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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    Stephanie McMahon on Jimmy Kimmel Live

    Yeah, I wouldn't mind her talking about how she wouldn't mind doing a 3 way with HHH and another girl, and how she also likes getting anal. I shit you not.
  2. iliketurtles

    The Rock..........................................

    Well, if Backlash vs. Goldberg is his final match... Rock, it was an honor being able to witness you live and in person your final time.
  3. iliketurtles

    Triple H's Bachelor Party Report

    I think it's funny the guys who didn't go with no excuse (at least from 1wrestling.com) are the 3 main guys HHH went over in late 2002. But HBK not there...dunno about that.
  4. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Hey, I was dissapointed in it...but I hope they get a 10.0 in ratings. It's certainly better then anything on Raw, and most of the undercard on Smackdown.
  5. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Ditto. I'm sure we'll have more to bitch about tommorow when K(FC)eith posts his rant. Night guys.
  6. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Okay, here's what I don't get. He can have (according to you) an enjoyable match with Edge on Velocity, but a shitty one at Armageddon? And he's wrestled Funaki 230948234 times that none of their matches me anything. Even they wrestled one match, it wouldn't mean anything. I just think A-Train is a waste. He'll have a watchable match when he's with someone who can make him look good pretty much. He's been in the WWF for what? 4 years? And he's only had decent/enjoyable matches in the past year...and one notable one (at least to TSM) in 2001 with Kane. I still say he sucks.
  7. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Friend on AIM after I showed him the link: "Looks like he is certianly a winner at the game of life."
  8. iliketurtles

    SmackDown recap is up

    You gave the same rating for the ironman as I did. Good review.
  9. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    http://www.pwtorch.com/artman/publish/arti...icle_5354.shtml AHAHAHAHA. WOW. He talks about critisms in the match, yet he gives it *****? Uh huh.
  10. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Yeah, one decent match with Kane back in 2001 that no one remembers. And wasn't that the match Albert won the IC title? *shocked* No wonder it was good!
  11. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Link me. I need a good laugh.
  12. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    I prefer to watch a 20-30 minute match then a 45 minute match with a bunch of stalling and Lesnar doing the same thing over and over again.
  13. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    *seen the match* A-Train sucks. Just because Benoit got a few decent matches out of him doesn't make him great. And to think people call him the Vader of 2003. HA.
  14. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    I think they are going to feud Cena with Angle so he can prep for his Mania feud with Rock. At least that's what I'd do.
  15. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    I'd rather sit and watch their Summerslam match again then their Smackdown match. And of course I'm going to like it better...20 minute of commercials will be cut off.
  16. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    How do you know he doesn't read here?
  17. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    But that was when A-Train was IC champ, so he had a right to bust his fat ass...and Kane had a few good matches in 2001 too. I bet you can't think of any more matches other then the forgettable Kane one that was decent with A-Train, minus the 5 minute matches with Benoit on SD.
  18. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    Boy when you hate a ***1/2...I'd hate to see what happens when you're forced to watch a ** And is that ***1/2 on the TV scale? I don't hate ***1/2, but when you already have that prejudice comparasion like we all do for Brock/Angle, you are bound to be dissapointed. ***1/2 is on a regular scale. I don't go by TV scales. If the match is ***** whether it's on no TV or in front of 80,000 people...i'ts *****. That doesn't make it MOTYC, but that's a whole other thread.
  19. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Taker was the one who pulled a *** match out of Cena. Not the other way around. And Cena + Lesnar is terrible, doesn't matter if Cena has a cold. I want to see Cena pushed, but there is no justification for a push based on workrate. As for this match I would put it ***. I didn't go in with high expectations (I thought WM was overrated), and the match didn't do anything to bring me in and change my mind. Having taped it, hoping for more, I am certainly not going to ever watch it again. They should have saved the third installment of this feud for a year or so, until Lesnar got some experience. This just seemed so paint by numbers. Where was the **** match UT pulled out of A-Train if he had this mystical power? Hey, I haven't seen Brock, Angle, Benoit, or Edge pull out a classic with A-Train so you should bring down Taker because of his shit match at Summerslam. A-Train sucks.
  20. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    You know Keith is reading this board right now to see what we are saying... He just doesn't want to say ****1/2 when everyone else is saying ***1/2 and under.
  21. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    See Ric Flair vs Jimmy Garvin GABash 87- Flair grabs the rope, Tommy Young kicks his hand away, says you have to be wrapped in the rope, not touching it. Yeah, but look at the hundreds and hundreds of times where the guy touches the rope and is forced to break the hold.
  22. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    That's what I hate about Meltzer...he shouldn't be going on fans opinions of the match and saying on his site that it's a "MOTYC" when it's not even close. I was more into HHH/Flair on Raw then this match.
  23. iliketurtles

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    Mania was **** even, MAYBE **** 1/4 if you don't count the ending. Summerslam...I'd have to watch again because I was fliriting with a bunch of girls and wasn't paying attention. Finish was retarted, but seemed around ***1/4. This was one was ***1/2, and I doubt I'll change that.
  24. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    And Angle is a gold medal winner, yet he didn't showcase any of that skill in this match. He just was mainly using "professional wrestling" moves.
  25. iliketurtles

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    I don't think it matters at this point. Angle would most likely go onto Cena while Taker goes onto Lesnar.