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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    ESPN News right now!

    I'm sorry but get fucking real. This is a board and I'll fucking post where I think it should go. So what if Lesnar doesn't work in the company anymore...people still discuss him in other threads because of the impact he made on the business. So if someone mentions Hulk Hogan, or Steve Austin...should we go "OMG GO TO GENERAL WRESTLING IF YOU ARE GUNNA TALK ABOUT THEM!" Please. Find a new hobby other than sitting on a computer at a message board and nitpicking where discussions should go.
  2. iliketurtles

    ESPN News right now!

    When they come back from commercial, they are going to have the segment on Lesnar.
  3. iliketurtles

    ESPN News right now!

    Just about how he was the first wrestler ever to try to go from wrestling to football. He talked about how he would take any piss test they wanted him to do and he'd pass it fine. Rock said Lesnar has a shot, but a long one. Showed clips of him in WWE and him training...said he had tryouts with more NFL teams in the next few weeks. Basic stuff we already knew, but intresting to see it's getting mainstream coverage.
  4. iliketurtles

    ESPN News right now!

    Pretty short, but intresting.
  5. iliketurtles

    Video of JBL's Nazi March.

    http://www.powow.com/jopatate/JBL%20Nazi%20walk.zip It gets weirder and weirder everytime you watch it. It would be perfect WWE Desire Video material, though.
  6. iliketurtles

    ESPN's Top 100 Moments of past 25 years

    Good to see they are at least giving wrestling some credit by just putting it on the list in the first place.
  7. iliketurtles

    When Kurt Angle returns to the ring...

    Another thing about HBK/Angle. I can just PICTURE this sequence: HBK gives Angle the flying forearm. HBK kips up and waves his arms like the Razor's Edge (the taunt Hall used to do before he did it). HBK goes to the top for the elbow drop, but Kurt quickly gets up and runs up to the top to give HBK an Angle Slam off the top. I think they would have to TRY to have a bad match for that not to go under ****.
  8. iliketurtles

    When Kurt Angle returns to the ring...

    I don't understand why you guys are still arguing about how Angle could be hurting himself coming back, blah blah. March 2003 called and they said they want their discussion back. Please try to come to this realization... KURT ANGLE WON'T STOP WRESTLING TIL HE'S DEAD. Period. He's going to come back no matter what happens to him. He's just that much of a company man/God/whatever you want to call him. And Lesnar/HHH had some good sequences in their match with the Rock during the Global Warning show in the summer of 2002. I think they have potential to work well if Lesnar came back as a heel (obviously) and HHH came off a babyface turn after his movie. That's of course saying Lesnar won't make the NFL...but I've got a feeling he's going too with a 4.75 40 yard dash.
  9. iliketurtles

    When Kurt Angle returns to the ring...

    I don't know why, but the mark inside of me wants to see Triple H vs. Lesnar. Two big guys who actually can work...I think it would be good.
  10. iliketurtles

    Video of JBL's Nazi March.

    Oops. Sorry.
  11. iliketurtles

    When Kurt Angle returns to the ring...

    Get HBK on SD, pronto. I need my Angle/HBK match before it's all over and done with. Ditto with HBK/Rock, and HHH/Lesnar.
  12. iliketurtles

    Hulk Hogan pwns Aaron Carter

    I'm sorry, but Hulk Hogan is now god. That's fucking hilarious.
  13. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    That was some good shit, if I say so myself.
  14. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    I think this is the longest Raw overrun of actual wrestling in history. Spike TV gave them an extra 30 minutes on the Raw before Wrestlemania 19 to show highlights from Smackdown, but had no extra wrestling.
  15. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    This has felt like the longest Raw in months.
  16. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

  17. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Bad Blood PPV Thread

    I like how since the buildup for Kane/Benoit has been so petty that they have to take clips of Kane lighting JR on fire from last year in order to do the buildup video.
  18. iliketurtles

    Raw 6.07.2004

    La Restisanicneancnees?
  19. iliketurtles

    Raw 6.07.2004

    Benoit's got double duty!
  20. iliketurtles

    Raw 6.07.2004

    These video packages fucking own.
  21. iliketurtles

    Raw 6.07.2004

  22. iliketurtles

    Sad News

    Can't say I'm really sad...his life was miserable with his health issues for so long and he lived 93 years and did more than so many more people probably ever will. He did everything he was going to do and more...and may he rest in peace.