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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Anyone buy the GTA pack for XBox yet?

    I'm game...I'll buy it next weekend.
  2. iliketurtles

    Anyone buy the GTA pack for XBox yet?

    Where did you buy it, Nevermortal? And is there anything different about it than the PS2 or does it play just as good?
  3. iliketurtles

    WWE Unscripted

    Yeah...I'd say this thread qualifies as a classic with that closing chapter.
  4. iliketurtles

    More news on the passing of Michael Lockwood

    No offense...but what does it matter with what we think of him? He's dead. And I don't know too many people who are 33 years old that die from choking on their vomit as a natural cause. It's like A + B = C...I think we can figure out what C is.
  5. iliketurtles

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    Summerslam 1998 buildup was some of the best I've EVER seen. It was so good that even the show itself was pretty good, it was kind of a let down in the long run. That's what really got me hooked on wrestling...like hardcore...Summer of 1998. Oh yeah...Outlaws vs. Austin/Taker...night after Fully Loaded is a fun match.
  6. iliketurtles

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    Man, I forgot ALL about that match. Didn't Booker & Bossman come out at the end or am I thinking of something else.
  7. iliketurtles

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    All of Angle/Booker's matches are really good and not remembered, for whatever reason. I'd say Benoit/Austin from Calgary from Raw in May of 2001...it gets love, but not as much as it should. Also their late 2000 match on Raw was damn good. Rock/Taker/Goldust/Booker vs. HHH/Un-Americans was pretty good, but no one remembers it (I don't think many people remember the latter part of 2002 because it was just so...I dunno) Angle vs. Kane for the US title on Smackdown was pretty damn good as well. All the Smackdown 6 stuff. We could go on forever.
  8. iliketurtles

    WCW Nitro: December 1997

    Was that the episode with the NWO singing "Oh Canada" to Bret and Hennig was totally smashed?
  9. iliketurtles

    WCW Desire Music Video

    Yeah, the video just seemed to be the most random WCW clips ever jumbled in. Good song though.
  10. iliketurtles

    WWE Unscripted

    Chapter 87: Did we mention we put WCW out of business?
  11. Holy year old thread. I don't even remember why I started this. I think JR said something on Raw about how Storm shouldn't be using the Sharpshooter or something.
  12. So I did 2 years in Season mode, and I finally won the WWE title with my created guy over Eddie G. at Wrestlemania. So what happens when I go to start my third year? TRISH STRATUS is WWE champ. Right. This game is so fucking awesome (not).
  13. iliketurtles

    Anyone else have this problem with Raw 2?

    Yeah, all that stuff has happened to me Karnage...EVERY TIME. And the in-game music is extremely repetitive and boring...they should of licensed some shit like Legends of Wrestling 2. Raw 2 is a joke.
  14. iliketurtles

    Anyone else have this problem with Raw 2?

    It must not be the WCW title as well because that's exactly what happened with me. Trish interfered and didn't do anything, and I beat Eddie around 4:50. So you are telling me you HAVE to win the title in 3 minutes, there's only 10 minute time limit draws on Season mode matches, AND if you win by DQ/Countout in a title match, you win the title? And to think they delayed the game FOR A FUCKING YEAR to fix this stuff. What a dissapointment.
  15. iliketurtles

    Padres have new uniforms

  16. iliketurtles

    Padres have new uniforms

    Their home jerseys look just like the Brewers' and their road jerseys look just like the Blue Jays.
  17. iliketurtles

    Crash Holly passes away

    STEVEN RICHARDS' HOUSE? Oh WOW. Richards is so out of a job.
  18. iliketurtles

    Crash Holly passes away

    All I can say is WHAT??? Total shock.
  19. iliketurtles

    Question about Nero 5.5.9

  20. iliketurtles

    Client attempts to shoot lawyer outside courthouse

    Pretty fucked up when I saw it...but at least they got the shooter.
  21. iliketurtles

    The location of SummerSlam 2004 is...

    Yeah...Summerslam always brings the goods for a show, other then this years...and that wasn't really THAT bad.
  22. iliketurtles

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    The money match is Hogan/Austin...period. Always has been and always will be til it happens. That...Rock/Cena, Brock/Eddie (WWE Title), Foley/Vince, Angle/Benoit (w/ Bret as guest ref), Jericho (as a face)/HHH (Heavyweight Title with HHH regaining the title at Survivor Series) and Taker returning as Old School Undertaker. That would be my wet dream Wrestlemania scenario as of now.
  23. iliketurtles

    Manny Ramirez

    Points well taken. And considering I'll be honest and I watched little - to no regular season cames for the Sox this year for a various of reasons, I shouldn't really comment on that.
  24. iliketurtles

    Manny Ramirez

    And don't think us Boston fans are bashing Manny...because yeah, he put up great post-season numbers and came through. Where was he the rest of the year? Manny lives his life on Manny's terms and no one else's...and if he doesn't want to be in BOSTON of all places, then he might as well go somewhere like Tampa Bay, take his 25 million or whatever a year, and just leave everyone alone.