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Everything posted by nl5xsk1

  1. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    While I do agree Aebischer isn't ready to be a Stanley Cup winning goalie right now, Colorado would be stupid to bring in Kolzig or Osgood. (plus, why would St Louis trade Ozzie to a Western Conference team?!?). If the Avalanche were going to get a veteran goalie to ride into the playoffs, they'd have done so already. To wait until the deadline to pick someone up would shoot bullet holes into Aebischer's confidence, which would be a pisspoor move to do to a young goalie.
  2. nl5xsk1

    Cops; Idiots on Patrol

    The only time that I can actually sit through an entire episode of Cops is when it's in Boston ... there's nothing cooler than seeing places you know on Cops (I watched a repeat just a few months ago, and there was a foot chase that went right by my old apartment. The episode originally aired before I lived there, and I've since moved out, but it was still neat to see my place in the background of a police chase.)
  3. First, I'll believe the Simpsons movie is actually coming out when I actually see the movie. I've been reading about how it's a work in progress for YEARS now, and we're no closer to it becoming a reality. Second, the "Simpsons now sucks" conversation happens so regularly on TSM, you could set your watch to it. There are people here that don't like the show anymore, and people here that still dig it, and everytime a thread pops up about the show, the same people chirp in with their opinion (me included). In my opinion, the Simpsons is still good at it's worst, and very good at it's best. Better than Family Guy (which also has/had it's shit episodes) and definitely better than Futurama.
  4. nl5xsk1

    Mr.Perfect found dead

    Wasn't he the Von Erich that was the size of a middle schooler? Didn't he die in Japan from "Toxic Shock Syndrome"? I know his family is in both Legends of Wrestling game. David Von Erich died of an overdose in Japan (although it was downplayed to keep his family as "holier-than-though" heroes in Texas.) Mike Von Erich is the one that had Toxic Shock, but he didn't die from that ... I think he killed himself, but he might have been another OD. Chris Von Erich was the one that was basically the size of Spike Dudley, and he committed suicide.
  5. nl5xsk1


    I don't know if Hardy is gay (I always assumed he was) but how was his character's prancing and face paint any straighter than Rico's? Other than the "hankies in the pocket" theory that was thrown around on this message board, nothing that Hardy did seemed gay to me. Strange, yes. But not gay.
  6. nl5xsk1

    Lesnar Frustrated; Nowinski Getting Heat

    Why the hell would Nowinski hurry back? To wrestle in dark matches? To main event heat? To not appear on pay-per-views? To senselessly join a stable of black men being held down by whitey? I'd laugh like all hell if it was just Nowinski showing his Harvard-level intelligence by sitting on the sidelines and making good money not to work. If/when the WWE cut him, he could fall back on his education and make decent money, with a bunch saved up from his time as a wrestler.
  7. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Ohhhh ... good point. As someone that's a Flyer-hater (Fucking Brashear. If he got traded to the Bruins I'd learn to hate them), I'd personally be pretty psyched for Burke to take over the top spot. Why? Flyers would lose in the first or second round, and it'd be due to yet ANOTHER poor GM decision by Clarke.
  8. nl5xsk1

    Exciting new WM match (possibly)

    Considering this match will only get 3-4 minutes, I'd rather watch these 4 women put on a "match" then watch Storm/Morley vs. TWGTT fit a full match into the same amount of time. Obviously my top choice would be to give those minutes to other matches, making each one a minute or so longer ... but if the choices are a) watch 1 hot and 3 not terrible looking women role around for 4 minutes or b) watch 4 better athletes try to cram a full match into a small amount of time, I'd say bring on the TnA.
  9. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    If there's one team in the league that wouldn't care about pissing off a player, it'd be Clarke and the Flyers ... remember Roger Neilson, just a few years ago? If they'll fuck over Roger, they'll certainly fuck over Esche.
  10. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Comrie is geared to play the Western Conference style of play, more than the physical grind style of the East. I think that he'll put up better numbers with Phoenix than he ever would have with Philly. On a related note, when Esche and Burke are both healthy, who gets the bulk of the minutes? Who starts in the playoffs? It's almost like the Flyers are in the same boat that they were with Boucher & Cechmanek: two goalies ready to play, but neither should be considered a #1.
  11. While I don't hate the way that this angle has played out, in the back of my mind the ending that I was predicting (without actually, you know, predicting it) was Mick Foley walking away, with Orton telling everyone that Mick Foley wouldn't be willing to fight him, Mick Foley was chickenshit, Mick Foley was retired ... and have Foley agree with him. But just b/c Mick Foley was retired, it didn't mean that Cactus Jack was. And that's the way the feud would continue. (I'm pretty sure they pulled a similar stunt in like 97 or 98 when Foley was feuding with HHH)
  12. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    I agree that a 3-for-1 transaction is a bit one-sided, but I still think that PHX got the better end of the deal. Burke isn't an elite goalie, and I really think that he won't even be their #1 goalie going into next season (if there is a next season). Comrie has been pretty good for Philly, and should be better playing in the Western conference again. If that kid Radivojevic turns out to be good, then maybe the Flyers got the edge. But if he turns out to be a 3 or 4 line player (which wouldn't be surprising with Philly's depth) then I'd have to give the edge to the Coyotes.
  13. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    In the NHL, aren't "future considerations' normally just the willingness to pay the rest of the guys salary, and maybe a very-low draft pick? And count me among those that'd feel bad for Hackett if he had to hang up the blades. He had a pretty good season and a half in Boston, but wanted too much money for a goalie that couldn't win a playoff series. Of course, I wish the team had kept Johnny Grahame. Grahame & Racroft > Potvin, Hackett, Shields, Skudra, Dafoe, Carey, etc. etc. etc.
  14. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    RE: the Flyers getting Burke, what will they do if/when Esche and Hackett both get healthy again? They'll have 3 veteran goalies to juggle going into the postseason (yet won't have one that's truly a Cup-winning-caliber goalie). If Bobby C. was smart (and that's a BIG if) he'd try to finagle a 3 way deal, and send Hackett somewhere else while picking up Burke. Of course, why anyone would pick up a goalie that's suffering from vertigo is beyond me. And I haven't watched the all-star game yet (I had to pick up a friend at the airport so I taped the game to watch tonight) but I did watch the skills competition and the YoungStars on Saturday ... man, did the Bruins reps look bad. Razor Raycroft got shelled in the YS game, Boynton lost the puck in his event, Thornton had the weakest "Hard Shot", and Muzz Murray only went 3/8 in the accuracy. Damn, it was tough to watch.
  15. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    TC, I'm not a huge Sens fan (and not even the person that you directed the question to) but I want to chime in my two cents (because if nothing else, I love it when the OaO NHL thread is near the top of the page) ... While I do question if Lalime is a goalie capable of winning the Cup, I don't think that the Sens should make a trade for a top-shelf netminder. To get one that is too much better than Lalime would be too costly, in terms of which players they had to trade to get him. Why lose a good player from your team this year, or a few good players from the farm team, for a goalie that's not too much better than what you have.
  16. nl5xsk1

    kkk Bowl I -- Fazzle v. Gert T.

    I had respectable numbers for a 7-9 team. Hopefully my coordinators can learn a little from their mistakes this past season, and I can take the next step and make the postseason. Baby steps, Dr. Marvin. And a big thanks to kkk for doing all this work. I'm looking forward to winning kkk Bowl II next year.
  17. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Actually, they wouldn't have gone up 5 points in the division, regardless if they'd won in regulation or not. The Bruins are only 2 points behind the Leafs now, and are ahead of the Sens. So, they could have gone up 5 points ahead of the Senators, but not 5 in the division.
  18. nl5xsk1

    Coachella Festival 2004

    This is really one of the best lineups I've ever seen for a festival. AIR, Stereolab, the Cure, the Pixies, the Jaxx, Kraftwerk, plus the rumors of Morrissey and the Crystal Method. Un-fucking-believable.
  19. nl5xsk1

    Clarett Wins NFL Draft Challenge

    Yeah, okay. Hey, I'm among the few hockey fans on this board, and even I have to admit that a top running back gets hit more in a game than an NHL player does. Let's say Clarett averages 25 rushes a game (which would not be surprising). And maybe he scores 1 or even 2 touchdowns a game. That still leaves 23 carries carries where he's getting hit by at least one person, perhaps multiple people, at a time. And that doesn't include times that he gets hit when it's a play action pass, or when he's blocking. I can't think of too many NHL players that get hit 20+ times in one game. If you want to get all picky, they wear less pads in the NHL. But notice I didn't mention anything about their protection, I only mentioned the quantity of hitting. If I didn't think that the "smilies" were so lame, I'd throw the eye rolls right back at you and your doublepost.
  20. nl5xsk1

    Gimmicks that overshadowed the person

    I think of him more as Norman the Lunatic or Makhan Singh than I do as Bastion Booger, so I have to disagree with that one.
  21. nl5xsk1

    Clarett Wins NFL Draft Challenge

    What about Al Davis? He's beat the NFL every time that he's gone to court with them. Actually, now that I mention it, maybe Clarett would fit in well in Oakland.
  22. nl5xsk1

    Clarett Wins NFL Draft Challenge

    How long until some 18 year old kid that thinks he's hot shit because he runs for mad yards for some high school in Florida or Texas, so he thinks he's good enough to skip college (or is too stupid to pass the SATs) and go pro right away? And how long after that does some 245 lb linebacker runs over that 185 lb 18 year old kid and seriously injures him? To compare football to the other sports where young players go pro is stupid. You don't get hit at all in tennis or golf, and the hitting in both basketball and hockey is minimal compared to the NFL. And even in those sports (NHL & NBA especially, and men's tennis as well) the young kids are normally physically dominated for a while. A kid that goes pro too early will be a child playing among men, and will get hurt as a result.
  23. nl5xsk1

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Random thoughts, posted at once rather than in several individual posts: 1) No, Buffalo is not going anywhere, but that doesn't mean that Hamilton couldn't get a team while the Sabres still exist. Send the Penguins up there (even though I'd rather see them move to Quebec City) 2) The Rangers are a joke ... Slats is a horrible coach, and would have been smarter to hire a legit. coach to replace Trottier last year. Also, he should have kept his "small market mentality" that worked in Edmonton, compared to just trading for big money players. 3) The Sens just picked up Todd Simpson from the Ducks, so evidently they did want to get tougher. The guy racks up the PIM, so even though people were saying that they wouldn't get another Rob Ray (get a tough guy that will be a healthy scratch all postseason) it looks like they did anyways. 4) While the Leafs and Sens were concentrating on each other, the Bruins have snuck back into the chase. If Murray and Thornton stay hot, and Raycroft keeps standing on his head, I'll feel more confident going into the postseason than I have since the early 90s.
  24. nl5xsk1

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    Not a soccer hater, but wanted to follow C Dubya's Simpsons lead: TV Announcer: The Continental Soccer Association is coming to Springfield! It's all here--fast-kicking, low scoring, and ties? You bet! Bart: Hey, Homer, how come you've never taken us to see a soccer game? Homer: I...don't know. TV Announcer: You'll see all your favorite soccer stars. Like Ariaga! Ariaga II! Bariaga! Aruglia! And Pizzoza! Homer: Oh, I never heard of those people. TV Announcer: And they'll all be signing autographs! Homer: Woo-hoo! TV Announcer: This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on earth: Mexico or Portugal!
  25. nl5xsk1

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    The fact that it's hated LEAGUE and not just hated SPORT makes this list a little longer than I'd have thought: Basketball bores the hell out of me in general, so the NCAA (both men's and women's), NBA, and WNBA would all have to make the list. NASCAR - I just can't fathom how this "sport" gets 100,000+ crowds to turn out and watch people drive in a circle. Even the accidents are less exciting then they used to be. Golf - both men's and women's. Dull, dull, dull. Even the highlights don't interest me. Men's tennis - serving 135 miles is impressive, but it makes the game boring to me. I'd rather watch a long point, with a good back-and-forth rally. (and women's tennis is Ok, because I find a lot of them attractive) But, most of all, the sport that I hate the most is MLB. It's most likely because I live in Boston, and most fans here spend more time talking about the Red Sox than they do all 3 other teams combined. But baseball itself is as boring as watching paint dry. I'd rather watch tranny porn than watch baseball, playoffs included.