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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Schilling traded to Red Sox

    As a Red Sox fan...OH HELL FUCKING YEAH! You are more then welcomed in Boston. Total class act by donating $500,000 to the Jimmy Fund even though that's just chunk change for Schilling. He's definately taking a right step in the right direction in order to get in favor of the Boston fans...even though he's already gunna be extremely popular. Props to Theo as well.
  2. iliketurtles

    Hart Family Mansion For Sale

    Vince should buy it and make it like a museum or something. Edit: Well bah gawd...just read the thing over again and saw it had my idea. It's a good one.
  3. iliketurtles

    New Easter Egg found in Flair DVD

    Yeah I saw this like as soon as I got the DVD...the JR thing is a hoot.
  4. iliketurtles

    New Bobby Heenan pics

    He just looks old as hell. But it's still the Brain.
  5. iliketurtles

    Kurt Angle DVD set for release

    They should put on his angle he did with Tiger Ali Singh back on Heat a few years ago just for kicks and giggles. Dunno what they'll put on for matches cause of the WWF shit.
  6. iliketurtles

    Triple H vs. The Rock at JD 2000

    JD has one of the greatest endings ever...the fact there was a bunch of controversy (as far as when did HBK call for the DQ) adding great drama to the match too. Not to mention the return of Taker was so fucking markout moment.
  7. iliketurtles

    Happy Thanksgiving, TSM!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
  8. iliketurtles

    Kurt Angle Interview

    Great interview and the point about how they can use chairs but no belly to bellys is a valid point. And he'll never drop Bret until it happens. One thing that bugs me about Kurt is he said last year around this time that Brock vs. him would be the greatest match ever...and that match was good at Mania, but not the greatest ever.
  9. iliketurtles

    Triple H vs. The Rock at JD 2000

    I'm loyal to HBK/Bret because it was the first one in the WWF even though Bret was all pissy with his selling and stuff. It is some quality wrestling though. Brock/Angle was hurt major by the TV commercials, but it got really good at the end. The spot where Brock goes to the top for what seems like to be a 2nd try at the Shooting Star Press and Angle jumps up and does the Belly to Belly off the top is just AMAZING. HHH/Rock is excellent as it showed those wrestlers could both go the distance. It's hard to say, but I really think HHH/Rock is just a tad better then HBK/Bret...because HHH/Rock were on the same page.
  10. iliketurtles

    Sailor killed at Pearl Harbor goes home 62 years l

    That's pretty nuts.
  11. iliketurtles

    Orton at WMXX

    The only reason I thought Benoit/Angle would be good for Mania is because you've got nothing else for them to do. And yes, their peak match was Rumble and I'm sick of it as well, but what are you gunna do with those too?
  12. iliketurtles

    Orton at WMXX

    True...but I really don't see Bret coming back to directly work with Vince in an angle (even though everyone is dying for Bret to knock Vince out in the ring at least one time)...and Angle has been up Bret's ass for months about coming back. Either or really.
  13. iliketurtles

    Orton at WMXX

    It's just dying to happen. The promos would be unreal and it would be 50/50 split as far as who is face and who is heel. And Rock can job without losing his image and Cena needs a big, big name opponent for Mania. But I dunno...HBK/Rock is a dream match.
  14. iliketurtles

    Orton at WMXX

    Lesnar/Goldberg, Taker/Kane, Rock/HBK, Foley/Vince, Austin/Hogan, Orton/Jericho, Benoit/Angle (w/ Bret as special ref)...keep going guys, lol.
  15. iliketurtles

    Orton at WMXX

    Hell no...that would be retarded but I'm sure WWE would find some logic in doing it.
  16. iliketurtles

    Orton at WMXX

    What are you talking about? Rock vs. Cena AND Jericho vs. Orton.
  17. iliketurtles

    Orton at WMXX

    Do Rock/Cena & Orton/Jericho. It would be much more entertaining. Jericho will be face..."The Living Legend"...ring a bell to anyone? And Rock can go to both shows, so that explains that.
  18. iliketurtles

    Hulk Still Rules DVD and Unforgiven 2001

    5.99? Well worth it for Hogan...Unforgiven had RVD/Jericho & Austin/Angle. Definately.
  19. iliketurtles

    Kurt Angle's neck worse than originally thought

    Oh my god...KURT FUCKING RETIRE FOR GODSAKE. He's literally gunna kill himself (VERY slowly and painfully) if he keeps this up. This is horrible.
  20. iliketurtles

    Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

    I'm up for a Bret farewell speech. I dont' want Bret getting in the ring and dangering himself putting on a ***** classic with Angle. BUT...BUT...BUT...everyone needs to really shut the hell up because NO ONE thought HBK would come back and put on the amazing performance that he did at Summerslam 2002 after his back surgery/injury. NO ONE. Everyone thought he was going to fucking blow in the ring...but everyone was proved wrong. So never say never people.
  21. iliketurtles

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    AWESOME. Pedro..Schilling..Lowe.
  22. iliketurtles

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Schilling to Boston for Fossum is a GREAT fucking deal. I'm praying it happens tonigiht.
  23. iliketurtles

    WrestleMania XX Could Be 5 Hours

    Good card...but do Rock/Cena, and leave Big Show/Orton off the show. Then you've got a show.
  24. iliketurtles

    Ric Flair DVD

    Just finished watching the Unification match on Clash for the first time with Sting/Flair...intresting finish, but Clash 1 was loads better. It was funny listening to Bobby re-do the Rumble 92 celebration "YES YES YES" with the Clash finish on commentary. Flair played a great asshole throughout the match, especially with the Sherri bump. But Clash 1 was still better, lol.