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Everything posted by nl5xsk1

  1. nl5xsk1

    Marney: RIP

    Eh, Marney never really bothered me. Technically, she didn't do much for me one way or another, so not much will change with her leaving. However, if this becomes a trend where people that have been here for a long while start leaving, the intraweb will start to be teh suck and stuff. And I'd like to mention that I think it's funny to warn people not to take their interneting too seriously but yet caring enough to start a thread celebrating someone's departure. Methinks that's taking the internet a bit too seriously.
  2. nl5xsk1

    Bertuzzi Charged

    al, I actually agree with you ... I do think that there is a difference between assault (such as what Bertuzzi did to Moore) and a normal fight (such as the toe-to-toe affair that Moore had earlier that game, with Cooke if my memory serves me correctly). The point that I'm trying to make (and really doing a poor job of it, too) is that the courts shouldn't be able to pick and choose what they deem is against the law or not. What if Bertuzzi had just slashed Moore, and left him potentially paralyzed; is that assault? What if Bertuzzi slashed him and broke a bone in his leg, putting him on the shelf for 6 months; is that still assault? What if Bertuzzi still grabs him, punches him from behind, but Moore is fine, and is able to skate away under his own power; is that assault? There just doesn't seem to be any consistency in when the courts get involved. Keep the courts away altogether, and let the league handle things as they deem necessary. EDIT: I was so bent on posting this I spaced out on responding to Mike as intended ... I agree with what al said, Kermit just blindly turned and punched, he didn't have any malicious intent. There was a basebrawl, in the 1970s, where someone on the Yankees picked up and threw Bill Lee to the ground - much more intentional than the Washington punch ... would that be an assault now?!?
  3. nl5xsk1

    Paul Bearer Comments On His Death

    Maybe Bearer will be like Han Solo when he was frozen by Jabba the Hutt, and they'll drag his concrete tomb around for the next few months until the 'Taker turns face and liberates him.
  4. nl5xsk1

    Poster Aliases

    It sucks that the name "Mya" is normally a girl's name. This Ian guy could get pregnant, have a son, and name it Mya. Mya Cockshott. Oh the hilarity.
  5. nl5xsk1

    It's time for you, the POSTERS, to decide!

    I'd say start a thread that's sole purpose is to have each potentially banned idiot state their case on why they should be able to stay on TSM, and why the others should be banned. It'd be like that Battle Royal movie where all the kids have to kill each other on that island. Whoever is the last man standing in the thread (e.g. most deserving of staying on TSM) is the winner. And then we ban him 3 days later.
  6. nl5xsk1

    Habs Get Radek Bonk in three-way Deal

    So, the Habs get softer, eh? I'm sure that they'll still find a way to beat the Bruins in the post-season, though. I'm just surprised that Bonk was given away for so little by the Sens, and then immediately traded for more than he was worth by the Kings. Good trade for LA, bad trade for the Sens, and the jury's still out for the Habs. And how "Radek Bonk" is considered a cooler hockey name than "Miroslav Satan" is beyond me.
  7. nl5xsk1

    Bertuzzi Charged

    Let me ask you this one then, Mike ... what about a fight in a baseball game or a basketball game? Neither of those sports 'allow' fighting the way the NHL does, so it really would be outside the standard sporting rules. Should a player that injures another in a basketball or baseball brawl be charged with assault?
  8. nl5xsk1

    Bertuzzi Charged

    Mike, his goal was to fight Moore ... and maybe to cause him some pain. I really don't think his goal was to seriously injure the guy. Plus, if what Bertuzzi did is a charge-able offense, what about what Moore had done to Naslund a few weeks before? He basically elbowed him in the head, giving the man a concussion. If I walk out my front door right now and elbow a guy, I'm most likely going to be charged with assault. Why isn't Moore being charged for that hit? And what about every other elbowing penalty, slashing penalty, charging penalty, etc; shouldn't those be assault charges as well?
  9. nl5xsk1

    Overall Top 10 Posters

    WHOOSH Come on, look at who started the thread. I really don't get how my smart-ass post was whoosh-worthy. /doesn't really want or need a top ten list of quality posters
  10. There's only one way to prove it, once and for all ... send Mary Kate and Ashley to Boston, I'll meet up with them tonight and give them each a good feeling up. Even if it takes all night, I'll get to the bottom of things. Tomorrow, I'll let you know both the size and authenticity.
  11. nl5xsk1

    Recent purchases

    Do you know if the Akira DVD offers any special features or if it's just the normal movie? And the last two movies that I bought are Donnie Darko and Lolita (the remake w/Dominque Swain).
  12. nl5xsk1

    Your summer concert list

    The only shows that I have tickets for already are Ozzfest and Phish, both at the Great Woods. But I'm sure that I'll end up seeing some other shows, depending on the where/when/how much of them all.
  13. nl5xsk1

    Overall Top 10 Posters

    Couldn't we get a top ten list in terms of quality of posts, rather than just the quantity? /knows that I wouldn't make that list, either
  14. nl5xsk1

    Bertuzzi Charged

    I disagree with the whole "it's not the hit but the result of the hit" argument, because what if I get into a bar fight and knock a guy out. When he goes down, his head snaps back and bounces off the floor, and this ends up killing him. I'd get charged with murder, even though it wasn't my punch that actually killed him. If the Bertuzzi incident happened on the streets or in a bar or something, yes, it'd be right to charge him. But it didn't, it happened on a hockey rink, and thus shouldn't be held up to normal public laws. If they're going to charge him for this, then wouldn't every fight have to have charges against them (it is against the law to fight in pubic, is it not?)? And wouldn't every slash and spear and elbow be charge-able offenses, too? I mean, you can't just spear someone with a hockey stick while at a McDonald's, it'd be assault. The courst should just stay out of this - let the league take care of itself and keep the judicial system far the fuck away.
  15. Fake! They must be fakes! There's no way a thin girl has big breasts!
  16. nl5xsk1

    More Moore Bashing

    There is no way of knowing what the Secret Service knew or didn't know, or what they did or didn't do. That's why their services are a secret ... And it's not like the government did nothing just because Bush kept on doing what he was doing. People that had jobs to do did their jobs, and a lot of those jobs don't necessarily involve Bush's 100% involvement.
  17. Yeah, rich & famous people never die from eating disorders ... right, Karen Carpenter? Having money provides a greater chance to recover from an eating disorder but it doesn't guarantee it. And I'm still surprised that people are saying the Olsens have big breasts ... they have B-cups at the most, certainly not too big for their body type. Just my opinion, though.
  18. I'm sure there was a bit of an adrenalin rush after being led on a car chase, and that adrenalin was discharged on giving the guy a beatdown. And it seems that the cop didn't use excessive force, because even with the repeated blows with this lethal weapon, the 'victim' escaped with a bloody nose and a facial abrasion. If the cop wanted to fuck the guy up, he would have fucked the guy up. Hey, I know a way to avoid getting hit with a flashlight: Don't run from the fucking police.
  19. Look at their faces. Back on Full House, they had massive bag-looking depressions under their eyes, which are completely gone now. Also, for such twig-skinny girls, they sure do pack a fairly impressive cup size, which is always suspicious. Wait a minute ... you're right! How in earth could these girls have changed appearance in the last 12 years? Could it have been, I don't know, puberty that made them change the way they look? Get a grip, man, are you telling me that you look the same now that you did when you were a preteen? And their breasts are probably no bigger than a small 'B' cup ... if you're going to get fake titties, you go bigger than that.
  20. nl5xsk1

    Bonds was given steroids

    What? Bonds is on steroids? Why is this the first that I've heard of this?!? /wake me when it's proven
  21. Rodney King experienced police brutality. The kid that was picked up and slammed on the cruiser and then punched while he was already in cuffs experienced police brutality. This guy did not. When the worst thing that happens to you is it's not police brutality.
  22. nl5xsk1

    Waylon Mercy

    Wasn't Spivey also part of a tag-team with Scott Hall early in their careers? I want to say that they called themselves Starship Eagle & Starship Coyote, but I might be making that up.
  23. nl5xsk1

    Israel at it again...

    Mike, they also shot at people who were throwing rocks at them. They probably should have just asked them nicely to stop or something. Those Israelis, won't they ever learn?!?
  24. nl5xsk1

    They're finally doing it...

    Nothing pisses me off more than the fact that these great old buildings are being destroyed ... everytime I walk into the Fleetcenter I get depressed knowing how much more enjoyable the game would be in the old Garden. And like starvenger said, at least it'll still be standing. I'd love it if the Garden still existed, even if it was just the shell with something else inside.
  25. nl5xsk1

    ESPN Who's number one Worst teams edition

    Man, it must have sucked going to Prairie View in the early 90s ... two of the worst teams in the last 25 years at the same time? Brutal. (hell, it probably sucked going to PV at any time, but that's another story) And I know that ESPN ignores hockey, but how do only 2 NHL teams make the list while 7 NBA teams do? Oh, yeah, ESPN doesn't have a hard-on over the NHL so it's easier to ignore them. Nevermind.