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Everything posted by nl5xsk1

  1. nl5xsk1

    Lance Storm

    This'll probably be a quick and painless thread, but can any remind me why Lance Storm retired? Was it injury-related, or was he just sick of the way he was being mis-used by the wwe? Thanks in advance.
  2. nl5xsk1

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    LJ, I can't believe that you'd badmouth my beloved Tonya that way ... she was the last reason that I had to still watch this season, and now she's gone. /misses her already
  3. nl5xsk1

    I want to be as funny as Slayer

    Start funnier threads.
  4. nl5xsk1

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    I heard on the radio this morning that the UN is bitching that the US only gave $35~million USD for the recovery. They don't think it's enough. This from an organization that receives 60% of the food & money that they annually donate from the US.
  5. nl5xsk1

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Replace Anarchy in the UK with New York, Submission and/or Revolution in the Classroom, and I agree. Anarchy is so overrated, I can barely listen to it.
  6. nl5xsk1

    Top 25 Tours of 2004

    I know they didn't play many dates, but I'm shocked that Phish didn't make the list.
  7. nl5xsk1

    ESPN's Top 10 games of 2004

    I agree with the Czech ... ESPN's apathy about hockey is not based on geography or national pride. They don't care about hockey regardless of who wins or loses, they care more if there's a story or hook to it. So, the fact that a CDN team won it all for the first time in over a decade would have been bigger news, and thus gotten more attention (from Melrose, Buccigross, and Chicken Parm, even if no one else cared). And I'm stunned that you both admit that it wasn't a goal. I thought that everyone in Canada had taken a pledge to say "it was a goal" to the end of time.
  8. nl5xsk1


    Wait, about the whole "Hitler was a womanizer" thing ... wasn't he into scatalogia? I swear I remember hearing that he got off on getting shat upon. Most likely an urban legend, but still, am I the only one that's heard that?
  9. nl5xsk1


    You've just contradicted yourself ... a page or so two ago you said that Hitler didn't want to start WW2, but now you're saying that he did. Pick a belief and stick with it. And, having said that, being Poland, France, Hungary & then bombing Britain does not equate with coming "so close to winning it". As soon as the Americans chose to stop his little winning streak, they would have. Even your non-evil genius and his happy go lucky group of National Socialists would have crumbled when a few big bombs destroyed Germany.
  10. nl5xsk1


    I don't know what makes me scratch my head more, Jason's ignorant, anti-Semitic reivisionist beliefs or his inability to spell common words correctly (especially the historical words, which a history major should know how to spell). It's like watching either world's smartest troll or the world's dumbest. Now, I'm not a gambling man, but if I had to put my money on one, I'd take the latter.
  11. nl5xsk1


    ha ha ha ha ha ha either you're lying our your teachers deserve to be fired
  12. nl5xsk1


    It's getting obvious that you're just flame-baiting at this point, or at least I hope you are. If you really think that Jewish people are succesful because people pitied them for the Holocaust, then you're obviously a simpleton, if not a full-on retard. Second of all, it's Versailles not Versie ... if you want to be taken seriously, the least you could do is learn how to spell what you're trying to sound so knowledgable about. Last of all, your beloved Hitler liked to have women shit on his chest. So, besides being an ignorant evil dickhead, he was also a submissive pervert.
  13. nl5xsk1


    Jason, how old are you? Your rants remind me of being 15 and listening to the bonehead skinheads that used to babble about Hitler shortly after learning about him and WW2 in history class. The reason people label you as a facist or racist or anti-Semite is because that's what you sound like when you try to defend Hitler. And most educated people include Pol Pot & Stalin in their discussions of evil, so it's not like anyone is singling out Hitler as the one-and-only.
  14. nl5xsk1


    I'd like to see Jason choke on a dick. Six million people were killed, most of which were tortured before they were lucky enough to die. Children were taken from their parents. Parents were forced to choose which child lived (for the time being) and which died immediately. Twins, dwarves, and other 'oddities' underwent autopsies WHILE ALIVE to see what made them different. People were sewn together, people were forced into freezing water while naked, people were just fucking tortured, just to see what would happen. All because of Hitler's words and encouragement. Yes, he wasn't the one that was actually Ok-ing all of these deeds, but he's the one that set the table for them to occur. And this jackass says Hitler's not evil. Fuck off, man. Go join a RAC board and spew your Hitler love there.
  15. nl5xsk1

    George Carlin Enters Rehab

    Am I the only one that thinks this entire 'rehab' is just to: a) get his name out there in time for his next gig opening in Vegas? and b) CYA for the spiel he did when he left the MGM gig?
  16. nl5xsk1

    Question: Redskins/Cowboys

    I don't think that there's any real reason other than tradition ... the Dolphins are the same way, they wear the standard road-colored jerseys while at home. I knew there were three teams, and I knew that Miami & Dallas were two of them, but I didn't know that the 'Skins were the 3rd.
  17. nl5xsk1

    Who do you want to see get a title shot?

    I picked Killings, but truthfully haven't watched enough TNA to have a fully informed opinion. I haven't seen much of Brown in action, but what I've seen looked pretty green and completely unworthy of a world title reign. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. In no order, and all wrestlers in their prime: Sting - face Flair - heel Cactus Jack - tweener Hennig - heel Rude - heel Vader - heel Austin - face Rock - heel Savage - face Dibiase - heel Road Warriors - horrible wrestlers but drew huge heat - face Gordy & Williams - heel Steiners - face Midnite X-Press - heel Bulldogs - face
  19. nl5xsk1

    Wrestling autographs

    Andre t. Giant
  20. nl5xsk1

    When will NHL fans turn on Hockey?

    It's days like this that I envy you all north of the border ... ESPN2 is playing the US games, but that's it -- I'm not 100% certain that they're even covering the finals. But my VCR is already set for US-Russia @ 8:30 tonight, so I'll at least get the US games. And I'm stoked to see Crosby, me and a buddy are driving up to Maine to see him play in February. It might be my only chance before he goes pro.
  21. nl5xsk1

    When will NHL fans turn on Hockey?

    There is more hockey than just the NHL. Spoken like a true Canadian. After the World Juniors, there'll only be AHL and classic games on TV. While the latter can be enjoyable, the suspense of it is all gone because the results of the games have already been determined. AHL = bah. While it's certainly not NHL caliber, the AHL is not necessarily bad hockey. Within a one hour drive from where I live, I can go see any of four AHL teams or more college teams than I can count (BC, BU, UMASS-Lowell, Harvard, Northeastern, Merrimack, UNH, Providence, and I'm sure I'm missing someone). There's more than enough hockey even without the NHL.
  22. nl5xsk1

    kkk NFL pick 'em Week 16

    Pats ... tiebreaker: 31 Green Bay Oakland Denver New Orleans Baltimore Carolina Chicago Jacksonville N.Y. Giants Indianapolis Buffalo New England Seattle Washington Miami Philadelphia
  23. nl5xsk1

    When will NHL fans turn on Hockey?

    You know this guy's a real hockey fan when he's only willing/able to watch the NHL. The jackass should just pull his head out of his ass and watch AHL, college, or any one of the countless other minor & amateur leagues. Oh, and like Flik said, it's not a good read.
  24. nl5xsk1

    kkk NFL Pick 'em Week 15

    Patriots N.Y. Giants San Francisco Carolina Buffalo Philadelphia Houston Green Bay Minnesota San Diego N.Y. Jets Tampa Bay St. Louis Denver Tennessee Indianapolis New England TieBreaker: 34
  25. nl5xsk1

    The Real Gilligans Island

    As much as I hate to admit it, I've been watching ... it's so bad that it's good, and it's good mindless entertainment. Plus, between the Mary-Ann & Ginger that stayed (and the two that were "banished to the other side of the island") are good eye-candy. Having said that, couldn't they have at least pretended that it wasn't a Survivor rip-off? I can almost picture the 'director' blatantly saying, "just pretend that you're on Survivor" before each challenge, interview, etc. And why are the millionaires (worth over $500 million) willing to look so stupid for a new car and $250k? Why should they even care if they win or lose? /will still watch the series finale next week