk1

    Reid Flair Arrested

    16 year old kids that get abusive/physical with girls should be thrown in adult-prison, and treated like bitches.
  14. nl5xsk1

    Pro Football HOFers active or recently retired

    Tom Brady needs a few more years of above average play to be anywhere near a HOFer ... two SB's is not enough, and his stats don't justify him being inducted into a Hall. And, as an impartial observer, no, Dawkins is not HOF-material. The Hall is supposed to be for great players, not for very good ones. Too many very good players are getting inducted into HOFs ... across the board, not just NFL ... and it's diluting the accomplishment.
  15. Even if Kiwanuka was going pro, FM had him getting drafted WAY too high ... mid-1st round at the highest, and most likely mid-20's would be my guess.
  16. Why'd she lose the lisp by the second word?!? You've got to be consistent with lisp jokes, or they're just not funny. Oh, yeah ... they're not funny anyway.
  17. nl5xsk1

    Comedians are not funny

    While not terribly funny, Opie & Antony are funnier than Howard Stern has been in 10 years, maybe longer. And, I disagree, that comedians are not funny. Most aren't, but some are. Jim Norton makes me laugh, for example. And Robin Williams hasn't been funny since he quit cocaine.
  18. nl5xsk1

    Pez Whatley passes away.

    Slingshot, if you like heel-era Whatley, you have to call him Shaska, the 'African' name that he took when he went heel. Just think how pitiful the Paul Jones/Jimmy Valiant war was ... Konga the Barbarian, Shaska Whatley, and Baron Von Raschke vs. Jimmy Valiant? Ugh. /Shaska Whatley mark
  19. nl5xsk1

    Lita the whore

    Yeah, it's got to be true, she's a slut ... I mean, we read it on TSM, and even though it was specified as being rumors/stories or just having been read somewhere else, it's got to be true, right? I could start a rumor right here and now, and would that make it true? No. Here, let's give it a shot: Vince McMahon was born a hermaphrodite, and had both an penis and a vagina ... his parents got to choose his gender, and chose him to be a guy. That's why he's on 'roids, to squelch his estrogen & femininity.
  20. nl5xsk1

    The Misfits!

    Yes, the Danzig-era Misfits are good ... and, Glenn is doing a whole series of shows with Doyle, playing Misfits songs, on the upcoming Danzig tour. Having said that, though, this poster lost all credibility to me when he referred to AF as either modern music and/or a horrible band. Besides that, calling the Misfits underrated is a farce. It's not like they're some underground, unknown punk band ... in fact, if anything, they're overrated. Samhain >>>>> The Misfits
  21. nl5xsk1

    Now that the final four our set...

    Different strokes for different folks, I guess ... while I do admit to being a wicked homer for the Pats, I really felt that this was among his less biased writing. Well, at least compared to the fellatio that he gives the entire Sox organization. And, I can't stress enough: I have NO IDEA how people that aren't from this area read his articles. I avoid Rick Reilly purely because he wrote ONE article that I thought was biased against the Red Wings and for the Avalanche and then found out that he lives in Colorado. I don't want/expect my national writers to have regional biases.
  22. nl5xsk1

    Mobile Phones

    That is more of a bad thing if you ask me. I just tell people that my cell number is my home number so that I don't have to answer if I don't want to. If you have a cell, people KNOW that you KNOW they called. I don't like people having that much knowledge about me. Most of the time I keep my phone on just straight-up ringing, rather than vibrate AND ring ... so if I'm anywhere that's too noisy, I can't hear it. Or, at least that's what I tell the people who's call I just screened a few hours ago. "When did you call? I don't know how I missed your call, I must have been in the bar, and just didn't hear it ring. Sorry."
  23. nl5xsk1

    Conference Championship Prediction Thread

    Yeah, Damaramu, you should have quit when you were ahead ... ... that's sensible. ... that's not. This year's Eagles team with TO is better ... without him, they're lucky to be considered as good, and IMHO, they're not nearly as good. I do, though, really agree with you for calling bullshit on the "they'll see ghosts!" ... people got to be high if they think the Colts lost last weekend because they saw ghosts, or if it was anything besides getting outplayed on the field and outcoached off of it. The Colts lost because they didn't deserve to win that game. Period.
  24. nl5xsk1

    Now that the final four our set...

    Technically, he DIDN'T say that ... he said that they have nothing over him as a money quarterback. Regardless of how much someone likes or loathes the Pats, the fact that Brady is undefeated in the playoffs & has an amazing record in big games can't be denied. Everyone else that you mentioned lost big games ... so far, Brady hasn't. (especially "John FUCKING Elway" ... how many SB's did he lose?) And, pinjockey, the recent Bill Simmons article is among the least biased that he's done ... they're normally MUCH worse than that. Plus, did you really think a guy who calls himself "Boston Sports Guy" wouldn't be biased towards the Boston-based team? If Simmons called himself "Pittsburgh Sports Guy", you don't think he'd be tripping over his dick to blow smoke up the Steelers' asses? Think of the source ... it's like when people quote a blatantly liberal source to 'prove' that Bush is a bad president. Biases exist, people.
  25. nl5xsk1

    Now that the final four our set...

    Yeah, and it only took completely shutting down the "greatest offensive team in NFL history". Going into the game on Sunday, you'd have thought that the Pats were the 3rd most likely to win in the AFC, and maybe 4th or 5th overall. And then, both the AFC teams ahead of them stumbled (barely beating the Jets and losing badly to the Pats) and the NFC teams beat teams with enough question marks to detract from their accomplishment (beating 8-8 teams in the 2nd round of the playoffs is really not that monumental). Thus, almost by elimination, NE is the team that is getting their pole smoked this week.