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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Because if they didn't care so much, they should have just not got a ticket and stayed at home. Because they knew exactly what the Summerslam card was going to be months ago when they bought the ticket. Gotcha.
  2. iliketurtles

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Ya, I love them doing long term planning for the Kane/Lita/Hardy angle. Great plannning. They shit on it cause it's STALE and 3/4 of the crap going on in the WWE right now sucks. Maybe it's reality check that they shouldn't of shoved the character right in our faces so quick. WHY SHOULD THEY CHEER? I don't give a fucking shit about the stupid Kane/Lita/Hardy storyline. I don't give a shit about seeing Dudleys vs. London/Kidman for the 20348th time and seeing SPIKE DUDLEY as a BAD ASS HEEL? HA! And Cena/Booker has been DONE and Cena and Booker are beyond stale. Because maybe they don't care about JBL as champion, like all the other people that didn't watch SD this week or haven't since Wrestlemania and that's why ratings go down the shitter? Stop blaming this on the money paying fans. It's WWE's product that is fucking crap. These people bought the tickets months before what was going to happen so how the hell did they know? You just expect people to be sheep and cheer and boo who the WWE tells them...sorry, it's not 1990 anymore, bro.
  3. iliketurtles

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I fail to see how this is awesome. "We're going against the system! This is what being cutting edge is all aboot!" Um, okay? If you remember, Wrestlemania 6 had the wave too...so it's a thing Toronto does. Wow. Damn this crowd for trying to have fun while the WWE gives them shit for matches.
  4. iliketurtles

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    They are doing the wave? That's awesome.
  5. iliketurtles

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    What happened with Long/Bischoff?
  6. iliketurtles

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    The theme song for Summerslam is horrible.
  7. iliketurtles

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Those Summerslam graphics look like a really weak ass job in Adobe.
  8. iliketurtles

    Who is getting Summerslam?

    If you guys want to watch JUST wrestling, turn on the Olympics. Trust me, wrestling (and nothing else) gets really fucking boring. I watch WWE to see awesome wrestling matches with superb athletes, great storylines with drama and realism to them, angles that aren't stale, interviews that are passioniate, and most of all to be entertained. When WWE is on a roll, it's action-adventure at it's finest...but right now it's far from it. And we've decided (my friends) that it's not worth getting...so I'll probably just download Guerrero/Angle tommorow.
  9. iliketurtles

    Who is getting Summerslam?

    How is it getting worse and worse when the product is MUCH better then it was last year? The WRESTLING is better than it was last year...not the product, storylines, and entertainment factor. Look at the World Champs last year at this time (after Summerslam): HHH and Angle. Orton and Bradshaw (after Summerslam)??? It's much better now... Yeah, it's top ten because there's nothing else to watch right now. Wait til the fall when the playoffs for Baseball and Football starts up...and also when the new season starts for sit coms and such. I'd be surprised if it was still high. And considering what they were doing last year on Smackdown for ratings (August 14, 2003 was 3.5...http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/pages/wwf/wwfsmck.htm is my source), I'd say something is wrong.
  10. iliketurtles

    Which match are you looking forward to the most...

    Angle/Guerrero by far.
  11. iliketurtles

    The OAO No Smackdown Thread for 8/13/04

    I can't stand either of them equally. SD is literally 2 hours of filler with 15 minutes of Angle and that's all I care about. Spike Dudley as a HEEL? No. Thanks. I don't care...I still look at Spike as the guy who tried to punk out Stone Cold back in 2001 when he ripped up Austin's petition after Steve called Molly a bimbo, and Austin kicked his ass that night in the main event. I'm suppose to buy this guy as a heel? Don't get me started on BRADSHAW being WORLD CHAMPION. And the US title has no meaning to me. RAW is just as bad, don't get me wrong. Divas, Eugene, Kane/Lita angle, staleness in matches and interviews...and I don't care about seeing Benoit lose to Orton even though Benoit's title reign (in my opinion) has been stale because of the fact it was about 4 years too late after I cared about him winning it. Sure, it was a great moment and stuff at Wrestlemania 20 and then he went home a month later and had a great match at Backlash, but everything after that seems like he's just going through the motions. And yes, HE IS FOR REAL. Oh well. Better than HHH with it.
  12. iliketurtles

    Late night talk show shakeup coming..

    Will Ferrell. I('d never miss an episode.
  13. iliketurtles

    Goldberg/Regal on Nitro. F'n NASTY.

    It didn't hurt his rep, but he did sandbag him on the spear.
  14. iliketurtles

    Goldberg/Regal on Nitro. F'n NASTY.

    Oooooooh yeah. I remember that story. I'm sure this match didn't help though.
  15. iliketurtles

    Who is getting Summerslam?

    I usually stay optomistic. But then it just gets worse and worse, so I think as a long-time fan, I'll bitch.
  16. iliketurtles

    How do you think WWE will end the Kane/Lita angle?

    That sounds like a winner.
  17. If they are focusing on their image, I think they need to work on the storylines before anything else.
  18. iliketurtles

    Raw Rating comes in with bad number.

    Hey WWE. THEY AREN'T RESPONDING TO THE PRODUCT BECAUSE IT FUCKING SUCKS. Next. And you guys know as much as anyone else that unless you have good wrestling with good storylines, it won't work. One can't work without another. If you have good wrestling and no storyline/direction, you'll get Smackdown 6 from 2002. If you have good storylines and bad wrestling, you'll have... Um, has that ever happened? Maybe it's just too late because I'm having a Jessica Simpson moment.
  19. iliketurtles

    Raw Rating comes in with bad number.

    Just want to add in that the WWE sucks. I can't stand watching the show...and don't say "Well, don't watch it" because 1. I haven't been lately and it's not a priority anymore like it used to be and 2. I'm a wrestling fan and I'm going to bitch when wrestling sucks and not just say how great things are. Seriously...Angle/Guerrero is the ONLY match I care about at Summerslam. Everything else is stuff I just don't care about. Orton and JBL as World Champs? No thanks. 2004 was watchable up until Wrestlemania 20...then it seems like everyone stopped caring, as did I.
  20. iliketurtles

    "Old School" Sportscenter...

    They need to stick with the old school Sportscenter theme. That's so much better than the music they use now. And Steiner is a riot. Talking about Tonya Harding getting to keep the pickup truck through her divorce and just breaking down and laughing was gold.
  21. iliketurtles

    How do you think WWE will end the Kane/Lita angle?

    Um, Kane punches Lita in the stomach after Matt and Lita fall in love again? Or maybe by the time the angle ends, the ratings will be so low they can just forget about she was going to give brith in the first place.
  22. iliketurtles

    Raw Rating comes in with bad number.

    Maybe the fact that the product is stale and shoving down shit I could care less about (half of the Summerslam card) might have something to do it?
  23. iliketurtles

    Fantastic Kurt Angle article

    Back to the topic at hand, if there was such a thing as a hero, Kurt Angle is it. Period.
  24. The World Champion just got the Stunner from a retard. I'm sorry, but I can't stand this anymore. *click*