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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Why are you assuming HHH will beat, let alone bury Benoit? Sure you can use the defense of Booker/HHH at Mania 19 this year, but I really don't think they'd do that again. WWE-Built Superstar vs. WCW-Built Superstar at the biggest WWE show EVER. You just need to use history to know how the result of that would go. So the same would go for Brock vs. Benoit, accordinging to your theory, correct?
  2. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    So why should you have your standards kept high every single time when you KNOW you are gunna get let down? Too many times to count for myself. And don't think they couldn't think of a decent storyline for HHH/Benoit...they've got 2 months.
  3. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Why are you assuming HHH will beat, let alone bury Benoit? Sure you can use the defense of Booker/HHH at Mania 19 this year, but I really don't think they'd do that again.
  4. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Yay! The "Eh, close enough" mentlity! But wouldn't you guys realize you probably AREN'T gunna have this dream scenario with Brock/Benoit because it's how the WWE operates? As much as I want to see Benoit/Lesnar for the WWE title in the main event, I'll take HHH/Benoit if they decide they want to do Goldberg/Brock.
  5. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Alright, how about Benoit vs. Rhyno on Heat? That sound good to you?
  6. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    It's better then wrestling the FBI (curtain jerking a PPV) or something to that nature like Benoit was doing earlier this year.
  7. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Wow, feel the hostility. I think we should get a moderator in here. "complacent dumbfucks?" No, it's called having an opinion and trying to enjoy the product at hand instead of having such a pessmestic view like everyone in this topic seems to have.
  8. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Exactly, Rob. That's how I'm looking at it. I think everyone needs to take a chill pill and be greatly for what he gets, if anything.
  9. iliketurtles

    Is Foley the Greatest?

    Foley makes what seemingly looks like crap, brings up history so it makes sense, and adds emotion and credibility to ANY storyline or match. He's bar for the greatest at it. And that's not even counting what he does in the ring.
  10. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    I'd rather see Brock/Benoit no doubt but if they are planning on doing HHH/Benoit then I sure as hell would mark out if Benoit beat HHH at Mania. Benoit for any world title is better then midcarding.
  11. iliketurtles

    Rumble and Mania plans

    HHH losing to Benoit for the World Title would make Baby Jesus happy.
  12. iliketurtles

    The OAO Smackdown! (01-01-04) Thread

    What a random ending.
  13. iliketurtles

    The OAO Smackdown! (01-01-04) Thread

    Sweet promo backstage.
  14. iliketurtles

    Haunted Ebay painting

    Um, why don't they just throw it out or something? Some idiot will buy it on Ebay, get haunted, then die or something.
  15. iliketurtles

    Smackdown spoilers

    I thought they said it was live this week. At least they are going in the right direction with Benoit...now he just needs to win the Rumble @ Number #1 and the storyline will make perfect sense.
  16. iliketurtles

    The Dames' Diatribe on WWE Raw - 12/29/03

    Good job on HBK/HHH. Made the match that much more enjoyable when I rewatched it.
  17. iliketurtles

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    After rewatching the match...I'll go with ****1/4, MOTY for Raw (not sure if it was better then Jericho/HBK at Mania, but bleh.) and definately a great way to end a somewhat passe year. An awesome story with bits and pieces of intresting psychology (HBK's back injury, HHH's quad injury, etc.), crowd heat off the charts, and everyone getting that good old feeling of marking out when HBK "won" the title. Only thing I didn't care for was HBK chopping so much, but what are you gunna do? For a free match on TV, this was beyond awesome. I hope they have a rematch at Rumble...I might actually be intrested in the show. And this is coming from a Bret Hart fan, but damn I'm becoming a fan of HBK's by the day. He just keeps pulling out awesome matches since he came back. Edit: Is this also the first time there has been some type of MOTYC so close to the end of the year?
  18. iliketurtles

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    Dames gave it a respectable **** and I agree...that's more of a realastic rating on this match, though I still need to rewatch it to give a final judgment on the rating.
  19. iliketurtles

    Ivan Calderon killed in Puerto Rico

    I had forgotten all about him. Yikes.
  20. Weren't the Moondogs former WWF tag champs?
  21. Thanks for posting, just too bad the sound is off by like 3 seconds even though the video quality is very good. Nice touch at the end with putting Hart/Hennig's picture next to each other considering they both were very friendly families with each other.
  22. iliketurtles

    Norm MacDonald

    Burt Reynolds/Turd Furgeson by far.
  23. iliketurtles

    Goldberg's Future in Question

    No doubt Goldberg is booked better as a bad ass, destruction machine. But as the article says, he hasn't improved at all & still doesn't appreciate the business. Therefore, I agree in he's been a waste of time and a waste of money. Don't bother resigning him...save the money and find some other use for it.