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Everything posted by iliketurtles

  1. iliketurtles

    MLB Spring Training Thread

    I can't believe in a year and a half the entire 2004 World Series roster is gone.
  2. iliketurtles

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    Wow. I mean wow.
  3. iliketurtles

    The Office, Season Two

  4. iliketurtles

    The Office, Season Two

    The screen name and the "Yeah, that should show them what's up" after was probably the funniest thing I've seen yet on the show. I haven't watched this show much, but I remember there being a really funny episode over the summer with the people in the Office with their captain Steve Carrell playing a Basketball game versus some of the other people in the loading department and it was hilarious. Anyone know the title of that? What would you guys suggest as the funniest one yet?
  5. iliketurtles

    What was the biggest crowd pop EVER?

    There's quite a few threads on this already and it's really hard to name them all... but I've never seen anything like the Skydome when Hogan hulks up against Rock. It's amazing.
  6. iliketurtles

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

    He also compared his Summerslam 05 payoff with Michaels as to what "a limo driver would make."
  7. iliketurtles


  8. iliketurtles

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

  9. iliketurtles

    Top 50 WWF/E FEUDS

    Just stop now dude. This is getting pretty sad.
  10. iliketurtles

    NHL Thread

    I fucking hate the Boston Bruins. I think I'm close to giving up on them for a while.
  11. iliketurtles

    Fans respecting wrestlers in the WWE

    I think it comes to the point when a wrestler just gets cheered, no matter what. They can't turn Hogan heel. Triple H isn't as good as a heel because people have loved him for the past few years and constantly cheer him. Taker will never be heel again. Benoit can't be heel anymore either. Angle will never be heel again. Eddie was like that as well before he died. They tried to make RVD a heel at the beginning of InVasion but that quckly didn't work. I think with Michaels they had the perfect opportunity to make him a huge heel after he turned on Hogan but they didn't do anything with it cause he wants to be face. It just comes to the point when the fans just realize certain guys are just so damn good it's hard to not cheer for them. That's why Edge is the best heel in wrestling today. He doesn't get face heat, at all.
  12. iliketurtles

    Kirby Puckett Dies

    Really surprised and sad to hear about this.
  13. iliketurtles

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If Snitsky ends up saving the day at the end of the book, THAT'S ALL I CARE ABOUT.
  14. iliketurtles

    Top 50 WWF/E FEUDS

    I'm sorry but how can you put Jake Roberts/Steamboat over Triple H/HBK?
  15. iliketurtles

    Spirit Squad

    They fucking blew it so bad with Rico.
  16. iliketurtles

    Taker vs Angle II

    I enjoyed the No Way Out match better than this one. I thought they almost kept too much the same as the No Way Out match, and was basically a carbon copy. I liked Taker countering the jackknife pin, though. That was good pyschology.
  17. iliketurtles

    Janetty Released?

    I'm guessing he buried himself somehow the past week since RAW and he's probably done for good.
  18. iliketurtles


    I think it's clear they wanted the baby safe and the medicine DOES work and has a reason. They didn't care about Claire because as Alex said, they were going to kill her but get the baby. They gave Desmond the same because they wanted him to last as long as he could down in the hatch. I think it's also clear that the Medical Hatch was cleared out after the Claire deal. And what was with the "...this is really sour." "Really? I didn't notice..."
  19. iliketurtles


    Oh, and Henry Gale/Eko was the best scene ever.
  20. iliketurtles


    The conversation with The BadAss Pirate (and finding out that he's had a coverup look) and Ethan was FUCKING INSANE. THE OCEANIC AIRLINES PLANES??? MAKE THE LIST??? WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO TELL HIM?? Henry Gale is an Other. I'm calling it. They are so foreshadowing it. Finding out Danielle was looking after Claire was kind of a nice turn, it would be interesting to see where they go with Danielle next.
  21. iliketurtles


  22. iliketurtles


    I said this a few weeks ago but I do have a strong feeling this is going to be the best episode of the season.
  23. iliketurtles

    Pure jobbers who became main eventers

    Hardy Boys went from jobbers to one of the best tag teams of the Attitude era.
  24. iliketurtles

    Spirit Squad

    I'd say Jeter's probably got the most potential out of the bunch. Doane's probably a close second. I'm not a big fan of Mitchell, Mondo is decent but he's just seriously too small to be a main eventer...and I always forget about Nemeath. Too be perfectly honest from someone who respects most of the guys down in OVW and tries to follow them, I can tell you truthfully the only guy I gave a big crap about was Cappotelli because I thought he had the brightest future. He would of easily been the best thing out of Tough Enough, but unfortunately things went bad. Edit: It's kind of funny you ask this question because on WWE.com Unlimited they have the Spirit Squad's entrance and during it, they have the guys all say their name in the theme music and on the titantron and it goes "Kenny, Johnny, Mitch, Nicky, Mikey" in that order....which I can also think is WWE's idea of who has the most potential out of the gropu.