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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles


    I wonder what they are going to do for GAB if Henry's all done.
  2. iliketurtles


  3. iliketurtles


    Did fucking Mark Henry get hurt?
  4. iliketurtles

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I don't know about 7 million dollars. I mean they were charging 30 at the time...so even if they did a million buyrates (which I doubt) and had some big sponsorships, you're looking at around 5.
  5. After watching the Rhodes DVD, I think a heel Dusty Rhodes vs. a face Hulk Hogan in 1990 would of done big business.
  6. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Does anyone have One Night Stand in MPG or WMV on the computer?
  7. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The funniest part of that remake with Angle was when Eminem said he like Gay men and Angle looked appauled.
  8. iliketurtles


    When you devote an entire subplot of an episode to Hurley and Sawyer walking through the jungle looking for a frog so Sawyer can kill it to prove he's still a mean guy...the writing is filler and poor. And this is coming from a guy who fucking is obsessive about LOST. Overall, Season 2 was decent (even comparing it to Season 1), but there were times watching that I just thought "What the fuck?" in a dissapointed way.
  9. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

    Remember back in Late 2002 when we said that WWE was horrible? And in 2003? And during some parts of 2004? And most of 2005? 2006 is even worse. And it's going to get worse. This is not the worst we've seen from this company.
  10. iliketurtles

    WON WWE News and Notes

    I would of said Lesnar, Taker, Benoit, Angle, and Tazz at one point in the past. Everyone always said Big Show would be interesting in there but that would be one those things were he'd have to literally catch whoever he was fighting like...within seconds of the fight for him to do damage because he wouldn't be able to last against most guys. I'd say for guys in WWE now...Lashley might hold his own, Mark Henry would be just like the deal with Big Show, Finlay and Regal if they weren't up there in age,...
  11. iliketurtles

    WON WWE News and Notes

    Angle in UFC 10 years ago would of been a different story...hell even maybe 5 years ago would be a different story. But one headlock gone wrong in UFC, Angle would be dead. But of course, if Angle was in UFC they could market him vs. Shamrock...and that would probably be the biggest money match they've ever done.
  12. iliketurtles

    WON WWE News and Notes

    I think the rumor going around is Angle has been addicted to pain killers for a few years and recently he's been going through perscriptions and refills like food and water.
  13. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

    I bet all the NBC executives are just waiting for Saturday Night to fail again so they can pull the plug on Vince.
  14. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

    How so? He tried to say Bad Blood when Bobby Lashley something something and totally messed it up.
  15. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

  16. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

    Dude. Why did I have to leave the room to see him fuck up.
  17. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

  18. iliketurtles

    OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

    Did Lillian Garcia just say from Boston Bury, Massachusetts?
  19. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    His quotes in the article sound like a wrestling promo. This isn't going to go very far.
  20. iliketurtles

    The OAO 7/7 Smackdown! Thread

    Wow, they totally had Batista fuck Henry up. And I loved how Rey looked like shit. AGAIN.
  21. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Haha, Dreamer's going to kill everyone
  22. iliketurtles

    Meltzer WWE notes from F4Daily

    I think Meltzer is talking about Jericho at the end.
  23. iliketurtles


    Here's some of my beefs right now with the show. Now keep in mind, I'm a really big fan of slow build. I'm one of those fans that doesn't want to have everything spoiled in one episode. I love the story telling and that's one of the biggest appeals to the show for me. But here's what I'm worried with: -Desmond apparently caused the crash. Yet how do the Others already know about all of them before the plane crashed? Another thing that bugs me is the fact that we get some answers about Kelvin, but they end up becoming more questions when Kelvin's partner (forgot his name) and the film as well as how Kelvin went from Iraq to the Dhrama group. -I remember watching Outlaws and thinking how cool it was to see Jack's Dad show up in a scene with Sawyer and thought "How are they going to explain this!" Now, they've done that so much it's not even cool or edgy anymore. It's like "Oh, there's Jack in her scene. Whatever." -The numbers. What is the deal with that. They have built that up so fucking huge for this show if they don't drop a bombshell people will be dissapointed. Now it seems they are just going to forget about it like they usually do. -I don't know where they are going with the Dhrama/Others stuff. It's almost getting too "Alias" for me and I never watched that show. I'm more interested in trying to see these guys get off the island. Figuring out what the hell is going on there. Now it seems like they are going to take them to a different island with 50,000,000 more questions we can ask ourselves about what is happening. -Why don't the characters' ask more questions about what exactly is going on? WHY HASN'T ANYONE ASKED ABOUT THE RADIO TOWER? -They butchered Locke's character by the end of the season. As well as Eko's. Remember when Locke talked to Jack about how what he saw on the island was "beautiful?" and being all tough? Well all we got this season was Jack/Locke bickering over each other every 5 seconds, until the end when Locke hooked up with Desmond and started going back to Old Locke about faith and destiny and stuff. And Eko's character isn't as edgy anymore either. I have faith in the show. But remembering what David Fury said about how they have no idea what they are doing between the beginning and end worries me and this season showed that they had a lot of useless filler that will do nothing in the long run. What exactly did Michelle do for the show? What was the point of that? I think my problem for the show is they aren't doing a very good job of revealing answers. Like, by the time they revealed what Kate did, nobody gave a fucking shit. I think they are going that same route with Locke in the wheel chair. Same with Maternity Leave and while they answered some stuff (and of course threw new questions out), they could of gone a little deeper. They gave us resolution with Michael/Walt. Yet they didn't cover ANYTHING about why the hell Walt was the way he was. They create these awesome scearnios and leaves the audience going WHAT THE FUCK!! and then they seem to forget about it, then go back to it at some random point in the show and reveal it. Or they dont' at all. Pretty bittersweet. It's coming to the point that they are so hard on creating new questions and not just answering them where the audience becomes frustrated and stop watching. I'm starting to theorize that they are going to just explain the entire show with one answer, which would explain why they haven't revealed the answer to the monster and other stuff like that. And the reruns didn't help.
  24. iliketurtles


    While I enjoyed the season finale and I thought Henry Ian Cusiak blew all expectations I had for him ever since being on LOST, I was somewhat dissapointed in all the hype for it. However, there were some good moments such as Desmond revealing the actual date of the crash and how he apparently crashed it, and also the surprise ending with a scene in "the real world" and how they have "found it." Best episodes of Season 2 (in no order) were either Man of Science, Man of Faith, Lockdown, Maternity Leave, The Long Con. They REALLY started hurting in the second Season with a bunch of bullshit episodes and they are still feeling the effects from it now. I'm worried about Season 3. I think the majority of the fanbase wants more situations about the Island and I'm not sure investigating the Others for the entire season is really what we want. Either way, a lot of shit happened in the last episode so I'm certainly going to be patient and assume they knew where they are going with it. Cause typical LOST, a few questions answered, but tons of new ones have come up.
  25. iliketurtles

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The Kevin Nash/Alex Shelley stuff on You Tube is fucking hilarious. "CAN I GET YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS MAYBE WE CAN E-MAIL EACH OTHER" "OH, LOL! WE'RE LAUGHING OUT LOUD!"