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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    They really should of just had Paul Bearer come out and say "He's coming!!!" like in that voice he did when he told Undertaker he had a brother.
  2. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    I love how the crowd was dead during the whole ring thing. CHRIS VAUGHN!
  3. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    LOLOOLOL...Jesus is lifting up the ring.
  4. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    It's the URN! AWESOME!!!
  5. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    If it's the remains of Katie Vick, I'll mark out.
  6. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Nevermind about it being Kane.
  7. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    It's obviously Kane will come out of the casket.
  8. iliketurtles

    John Henry Williams

    When I read this, my mouth just DROPPED to the ground. What a shock. USA Today is reporting... http://www.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/20...iams-obit_x.htm
  9. iliketurtles

    Hercules Hernandez passes away

    Well, another example of a wrestler who abused himself so much that it caught up with him and he passed away way too early then he should of.
  10. iliketurtles

    Bret Hart's Mania Memories

    And Harts vs. Bolsheviks wasn't the fastest match in PPV history...Rock/Bossman from SS 98 was. Oh well, can't blame the guy I guess.
  11. Biggest downfall: Booker going from World Title match to pointless tag match & Jericho going from HBK to Christian. Biggest Rise: Benoit & Guerrero, obviously.
  12. iliketurtles

    Wrestlemania Observer Survey

    I don't understand why Andre/Hogan and/or Rock/Austin from Mania 17 isn't on there.
  13. iliketurtles

    WCW Revenge for N64

    I LOVED that. My favorite part about Revenge is the fact is has a point system for the most dominant matches and stuff. I always enjoy going back and looking at it and seeing my initals along with my friends who played the game with me.
  14. iliketurtles

    Debra Auctioning Off Austin Wedding Ring

    Oh TAG.
  15. iliketurtles

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    This Angle/Eddie feud is great. Angle is such a fucking violent asshole, and he plays it great.
  16. iliketurtles

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    How weird...I watched this match eariler today.
  17. iliketurtles

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Best. Segment. Ever.
  18. iliketurtles

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    That was a pretty good finish.
  19. iliketurtles

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Brock is crazy driving that thing.
  20. What song right now do you think has major potential to be used and why? *If you need to move this to music, I apologize.*
  21. iliketurtles

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    I can't help but laugh when I see how HBK seems to be main eventing - upper mid card on ALL OF THESE SHOWS.
  22. iliketurtles

    Austin vs. Rock on RAW

    Correct. After the shovel incident, Austin refused medical help and contiuned to compete. He then collapsed at a house show in San Jose and was put in the hospital, which lead to the embalming angle.
  23. iliketurtles

    Austin vs. Rock on RAW

    I think at the time the shovel incident was the highest rated segment ever...then that was beaten consecutive times in 1999 accumulating with a Rock, Austin, & Vince vs. HHH, Taker, & Shane match on Raw that got something insane like a 10.7 overrun. The highest rated segment, though, ended up being Rock/Sock Connection. But I do believe at the time the Rock/Austin match was the highest rated ever, but I could be wrong. Check out www.otherarena.com and I'm sure they'll have the info. Edit: The Taker/Austin match you are referring to in 1999 was the night after King of the Ring 1999 when Austin won the belt back from Taker. That did a big rating, but not the highest.