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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Possible Summerslam Location Revealed

    Tropicana Field is the perfect location for Summerslam this year. Not too big, but bigger than normal Pay Per Views AND the fact it will be Summer time and Tampa is a good location for it.
  2. iliketurtles

    Confidential getting cancelled

    I guess you can only have so much of "WWE Superstar visits military" segments until people get bored of it.
  3. I couldn't hear it very well cause I was in the other room, but I could tell it was by a band because of the vocals. Anyone know? Thanks.
  4. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread - April 5, 2004

    That match will totally rule next week.
  5. iliketurtles

    Anyone know the song used for Backlash 2004?

    Thanks. Isn't that off of the Punisher Album?
  6. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread - April 5, 2004

    Holy shit!
  7. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread - April 5, 2004

    Anyone know what the Backlash song is?
  8. iliketurtles

    Terri, Sean O'Haire part ways with WWE

    I guess that's true. The main thing was his matches in 2003 sucked...that style just didn't work for him. It is kind of funny how everyone was going crazy of O'Haire in WCW, and how that Jindrak was the one who sucked so much. Look who ended up getting a tag team push & keep their job.
  9. iliketurtles

    Terri, Sean O'Haire part ways with WWE

    April Fool's day was Thursday. Oh yeah, you're one of those silly SOH marks. SOH sucked, but a lot of the blame goes to WWE for teaching him a shitty ring style and giving him a gimmick he couldn't pull off. ...Whaa? I don't see how he blew the gimmick. They were the ones who pulled the plug on it before it even had a chance. He was good in WCW, then learned WWE style and that was the end of that. Oh well. At least Orlando Jordan will be able to satisfy me every week on Velocity.
  10. iliketurtles

    Terri, Sean O'Haire part ways with WWE

    Another great performer in Sean O'Haire leaves the WWE after being misused. Good job, Vince.
  11. iliketurtles

    Media post: Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko Vs. Raven

    Cool. Thanks for both of these.
  12. iliketurtles

    OAO Smackdown! Thread 4/1/04

    This was the worst epsiode of Smackdown in months. I can't even think of when it was this bad...I'm guessing late 2003.
  13. iliketurtles

    Special on The Rock on E!

    Nice setup for Raw, I'd say.
  14. iliketurtles

    Special on The Rock on E!

    LMFAO @ THE ROCK. Describing how he lasted 28 seconds when he lost his virginity at the age of 14 to a 18 year old. That's fucking classic.
  15. iliketurtles

    Brute Force @ Best Buy for XBox.

    Can someone explain this too me? I mean, it sounds like a fucking steal but I haven't really played the game much. Worth getting, people?
  16. Rock's disasociated inflated delivery of everything was just gold. Crowd: BOOOOOO!!!!!!! Rock (smiling like he's coked out of his mind): Oh yeah! Oh yeah! We're having a Rock Concert! Ha Ha! Dude, that's the best description ever! He did play like he was totally fucking coked. He played that character SO FUCKING GOOD. The fans realized how fucking funny he is so they started cheering him like a month after he came back and then they were totally for him at Backlash.
  17. The Rock in early 2003 was probably the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life. Leavin...Sacramento...Sacramento, ??? (forgot this part) Leavin...Sacramento...Sacramento, there I go... You've got some fat ass women and Rock's just gotta say no.. Well I might take plane, I might take a train... HOW DO YOU PEOPLE LEAVE HERE? YOU MUST BE INSANE! I'm leaving...Sacramentoooo, Sacramento I won't stay... But I'll be soon to come back when the Lakers beat...the KINGS IN MAY.
  18. iliketurtles

    How much things have changed...

    Summer of 1998 was good, but late 1998 was rough. DX vs. Nation feud, Austin/Taker vs. Mankind/Kane feud that turned into Austin vs. Taker...everything other than that was kind of bleh. Once HHH became champ in late 1999, I started becoming more intrested in the product...most of 1999 I didn't watch and Owen's death wasn't exactly making me jump for joy when it came to watching WWF. Like you guys said, 2000 was amazing. No comparison whatsoever as everything up and down the card was pretty damn solid.
  19. iliketurtles

    Velocidential thread for 03/27/04

    Well, using common sense...June 15th was Bad Blood and this was the night before so June 14th.
  20. iliketurtles

    Velocidential thread for 03/27/04

    That was the coolest ending to a video package. EVER. That was like the only good thing that came out of that feud I think.
  21. iliketurtles

    Velocidential thread for 03/27/04

    I wonder why they are choosing this episode. LOL..."Former WWE Superstar."
  22. iliketurtles

    Velocidential thread for 03/27/04

    I'm guessing this was some what around around June.
  23. iliketurtles

    WWE Notes from the 3/29 Observer

    That got me the laugh of the night.
  24. iliketurtles

    Smackdown Rating Drops

    I don't get the logic how they can say it was a 4.6 overnight rating and then they get a 3.3. Fucking Nielsen. Anyways, I blame this on the fact that...well, SD is REALLY the minor leagues compared to Raw, sadly. And I'm not sure the world was exactly on fire for a Bradshaw main event push (when reading the spoilers).