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Everything posted by nl5xsk1

  1. a) try these kids as adults and let them enjoy being someone's rape victim for a while. b) charge the parents with negligence, and send them either to jail or fine them a hefty amount. c) I don't see how this is more 'fluff' than a lot of the liberal or conservative bashing that goes on in this thread. Just because something is political doesn't mean it's not fluff.
  2. nl5xsk1


    I liked the show, but not as much as I thought I would ... My biggest gripe: The doctor (Jack) was just too superhuman in the opening scenes ... pulling this guy out from under the wreckage (then telling people to pull him to safety) then helping the pregnant woman (and then telling someone to finish helping her) then saving the woman with CPR and then saving the pregnant woman AGAIN. Just too much in such a short period of time. And, as of now, it all seems really predictable. Other than the "WTF is that thing in the jungle?!?" it seems most of the subplots are pretty obvious (Jack & that girl hooking up, the Asian woman rebelling against her husband, that bitchy blonde getting hers and then coming around, etc.). There better be a ~swerve~ or 2.
  3. nl5xsk1

    How would you have killed Kane's child?

    The dingo ate your baby.
  4. nl5xsk1

    I've started smoking.

    Screw that ... it's the 'don't want to share half my pack with a bunch of strangers' cigarette. I smoked Marlboro Reds from the day I started until I moved to Colorado for college ... and then noticed that I was giving away 5-10 smokes per pack. So, I switched to the only type of cigarette that I knew wouldn't be popular in cowboy country: Newports. No self-respecting cowboy would smoke a 'black man's cigarette' so I went from giving half my pack away to MAYBE giving away one. So many times someone would ask for a smoke only to see the green box, and say "thanks but no thanks ... how the fuck do you smoke those things?!?" /nl5: likes buying cigarettes for himself, not the world
  5. nl5xsk1

    Donald Duck in Naziland

    Let me preface this by stating that I'm NOT a racist (former S.H.A.R.P. as a matter of fact) but I'm actually a pretty big Skrewdriver fan. A lot of their songs are catchy (Boots n Braces, If There's A Riot, Hail the New Dawn) once you get past their lyrics. Hell, even Get On that Boat, while among the most blatantly racist songs I've heard, is a hard one to get out of your head.
  6. nl5xsk1

    Worse no sell of all time

    Hawk used to do this all the time ... I remember him doing this to a Jerry Lawler piledriver back in the AWA ... it was part of his gimmick, no-selling the piledriver. It was when PG-13 were the white boy rappers for the Nation of Domination. Raz, I knew when you meant ... I'm just saying it wasn't an isolated incident, but something that he had done his entire career. Plus, considering that Lawler's piledrivers were normally sold as ~death~ it seems even worse that Hawk would no-sell one of his, than one from PG-13.
  7. nl5xsk1

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest thread: Week 2

    I fucking HATE being honest ... kkk, I should be 0-2. I was 0-1 going into this weekend, and lost again. You have me as 1-1. When you get the chance, feel free to edit me back to the winless schlub that I am.
  8. nl5xsk1

    My Coworkers Are Fucking Morons

    Rando, how old are your co-workers? If they're young (say early 20s or younger) then there shouldn't be any surprise that they don't know the Clash. Other than "Rock the Casbah" and "Should I Stay or Should I Go" the Clash haven't released anything in their lifetime ... and especially if they're into rap and/or country. It'd be like a fan of punk not knowing Afrikaa Bambaataa (spelled wrong I'm sure), who was a pretty big early-rap artist. More people will learn of the Clash because of the article in Entertainment Magazine than any of us care to admit. And, truthfully, when you explained that you were smiling because you listened to the Clash, I wouldn't say "who?" ... I'd say "why?" /not a Clash fan
  9. nl5xsk1

    Worse no sell of all time

    Hawk used to do this all the time ... I remember him doing this to a Jerry Lawler piledriver back in the AWA ... it was part of his gimmick, no-selling the piledriver.
  10. nl5xsk1

    Is Ichiro Gonna Do it?

    I was taping the World Cup of Hockey final game the other night, because I couldn't guarantee that I'd be home to watch it all. I was joking with one of my friends that they'd probably cut away, mid-game, to show each of Bonds' at-bats. And, mid-way through the conversation it dawned on me: I wasn't really joking. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if they'd done that. Sorry, that was way off-topic. I don't think that Ichiro will be able to do it, unless Texas falls WAY out of the race and thus doesn't really care about winning each game. If it's a must-win game, they're pitching around him and dealing with the rest of the line-up.
  11. nl5xsk1

    CZW loses promoter's license

    To be completely honest ... I was too focused on Rebel saying that rumors are starting to "circumvent" to really think about the hilarity of complaining about titties during a CZW show. (Circulate, RR, circulate) And, to steal from fark: this article is useless without pics.
  12. nl5xsk1

    Tony Schiavone back with WWE...

    OMG!!!!!1 TOny Shivonne is going to lead a WCW invasion!!!111one
  13. nl5xsk1

    Pictures of me and friends...

    Well ... it wasn't. But I think it might be now. And if it WAS dead, it'd be rolling in it's grave right about now.
  14. nl5xsk1

    ESPN.com NFL Power Rankings

    re: Indy's decision to pass on that down. If the TE had stayed home, as he should have, and blocked McGinest this whole argument would be moot. If McGinest is actually blocked at all, he doesn't get to Manning so quickly, and Manning has time to either complete a pass or throw the ball away. (or throw an interception, but he was on-point by that time and a pick was unlikely). Instead, Clark (I think it was him) flared out to be the hot-read receiver and let McGinest in unabated. Sack. Missed kick. Game over.
  15. nl5xsk1

    The NHL Lockout

    To a lot of us, that's one of the reasons we hate Bettman. He changed things that had been part of the game for years (playoff format, All-Star game format, conference & division names) to try and win new fans ... and in doing so pissed on the shoes of the old fans. I LIKED the fact that the NHL wasn't using "Eastern" and "Western" or "Northeast" and "Pacific". It made it different, it made it special. Not is the same generic crap that the NBA has. I LOVED the fact that the playoff structure meant yearly battles between the Bruins and Canadiens, or Bruins and Sabres. It created rivalries. And the funny thing about it all (and by funny I mean nauseating) is that making these changes did more to piss off the fans that the sport had than it did to win any new ones. He fixed what wasn't broken, and the sport suffered as a result.
  16. nl5xsk1

    Frank Francisco might sue the fans

    It's a shame that Francisco can't hire Lionel Hutz as his attorney, as he'd certainly reference the famous case where the player was accused of being a 'belly itcher'. A slanderous accusation like that shouldn't be tolerated.
  17. nl5xsk1

    What are you listening to right now?

    Phish covering "Fire on the Mountain" from 12/1/84.
  18. nl5xsk1

    The NHL Lockout

    al references a good point: why don't they use an impartial 3rd party to read through the #s and propose a solution? Even if it's just a one or two year solution to buy them enough time to really come up with a fair & equal solution that both teams would be willing to live with? Just do SOMETHING to save this season. I don't care if it's another 48-game mini-season.
  19. nl5xsk1

    Frank Francisco might sue the fans

    I'm unsure where I read it, but I remember reading that the Rangers had called security about the heckler in question and then were pissed that the guy was allowed to continue to talk shit. A quick google search came up with: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5994906/ And I'll just C&P the part about calling security. I'm sure a more specific google search would produce a better account.
  20. nl5xsk1

    The NHL Lockout

    I voted 'neither' but if I had to pick a side it'd be the players. If nothing else, they made an offer that could have salvaged the season and the owners flat-out refused. The proposal offered would have saved the owners $150million in the first year alone. While I recognize that they'd still be in the red by about $75million (per last year's losses) it could have been used as a way to play this year and still allow time to negotiate and come up with a long term solution.
  21. nl5xsk1

    Frank Francisco might sue the fans

    There is one lawsuit that Francisco could wage, and win: if he gets suspended for a year, and thus won't get paid for that year, he could probably sue the ballpark and/or security company for not removing the heckler as requested 6 innings earlier. But he has no way of winning if he actually sues the fans. /unsure if the player would actually get paid during his suspension. and, Spiff, I agree with you that the first MikeSC post you quoted is a bit ludicrous, the second one is pretty much on-point: the fans DID instigate the problems, it's not like the players arbitrarily decided to go after the fans. The players made it into the debacle it was by escalating things, but the fans did instigate the situation.
  22. nl5xsk1

    Hong Kong swastika promotion

    The iron cross in no way is as associated with the Nazis as the swastika ... thus, it's a lot more acceptable in normal society.
  23. nl5xsk1

    NHL Off-Season Thread...

    To show that there's little rhyme or reason to what I find offensive: made me laugh. was offensive to me. I might be wrong, but I don't remember a whole lot of Kobe Bryant jokes on ESPN.
  24. nl5xsk1

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest thread: Week 2

    Kansas City Green Bay Denver Houston Indianapolis Baltimore New Orleans St. Louis Washington Seattle Buffalo Dallas New England N.Y. Jets Cincinnati Philadelphia teebee: 38
  25. nl5xsk1

    Hong Kong swastika promotion

    http://www.manwoman.net/swastika/swastika.html Oh, those wacky Krishnas, with their Jew-bating and all.