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Everything posted by Myxamatosis

  1. Myxamatosis

    Songs that bring a

    "Let Down" by Radiohead. The lyrics themselves don't insight emotions as much as the melody of the song. The song builds and builds to this vocal peak and one cannot help to be moved. Try it sometime.
  2. Myxamatosis

    So I Have a Radio Show.

    What should you play? Radiohead, of course, and lots of it.
  3. Myxamatosis

    Booking Zone

    I have no idea where my character goes at this point. If anyone has anything to offer, let me know and I'd love to contribute.
  4. Myxamatosis

    Book me up Scotty~!

    Hey, I got something for you. Do I send it to you Eskimo?
  5. Myxamatosis

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    Everytime I listen to "Desperado," I have images of Terry Funk doing moonsaults....
  6. Myxamatosis

    WM 20 is three months away

    With what is being called the most star studded wrestling event of all time, I have reservations on whether or not the WWE is taking this as event serious. It seems like the storyline development for wrestlers like Jericho, Booker T, RVD, Smackdown Tag Team Champs - The Bashams, WGTT, and Rey Jr leading up to Wrestlemania 20 is nonexistent. Is there a possibility that they would be left off the card? Around this time last year, the seeds for storyline development on matches like Michaels - Jericho, Angle - Brock, Taker - Show/Albert, and McMahon - Hogan were planted. What matches have begun storyline development? Benoit - Brock? That's not even set in stone, according to some reports. Goldberg - Brock? What storyline could they come up with in one and a half months to build that type of matchup? Taker - Kane? Who really wants to see that. With Mania 20 just around the corner, the WWE is just not showing the aggressiveness in promoting this card that I thought they would. Sure, you see banners all over WWE arenas, but what can one say is even anticipated on the card?
  7. Myxamatosis

    Booking of Intensitude

    Jailbait appearance!
  8. Myxamatosis

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    I think we all can agree that the WWE has no fuckin' clue on just what they are doing, despite the fact the show is about three months away.
  9. Myxamatosis

    The Real World: San Diego

    There have been Hispanics? I remember Cuban Melissa from the Miami season, but that's about it ain't it? And I'm also shocked there hasn't been a gay roomie cast in the past two seasons. Does it count when chicks make out? No. But it's not looked down upon.
  10. Myxamatosis

    WM 20 is three months away

    They never worry about that. Creed, Puddle of Mudd and Limp Bizkit are on speed dial. And if they really want to mix it up, they can bring back that crappy Rage rip-off band. D- GENERATION X! Let's not forget the pop icons who will have 30 minutes to do nothing. Will the Osbornes, Jessica & Nick, Hilton Sisters & Nichole Richie be on the show or will WM20 get the CKY, Jackass, Punk'd crew to do practical jokes on wrestlers? You've just described two hours of the Wrestlemania 20 footage. It pretty bad when we all can sit here and predict the outcome of this PPV. The WWE hasn't even set in stone what they want to do and we've already predicted and analyzed it.
  11. Myxamatosis

    The Real World: San Diego

    There have been Hispanics? I remember Cuban Melissa from the Miami season, but that's about it ain't it? And I'm also shocked there hasn't been a gay roomie cast in the past two seasons. Yeah, your right, there is a lack of Hispanics when it comes to reality television in general.
  12. Myxamatosis

    The Real World: San Diego

    The whole thing just seems so watered down and bland. I mean there is always about 4-5 white people, 1 gay man/woman, and a randon minority (whether it be Asian, African American, or Hispanic). Hey Real World, you want to impress me? Cast an All-African American cast for you're next Real World. That right there would catch my interest. And on a sidenote, has there ever been a Native American on any reality show? I mean that would be something to mix it up because it would be a perspective that is not often looked at.
  13. Myxamatosis

    LatinA heat coming soon

    She was also from WCW. The power plant attempted to train their female wrestlers, but it wasn't happening. When she went to the WWE, it was like she had to be "deprogrammed." With far too much work that had to be invested into her to make her a decent wrestler, I'm sure they just said "fuck it" and gave her to Playboy. Trish also seems to have a determination and desire to really learn her craft. That goes a long way. Working with Fit Finley doesn't hurt either.
  14. Myxamatosis

    WM 20 is three months away

    The seeds for a Foley angle have been planted, so that is a development. But what about RVD? What about Matt Hardy? What about Zach Gowen!!! Okay, not Zach....
  15. Myxamatosis

    WM 20 is three months away

    What about these year-round workers who have worked hard all year and have had decent storylines throughout: Spanky? Tajiri? (He carried the cruiser division and was a tag team champ!) I just feel for the guys who bust their asses night in and night out and on the biggest PPV to date, they are going to be off the card. It's going to be a 4-5 hour show!
  16. Myxamatosis

    LatinA heat coming soon

    Maybe they see the possibility of appealing to the Latino demographic by signing an attractive Hispanic woman. No one knows what charisma she may, or may not, have. It takes someone with a great amount of charisma to cross over. Maybe Vince has seen something in her that she saw in Trish, since both were fitness models. And by the way, Trish is probably the third best women wrestler in the WWE, despite knowing nothing when she stepped in about three years ago.
  17. Myxamatosis

    The Real World: San Diego

    Plain and simple: The Real World sucks. What is it with these reality shows taking over actual musical programming on music TV these days? It seems like a desperate attempt by both VH1 and MTV to tap into the pathetic demographic that feeds off of the edited, cut-and-paste aspects of other people's lives. The worst shit on television today is that Jessica Simpson show. She reminds me of every rich, snobby daddy's girl who, by the mere fact that she has good looks, is allowed to be a representation of the materialistic, superficial society we live in. Every one that has even been on the "Real World," or any other reality show has had the template of "Fit, good looking, sporty, and a binge drinking specialist." How can people sit, watch, and tolerate this as a representation of the youth of America. Is this actually how the majority of young America is? Latching on to fad to fad, all the while drinking away their nights and hooking up with anything that moves? The answer I come up with is no, but sometimes I wonder.
  18. Myxamatosis

    The Ultimate Love Song List

    Cranberries - Linger Bic Runga - Sway (Beautiful stuff, man!) Shaquille O' Neal - I Know I Got Skillz (A Self Indulgence-type love song)
  19. Myxamatosis

    Attention Rumble Writers

    Are all of your spots for the Rumble full?
  20. Myxamatosis

    Jazz/Funk/Hip-hop fans

    Hip Hop wise, you can't go wrong with Talib and Mos Def. They both have stayed true to the spirit of old school hip hop, both in innovation and style.
  21. Myxamatosis

    Bands That Have Improved As They Went

    Radiohead. They started off decent with Pablo Honey in 1993 and took off from there. With each album, you saw them push themselves to not become a mediocre band that could not follow up their previous release. The bad thing about that is that they have set the bar so high for themselves, perhaps too high. After Hail to the Thief, they've stated that they've taken "this" type of music as far as they could and Thom Yorke recently said that he was thinking of getting out of the business for a while. With that, Radiohead are both a band that got better and better with each album and had a great finale, so to say.
  22. Myxamatosis

    Attention Rumble Writers

    Well, can I return from injury? Hopefully I can contribute more than I have as of late.
  23. Myxamatosis

    Attention Rumble Writers

    Whoa, I had character development and I wasn't even around. That's gotta be a first. Just out of curiousity, what was I doing during this mystery run?
  24. Myxamatosis

    NFL MVP announced

    Shanahan had Griese (sp) at QB, so he wasn't going anywhere with that guy at the healm. He's now got a reliable QB in Plummer, a Terrell Davis-like running back who can carry the load, and nearly the same cast of characters from the Super Bowl runs. Indy is shark chum due to the fact that I don't think they'll match Denver's aggressivness in this game. If they would drawn either KC, New England, or Tennessee, they would have a great shot, but against Denver they have no chance.
  25. Myxamatosis

    Is Foley the Greatest?

    The two men I would put up there also would be Arn Anderson and Jake Roberts. Through nothing more than just promo work, they could make a mediocre feud into something mildly desirable to watch. For example, Arn's promo work for the Arn/Dustin Rhodes - Bunkhouse Buck/Dick Slater feud. It's a sense of legitimacy I get from his words I guess.