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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    I'm writing a research paper

    Have it from Confidential. And thanks guys for all your help, especially the REALLY nice layout as I'll be using that pretty much. I'll check his book, too.
  2. iliketurtles

    I'm writing a research paper

    Alright, for my Social Pyschology class we have to write a paper on a certain individual that influences us and what their childhood was like, how they were raised, etc. I figured Angle would be good...so my question is does anyone have any good sites to start out with when research Angle (assuming a few of you have done some research on him before.) Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. iliketurtles

    Eddie Guerrero get into a confrontation with a fan

    LAWSUIT. And don't say that "Well, Eddie had the right." They'll find some loophole for the guy to win.
  4. iliketurtles

    I'm writing a research paper

    It's a minor, 2-3 page paper. It's not like I'm writing a biography on his life story...just his childhood, background, what he's done, why he's important to me, etc. I don't think I'm going to sit and talk about storylines either...just mention he's in the WWE and what he's accomplished in there.
  5. iliketurtles

    FANTASTIC Puro Music Videos

    Highly suggested...I've watched some of them and even though my Puro knowledge is very limited (I know the basics), I couldn't help but enjoy most of them. The AJPW vs. Zero-One was REALLY good, as was the History of Wrestling.
  6. iliketurtles

    I'm writing a research paper

    True...but wasn't most if it Ghost written? And I was hoping there was a site that had the basic facts on Angle that could help me get started.
  7. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Rundown Thread

    Bah! Dinner ran late and I ended up saying "Fuck it." I'll go this week or something.
  8. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Rundown Thread

    I'm going to go see a 6:40 showing tonight...I'm pretty pumped for it.
  9. iliketurtles

    The Rock's interview on UPN9 New York

    So he goes on Letterman and says he's done, yet he goes on WWE TV & UPN (WWE Smackdown's station) saying he'll be back? I don't get the theory in that.
  10. LOL @ Brock yelling "HA HA!"
  11. I think Eddie should have to work every Smackdown twice.
  12. iliketurtles

    Rocky belittles wrestling on Letterman

    If Rock jobs to anyone at Mania 20, it has to be Cena...then you'll have your bring new star. And burying the Rock is stupid...but Rock shouldn't be bashing wrestling in the media, then going on Raw and saying he loves it and acting like he's getting all emotional and stuff.
  13. I love Smackdown...it makes wrestling still feel like a good thing. And Tazz & Cole have become SO much better at announcing.
  14. LOL...that was the best rap yet.
  15. I don't get what the internet says...Sable is so fucking hot.
  16. iliketurtles

    1wrestling.com has Spoliers up

    Just letting you know...I'm not going to that adhole, so maybe if one of you kind souls feel like it...there ya go.
  17. The look on HHH's face as he was driving a forklift was just so funny. That was so fucking random. Late 2002 was WEIRD.
  18. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Eh...Raw was okay at times, but brutally boring during the others. Whatever, night guys.
  19. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    He almost killed Jericho like he did Bret with that stupid kick.
  20. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Jesus! Let's try to be stiff, Bill.
  21. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Jesus christ...this match is going to last like 2 seconds.
  22. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Why isn't Goldberg wearing the belt around his waist? Why is he wearing it now in that shot 2 seconds later? LOL
  23. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Well, that interview I think pretty much showed how much beyond the WWE Rock is. Ah well.
  24. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Lloyd sucks.