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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    How is this match 7 years in the making? They should be promoting it as the final chapter of their long feud...not a match 7 years in the making...that was Summerslam's Street Fight which was more realastically 5 years.
  2. iliketurtles

    New Hamsphire debate

    So who do you guys believe is looking the best in this debate?
  3. iliketurtles

    Dean loses poll & endorsement after Hulking Up

    What exactly was so BAD about his speech? I only saw very short clips of it and he just seemed to be yelling a lot.
  4. iliketurtles

    How do you explain to someone

    Man...I forgot all about that Jarrett quote from the A&E special. Makes perfect sense. I just tell people I watch it for the athletism mixed in with the drama, comedy, and entertainment aspects mixed in with it...not for T&A and stupid angles that make no sense and helps no one. People seem to be more cool with it these days because I think it's gotten to the point where it's such a stupid argument that they don't have anything to say anymore. It's like...what's worse...a 50 Cent rap video or a Bra and Panties match? That pretty much sums it up. I used to be a closet fan but now I feel if you don't like it, kiss my ass. Wrestling is one of the few things that makes me happy in life and in today's society in general there's not a lot that makes me feel the way that I do about wrestling. I think that it's sad that when people give you shit about wrestling, they WONT talk bad about HBK vs. HHH on Raw...rather something stupid about T&A or something.
  5. iliketurtles

    Stone Cold Truth DVD

    So if they use the UPN 1 hour special as the main piece...that's good enough for me. Just bring on the extras.
  6. iliketurtles

    HTM slams Flair on his website

    People saying Bret Hart is overrated are people just trying to avoid the subject of Ric Flair...there really is no argument. Did Bret use the "Five Moves of Doom" in most of his matches? Of course, but it's not like he repeated them over the entire match. If he went out there and his offense was punch...five moves...punches...stomps...five moves....etc., then you've got a point. But as godthedog pointed out, that's just the LEAST of dozens of matches of how Bret could actually, you know, work. Edit: Now, am I saying I don't like Flair. Not at all. It's just that Flair's one of those wrestlers that gets bashed on too much, but doesn't get bashed enough....which probably makes no sense at all but that's how I look at it.
  7. iliketurtles

    WWE Smackdown Thread 1/15/03

    Pretty throw away show.
  8. iliketurtles

    Summerslam 2003 DVD

    Just curious, thanks in advance.
  9. iliketurtles

    Buy WS and Classic MLB Games

    I dont' know if I could ever watch Boone's homerun again without getting a broken heart.
  10. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

    And here we go to OT>
  11. iliketurtles

    The 50 Greatest WM Moments

    So many great moments, but 7 takes the cake. It's even prehaps the greatest moment in Professional Wrestling history. I mean, who hasn't seen that clip (even NON-wrestling fans).
  12. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

    What the fuck? Are we listening on a loud speaker or something?
  13. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

    What way to kill the crowd, have this stupid PPK shit. BOOOORING.
  14. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

    This crowd is fucking LOUD.
  15. iliketurtles

    WWE Considering Angle Heel Turn

    I think the crowd was into Steph/Vince because it was so over the top ridiclious. I think Angle/Cena had more good heat instead of the type of heat that Vince/Steph got.
  16. iliketurtles

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    I can't tell you how fucking AWESOME Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels is. Another one of those matches you'd never think would happen.
  17. iliketurtles

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    Why so much hype for Billy Gunn? Who gives a shit about him?
  18. iliketurtles

    Monday Night Wars DVD Trailer

    WCW right before they went out of business was actually watchable. Too little too late.
  19. iliketurtles

    I might have cancer

  20. iliketurtles

    New True or False

    Ha! Lance speaks the truth with his Miller Lite Girls comment.
  21. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw 1/5/04 Thread

    Stop reading SK rants during RAW lol I sometimes wonder if we have telepathy or something because I post that, then 5 minutes later read it in his Raw rant. I also said HBK/HHH was ****1/4 and low and behold look what Keith gave it. I remember I said Benoit/Angle vs. Rey/Edge at No Mercy 2002 was ****3/4 and yup. I'm sure there's more examples but forever reason we agree (I guess) on a lot of the star ratings...and I think that's a bad thing.
  22. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw 1/5/04 Thread

    What a lackluster Raw. I mean, nothing got advanced in the storylines other then HBK/HHH and that took 5 minutes of the show. Everything else was just filler. 2 hours of my life I'll never get back but oh well.
  23. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw 1/5/04 Thread

    Wow, I totally forgot that Coach is still on commentary. And for all the people who bitched about the HHH/Booker racist angle from last year...just listen to all the fucking racist shit tonight.
  24. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw 1/5/04 Thread

    Cause he was in the tag division, then moved onto his feud with RVD followed by his feud with Shane. Now he's got nothing else going on (other than Taker) so why not go for the World Title?
  25. iliketurtles

    The OAO Raw 1/5/04 Thread

    NO IT'S NOT! Why the fuck wasn't it an issue 10 months ago? RVD was distracting Kane with dreams of tag title glory, that's why. Then why wasn't it an issue when they broke up? I guess it's not conunitity but it's certainly a nice way to start an angle leading to Wrestlemania that actually has logic behind it. Uhm...No, not at all. If there was any issue whatsoever, he would have taken care of it before June. So he wants to beat the man who wrestled for the World Title at Mania 19 in June because he wants to go onto wrestle for the World Title at Mania 20? Huh?